Check the web page of the PERS code that sponsors the board … They hold positions in dozens of different career and job areas, from health care to engineering. I see an attitude problem here. I am just curious, if I can have as much input as I can possibly can get, that would be greatly appreciated. Officer Candidate School (OCS) is one of four Officer training schools located at Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island. Hello, my name is Gage Nawrocki; I just created this account to begin my research before applying. Start date Mar 17, 2018; Tags airforce help navy ocs officer officer candidate school officer help pilot pilot selection please help Do I have a chance? The mission of Officer Candidates School (OCS) is to educate and train officer candidates in Marine Corps knowledge and skills within a controlled and challenging environment in order to evaluate and screen individuals for the leadership, moral, mental, and physical qualities required for commissioning as a Marine Corps officer. 14) (15) SEAL and EOD Physical Fitness Test (NC 1131/6) must be observed and signed off by a O3 or above. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Sailors interested in becoming a Commissioned Officer in the United States Navy can obtain program information from the Enlisted to Officer Commissioning Program Application Administrative Manual OPNAVINST 1420.1 series. A mod can help you change it to something else. Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) Course Catalog. Air Force Ots will consider the Afoqt. The package must be complete with no discrepancies to be considered as “board ready”. no BN boards). Basically, there’s no guarantee and whether you’re in or not depends on a lot of factors. Go. All personnel must sign into OCS NLT 1200 hours on the report date of their class. Footer This is an official U.S. Army Website sponsored by U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE) Website Last Updated: Back to Top. It's hard to get a pilot slot from OCS. I don't know how much the Navy cares about you knowing ATSB stuff coming in, since, as you said, they will train you on everything you need go know. If you wanted a real advantage in meeting your end goal, OCS, you would've picked a technical major. You need to contact TacticalNuke to change your user name. is the home page for Naval Education and Training Command (NETC). May not be conducted below O6 command level or MPD/DHR (i.e. Naval Academy, Fleet Officer (OCS) Application Checklist, OPNAVINST 1420.1B Commissioning Program Manual. All packages must be received 90 days prior to this date. Arborry Hill Road Company, LLC Copyright ©2006-2021, Service Academy Forums® is a registered trademark of Arborry Hill Road Company, LLC. Close Menu … maturity, goal setting and achievement , decision making, confidence, etc. The school here at Fort Benning does not have any influence over what is required, nor who is selected or not. Thank you to Candidate S for sharing her tips after attending OCS in 2019! I am currently 18, i have my A.A. degree (obtained while in high school) currently in my Junior year of college. knowledge. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Not your inspection boots. Okay, we're officially switching over from the 4May20 thread to this thread in light of a change in the date of the board meeting. Your flight experience is probably a negative, because you think you already know it all versus someone with a fresh attitude who knows they know nothing. Although the recruitment and selection an individual goes through varies depe… Army Ocs will consider the Asvab Gt score. Enlisted personnel applying to OCS should reference OPNAVINST 1420.1 (series), Promotion, Special Selection, Selective Early Retirement, and Selective Early Removal Boards for Commissioned Officers of the Navy and Marine Corps. I am shooting for tactical air, F/18's. The Navy begins the Aviation Officer Candidate School (AOCS) Programme in 1955. For deployed Soldiers a black and white photo in ACU. The NSW Questionnaire and photo are included in the Officer Data Card. That being said, the intangibles you have learned as a young pilot, i.e. NETC recruits and trains those who serve our nation, taking them from street-to-fleet by transforming civilians into highly skilled, operational, and combat-ready warfighters, while providing the tools and opportunities for continuous learning and development. DD FORM 2807-2 is an additional requirement for all OCS applicants including ACDU Personnel. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Thank you again for the heads up, I should have noticed that prior to creating my account. Yes, but you will need to work on your A.T.S.B. But instead, you're spewing subjective and immaterial nonsense like your "vast knowledge of the Navy" and your VFR flight rules hours. Important Dates OCS, NROTC, Lateral Transfer, and all Inters ervice packages ***Application packages for OCS, NROTC, Lateral Transfer, and all Interservice for the FY-22 SEAL Officer Selection Panel are due no later than 25 February 2021. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The Marines are not as concerned with the level of the qualifying Afqt, Sat or Act score as other factors such as the Pft score. ___ 3. Commissioned Officers make up the leadership and management teams of the Navy and Navy Reserve. Statements like "looking to fly, period, no exceptions..." is probably a negative. Each page 16 must have the signature block and date plus signature of each member. They hold positions in dozens of different career and job areas, from health care to engineering. *Boards listed herein are conducted in FY-19 (01 OCT 17 to 30 SEP 18) and are for promotions that will take place throughout FY-20 (01 OCT 19 to 30 SEP 20). Applied to the November board date for Aviation, and have been communicating with the other applicants for a while through that forum. Broken-in boots Lightweight and comfy combat boots to wear on the everyday. DA Photo. Unification and relocation to Newport. Class Dates FY 2021. I messaged a moderator to alter my name. F. Florida_flyer New Member. Being a legacy (i.e. Additional questions should be directed to your command career counselor. This website provides information for those considering pursuing a commission through OCS and those accepted to the program. Medical Service Corps Inservice Procurement Program, Board for Correction of Naval Records (BCNR), Secretary of the Navy Tours with Industry, Address Correspondence to: Attn: PERS-### or BUPERS-###. Well, I certainly can’t encourage you to be optimistic and confident, because I think you have that block checked. Solid 3.5-3.8 GPA, I do not know my current GPA, I have my private pilots license (VFR) currently shooting for my IFR (I know the Navy will retrain me as well) the navy needs individuals that are dedicated and already knowing that they can learn the material as they have their private (less of a liability). “Navy OCS was established in 1951.” (Thornbloom, 2019). this Website? Fillable Officer Program Application Form, OPNAV 1120.7A Appointment of Regular and Reserve Officers in the Nurse Corps of the Navy, ALNAV 077/20: Enlisted Applications to the U.S. It provided an avenue to commissioned service for applicants interested in serving as naval aviators, naval flight officers (NFO’s), intelligence officers, or as aviation maintenance duty officers (AMDO’s). You may also get better responses if you post in the OCS forum, not Naval Academy. Navy Ocs will also consider the Astb or at least the Oar depending on community. Please use ONLY the NPC Customer Service Center address for any letter to a PROMOTION Board. Board schedules All upcoming boards are highlighted. I don't think your aviation experience, and Navy knowledge, in itself gives you a leg up on other applicants --the Navy will teach you everything you need to know, and in the case of flight training, have to untrain some of the bad habits you have learned. I recommend that if you are wanting to go to OCS and already have your degree, apply ASAP because it’s going to only get more competitive. Toggle navigation MENU HOME SEARCH. Officer Candidate School specific information is located in Chapter 7. Sailors interested in becoming a Commissioned Officer in the United States Navy can obtain program information from the Enlisted to Officer Commissioning Program Application Administrative Manual
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