Xenovia had other people with her TO HELP HER, NOT BECAUSE IT WAS NEEDED BUT BECAUSE WHY NOT? Vali later starts to see it as the other way around, as the one thing Issei has that he doesn't is a loving, albeit ordinary family. It's because of their inexperience that they lost. Grayfia was the only fighter besides Asia and Ddraig who could not get easily one shotted by Balor Rias. After Centos is dead, What would be a good alternative to Centos 8 for learning and practicing redhat? All she did was attack some fodder devils. Why is so difficult to understand that Issei has 3 people in his peerage (Asia, Ravel, Xenovia), that no matter how strong the enemy that they are fighting they will not go down quickly? Issei defeated Rias but Ddraig couldn't beat Crom and Xenovia and the others couldn't beat Strada. His fight against Cao Cao is proof of this. Before the finals there is a lot of time, considering ExE. Ddraig wouldn't been able to defeat Vasco and Balor Rias in the time limit he had. So no, Xenovia by herself wouldn't be able to hold Fenrir. Does it refer to previous owners of Divine Divide, or something else? Sonneilon had a mentality and attitude childish and was not so impressive respect to the others three mentioned, his ability was easily to contraste with the velocity and experience. He could not give to Rias the time to use Balor form in their match or destroy her when he met her and Kiba with Graifya. After that, numerous transportation magic circles appeared and humanoid figures started to come down one after another. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 29353 on r2-app-0cd6672fa03286035 at 2021-02-13 21:34:32.467263+00:00 running b9e2eac country code: US. It's unknown if Bennia will participate on Issei's team. She just need to be strong enough to be able to fight. The fact he gave Vali a hard time just proves my point. Against Rias team he lost key players. How can we protect against SIM swap scammers? Issei could always fight with Crom and leave Vasco and Rias to Ddraig, especially when he showed to defeat Someone as strong as him easily while Apollon was interfering. Okay and on paper Typhon's team is stronger than Rias team. the only problem apollon presened was when issei was already fighting vidar, if he had already defeated vidar and had enough remaining stamina he would have handled apollon no problem. Rias to use Balor Form needs a chant and to stay stopped. She is a close friend of the Red Dragon Emperor's children. Or Issei or his friend free Rias. Fafnir should be able to fight against Arthur. he stood his ground against vali because of variety of weapons and sheer skill, not power and while the top 10 list is outdated is due to characters we had not been introduced yet, odin is not among the not introduced yet and has 0 feats or statements putting him anywhere near that. This allowed him to gain access to Vali's predecessors (past Hakuryukou) and their powers. You also can match Sha Wujing with Ravel and Zhu Bajie with Roygun. For example, she could have teamed up with Kiba to fight Issei. Visual design changes to the review queues, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor. Vidar has no feats either. Futhermore, Issei had to beat Rias in a time limit. Vali and Issei managed to keep it from escaping but fell deep into the Dimension Gap. It is not a good point the stupidity of the plot. He was alone, in front of Vidar, Apollon and Typhon. Gorilla glue, when does a court decide to permit a trial. He reveals that he is working with the Chaos Brigade, the terrorist organization led by Ophis the Infinity Dragon , and that his full name is Vali Lucifer, who … We do not allow posts with the end goal of making money, 11. Her fight against Crom is proof of this. Vali wakes up later, still a girl and remembers the sensation of getting her tits fondled, finds out that she is in love with Issei, changes her name to Cali and tries to join Issei's harem. “Let’s replan everything and strike back.”. [–]Sacidepogobol 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago* (0 children). Graifya could easily hit her with demoniac power attacks, not giving to Rias the possibility to transform and win. In the final battle against Hades, Ingvild and the members of Team DxD and their allies arrived to assist Issei and Vali, where she used her Sacred Gear to increase the powers of Issei and Vali. Typhon has eliminated easily Bova, Elmenheilde and Roygun could not more fight, Apollon with only two hands covered from his aura defeated Nakiri, Irina and and he has kept blocked for a bit Xenovia, when he went from Vidar was in perfect condition. Kakaka!” Crom just said he dropped him off there before assisting Team DxD. [–]Eternity0253[S] 1 point2 points3 points 11 months ago (3 children). Like i said again, and again, and again. There is still time but she still haven't even been cured of her sleeping sickness. What's an umbrella term for academic articles, theses, reports, etc.? Bova was one of the weakest members on Issei's team. The same thing for Bal who was fighting as the dragon oppai in a fight hand to hand, without use the demoniac