Tilling, fertilizing, and watering can all be completed separately, hours prior to planting. Starfruit Seeds are a type of seed. Added Stardew Valley merchandise shop banner. When harvested, each Strawberry plant gives 1 Strawberry every 4 days, with a 2% chance for more Strawberries. The Strawberry is a fruit crop that grows from Strawberry Seeds after 8 days. For Stardew Valley on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Strawberries". Just remember that with a seed maker, you can always turn strawberries into strawberry seeds to use next spring. You can purchase strawberry seeds from a shop during the Egg Festival. A Seed Maker may be crafted after learning the recipe at Farming Level 9. Mature plants yield Starfruit.. They sell through the shipping container for: No Star: 120g, Silver: 150g, Gold: 180g each. Strawberry Seeds are a type of seed. We are in the process of transferring the hosting and maintenance responsibilities of the wiki from Chucklefish to ConcernedApe, which is why the wiki will temporarily be hosted at stardewcommunitywiki.com. Plant these in spring. He strictly supports Joja, buying all of his seeds, supplies, and food from their store. Strawberry can be used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create the dyeable Farmer Pants. Has anyone else found something out of the ordinary? We have put together a list of seeds in Stardew Valley and when it is optimal to use the Seed Maker to convert a crop into a seed and when you should purchase seeds instead. Strawberry Jelly sells for 290g each. Menu items are now more compact on smaller screens That means if you feed 40 seedmakers cranberries, usually 39 of them will spit out cranberry seeds. Yeah, I ended up buying a lot of Strawberry seeds my first spring because I heard that too and I was stupid and planted them as soon as I got them...I would say it is better to try to get as much money as you can so that you can buy blueberries in the summer, which are a great cash crop. The other way to aquire Speed-Gro by Spring 13 is to craft it, but this requires achieving level 3 foraging by Spring 6 to acquire pine tar in time, which is more difficult. This repeats until the random number is greater than or equal to 0.02, at which point the chance for an extra Strawberry ends. They can be grown during the spring and take 8 days to mature and keeps producing Strawberries after 4 days. Garlic Seeds Tulip Bulb Use Normal Quality Only . Page Tools. It's up to you! Stardew Valley took the gaming world by storm when it was released in February 2016. While you’re waiting, plant parsnips or potatoes. They can be purchased for 100g at the Egg Festival.They can also be obtained by using the Seed Maker.. Upgraded seed makers that give more seeds. For a normal Strawberry, is it worth converting it to a seed? The official wiki will resume at stardewvalleywiki.com and will be hosted going forward by ConcernedApe from February 16th, 2021. Seed Makers will give more seeds for better quality crops.

Strawberries are the best spring crops as they can yield a much greater profit than any other. It is possible to get three harvests from strawberry plants Spring 1. The odd man out will probably produce mixed seeds, but once every 200 runs the maker instead produces an ancient seed. Mature plants yield Strawberries.. You can purchase strawberry seeds from a shop during the Egg Festival. That means if you feed 40 seedmakers cranberries, usually 39 of them will spit out cranberry seeds. --Valliant 00:52, 4 March 2016 (EST) I experienced the latter today: I put strawberry seeds into the maker and one of them came out as ancient seeds. The seed maker has a 97.51% chance to produce the seeds of that crop. "Andy is the owner of Fairhaven Farm in Cindersap Forest. When harvested, each Strawberry plant gives 1 Strawberry every 4 days, with a small random chance for more Strawberries.[1]. Tijd is geld en zo krijg je beiden in Stardew Valley. Now Supports Farmer to Florist, Fruit and Veggies, Mizu's Flowers and Fresh Meat … I have, very rarely, gotten mixed seeds or an Ancient Seeds packet from the Seed Maker. When harvested, each Strawberry plant gives 1 Strawberry every 4 days, with a small random chance for more Strawberries. Welcome to our Stardew Valley Seed guide. Your principal crop in Spring are strawberries, but you can only buy strawberry seeds at the Egg Festival on the 13th of Spring. The seed can be purchased for 80 gold and then resold for 50 gold a blueberry. A searchable Stardew Valley Item ID List, with all Stardew Valley cheats for the latest version (1.5) of the game on PC/Mac (Steam), XBOX One, PS4 and the Nintendo Switch. 7th Mai 2017. At 500g profit per crop, they are the best choice for making money out of all of the Spring crops. Planting a lot of strawberries can be difficult during the evening after the Egg Festival concludes. He doesn’t get along well with his neighbors or Lewis. Added Stardew Valley expansion map under custom layouts; Changed how layout changing works. These seeds can only be bought during the Egg Festival, which is held each spring. This page was last modified on 4 February 2021, at 18:18. The seed maker has a 97.51% chance to produce the seeds of that crop. Here are two possible ways you can get one. One Seed Maker is the reward for completing the Dye Bundle on the Bulletin Board. Takes 8 days to mature, and keeps producing strawberries after that. At 500g profit per crop, they are the best choice for making money out of all of the Spring crops. Strawberry is a Spring fruit. ... while planting them the next year will allow for five. Desert: Rhubarb Seeds Uninstall: Remove the folders SeedsAreRare and CP-SeedsAreRare in your Stardew … On the 13th, buy as many Strawberry Seeds as possible. Mature plants yield Strawberries. Be sure to get your Junimos! We are in the process of transferring the hosting and maintenance responsibilities of the wiki from Chucklefish to ConcernedApe, which is why the wiki will temporarily be hosted at stardewcommunitywiki.com. These are the stats for planting on the day following the festival. Aside from the wild seeds you get from the Seed Maker, nothing else can grow during that season. The odd man out will probably produce mixed seeds, but once every 200 runs the maker instead produces an ancient seed.

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