For example, we were reading a newspaper article in class that stated a date for the invention of the cotton gin. Wikipedia articles should be based on reliable, published sources, making sure that all majority and significant minority views that have appeared in those sources are covered (see Wikipedia:Neutral point of view).If no reliable sources can be found on a topic, Wikipedia should not have an article on it. Another student chimed in that we could verify that information if we looked at another resource to make sure. People with diabetes also use information from the A1C test to help manage their diabetes. You can also get vast amounts of information on research studies, doctors and hospitals, cancer treatment guidelines, drugs, and complementary and alternative treatment methods. Find out more about what we’re doing, and the latest updates on what’s happening. State and local government agencies also compile and maintain statistical information. ... and public health agencies. Finding reliable nutrition information can be quite the challenge in this age of information overload. It is your ultimate guide to reliable health information on common symptoms … This guideline discusses the reliability of various types of sources. COVID-19 Update. How reliable is the COVID-19 rapid test? As coronavirus continues to impact us all, we’re here to support our customers during these tough, uncertain times for everyone. Medications. We can also find replible health information from johnlouisediaz12 is waiting for your help. Jun 17, 2015 - Consumer Health Information purpose is to provide consumers with clear, simple, and reliable health information. Sifting through library stacks and database search results to find the information you need can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Studies show that the way we hear and understand health statistics can be influenced by how the numbers are described, or how they’re “framed.” Different descriptions can affect how clear the information is and also what emotions it stirs. Get answers to common questions about buying and using medicine and medical products. First, consider the source. We hope these tips will help you perform searches more easily. How can you tell the good from the bad? State and Local Government Data and Statistics. A student pulled out our notes, showed another date, and stated that my notes came from a reliable source. How to Find Reliable Health Information Finding accurate and reliable information on genetic and rare diseases among the millions of online sources is a difficult task for almost everyone. Many genetic testing service providers focus … Can I trust information from television, magazines, or brochures? A good health information system brings together all relevant partners to ensure that users of health information have access to reliable, authoritative, useable, understandable, comparative data. 1. Please let us know what you think of them. johnlouisediaz12 johnlouisediaz12 8 hours ago Technology and Home Economics Junior High School +5 pts. Given the wealth of information available through the Internet, journals and other sources, it's important to be able to assess its quality. You can join our Together At Home campaign against coronavirus by taking action here. A. To find out more about how Mind is here for you, and how you can support our work during this time, visit our coronavirus homepage. We’re committed to protecting the health of the public conversation on Twitter — ensuring individuals can find information from authoritative sources is a key part of that mission. Health Insurance. Many health reports in the media are based on articles published in peer-reviewed journals; however, some reports are not. We can all play a part in limiting the spread of dangerous misinformation, through ensuring we only use reliable resources, and don't share fake news on. How to use reliable in a sentence. Your health care professional may need to order a different type of A1C test. Learn about health insurance, including Medicaid and Medicare. Your health care professional will report your A1C test result as a percentage, such as an A1C of 7 percent. finding reliable health information. It is vital to remember three things when you’re looking for health information on the Internet: • No one is in charge of the Internet – anyone can post information, and there is no one checking that the information is correct. Learn how to get reliable information online. Reliable definition is - suitable or fit to be relied on : dependable. Switch, stress free. Log in. Much of the information on the Internet is valuable; however, the Internet also allows rapid and widespread distribution of false and misleading information. Add your answer and earn points. Health information can be extremely useful, empowering us to make important health decisions. .. To find accurate health information, start with one of these organized collections of high-quality resources: MedlinePlus, sponsored by the National Library of Medicine, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH);, sponsored by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Join now. Your doctor can then use that information to help identify why you have diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss or any number of other symptoms. 3 2. Find a comprehensive index of trusted medical symptom information. 1 Health Metrics Network Framework and Standards for Country Health Information Systems, World Health Organization, January 2008. Find prevention topics, dietary and physical activity guidelines, and other health resources. Scientific evidence supporting the benefits of some dietary supplements (e.g., vitamins and minerals) is well established for certain health conditions, but others need further study. We are still here to support you and to make sure everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect. Log in. Enter your information or browse the health topics to find out more. Ask your question. Visit MyHealthfinder to get personalized recommendations for screenings and vaccines — or explore a variety of health topics. Article from Health Information from the Government. Experts explain the accuracy and precision of the diagnostic test being used in schools and workplaces near you. We can also find replible health information from - 3803163 1. Learn more about the best ways to find health information from the government. Some of the information is reliable and up to date; some is not. With us, you've the freedom to choose. Where can I find information about the use of dietary supplements for a particular health condition or disease? Everyone knows you can't believe everything you read or hear about nutrition, but we all fall prey to believing the last factoid we have seen or heard. Join now. The higher the percentage, the higher your average blood glucose levels. We recently launched a new tool so when someone searches for certain keywords associated with vaccines, a prompt will direct individuals to a credible public health resource. You can also search a federal agency's website to see what types of statistical information it provides. learn more. Get reliable cancer information from the American Cancer Society to help educate yourself and your health care staff, and learn more about how we're working to end health disparities and fight cancer around the world. How You Can Find The Most Reliable Consumer Health Information! is your portal for health-related resources and news from the U.S. government. Many low-income people in urban and suburban areas struggle to find reliable transportation. "Make friends" isn’t just something we tell our kids to do on the first day of school — positive friendships are important for adults, too. Millions of consumers get health information from magazines, TV or the Internet. If you use the Web, look for an "about us" page. A health record includes information such as: a patient’s history, lab results, X-rays, clinical information, demographic information, and notes. Browse health information on symptoms from A to Z. It's well known that the Internet is full of both factual and fallacious information. You should carefully consider the source of information you find on the Internet and discuss that information with your healthcare provider. However, health information also can be confusing and overwhelming. Find science-based health information on symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, research, clinical trials and more from NIH, the nation’s medical research agency. All of us are worried about coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it will affect us and those we love. On many websites you can find basic facts about certain types of cancer, find current clinical trials, and find support in dealing with cancer. The result is missed appointments and poor illness management, even when care is readily available. Ask your question. At, we want you to use the ones that you like. If you are not sure how you should begin your search, or if it is yielding too many or too few results, you are not alone. Autosomal DNA is inherited from both parents, and both men and women can have their autosomal DNA tested. Autosomal DNA forms the basis for most of the information we can learn from genetic testing, as it covers 22 of our 23 chromosome pairs, and can provide information about traits, ethnicity, ancestry and disease susceptibility/wellness. Find the U.S. government department or agency you want to search. You can also go online to look up health care providers in your community and find out how they rate. Many students find this process challenging, although it does get easier with experience. Some information may be out of date. Mental Health and Substance Abuse .
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