My Collection. I've been planning on using the drug Tears of Razmir for an npc but I can't find stats for it. I'd imagine it would give a boost to charisma. Comments blindwolf14 blindwolf14 blindwolf14 2011-11-14T02:01:00Z 2012-01-26T02:14:14Z 2012-01-26T02:53:28Z 5. Ruins of Lastwall #36. Containers for Small characters also carry one-quarter the normal amount. RPGs. Cygar is a member of the Pathfinder Society, a group of individuals who seek out lost treasure and lore. Collections. See more ideas about fantasy characters, character portraits, character art. Has anyone either made stats or found stats for it? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A highly addictive drug, tears of Razmir is a combination of narcotics and hallucinogens that was created by Razmir, the ruler of Razmiran masquerading as a god. anger fueling his booming voice. Meaning that for the most part they tried to help people who became addicted to the Tears of Razmir, and occasionally hide people who were on the run from the church. Tears of Razmir. This page was last modified on 26 October 2019, at 12:11. They interrogated Frank the Tank and despite Frankrook Blackforge’s best efforts to be helpful, inform, and reiterate that he was hired to protect Big and not kill anyone, it was too hard to trust him outright. 4 comments. Razmir’s faithful utilize a number of tools to help them control the populace, but few are more insidious than the tears of Razmir. A highly addictive drug, tears of Razmir is a combination of narcotics and hallucinogens that was created by Razmir himself. (Not administered by or affiliated with Paizo Publishing® in any way), Press J to jump to the feed. Tooltips on Auction House sales records correctly say “paid” or “received”. Pathfinder Battles; Ruins of Lastwall; Pathfinder Battles. Encarthan, Razmir’s priests and subjects live in constant fear of an undead invasion. Repeat with as many scrolls and sick people until they botch their UMD check. share. Adventuring Gear Name Acid (flask) Alchemist fire (flask) Alchemist's lab Ale (gallon) Ale (mug) Antitoxin (vial) Artisian's outfit [Medium creature] Magic & CCGs. Tears of Raze is a casual clan that likes to do raids, pvp, and pve. Free Shipping on All USA Orders Over $149! Medium / Rare. She is married with the demi-deity known as Brifit the Regrettable Companion. Contact My Account Want List Log In. Are those Tears of Razmir?? 2. The last thing you want to do is mix this with the other stuff. [2], Minis & Games. Has anyone either made stats or found stats for it? [1] Payment from wealthy addicts can be as much as 10 gp for a single dose. Priests wearing these magical masks have started to appear in Razmiran and neighboring lands, using the mask’s magic to “prove” the divinity of the Living God. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Reaper Pathfinder Mini Aglanda - Herald of Razmir Pack New at the best online prices at eBay! Advanced Search. All Games. The adherents of the Church of Razmir usually conceal their faces with iron masks. 2. Related Articles. 5. AUG/11. Free shipping for many products! It is also described as being both a narcotic and a hallucinogen so dex and wis damage? Razmir himself has been unusually quiet on the subject, empowering a handful of chosen priests to act as they see fit to protect and preserve the nation. He raised his hands and, with a flash, two creatures that could only be described as hounds from hell appeared at opposing ends of the room. Buy Aglanda - Herald of Razmir - Pathfinder Mini from Reaper Miniatures - part of our Miniatures & Games collection. PCGen :: An RPG Character Generator RPG character generator for RPG d20 systems. 2. 2. Note: Garret did discover that the spices that were stolen from the Aspis consortium were components used to create a drug known as Razmir’s tears. Historical Minis . Adventuring Gear Description Source: Adventurer's Armory Many heroes count on items like these to survive and prosper. humanoid, human, Razmir, male, robes, staff. See what RAzmir RAznan (razmirr) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. I imagine it has moderate to major addictive properties since its description on the wiki. Examining it further, you see - ah, no. It is the only legal religion in Razmiran; all other faiths are outlawed. As Razmir is not a god and has no actual divine powers, it is likely he or his lieutenants are working with a group of divine spellcasters to create these items. Board Games. Brought to you by: amaitland, distant-scholar, karianna, kenosti After searching the treasure room for any items of importance, the party makes their way up to the ground. All was not well in the little Razmiran village of Daban. To topple the Razmiran regime you just need a ton of gold and an enormous amount of sick/injured people. I imagine it has moderate to major addictive properties since its description on the wiki. Razmir is the ruler of Razmiran and a self-proclaimed living deity. Sell/Trade. In 4661 AR he appeared in lands which were part of the River Kingdoms claiming he had gained divinity through the Starstone. One such priest is Narsen, a Mask of the Twelfth Step. Oct 18, 2016 - Ral Partha - AD&D 2nd Edition - 3stage-333a - Max Mentalus - wizard I've been planning on using the drug Tears of Razmir for an npc but I can't find stats for it. Dresden conceals the party’s movements with invisibility all around and they manage to get to the second floor by sneaking past several guards and acolytes. [2] Razmiran clergy will give away this drug to people who are not addicted, hoping to hook them and charge them for later doses. The first taste is free, when you got the R-A-Z... New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Pathfinder_RPG community, For info, news, resources, and anything else about the Pathfinder TTRPG! 