Remote Desktop Services (formerly Terminal Services) provides a licensing grace period during which users are able to establish Remote Desktop sessions on an RD Session Host server without valid RDS CALs having been installed on an RD license server. The terminal services licensing grace period is about to expire on
and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. License servers that are published in Active Directory Domain Services. What part of licensing am I mssing and: EventID: 1128 Source: TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager. License servers that are installed on domain controllers in the same domain as the RDS host. fig. EVENT_LICENSING_MODE_NOT_CONFIGURED_PAST_GRACE_PERIOD: Message: The RD Licensing grace period has expired and Licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host server has not been configured. Configuring Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Services Licensing involves 2 step process. To re-enable the supplemental grace period, customers must install another retail license, which grants a new 15-day supplemental grace period if and when you exceed the subsequent maximum installed licenses limit. 2. A Remote Desktop Session Host server can operate without a license server for 120 days after initial start up. On the RD Connection Broker server, use Server Manager to specify the Remote Desktop licensing mode and the license server. These events indicate that the terminal server has not yet registered with a license server and the grace period will be expiring soon (ID 1009) or has already expired (ID 1008). However, one day the time runs out and RDS server breaks all the client connections. Licensing Mode for Remote Desktop Session Host is not Configured The Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license server. Set the Remote Desktop licensing mode: This policy setting allows you to specify the type of Remote Desktop Services client access license (RDS CAL) that is required to connect to this RD Session Host server. Remote Desktop Services will stop working because this computer is past its licensing grace period...." So it seems that after setting up the Remote Desktop Services role, for some odd reason the licensing stopped working. I followed the suggested resolutions, which I did before hand as well. The supplemental grace period is not automatically re-enabled once it completes. ... double click on the Remote Desktop licensing mode entry located in the Edit settings box listed under Licensing. In this mode it is not possible to specify a license server or licensing mode. This led me to output all parameters from the Win32_TerminalServiceSetting object. The grace period for the Remote Desktop Session Host server has expired, but the RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license servers. Although I have set GPO to specify the Remote Desktop Session Host server and the licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host server I had to manually do these changes on the license server itself using PowerShell. The licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host server is not configured. A Remote Desktop Session Host server can operate without a license server for 120 days after initial start up. A RD Licensing server is required for continuous operation. Remote Desktop Services will stop working in XX days. The annoying thing is, I've set this multiple times and it still keeps saying "Not configured". If not you will need to set one up, but it can be used to serve existing 2008 RDS servers if you wanted to consolidate everything onto one server. This is how I discovered the root cause for the limitation. The Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license server. Until you do so, you will see the error: The licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host is not configured.Here's how to do that: "Remote Desktop licensing mode is not configured. Once Grace period expires, the server does not allow even a single Remote Desktop session via RDP and all we can do is logon to the Console of machine using Physical/Virtual console depending on Physical or Virtual machines or try to get in using mstsc /admin or mstsc /console, then remove the role completely and restart the terminal server and it starts accepting default two RDP sessions. 2. Remote Desktop licensing mode is not configured. fig.1. 1. The Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license server. You can use this policy setting to select one of two licensing modes: Per User or Per Device. “Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license server” To activate the licenses or better to hook the RDS service to the already inserted licenses you must launch GPEDIT.MSC and go to: Thanks The setting is best applied from Microsoft GPO policy so that it is applied for all the Domain joined machine, or can be applied via local group policy on individual servers having the issue. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, the RDS host uses the license server discovery mode specified in the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool. Users can connect to RD Session Host servers in a session collection to run programs, save files, and use resources on … Continue reading Licensing mode for the Remote … It appears that even though I have install Session Host, the server is still in Remote Desktop for Administration mode. Licensing Mode - Not configured Warnings: "The licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host server is not configured." Unless licensing is configured during the initial installation of the Remote Desktop Services role on Windows Server 2008 R2, a 120 day grace period is provided before a license server needs to be installed and activated. Licensing mode must be configured for continuous operation. If you install Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Server), you have a 120 day grace period to configure a licensing server. "The Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license server." Sometimes, guys running home labs do not have licenses for Remote Desktop Services (RDS). The grace period for the Remote Desktop Session Host server has expired, but the RD Session Host server hasn't been configured with any license servers. A RD Licensing server is required for continuous operation. The RD Licensing grace period has expired and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. Connections to the RD Session Host server will be denied unless a license server is configured for the RD Session Host server. Remote Desktop Services will stop working in xx days. The RD Licensing grace period has expired and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. License server is not available. This signifies that the administrator do not specify the RDS Licensing Server and/or the licensing mode. The licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host server is not configured. How to fix RDS 2012r2 error: “Licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host is not configured.” Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) enables a server to host RemoteApp programs or session-based desktops. How to fix RDS 2012r2 error: “Licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host is not configured.” Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) enables a server to host RemoteApp programs or session-based desktops. I'm checking under the RD Licensing Diagnoser to make sure everything is proper and I keep getting this error: "The licensing mode for Remote Desktop Session Host server is not configured." The Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license server. I've recently deployed Windows Server 2019 RD Session Host for Windows Virtual Desktop. And Licensing Mode is set to "Not configured". Set the remote Desktop Licensing mode to per device or per user based on the RDS License that you have purchased. It can be caused by several scenarios, even though a Remote Desktop Session Host role was set up on the VM: There was never a Remote Desktop licensing role in the environment, and the grace period, 180 days, is over. This problem occurs if a Remote Desktop license server is unavailable to provide a license to start a remote session. Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the RD Session Host server has not been configured with any license server Hi russellrussel, I think that you just have to specify the Remote Desktop Licensing server and License Mode on your Remote Desktop Session Host (on W2012 R2 server) and then the problem will be fixed. This can be configured by using either the Local Group Policy editor or the Group Policy Management console. Error: Remote Desktop licensing mode is not configured.Remote Desktop Services will stop working in XX days. The RD Licensing grace period has expired and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. Still the same issue. We often need to deploy Terminal Server (Remote Desktop Session Host in 2012) for testing purposes in development environments allowing more than 2 concurrent Remote Desktop Sessions on it. Connections to the RD Session Host server will be denied unless a license server is configured for the RD Session Host server. At start it said the licensing mode for the server is not configured and its entering grace period (120 days left). While running a Windows Server 2016 Server or Windows Server 2012 R2 with the Remote Desktop Licensing role, you may receive this notification popup in the lower right corner saying “Remote Desktop Licensing Mode is not configured. The group policy setting the Remote Desktop licensing mode is located in: Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Licensing . Without a license server configured it will revert to the 120 day grace period you get as standard with a session host. To specify a license server for the Remote Desktop Session Host server, use the Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration tool. Well, that’s not a big deal, you know, because Microsoft provides the 120-day grace period for the platform! Suggested Resolution 2: Hey! The Remote Desktop Session Host server is within its grace period, but the Session Host server has not been configured with any license server. When it is installed, by default if no RDS or TS Licensing server is specified via either GPO or Registry, it is in default Grace period which is 120 days and it works fine until then.
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