Pronunciation of VIGILANS with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 meaning, 15 translations and more for VIGILANS. Colt - Vincit qui patitur. Vigilant means alertly, watchful of and alert to detect trouble. Colquhoun - Dum spiro spero. Colonel Frank Merrill believes it’s imperative that future generations understand the importance of aerospace science. Cologan - Virtus probata florescit. While I breath I hope. By Anna Skinner on October 1, 2019 Geist Cover Stories. How to say VIGILANS in English? Vigilans is a participle meaning "waking, watching". Meanwhile, in the south of Scotland, lands at Carnwath in Lanarkshire were acquired by James Wilson in 1655. The Meaning of Semper Vigilans Semper Vigilans is Latin for Always Vigilant. History of Clan Wilson: The surname is widespread throughout Scotland, and, in the north, is sometimes given as a Sept name of Clan Gunn or Clan Innes. Civil Air Patrol Lt. Tried virtue flourishes. ‘Semper Vigilans’: Civil Air Patrol cadet squadron learns maturity, leadership, drill 0. Colquhoun - Festina lente. Vigilant is named for an inspirational trait meaning to keep careful watch, especially for possible danger or difficulties. English words for vigilans include watchful, awake, vigilant, wakeful and sleepless. Contextual translation of "semper vigilans et semper accingere" into English. It means always vigilant. Always the same. A phrase adopted by different military units and law enforcement agencies over the years, it's used by to represent those who stand ready to defend others. Colston - - Go and do thou likewise. Semper eadem. Semper Vigilans is thus "Always remaining awake/watching/being vigilant" Semper Vigilo is "I always remain awake/watch/am vigilant" The dictionary I have to hand doesn't have Vigilis, but apparently this is an alternative form of Vigil. Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis (Always Vigilant, Strong, Prepared and Faithful) Pro Deo et Libertate – 1776 (For God and Liberty – 1776) Pro Deo et Constitutione – – Libertas aut Mors (For God and Constitution – Liberty or Death) Fidelis Deo et Patriaeque … Collow - Pro patria semper. Be quick without impetuosity. Human translations with examples: français, so beautiful, always alert, now and always. Does this mean that the being, with slits for eye balls is always watching? It’s hard to think about what the slit and one eye means, but let’s take a look at what “Semper Vigilans” means. Wilson Clan Motto: Semper Vigilans (Always watchful). For my country ever. Find more Latin words at! Semper vigilans (always vigilant), a latin phrase used as a motto by the Civil Air Patrol, several military units, and the city of San Diego, California, U.S. Semper vigilo (Latin: Always vigilant or Always alert ), motto of Police Scotland semper vigilans: always vigilant: semper vigilo: always vigilant: Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR) The Senate and the People of Rome: sensu lato: with the broad, or general, meaning: sensu stricto cf.
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