Redd’s second post concluded, “If you’re going to sell tickets to children, check your creepy friends and don’t let them in.”, Another post, which a woman who wished to remain anonymous asked Redd to share, read, “I have personally had many poor and inappropriate relationships and interactions with adult men within these scenes when I was a very young teen.”. (Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images) Redd went public with her experience last summer, sharing her story on her personal Instagram page and soon after on a page she created called Lured_By_Burger Records, which posted accusations about men in the Burger scene from other female fans and artists. The Burger Boogaloo music festival in Oakland’s Mosswood Park, July 1, 2017. “They were literally luring children backstage, at the shop, to their homes, and in their cars,” says Kourkos. “My glass was never empty.”. Equipped with our highly expert team Reply. Similar stories from dozens of women soon began pouring into Redd’s direct message box, she says. Burger Records made a statement on July 20 promising “major structural change” after the allegations were made public. “I just wanted to be friends with other musicians,” says McDonough. She says the experience was emotionally and physically overwhelming. Chunks of text pop at the reader: “Gaslighting and manipulating me,” “he ignored any and all physical signs of me trying to escape,” “choked her near the point of unconsciousness,” “I was too scared to report it,” “I blacked out and woke up in a studio naked and was bleeding and felt sore.”. Almost a dozen bands and even the owners of Burger Records are being … (Mackenzie Reiss/Orange County Register/SCNG). Compton Cowboys founder Randy Savvy talks about the tragedies that inspired his debut rap song, “Colorblind,” and working with hometown hero Dr. Dre. She recalls that men in the bands would say sexually derogatory things about women in front of her and that one band even encouraged female fans to physically fight in order to determine who would be taken home by the band that night. She said “no” three times, enough that she feared the situation could turn violent. With glowing reviews, the Korean-immigrant drama is kind of emotionally potent contender that could do well on a preferential ballot. It’s not just controversial, it’s also quite terrible. This statement followed a series of comments from survivors and fans calling for … The concerts, featuring contemporary garage and punk bands, were often all-ages, and a swell of excited teenage girls would be in attendance. When Kourkos was backstage at shows, she says there were usually other teenage girls. “In their marketing, they described themselves as perma-teens,” recalls Redd of Burger Records. “They think they’re progressive because they’re artists, but it’s all controlled by men,” says music fan and artist Amanda Martin, who was heavily involved in the So Cal music scene from 2003 to 2015. Salina was working as a mental-health counselor in Portland specializing in addiction. Sexual abuse has long been part and parcel of the anything-goes, predominantly masculine rock ‘n’ roll ethos cultivated by the musical culture, the bands that populate it and the labels that traffic in it, say many of the women interviewed for this story by The Times. Jul 21, 2020 - California-based independent record label and shop Burger Records has released a statement responding to recent grooming allegations. “There was fight, flight or freeze, and I was frozen.”. “We would talk about cats and music. When they got to her neighborhood, he wouldn’t let her out of the car in front of her apartment; instead, Froom says, he continued to drive around for almost 45 minutes until he could find street parking. But by the end of the night, she said, she was too intoxicated to consent. This isn’t a matter of branding, it’s a matter of abuse. Other changes at the time included offering funding for trauma counseling, consulting with trauma professionals, having safe spaces for women and people under 18 at shows, and having “an educated member of the community” at shows over 1,000 capacity. A post shared by LURED BY BURGER RECORDS (@lured_by_burger_records) on Jul 20, 2020 at 7:44pm PDT, Already a subscriber? Two days after Creevy’s disclosure, Redd also spoke up — posting on July 17 about her experience with Salina on her personal Instagram account. “And then how do you follow up on that and get the full story? The relationship started when Night was only 16 and he was 22, and described in her post that she was excited to go on tour with them as she perceived them as being “vocal feminists,” and “having a message I thought aligned with mine.” This is another dangerous aspect of artists like these. Kourkos got into a band called Audacity, which released a 7" record and a cassette through Burger. Burger Records was founded in 2007 by Bohrman and Rickard, in part to release music from their own band at the time, Thee Makeout Party. It’s not going to work. In them, Salina apologizes and expresses remorse, writing, “I won’t ever be allowed to play music again and that is fair.” He also wrote that he didn’t think of their relationship as abusive at the time but that he now understands that it was wrong. Exploitation by male musicians is often met with widespread acceptance from a scene that supports sexual fetishization of women as passive vehicles for male pleasure. Co-founder Lee Rickard stepped down as label president, with co-founder Sean Bohrman also announcing plans to eventually step down. The Times was unable to reach Redman for comment. It was her first time driving on the freeway when she crossed county lines from her hometown of Corona to Fullerton where she says their first sexual encounter took place. That sounds like a nightmare, and that’s not why I got into music.”. “And then you get down to this myopic rock ‘n’ roll culture. Teenagers were literally lured into the back room of Burger by adult men, with owners present. Burger Records was an American independent record label and record store in Fullerton, California, United States.The label was founded in 2007 by Sean Bohrman and Lee Rickard, members of the power pop band Thee Makeout Party. In the wake of multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against several employees and artists associated with Burger Records, the Southern California indie label has confirmed that it will shut down completely, forgoing an earlier plan to rebrand under new management. Redd stopped going to Burger shows when she was 18, but at that point she says she already knew several other underage teenage girls who had been abused by adult men in the scene. She’s not sure what comes next.
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