power and his instinct, otherwise he would have cleaned his ass with Sairaorg. She is one of the main protagonists of the Antyverse. As Ouryuu and the others turned back, Ingvild Leviathan was tilting her head. [–]Eternity0253[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (30 children). Initially, unbeknownst to Issei, the jewel from the Divine Dividing Sacred Gear contained a fragment of Albion's spirit, with the soul serving as the embodiment of the Dividing Gear's abilities. We learned from Nakiri that Bova is Crom's apprentice which means he actually is learning from Crom. Just that. Where is it the half victory? Issei is a planet buster now after unlocking his power so idk if vali could beat him currently. I don't know, Sha Wujin did fight BxB Lint to a draw. plot was as much on issei side as was on rias one. He is a second-year student at Kuoh Academy and the current wielder of one of the thirteen Longinus, the Boosted Gear. Rias set up a strategy in place to exploit Verrine's weaknesses. Make Xenovia fight against Fenrir. It is obvious. They did. Ingvild still has no combat experience and we've seen how Sonneil and Gressil lost due to their lack of experience despite their talent. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. what benefit would God gain from multiple religions worshiping him? Also how could Issei use Infinity Blaster on both Apollon and Artemis? The same thing for Graifya who has fought with Rias for personal reason, in bad physical condition, considering that issei could defeat easily balor Rias. Xenovia can handle him by herself. Certainly, now a strategy allow you to to defeat Someone a lot of stronger than you, with a big difference, when the Asura gods who had a numeric advantage could not even do a single damage. Xenovia has been blocked for a bit in the holy box, leaving the god free, while vasco has been Kept to fight. Not that she would be resisted more. Thats all they need to do. Issei defeated easily rias. “Yeah, we just have to go crazy. Why would Crom train Xenovia, Nakiri and Rossweiss? If issei would have fired an infinity blaster at the beginning, he would eliminated the major part of Rias’team. Huh, no? You are comparing characters that where fighting the "main enemies" with her. [–]AutoModerator[M] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (0 children). I doubt that would work. Why is so difficult to understand that she can defeat Vali even without having the knowledge about how to punch someone. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Furthermore P DxD isn't strong enough to beat Crom. If anything Fenrir would track her down. © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. It is enough as argoment, Indra's team is superior than Vali and co. Where the hell Rias team gived to issei and co a match harder than that with typhon? Speaking of what will Vali think of this Issei? Xenovia have at least Maou class attack power with Durandal and CDD, if Fenrir get hit several times, is going to be dangerous for him. He only trains Bova because of he's Tannin's son. Issei is also surprisingly hot-blooded and hard-working. Red Oni, Blue Oni: Later on, he becomes the blue to Issei's red when they become allies. He is a second-year student at Kuoh Academy, where he is known as an extremely perverted individual with a bad habit of fantasizing about his female peers. Vali:"Don't Interfere" Back to you "Finally I mastered it" You are now wearing a long cloak with a hoodie and it's back is like a … Ddraig fought with Crom, Xenovia, Irina and Nakiri have kept Strada for all the match, giving to him even damages, making him fly trough the buildings, a thing not even possible to do with Apollon. I picked up the thing lying at my feet—a jewel of the [Vanishing Dragon]. Issei Hyoudou, mostly referred to as Ise by his friends, is the main protagonist of High School DxD as well the upcoming fanfiction "Metempsychosis of DxD". I picked up the thing lying at my feet—a jewel of the [Vanishing Dragon]. That still leaves the rest of Vali's team. Indeed, Ingvild compared to issei at the beginning has done a lot of better, destroying easily those devils of high class, in shin 4 she had to to support to Vali and Issei while they fought with Hades and Angra. Please continue. ingvild on the other hand could very well be training off-screen and she supposedly was going to get helped by hypnos whit that sleeping disease so her reaching above maou class power or more by the time they fight vali would be very logical, there is still 2 matches for issei and who knows what else in the middle before the finals, [–]Eternity0253[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (14 children). You are beeing really biased, you didn't take into consideration Elmenhilde, Roygun, and Bennia. We don't know that. By the way, how many of that do you think you can create?” Ravel is not stupid, she is not going to put Ingvild in a 1v1 situation against a fucking Longinus user. Hence why Rias made the first move. One that will end up quaking from the might of the Heavenly Dragons! If I were to take Rias, His Eminence Strada and