to wiring diagram O: (right). Y Plan Wiring Diagram with Pump Overrun– wiring diagram is a simplified tolerable pictorial representation of an electrical circuit. No complex timers / non-standard controls too so ongoing maintenance / repairs are easy. If using the V4043H1080 (1” BSP) or V4043H1106 (28mm), the white wire must be electrically isolated. Right, yes, of course I forgot to say why. So, when the heating runs, the DHW ZV shuts ( from stored  energy ) as it de-energises, and the heating runs through the heating ZV as per normal. permanent feed to it and the current pump supply signals it. Proper heat loss PoR setups are designed to draw cool water back into the boiler to be effective. As these are a “real time” design, the boiler pump overrun comes on with the demand from the boiler, without the need to run and extra cable. Worcester wiring guide greenstar gas fired boilers page 13 greenstar ri regular grundfoss pump plan important note the pump over run of the pump plan module causes the hot water pump to run regardless of the hot water cylinder demand to … Black In your situation that's exactly why it there. Remeber though that my comments here are case specific to @richi's setup, Thanks, gang. 5.1 Wiring for a basic boiler (not requiring a pump overrun). The pump should run for several minutes after remote controls have stopped calling for heat. Sundial Wiring Centre should be used to ensure first time, fault free wiring. Most modern heat only boilers need to use pump overrun to dissipate residual heat and reduce the risk of water boiling in the heat exchanger when it is switched off. 2.1 Carefully press a screwdriver into the opening until the cover comes free. We're renovating the house in two phases, which means we won't be using that tank for a while. Any arrangement with PoR needs a path to a heat loss circuit ( which EVER that is ) which is … Easy enough to add, you'll need a suitably protected mains supply for it, the switched supply to the boiler and a suitable delay relay and box. We have an old but reliable oil boiler. The feedback contact from them both in parallel to fire the boiler when either is demanding heat. I've ended up ordering one of these from RS: Broyce Control True Delay Off Single Timer Relay, Screw, 0.5 → 10 min, SPDT, 1 Contacts, SPDT, 230 V ac, 24 V ac/dc. It's a system boiler feeding heating and HW. It's infinitely more problematic with oil and more again with an old oil boiler as it'll likely have a manual resettable high limit stat. When Fitting a pump over run helps remove residual heat out of the boiler when the flame shuts off and is the usual cure to stop the over temperature cutout from mal … The boiler is switched separately by a timer/programmer. I hope that other Members can explain this in more detail / Electrically. If left to boil, then cool, with no PoR, inevitably that safety device will nuisance trigger. you want a timer module with the function "true off delay". If you get a small DIN rail box (the smallest are the ones intended to house double pole isolator switches) and then fit something like this: with a blanking plate over the unused single module space you should be OK. What I'd do ( as a long term / end solution ) is do the 2 x 2-port ZV's so you you have an s-plan, and energise the DHW valve from the 'heating off' terminal in the time-clock. By But I don't want to close the valve until I've worked out a pump overrun. The Automatic bypass is fitted at the furthest point from the boiler, in my case at the HW tank. Assuming the hot tank is staying as is long term and is still plumbed in and remains in commission. If you don't have a suitably protected switched mains feed for this, you could add a 6A MCB in the same enclosure, run a spur from the boiler supply in 2.5mm²  (assuming that the boiler supply is rated at more than the relay rating) just to get protection plus a means of independently turning off the over-run relay if needed. that's there to protect the pump in a sealed system boiler typically. Designed for internal use, Mains Switch is a cost effective, time efficient and hassle-free alternative to running cables. ... Pump overrun allows the pump to continue to circulate water round the system after the room thermostat temperature demand has been satisfied and the boiler switched off. Specialty Thermostat and Zone Valve Wiring 52 – 56 Radiant Mixing Block 57 – 58 X-Pump Block 59 – 61 iSeries Mixing Valves 62 – 63 Low Water Cutoffs and Electric Water Feeders 64 – 79 Aquastat Wiring 80 – 86 Instruction Sheets 87 – 97 Standard Terms and Definitions – … What you have sounds a but wrong. It sounds to me like you want some re plumbing. So I've added a manual valve to the rising hot feed to it. Makes sense to just add a delay relay, then . No. With gravity it needs to work in the event of a power failure, hence my further suggestion ( above ) of a normally open ZV on the DHW circuit ? Any residual heat will just go via the gravity hot pipes. You will still need a pump overrun ( PoR ) with that setup as it's a heat only boiler When the cylinder is hot the DHW ZV will be shut, and when the demand for heating is lifted that ZV will shut too, therefore creating a sealed loop where residual heat in the exchanger will be free to boil and knock the OH stat out. POR is only required where lifting demand / call for heat closes any water path from the heat exchanger. @richi  I used a din-rail timer that I had kicking around and true off is generally the more expensive timer variety, but something like this would do-, @Nickfromwales's analysis matches my intuition. 2. It would need a tweak to the  wiring to achieve that. Topic Title: pump overrun ... anyone know how pump overruns work on commercial set ups? £45, including VAT and "next-day" delivery. When pump overrun is on, your pump keeps running for a … It's easy! The heating one will be energised by the programmable room thermostat you are fitting. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. This can be a problem if there is no pump wiring next to boiler on a replacement , but these light weight heat exchangers need it.
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