"[40] Christopher M. Graney, a professor with the Vatican Observatory Foundation, noted that the supposedly unique event was, in fact, quite common, having occurred four times in the last millennium. The remaining astronauts Returned Home in 1978 and the government quarantined them for an entire year. Nostromo's logo. [21], Modern proponents of the Nibiru cataclysm often cite the winged sun symbol as actually representing Nibiru, whom they believe would appear like a "winged star". Its South Pole location was chosen due to the low-humidity environment, and there is no way an approaching object could be seen only from the South Pole. Marshall Masters, Jaysen Rand, Pana Wave, A planet named "Nibiru" made a cameo appearance in the 2013 film, This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 20:49. If there is a topic you’d like to learn more about, please let us know. [89] In February, 2011, Whitmire and his colleagues took their hypothesis to the public in an article in The Independent, in which they named the object "Tyche" and claimed that evidence for its existence would be found once data from the WISE infrared telescope was collated, leading to a spike in calls to astronomers. After a few years, the Americans moved to the Northern part of the planet where it was cooler and they were able to grow food more to their liking. For example, the encounter may involve a feeling of heat, or a feeling of paralysis in the body + Encounters of the third kind: Encounters in which a type of “animated creature” accompanies the UFO encounter. [66] However, nearly a century of searching failed to turn up any evidence for such an object (Pluto was initially believed to be Planet X, but was later determined to be too small). The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) that certain groups believed would take place in the early 21st century. David Morrison, NASA space scientist explains that after just one previous flyby of Earth, such as they claim happened in Sumerian times, Earth itself would no longer be in its current near circular orbit and would be likely to have lost its Moon. [54], Before his retirement after 2012, David Morrison, director of the SETI Institute, CSI Fellow and Senior Scientist at NASA's Astrobiology Institute at Ames Research Center, said he received 20 to 25 emails a week about the impending arrival of Nibiru: some frightened, others angry and naming him as part of the conspiracy to keep the truth of the impending apocalypse from the public, and still others asking whether or not they should kill themselves, their children or their pets. Acheron, formerly known as LV-426, is one of three known moons orbiting Calpamos in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system, 39 light years away from Earth.The moon was given its common name by the early human colonists who settled there. It seemed they lived fairly primitively for a culture that also had advanced technology. Read about the Serpo Exchange Program and President Ronald Reagan’s knowledge of Project Serpo. In short, the ones chosen for the journey could not be married or have children. [112] On 2 December 2013, the CIOC (NASA Comet ISON Observing Campaign) officially announced that Comet ISON had fully disintegrated. [90][91] The name, after the "good sister" of the Greek goddess Nemesis, was chosen to distinguish it from the similar Nemesis hypothesis as, unlike Nemesis, Matese and Whitmire do not believe that their object poses a threat to Earth. Since 2012, the Nibiru cataclysm has frequently reappeared in the popular media, usually linked to newsmaking astronomical objects such as Comet ISON or Planet Nine. When the spacecraft landed and the Americans disembarked, they received quite a positive welcome. [98] Nevertheless, in the leadup to its closest approach, claims spread on conspiracy websites concluded that it was on a collision course, that it was as large as Jupiter or even a brown dwarf, and even that the name of the discoverer, Leonid Elenin, was in fact code for ELE, or an Extinction Level Event. The remains of the second UFO were not found until about two years later. He tried six times and all six times, the communication system failed. Ovnis by Qbotype Fonts 54,753 downloads (14 yesterday) Shareware. Unsolved: The Mysterious Disappearance of Santiago Flight 513, The Infamous Bermuda Triangle; Theories to Unravel the Mystery, Mysterious Booms Heard Around the World Leaving People Perplexed, The Navy's UFO Sightings; US Government Recognizes the Phenomenon, Famous Alchemists; A Brief History of Fascination and Discovery, Mysterious Object Falls from Sky, Drains 100-Year-Old Pond, One of the Oldest Conspiracies Proven True: Project Echelon, What You Need To Know About Earth's Magnetic Pole Reversal, Fitness App's Heatmap Exposes Secret Government Military Bases, The Truth of Thanksgiving; We've Been Socially Programmed. [19], Sitchin, who died in 2010, denied any connection between his work and Lieder's claims. [79], Other people also confuse Nibiru with Sedna (90377 Sedna) or Eris (136199 Eris), trans-Neptunian objects discovered by Mike Brown in 2003 and 2005 respectively. Two weeks after the supposed date of announcement, she claimed that it did not occur because of consternation amongst the establishment. [30] He cited the solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 as a harbinger. However, astronomers pointed out that this planet, if it exists, would have a perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) of roughly 200 AU, or 30 billion km. According to Sitchin's interpretation of ancient Mesopotamian religious texts, which contradicts conclusions reached by all credited scholars of Mesopotamian history,[16][17] a giant planet (called Nibiru or Marduk) passes by Earth every 3,600 years, allowing its sentient inhabitants to interact with humanity. [27] He also based his predictions on the geometry of the Giza Pyramids. Reserve: Who Sank The Titanic? For other uses, see. [11], Lieder described Planet X as roughly four times the size of the Earth, and said that its closest approach would occur on May 27, 2003, resulting in the Earth's rotation ceasing for exactly 5.9 terrestrial days. [51][22] Most photographs purporting to show "Nibiru" beside the Sun are lens flares, false images of the Sun created by reflections within the lens. During that time, they had many debriefings, which resulted in a 3,000 page report. Could there be any truth to this story? This would be followed by the Earth's pole destabilising in a pole shift (a physical pole shift, with the Earth's pole physically moving, rather than a geomagnetic reversal) caused by magnetic attraction between the Earth's core and the magnetism of the passing planet. All the current candidates are in orbits that keep them well beyond Neptune throughout their orbit, even when they are closest to the Sun. [30] His September 23rd theories were also debunked by Time writer Jeff Kluger. ", "JPL Small-Body Database Browser: 136199 Eris (2003 UB313)", "Physical Properties of Kuiper Belt and Centaur Objects: Constraints from Spitzer Space Telescope", "Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space", "Up telescope! The transcript of a President Ronald Reagan briefing by then CIA Director William Casey was discovered. This object, which he named Nemesis, would, once every 26 million years, pass through the Oort cloud, the shell of over a trillion icy objects believed to be the source of long-period comets that orbit at thousands of times Pluto's distance from the Sun. Download . When the Weird Gets Weirder: Inside James Holmes' Apartment. [126], This article is about the doomsday scenario. [25], In 2017, a conspiracy theorist and self-proclaimed "Christian numerologist" named David Meade revived the Nibiru cataclysm by tying it to various passages from the Bible. It was a Top Secret Meeting and the recording happened between March 6 and 8, 1981. Search begins for giant new planet", "No, there's no proof of a giant planet in the outer solar system", "NASA's WISE Survey Finds Thousands of New Stars, But No 'Planet X, "MPEC 2010-X101: COMET C/2010 X1 (ELENIN)", "JPL Close-Approach Data: C/2010 X1 (Elenin)", "Responses to "Influence of giant planets on the orbit of comet C/2010 X1", "What if we replace comet Elenin by brown dwarf? Beware this is hard to un hear. [113][114] The Hubble Space Telescope failed to detect fragments of ISON on 18 December 2013. [120] However, the paper had been initially published online in November 2015, before Brown and Batygin went public with Planet Nine,[121] and concerns a different object far closer to the Sun (100 AU vs. ~600 AU); Planet Nine, if it exists, is too far away, says Brown, to have such an effect on the Kuiper belt. [8][34][35][36][37][38][39] Meade also faced criticism from fellow Christians; Ed Stetzer, writing for Christianity Today, stated that "there is no such thing as a 'Christian numerologist'",[40] and described Meade as "a made-up expert in a made-up field talking about a made-up event. To date he is the only major NASA scientist to speak out regularly against the Nibiru phenomenon. SRA Satanic Ritual Abuse. Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. The Ebens retrieved the remains of their dead comrades and left. According to Kasten, only one Eben stayed behind on Earth. [53] Prior to the 2012 date, Morrison stated that he hoped that the non-arrival of Nibiru could serve as a teaching moment for the public, instructing them on "rational thought and baloney detection", but doubted that would happen. [57] Polls have suggested that many perceive NASA as a vast government agency that receives as much funding as the Department of Defense. [73] Today astronomers accept that Planet X, as originally defined, does not exist. [53], Astronomer Mike Brown notes that if this object's orbit were as described, it would only have remained in the Solar System for about a million years before Jupiter expelled it, and, even if such a planet existed, its magnetic field would have no effect on Earth's. [57] During the 2017 revival, Morrison stated that the Nibiru phenomenon "keeps popping up over and over" despite his original assumption that it would be short-lived. The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) that certain groups believed would take place in the early 21st century.Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Nibiru or Planet X.The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, founder of the website ZetaTalk. Barnard's star has been directly measured to be 5.98 ± 0.003 light years (56.6 Pm) from Earth. [41] Brazilian astronomer Duília de Mello called his predictions and theories rubbish, and also said Nibiru would have been seen during the eclipse and that Meade was using calculations based on the Gregorian calendar. This dark side stares out onto the cold, endless, forbidding landscape of deep space. ", "Is Comet ISON a UFO? In 2007, partly in response to Lieder's proclamations, Sitchin published a book, The End of Days, which set the time for the last passing of Nibiru by Earth at 556 BC, which would mean, given the object's supposed 3,600-year orbit, that it would return sometime around AD 2900. Can Human Consciousness Live in AI Computers and Machinery? The Earth travelers took literally tons of supplies with them, including food, medicine, weapons, and jeeps and motorcycles, but during the trip, they ate Eben food, which they heartily disliked because they said it tasted like paper. 156 videos. [67], The discrepancies remained through to the 1990s when the astronomer Robert Harrington put forward his hypothesis for an extra planet beyond Neptune with, as one example, a semi-major axis 101.2 AU and eccentricity 0.411 which makes its perihelion 59.60, so the closest to the Sun it would get is one and a half times the distance to Pluto. A contingent of American government personnel greeted them. A prediction by self-described "Christian numerologist" David Meade that the Nibiru cataclysm would occur on 23 September 2017 received extensive media coverage. [92] Also, this object, if it exists, would, like Nemesis, have an orbit hundreds of times longer than that proposed for Nibiru, and never come near the inner Solar System. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later postponed) causing Earth to undergo a physical pole shift that would destroy most of humanity.[4]. Comet hysteria is not uncommon. [64], Another piece of claimed evidence drawn from Google Sky is the carbon star CW Leonis, which is the brightest object in the 10 μm infrared sky and is frequently claimed to be Nibiru.[65]. The Earth cannot do it by itself, because of the law of the conservation of angular momentum. He concluded that they were being tugged by the gravity of another, more distant planet, which he called "Planet X". There is a vast system of bottom feeders and defectors. During this time, an exchange program between the inhabitants of the two planets, Earth and Serpo, was created. Hale–Bopp is nothing more than a distant star, and will draw no closer. He demonstrated that its gravity would have caused noticeable changes in the orbit of Saturn years before its arrival in the inner Solar System. However, to date no direct evidence of Nemesis has been found. EBE1 worked with the salvaged communication device in his space vehicle to try and contact his home planet. Viktor Schauberger; The Anti-Gravity Water Wizard, Electrogravitics: Antigravity, Tesla, and a Military Cover-Up, What is the Cabal and How Dark Forces Control the Masses, Famous Members of the Ancient Freemason Society. [109] Nonetheless, believers tied it to the Nibiru cataclysm, claiming it would hit the Earth on that date, or that it would fragment and pieces of it would hit the Earth. They completed the 40 light-year distance in only ten months. ), National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (1956-1980), Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (2007–2012), Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force (current), Safety of high-energy