Crom Cruach alone, I’d have to use Dragon Deification, but…I still couldn’t take on all three at the same time. Everyone responded by nodding to each other and went to the place where the enemy descended. Look at volume 24, after Appolon take out both her teammates he still needed to trap Xenovia, because he cant take her out. [–]Giuseppe_32 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago* (4 children). [–]snek_boy 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (15 children), "strong gods" stopped being impressive when issei drank amrita, at this point he is on the top 10 strongest and the only times he struggles is against people nearby his level (like vidar in BxB) or when plot demands it (like erebus somehow not getting stomped). His second knight position is taken by Irina. The elimination of key players has not influenced the match. Whilst Ravel Phoenix was being overwhelmed by the Water Dragon that Ingvild Leviathan created, she answered, More easy for issei. With 1 or 2 months of training she should be fine. And she just need basic training to fight against people like LeFay, Kuroka, Gogmagog etc. The fact that Rias almost got Issei in the surprise is proof that she almost won. Issei felt his power lessened and Vali's power is now strong Vali proceeds to beat Issei but Rias fire a magic at Vali but Vali dodged it and said. As such, he is the direct rival of Issei Hyoudou and Ddraig. No one would be able to touch her. 3. Bal and Verrine are considered inexpert but they have destroyed easily mahabali team where there are gods of the battle with centuries of experience. Despite that, even if she wasn't mentally weakened, Balor Rias would be too strong for her. 1 Learning of his Past Arc 2 Fallen Angels Arc 3 Riser Arc 4 Rogue Magicians Arc 5 Excalibur Arc Ch. Remember that Vali learned Norse Magic in just a couple of days. fafnir barrier? If you can't find the source, state so. And yet Rias swiftly took out Roygun and Bova and almost defeated Issei at the start of the match due to her surprise attack. During the signing of the peace treaty between the three factions, he went against everyone and formed a team in the Khaos Brigade. Yeah. Why would Issei using Infinity Blaster at the start? And no, Again, just no. [–]SylviaSilkAsia Is Better Then Your Girl 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (0 children), I still think issei could win, and ingvild could be trained to take out vali and help issei, [–]aw454wtr2 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (0 children), In shin dxd 4 Issei gets to use dxd g at its full power (not pseudo anymore) with its power being higher than in volume 20-21, [–]Giuseppe_32 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (31 children). I’ll transplant it into my Sacred Gear! Can a computer determine whether a mathematical statement is true or not? “Hmm, this doesn’t take that much aura, so I guess more than ten,” answered Ingvild. opponents a lot of stronger than them Two. Asia doest need Fafnir close to her to use her BxB, didn't you read vol 20? Ddraig defeated Typhon but he struggled against Crom, Vasco was too much for Xenovia and her group even with his sword broken, Ravel was getting tired and Grayfia was defeated. Is there any difference in pronunciation of 'wore' and 'were'? Light NovelHow can Issei beat Vali? [–]Eternity0253[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (1 child). Then, shin 3 shows her big progress, considering that her raw power is bigger than that of Sona. Hi everyone! If the post helps you acquired the answer, please delete this post otherwise ignore this message. Even then I see Fenrir and Gogmegog having the upperhand. Is the empty set empty in all models of set theory? Have you read that Bal and Verrine have losted for the plot? Can the White Dragon steal others' power too? [–]snek_boy 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (11 children), why odin cant? She still needs Fafnir for protection. He later joins the Occult Research Club as he strives to rise up the Devils' ranks to fulfill his dream of building a harem and becoming a \"Harem King\". The point I was making is Apollon being a problem for Issei shows his strength not irrelevant as you claim. Seriously, tell me where the members have fought more harder. What are the relations between the level of power and abilities and the promotion of Pawn? Because of the UL is possible that the tournament will be stopped before the finals. Issei Hyoudo is the main protagonist from the Japanese light novel series, High School DxD. Nyuutron Beam wouldn't work either since again, Apollon would prevent it. Issei fondles Vali's tits and Vali passes out in embarrassment and retires. She is able to increase bova/fafnir/Issei’s power through the roof. Not to mention that when it comes to tactics, Issei's team far out class Vali's team. You know the top 10 list has been irrelevant now. His first girlfriend suddenly kills him, but Rias saves him and brings him back to life as a Devil of her own clan, thus making him a member of the Occult Research Club… How will she sings before she gets one shotted by