Rock Smash enables you to break rocks to collect items, fight Pokémon, or access hidden areas. In Pokémon X and Y, there are a ton of hidden items in various locations. Two randomized bytes change every day. Check the rock directly below the platform to grab an Ultra Ball. Steven Stone is one of the coolest champions in the Pokémon series, and it is all thanks to his main battler Metagross. Cut this bush, head up into the narrow passage, and inspect the tree at the end for a PP Up. Here are some we definitely missed. Now the fourth generation legendary mascots, Dialga and Palkia, are next. Pokemon Ruby is the third installment of the Pokemon series and was released along with Pokemon Sapphire. Directly to the left of the Route 10 Pokémon Center is a vertical line of Cuttable bushes. If you go into Decorate it lists the different types of items: Desk, Chair, Plant, Ornament, Mat, Poster, Doll and Cushion. Walk as far as you can go and look at the fence to the left. 1 Game info 2 Pokémon 3 Trainers 3.1 Ruby and Sapphire 3.2 Emerald 4 Items 5 Appearances 5.1 Anime 6 Gallery During your first visit you can find trainers to battle and find items. Slateport City (Contest House Girl) - Ruby & Sapphire; Red Orb: A red, glowing orb said to contain an ancient power. Explore the Hoenn region as a Pokémon Trainer! To sneak, all you need to do is gently press on the Circle Pad ; doing so will cause your trainer to slowly tip-toe - the gentler you press, the slower you move. After you completed the Sealed Chamber’s puzzle, you will find a new location in Route 120 known as the Ancient Tomb. Discover the origins of Mega Evolution! PP Up: You will need Cut to get this item. The Dimensional Rifts are arguably the apex of Mirage Spot progression on Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Elixir: There is a hidden Elixir in the bottom row, specifically located 19 tiles east of the western staircase. Mt. 001 – BULBASAUR 39E924C4 4136A9DD AD86124F 2823D8DA. Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire Items Locations. Max Potion: When you find the nurse in the lower-left room on L9, inspect the bed just to her left for a free Max Potion. Take the upper path and follow this for a short distance until you reach an isolated rock with a visible item nearby. Terrakion will be there on Tuesday and Saturday. Head to the leftmost cabin and check the pillow of the bed in this room to grab a Hyper Potion. This guide will show you where you can find every hidden item in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow. The Itemfinder is an in-game Key Item that can be used anywhere within the game. Black / White Black 2 / White 2: Old Chateau’s hidden specialty. Instead of encountering lava, you will be going through underwater at the Marine Cave. PP Up: From the entrance of the hideout, head left and down into the main foyer. These were most likely used for testing purposes. Continue past the stationary Voltorb and Electrode and inspect the rock at the end for a Max Elixir. Once you enter it, head over to the Braille and read it. To obtain the item, players move next to it and press A while facing it. If you are following this guide, then you probably won't need to use the Itemfinder to find the majority of the items, but it can still be helpful for certain areas, such as the Underground Paths and the Cycling Road, where the items tend to lack clear reference points for pinpointing them. What a nice gift from him! Antidote: As you are entering the forest from the south, you'll see a large tree in the middle of the... Mt. They can be given to the player by characters within the game, be bought at a Poké Mart for money, or found by the player throughout the Pokémon world. As far as the locations of items in Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire is concerned, they can … Lugia and Ho-Oh are a special case in being able to get one of them, since they can appear in both Emerald and the remakes. The fact that there is a way to get its pre-evolution, Beldum, blows our minds. Head on over to the small island on Route 105 and enter the Island Cave. The Abandoned Ship, called the S.S. Cactus prior to its grounding, is located on Route 108 of the Hoenn region. Head to Mossdeep City, where he lives and find his house at the top left of the city. To get… In Ruby and Sapphire, they roam around the Hoenn region with Latios in Ruby and Latias in Sapphire. Enter this house and then go through the door at the back to access the backyard. Moon from the eastern side, head east slightly to find a plateau. PP Up: From the entrance, head west and up the ladder to 2F. Note that this cannot be obtained if the S.S. Anne has set sail, for obvious reasons. We are introduced to Zinnia, a girl who is destined to be the Lorekeeper to save the world from destruction. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Antidote: As you are entering the forest from the south, you'll see a large tree in the middle of the path next to a Bug Catcher. Check the tile right in front of him for a Potion. You keep going up and be fast since there are cracks that will take you down. See Return Policy details. In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, there are new locations for awesome secret bases. The requirement to get the first two is in need of a specific Pokémon. As usual, you can only find it by gliding through the air with Latios or Latias. It can only be obtained in Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen, but can be traded into Ruby and Sapphire. ... Pokémon Omega Ruby. In this room, enter the narrow opening in the rocks on the right side and check the rock above you for a PP Up. It will be on Route 131 and you will see an area that will take you inside. Moon Stone: When you enter the main foyer of the building, inspect the 5th block from the bottom wall on the right side of the foyer to get a Moon Stone. Then you will use your Latias or Latios to fly through Hoenn and head to the southeast of Mauville City. Max Revive: Starting from the southernmost sign of the central bridge, check the spot specifically located five tiles left and four tiles down for a Max Revive. Those routes are Routes 114, Route 115, Route 116, or Route 118.
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