particle collision experiments, Existential risk from artificial intelligence, Self-Indication Assumption Doomsday argument rebuttal, Self-referencing doomsday argument rebuttal, List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events, List of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nibiru_cataclysm&oldid=1004872767, Science and technology-related conspiracy theories, Articles with dead external links from February 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with trivia sections from May 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Earth's imminent collision or near miss with a giant planetoid. Reagan mentioned his belief in UFOs and his high regard for Steven Spielberg from time to time. No", "Conspiracy nuts claim an invisible rogue planet is going to bring about the Rapture", "Biblical Signs in the Sky? At that speed, any object would be shot out of the Solar System, and then out of the Milky Way galaxy into intergalactic space. Download Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. (Again! Specifically, Ebens had anti-gravity vehicles they used for ground transportation. [43][44] Meade announced that, on 5 October, Nibiru would eclipse the Sun, and North Korea, China and Russia would launch a combined nuclear attack on the United States. [23] Images of the "fragments" of the comet circulating on the Internet were shown to be camera artifacts. Although the name "Nibiru" is derived from the works of the ancient astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, he denied any connection between his work and various claims of a coming apocalypse. Feb 03, 2021. There has been no communication with Ebens on Serpo since 1985, so it is not known what happened to the Americans who chose to stay on the planet. [85] Sedna is slightly smaller than Pluto,[86] and never comes closer to Earth than 11.4 billion km (7.1 billion mi). And though it was not a requirement, having living family members like parents or siblings was not ideal. Feb 03, 2021. [58], One such accusation involves the IRAS infrared space observatory, launched in 1983. Imagen superior: Las constelaciones de Ophiuchus y Hércules, según un grabado de Elijah Burrit, Atlas of the Heavens, Two Eben spaceships landed as planned. [78] This is only slightly closer than the closest star to the Sun (Proxima Centauri) lies today. During their stay on Serpo, the Americans learned what they could about the history of the Ebens. [62] However, the SPT (which is not funded by NASA) is a radio telescope, and cannot take optical images. [77] While it is approaching Earth, Barnard's Star will not make its closest approach to the Sun until around 11,700 AD, when it will approach to within some 3.8 light-years. Datos aportados por: Sebastián Otero . By then, six bodies of dead aliens had decomposed, so there wasn’t much of them left. It was difficult to keep track of days and times since the planet had two Suns and it never got completely dark. Did Nikola Tesla Leave Us a Key to Free Energy? Download Donate to author . [61], Another accusation frequently made by websites predicting the collision is that the U.S. government built the South Pole Telescope (SPT) to track Nibiru's trajectory, and that the object has been imaged optically. Zeta Reticuli Star System United States Member #30469 January 17, 2006 11536 Posts Offline. Did the Philadelphia Experiment Really Happen? [14], Although Lieder originally referred to the object as "Planet X", it has become deeply associated with Nibiru, a planet from the works of ancient astronaut proponent Zecharia Sitchin, particularly his book The 12th Planet. This in turn would disrupt the Earth's magnetic core and lead to subsequent displacement of the Earth's crust. Feb 02, 2021. He attempted to communicate, but spoke in tonal qualities that Americans were never able to understand or speak, according to UFO researcher Len Kasten. [53] In fact NASA's budget amounts to roughly 0.5% of that of the US government. Biden is pedo not a President. [122] Nonetheless, an article in the British tabloid The Sun (later republished in the New York Post)[123] conflated the three ideas of Nibiru, Planet Nine, and Whitmire's planet to suggest that not only had Planet Nine been found, but that it would collide with Earth at the end of April, which resulted in Batygin receiving a spike in panicked calls. Anonymous claimed to be a retired government employee and he or she supplied much of the information about the exchange program. [119], In March 2016, the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society published a paper by Daniel Whitmire (who had proposed the existence of Tyche) in which he reconsidered a modified version of the Nemesis model he had first proposed in 1985[120] in light of recent speculations concerning the possibility of a trans-Neptunian planet. [118] Believers in Nibiru and the Nibiru cataclysm immediately argued that this constituted evidence for their claims. Several writers published books connecting the encounter with 2012. He also had a cameo appearance in the Spielberg movie. )", "Where are you hiding Planet X, Dr. He informed his “keepers” that he was from a Planet Called Serpo about 40 light years away in the Zeta Reticuli system. [75] Lieder subsequently used Rabolu's ideas to bolster her claims.