either of them? If Bove will reach that level is enough to fight Vali team. Considering that Irina, Xenovia and Nakiri could block Apollon, for Vasco has the same thing. apolloon could be a problem due to light attacks but issei can overwhelm him whit sheer power and if artemis teams up whit him then issei can nuke both whit infinity blaster or worse use nyuutron beam canon thanks to artemis being female, nezha is not a top 10, he simply is a genius technique-type who unlike cao cao has no human body to limit him. Artemis might not be a big deal for Issei but couple with Apollon can make a difference. Apollon and Artemis are still strong gods. Issei was able to use Vali's White Dragon Emperor power, Divine Divide, because Issei took one of the jewels in Vali's armor during their fight in Volume 4 and put it on his own. You think they will just stand there and allow Issei gather energy for his attack. To be honest, I was surprise Ravel was able to hold off Koneko because that shouldn't have happen given that Koneko senjutsu attacks should be able to bypass Ravel's regeneration. Even with that training, I doubt Bova would suddenly be Dragon King class in such a short time? With typhon’s team, iseei was on the point to lose if was not for the suddenly apparition of Ddraig who has saved his ass. Gasper was hiding in Rias shadow so even if Issei attacked her, Gasper was there for the fusion with Rias. Had Issei taken too long to beat Rias than Crom and Vasco would've came to help her and it would've been checkmate for Issei. Not to mention that Vali and Albion are not just going to blast Asia's BxB and thats it. [–]snek_boy 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (17 children), to be fair issei got lucky whit ddraig showing up which threw everyone off-balance and typhoon team was fewer in numbers and overall quality (they had vidar and typhoon who were the only ones worth their salt there). Issei also has the power of breasts and multiple girls who would help Ddraig already stated that even with AxA, Issei wouldn't be able to deal with Vali's speed and Vali would just wait him out. their experience is reduced to fight by sheer instinct and their superior raw power and natural talent do everything else, they have 0 formal training and no idea how to manage their stamina, they literally are shown in-canon to lose to any battle where they cant just straight up muscle trough. (self.HighschoolDxD). They were still inexperienced. Vali's calm demeanor offsets Issei's Hot-Blooded personality. She just need to be able to use her power properly. [–]Sacidepogobol 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago* (1 child). Yes, Ravel can handle Sha Wujing by herself, is not like Sha Wujing is stronger than Koneko, and Ravel manage to keep Koneko busy, thanks to her regeneration, and thats all that she needs to do. Issei after the BxB of Vidar was receiving kicks in ass, not being able to hit him, while he received the special move of Vidar comparable to infinity blaster. If she knows how to control her powers she can easily overwelm then. As for the predecessors (refer to my first paragraph), one of the past Hakuryuukou indeed came to him later and helped him during his fight in Volume 10 of the novel. ingvild has experienced real combat, in kyoto whit the artificial devils she was among the ones that fought and showed to be more logically thinking than the rest by attacking them mid-speech instead of listening to them at all, [–]Eternity0253[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (12 children). Graifya elimination has not been relevant, issei could always don't allow to her to fight with Rias. Furthermore, Ingvild still has that sleeping sickness. Balberith was nerfed but it was already stated that his Oppai Dragon fighting style made him weaker. If anything, Xenovia would likely have to fight Arthur. This allowed him to use Albion's dividing powers. But this is not valid for Vasco. All the other girls snap and beat Cali senseless in a … It could be stopped for one month, 6 months, 1 year, or even more than that. Logically speaking If she can sing and nobody can stop her (she will be inside Asia's BxB) Issei's team will win. Ridicolous when she has defeated without fatigue the Asura gods. He really doesn't have any room for her. “... Ingvild-sama should keep your demonic power just like that so that it doesn’t go out of control and release it at the enemy. [–]Eternity0253[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (3 children). She doesnt need to defeat anyone. Ingvild is going to have to fight. Issei Hyoudou is the main protagonist of the series. Like the 3 of them join Ravel to gang up on Sha Wujing, then the 4 of them join Nakiri and Bova, making Bikou and Gog fight a 2x6 battle, etc. Roygun would likely assist against Fenrir since again, it would require multiple people from Issei's team to handle him. There was multiple times Rias could have won. “It seems like their main force is stronger, but…for now, we just have to kill them and burn the city, right?” Why do "beer" and "cherry" have similar words in Spanish and Portuguese? They