Playing Morrowind for the first time. The heart and Dagoth Ur died, but the game continued as if they were alive. 0:02 ORC CLAN SHAMAN (NOVICE) 2. Sunder, a hammer, was used to produce a specific amount and quality of power from the Heart. He is worshiped generally by magistrates and rulers and is the face of the Imperial Legion.According to early Altmer legends, Stendarr is the apologist of Man and Man's ways. 81.0k members in the Morrowind community. To obtain the hammer there's a very short undocumented quest. The wielder can only attack creatures. Was at it for maybe 20 minutes when a wizard fell from the sky and died. Молот Стендарра (ориг. Stendarr’s Hammer [The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind] Stendarr’s Hammer is a truly impressive weapon. This is more than the player can get for the artifact at any other store. 10 Worth: Elianora Home Bundle Modded player houses are hit or miss for Skyrim . On different occaisions I killed him and the Heart. 18 votes, 12 comments. 2:01 UNSTOPPABLE RAGE (ADEPT) 4. When struck by Sunder, the Heart would release godlike power Stendarr's Hammer- Chop: 20 - 100 Slash: 10 - 80 Thrust: 8 - 10 Condition: 100 / 100 Weight: 1000.0 Value: 130,000 Cast When Strikes: Damage Health 1 to … Welcome to r/Morrowind, a subreddit dedicated to Bethesda's 2002 open world RPG … This god-like hammer was introduced … I hit the Heart once with Stendarrs hammer (from Mournhold) when I had over 10000 strength. Then *I* fell from the sky and died. Gavel of the Ordinator Stendarr's Hammer) — артефакт у доповненні Tribunal до гри The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Kagrenac's Tools: Sunder II. Lower Canton Smith (Common Dark Elf) Houses of Morrowind-(Expansion) Plot: Equip a friendly creature with a +2/+2 Steel Scimitar. But I have found the extra reach of the Daedric Warhammer more than compensates for the slight loss of @10 damage points per swing. I jumped into the clouds and a hundred feet across the map. The owner of the museum will pay the player half of the value of an artifact (up to 30,000 gold) for one of the very rare artifacts of Morrowind. I looted his corpse and used a scroll of "Icarian flight". Stendarr, The God of Mercy, is a worshiped as a member of the Nine Divines.He was originally viewed as a bloodthirsty, savage beast of a god in Nordic religion although his image has evolved drastically in recent centuries.. Stendarr's Hammer (Legendary - Unique) Houses of Morrowind. Naryu's Training Puzzle Solutions - Elder Scrolls Legends: Houses of Morrowind 1. Молот бога справедливості Стендарра. Summon: Double the wielder's power and health. The wielder can only attack creatures.] From Trughbull Posted 7/22/2008 9:12:39 PM #004 If you want two-handed, and it sounds like you do, the Daedric Battle Axe is the most damaging weapon in the game ... it is pretty slow though. I think I like this game. (see screenshots for exact locations). 0:58 STENDARR'S HAMMER (ADEPT) 3. Stendarr's Hammer Houses of Morrowind-(Expansion) [Summon: Double the wielders power and health. There are free mods that do a much better job depicting Stendarr's Hammer than this Creation. Once I killed Dagoth Ur without these items using tremendous strength boosts. South-east of Riften is a road leading into Morrowind (although we, the players, can't actually go there) Right before the gate into Morrowind, you'll find a broken cart, 2 dead guards and an angry bandit.
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