[76]. He attributed this supposed pattern to a heretofore undetected companion to the Sun, either a dim red dwarf or a brown dwarf, lying in an elliptical, 26-million-year orbit. Do You Know How to Identify a False Flag Event? A link to reset your password has been sent to you. "[13] She refused to disclose the true date, saying that to do so would give those in power enough time to declare martial law and trap people in cities during the shift, leading to their deaths. [59] This newspaper article has been cited by proponents of the Nibiru cataclysm, beginning with Lieder herself, as evidence for the existence of Nibiru. Fuel your expansion into the topics you love exploring with exclusive videos you won’t find anywhere else, filmed with world-renowned luminaries here to support your awakening. [81], Others have tied it to Tyche,[88] the name proposed by John Matese and Daniel Whitmire of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette for an object they believe to be influencing the orbits of comets in the Oort cloud. A scientist at Google said that the missing data is due to a glitch in the stitching software used to piece the images together. In 2008, Mike Brown said that Nibiru was the most common pseudoscientific topic he was asked about. Inside DARPA's Brain Initiative; 5 Programs Expose Military's Transhumanist Agenda. [53] Since Pluto is now frequently observed by backyard telescopes, any giant planet beyond Pluto would be easily observed by an amateur astronomer. Microchips: the Next Step in Transhumanism or a Privacy Issue? The exchange was scheduled to occur at Holloman Air Force Base on April 24, 1964, with approval From President John F. Kennedy. [8][34][35] In reality, NASA's position is, and always has been, that Nibiru does not exist. To travel 1000 AU in two years, an object would need to be moving at 2400 km/s – faster than the galactic escape velocity. [111] After ISON passed perihelion on 28 November, it rapidly began to fade, leaving many to suspect that it had been destroyed as it passed the Sun. Zeta Reticuli by Iconian Fonts 12,963 downloads (16 yesterday) Donationware - 6 font files. [103], In August, 2011, Comet Elenin began to disintegrate,[104][105] and by the time of its closest approach in October 2011 the comet was undetected even by large ground-based telescopes. No, almost certainly not", "The End Of The World Is Coming, But Not From Nibiru On September 23", "Why It's Unlikely the World Will End on September 23", "NASA Warns 'Planet X' Is Headed Straight for Earth? [44] Then, the earth would be devastated by a series of magnitude 9.8 earthquakes, the earth's magnetic pole would shift by 30 degrees, the United States would be split in half, and Barack Obama would be elected president for an unconstitutional third term. [45] He predicted that the seven-year Great Tribulation would begin on 15 October. [63] The "picture" of Nibiru posted on YouTube was revealed, in fact, to be a Hubble image of the expanding light echo around the star V838 Mon. China's Yutu-2 Rover Finds Mysterious Gel-Like Substance on Moon. A Mars-sized object could lie undetected at 300 AU (10 times the distance of Neptune); a Jupiter-sized object at 30,000 AU. [74], In 1999, New Age author V. M. Rabolú wrote in Hercolubus or Red Planet that Barnard's star is actually a planet known to the ancients as Hercolubus, which purportedly came dangerously close to Earth in the past, destroying Atlantis, and will come close to Earth again. [8] Lieder first came to public attention on Internet newsgroups during the build-up to Comet Hale–Bopp's 1997 perihelion. For millennia people have stared up at the moon and speculated what might be going on in the regions that seem always to be on the opposite side of what appears to be illuminated from Earth. And it seems they have found something unique — a gel-like substance that is, thus far, unexplainable by scientists back on Earth. Brown? Not sure if its legit? [42], After his predictions failed to come true, Meade revised them and declared that Nibiru would arrive on 5 October 