1st floor – Ooklar vs. Krant (Bella sneaking) 2nd floor – Egrathis vs. Snake and Red and Evran; Thom vs. the statue vs. rust monster vs. Rennec; guards on the courtyard and walls; hells hounds vs. snake down the stairs; Ooklar and Bella kill Krant (sneak attack!) Not the tears, then, but certainly something illicit. Snake Oil, Tears of Razmir, Signal Smoke Stick and Toxic Glowing Moss are properly sorted under Crafting/Salvage in vaults. Gallery; Set Info & Checklist #1 - Caligni Creeper. The party return to Kassen after the casino heist to find the town under martial law of sorts after a group of Razmirian cultists came to town and promptly disappeared (also the mayor died or something).Guards have been posted everywhere and a curfew has been set for the towns people. We would eventually like to become more competitive and run Trials but until then we are mostly a chill clan There are a few requirements to become a part of RaZe but don’t worry, since we are new standards are pretty low but as we grow they will increase! 5. Razmiran clergy will give away this drug to people who are not addicted, hoping to hook them and charge them for later doses. Zuul barged into Razmir’s quarters as the heroes began their search for clues and evidence of the cult’s wrong-doings. 0. Reaper Legendary Encounters 2007-2011 Releases. Saving Cap'n Crunch : Mar 23, 2015, 06:23 pm: Alynthar42 wrote: Saving Cap'n Crunch- I propose that you play a Paladin. Walk up to a Razmiran priest with sick person, hand them a scroll of say restoration and ask them to cure the person. 2. 2. 1 When word of an unusual find hauled out of the habor reached Dhaelor's ears, he sent Ivis to negotiate with the White Hand for an unusual haul—the corpse of an aboleth. They stank of brimstone. Pathfinder Battles: Hail the Living God! Tears of Razmiris a drugcreated by Razmir and traded by his followers to earn income for the church. War Games. The party finished up their business in Mr. Big’s Hideout. Paizo - 02/19/2019. This is done not only to fill the church's coffers but also to control the addicts. If they were shattered, those shards might function as caltrops. I've always wanted to be in the same game as a paladin because of the roleplaying opportunities it presents. Sentir did many terrible things during his training for the Razmir presithood, including selling the Tears of Razmir Wiki on Tears., Although I'd like to note that Paizo's drug rules are insane and more deadly than poisons because they don't want to be seen as "encouraging drug use.". “No! It is also described as being both a narcotic and a hallucinogen so dex and wis damage? The Church of Razmir is the cult surrounding the self-proclaimed god Razmir, and enforces Razmir's proclamations over the people of his theocracy, Razmiran. "You don't have to drink it..." - Zasha to the Fellowship of the Bumring about drinking the Tears of Razmir Zasha Jones, is a young human woman in her mid-20s, whom is from the eastern side of the River Kingdoms. Ruins of Lastwall . Jan 4, 2021 - Explore William Hargraves IV's board "Rise of Razmir" on Pinterest. Complete Your Quest. This adventure assumes that the PCs have agreed to help Cygar. Small / Common #2 - Calligni Slayer. Users report reinforced energy and a higher pain tolerance. Sign up or Log in to start collecting. 8. 1. I’m not marrying Ganach!” The farmer’s child stamped their bare foot, their skin, hair, and eyes all curiously the same shade of honey brown. 1 These items weigh one-quarter this amount when made for Small characters. Pathfinder Battles; Ruins of Lastwall; Razmir, Living God; Razmir, Living God. Miscellaneous: The default prices for Auction House sales are now 30c to start, dropping to a minimum of 20c. Users report reinforced energy and a higher pain tolerance. He stood in the doorway, fist aflame. As such, what has been stolen from the crypt worries him. Forest of Tears The Kraken Wickedtooth 2013 Kickstarter Exclusives. The clergy will give away this drug to people who are not addicted, hoping to addict them and charge them for later doses and control the addicts by acting as the supplier of their addiction. It appears that two parts of a broken amulet were taken, and Cygar suspects that nothing good can come from the theft. Tears of Razmir is a drug created by Razmir and used by his followers to earn income for the church. A highly addictive drug, tears of Razmir is a combination of narcotics and hallucinogens that was created by Razmir, the ruler of Razmiran masquerading as a god. Forest of Tears The Kraken Wickedtooth 2013 Kickstarter Exclusives. Reaper Legendary Encounters 2007-2011 Releases. Temple of Razmir - Part 2 Revenge is Served 5. Have/Want. Edit source History Talk (0) Share. Edit. Tooltips on Auction House sales records correctly say “paid” or “received”. This website uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used under Paizo's. Gaming Hall. 2. 5. There are 59 figures in this set. Dice & Supplies. This alchemical concoction contains mild narcotics and hallucinogens that bolster the user’s energy and resistance to pain. Growing bored with the drugs, they gave away the rest to an addict in the area, and discovered that all but one person in this poor area of town appeared to be addicted to the Tears of Razmir. Cookies help us deliver our Services. While he has no divine abilities, his incredible arcane power is enough proof of his godhood to many people. A highly addictive drug, the Tears of Razmir is a combination of narcotics and hallucinogens which was created by Razmir. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Miscellaneous: The default prices for Auction House sales are now 30c to start, dropping to a minimum of 20c. It is also highly addictive. Snake Oil, Tears of Razmir, Signal Smoke Stick and Toxic Glowing Moss are properly sorted under Crafting/Salvage in vaults. I'd imagine it would give a boost to charisma. Thanks to their initial foray into peddling the tears of Razmir, Dhaelor had contact with the White Hand guild, and through them black market connections for illicit goods. [1] Users report reinforced energy and a higher pain tolerance. More. But you know, those vials?
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