Despite a slower fire rate and reload speed, the Litchfield excels at medium range combat; perfect when needing to clear an area. #2. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. So I think I should use those with a repeater. The Lancaster Repeater (with some customization added) is the best all-around weapon in Red Dead Redemption 2 Rockstar/Newsweek. Aug 29, 2020 @ 4:54pm Dude. Typical combat distance is medium to close range and Litchfield is accurate enough to hit moving targets. The Litchfield Repeater is available fairly early and unlocks a couple of ranks after the Lancaster. You can unlock quite a few pistols in Red Dead Redemption 2 Online. i have a suspicion that auto-aimers get put into free-aim lobbies all the time by accident/bugs anyway.... No matter what the data says in the end you have to find what works for you by trying each weapon out. The Litchfield Repeater is a great choice for hunting, with the best damage of all repeating rifles and a large ammo capacity. The Lancaster Repeater is a well-rounded gun that uses a fast lever-action system to load the next cartridge. In its class, it's second in stopping power to the Litchfield Repeater only, but more than makes up for it in just about every attribute. General Information . The Lancaster Repeater is a well-rounded gun that uses a fast lever-action system to load the next cartridge. It actually is but it is the repeater that does the most damage and the evans repeater … While sniper rifles might be the best for a one-on-one at long range, anything numbering greater than one calls for the Litchfield Repeater. $348 from the gunsmith or the catalog. I have both and the Lancaster is so much better in my opinion. © Valve Corporation. It's the community consensus that the Lancaster is superior to the litchfield right now basically bc the accuracy on the litchfield is trash and it fires slower than the lancaster. Litchfield Repeater – You will receive it automatically during Chapter 6. Probably the best repeater in the game, and a gun that packs one hell of a murderous punch. Save your money and keep using your lancaster ! Cattleman Revolver The Cattleman Revolver is available right from the start. Lancaster Repeater – You will receive it automatically during Chapter 2. Looked in my camp chest and accidentally found out that I have !a whopping! It's the community consensus that the Lancaster is superior to the litchfield right now basically bc the accuracy on the litchfield is trash and it fires slower than the lancaster. The Litchfield Repeater is arguably a superior weapon over the Lancaster Repeater, with considerably higher damage and only slight sacrifices in other stats to … Overall, repeaters have lower damage ratings than standard rifles, such as the Springfield Rifle and the Bolt Action Rifle. Litchfield is my most used weapon in RDO, then bolt action rifle. Despite a slower fire rate and reload speed, the Litchfield excels at medium range combat; perfect when needing to clear an area. Lancaster Repeater is a Rifle is Red Dead Redemption 2. The Litchfield is more expensive and looks to have more power. Here's a breakdown of all the firearms in the game, what the developers got right, and what they didn't. The Litchfield Repeater is available fairly early and unlocks a couple of You will probably want to choose between both. It may have lower damage compated to other repeating rifles, but the quick firing rate and good accuracy give it the advantage. Lancaster Repeater – You will receive it automatically during Chapter 2. This NPC was trying to be intimidating but I felt it was a good photo op! Wonderful, thanks for letting me know your comparison! 17 level 2 Time and again, Litchfield takes them down faster for me. Probably the best repeater in the game, and a gun that packs one hell of a murderous punch. Repeaters are versatile weapons capable of performing well both in close to mid range engagements thanks to their fast fire rate and larger magazine size. The litchfield notoriously is awful in terms of bloom and not so accurate. But it s not as accurate as the lancaster it does pack quite a punch. Repeaters. Never used a repeater before. Litchfield Repeater – You will receive it automatically during Chapter 6. I have to get a feel for each weapon before deciding. Location: Unlocks automatically during Chapter 6. The Lancaster Repeater is a well-rounded gun that uses a fast lever-action system to load the next cartridge. In close combat especially with multiple people, I prefer the extra power of the litchfield. Is the Litchfield better all around or does the reloading style make the Lancaster a better option? Looked in my camp chest and accidentally found out that I have !a whopping! Pistols are small weapons. Reliable in Most Combat Ranges. ROLLING BLOCK RIFLE - Stats & Customization. Rdr2 Bolt Action Rifle Vs Rolling Block On Rdr2 Bolt Action Rifle Vs Rolling Block Sale . If you upgrade this gun and get up to maximum affinity, you'll find it has ridiculous range for a carbine, an astonishing rate of fire, and a blindingly quick reload time. 4 Amazing: Litchfield Repeater. Best Red Dead Redemption 2 Weapon #2: Bolt-Action Rifle . Carbine Repeater – You will receive it automatically during Chapter 1. The B.D. Lancaster is probably great if you want to nitpick, but i am used to Bolt Action Rifle anyways, so the increase in firing rate on Litchfield Repeater is good enough for me when i end up having to use it. Looks and sounds cool, but it doesn't make up for the dogshit performance. You can't shoot them and decide for yourself? Many consider this gun to be the best repeater in the game and it is definitely a must-purchase. Day #14 – LANCASTER REPEATER vs LITCHFIELD REPEATER! The starting gun is ick.
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