2017, not on 23 September. Hubble's scientists do a reality check", "NASA Investigating the Life of Comet ISON", "BREAKING NEWS: Comet ISON Is Still Dead", "Planet Nine isn't a Death Star or the killer planet 'Nibiru.' [9] After Hale–Bopp's perihelion revealed it as one of the brightest and longest-observed comets of the last century,[10] Lieder removed the first two sentences of her initial statement from her site, though they can still be found in Google's archives. The Americans expected to stay on Serpo for 10 years. In 2007, the U.S. Library Of Congress deemed the film “culturally, historically and aesthetically significant” and chose it for preservation in the library “for all time.” Read the purported story of Project Serpo, then consider the evidence. Gaia guides people on their personal transformational paths with the world’s largest library of exclusive and original conscious media. His effort was not unrewarded. It may not even exist", "Is Planet X Linked To Mass Extinctions? There were strict requirements in order for a person to join the program and the training was rigorous. [20] He did say that he believed that the Annunaki might return earlier by spaceship, and that the timing of their return would coincide with the shift from the astrological Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, sometime between 2090 and 2370. They were then allowed to go back to their normal lives. The remains of the craft and one living ET, along with the bodies of his four dead companions, were taken to Roswell for analysis. The Ebens returned in July 1965 and picked up their passengers. She stated, claiming to speak as the Zetans,[9] that: "The Hale–Bopp comet does not exist. [57][126] Half of these emails were from outside the U.S.[22] "Planetary scientists are being driven to distraction by Nibiru," notes science writer Govert Schilling, "And it is not surprising; you devote so much time, energy and creativity to fascinating scientific research, and find yourself on the tracks of the most amazing and interesting things, and all the public at large is concerned about is some crackpot theory about clay tablets, god-astronauts and a planet that doesn't exist. [71] When Neptune's newly determined mass was used in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Developmental Ephemeris (JPL DE), the supposed discrepancies in the Uranian orbit, and with them the need for a Planet X, vanished. For millennia people have stared up at the moon. The main colonist base, Hadley's Hope, housed 158 people. [100] This would make it millions of times smaller than the supposed Nibiru. [117] On January 20, 2016, Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin announced that they had corroborated Trujillo and Sheppard's findings, and that they believed the planet, which they dubbed "Planet Nine", would have a mass roughly ten times that of the Earth, and a semimajor axis of approximately 400–1500 AU (60–225 billion km). Unfortunately, one American had some kind of accident and died on the trip. [24] After 2012, she claimed that several world leaders had intended to announce the presence of Nibiru near the Sun on October 20, 2014. [23] On April 30, 2013, the Hubble Space Telescope took three pictures of the comet over the course of 12 hours, which were published as a composite in Hubble's archives. The idea of the Nibiru encounter originated with Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin woman who claims that as a girl she was contacted by gray extraterrestrials called Zetans, who implanted a communications device in her brain. In his rebuttal of Immanuel Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision, which made the same claim that the Earth's rotation could be stopped and then restarted, Carl Sagan noted that, "the energy required to brake the Earth is not enough to melt it, although it would result in a noticeable increase in temperature: The oceans would [be] raised to the boiling point of water ... [Also,] how does the Earth get started up again, rotating at approximately the same rate of spin? Nemesis's gravity would then disturb the comets' orbits and send them into the inner Solar System, causing the Earth to be bombarded. [50] They point out that such an object so close to Earth would be easily visible to the naked eye, and would create noticeable effects in the orbits of the outer planets. ", "Comet Elenin tired of doomsday finger pointing", "C/2010 X1 (Elenin) post solar conjunction recovery attempt", "JPL Close-Approach Data: C/2012 S1 (ISON)", "What's Going On With This Comet ISON Image? EBE1 seemed very intelligent and was able to quickly learn English.
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