soon arrived at the place where the group of Devils with evil aura appeared. Graifya losted because she fought 1vs1 in a battle of honor that issei has allowed, her losted was not important because issei could always defeat Rias. Issei needed a miracle to beat Sairaorg. Fenrir is too strong and too fast. [Divide!!] Anime-only fan here, loved the first 3 seasons and tomorrow I’m finally about to start S4! For him to reach Dragon King class in a short time is unbelievable considering how long it took a year for members in Rias peerage to reach Ultimate Class. [–]Sacidepogobol 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago* (9 children). Crom would just cancel it out with his own blast and than Issei would've lost alot of stamina. Apollon can pose a problem for Issei due to his attribute of being light which is something Issei is weak to. Having Albion really boosted the power of Vali's team. So far, the only ones I saw that was interested in going to that mountain was Ddraig, Albion, Vali, Issei and Sairaorg. Ouryuu couldn’t finish his words as he saw a giant Water Dragon appearing behind Ingvild who just woke up. “Hey, what should I do?” There is still several volumes till the fight between those 2 teams, and is probable that some people will get stronger till the fight and/or the teams will get new members and/or lose members too, but at this point, i would say that Issei's team still have the advantage because of the numbers. Ingvild is showing big progress and there is a lot of time before the final and can have already mastered her power, knowing the logic of DxD It is possible. Hope they can beat fried chicken. Then, he can’t eliminated it, him is not Vali who has Satan compression divider. I predict that by the time of the finals, he'll be able to use 100% of his power. He later greeted Issei when Ise arrived to the tournament as Cao Cao was satisfied that he would have a chance to have match with Issei … you make it sound like he is going to go there whit them and train them himself when in truth bova training is basically "drop him on mount dragon and let him learn by himself". If Ravel and Asia (who's mainly the tactician and healer) is force to fight on the frontlines than Ingvild would be no exception. The defeat of Gressil doest not center with the inexperience, Literally Tobio has the perfect ability to contraste resistence. Her potential is through the roof. She is considered a rival by Mizuki Bael and Persephone Phenex. Xenovia doesn't have the fire power to deal significant damage to him. Link directly to images or use an image hosting site, 9. Literally just that. No unlicensed/illegal merchandise or content, 10. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Ouryuu had a stiff face and could only smile wryly in response. I think I found an error in an electronics book. [–]Sacidepogobol 0 points1 point2 points 11 months ago (4 children). How Ddraig could not defeat Vasco and Balor Rias for the time? Strategy will not allow to recover the big power difference. For example, if I were to fight against Crom Cruach before taking on Rias… Even if I were able to defeat him, I’d have used up all my power. Is there any utility for performing ICMP testing ("ping") in only one direction? apollon was a chief god and artemis a strong god and that is unimpressive compared to typhoon who is in the top 10 and vidar who can fight someone comparable to that before transforming. The fact that issei was not transformed it is the stupidity of the plot, because in all the fights, except for Barakiel, the first thing that he does it is wear the armour, even if he has not to fight the enemies. Ingvild just been introduced in Shin Volume 1 so that isn't much time. Thanks for contributing an answer to Anime & Manga Stack Exchange! Will the dragon become the hunter or will the dragon slayer get another kill under his belt? Losing Asia and Grayfia is a bigger blow than losing Nakiri and Irina. How is she going to get near Vali and Albion? You're right in that Vidar gave Issei a tougher fight but I'm talking about the team overall. Issei first activated his imperfect version of Scale Mail in Volume 2 by making a pact with Ddraig by giving his left hand to the latter. [–]Eternity0253[S] -1 points0 points1 point 11 months ago (10 children). His body’s armor seems to have restored the destroyed section including the jewel, though. If it weren't for the fake Heavenly Dragons, Crom would still be training Bova. They could not even damage Apollon. How long was a sea journey from England to East Africa 1868-1877? If I remember correctly wasn't it stated that at this point, Issei in a one on one fight with Vali could kick Vali's ass by some of the characters? Even if she does not defeat him, she will make him busy. I edited to remove the previous conflicting information, though I'm not quite sure about the "predecessor" part. They wouldn't give him the chance. Remember that Verrine and Balberith was introduced in Volume 24 and despite their talent and being Super devils, they are still considered to be inexperience. That's the only display of combat we've seen from her ever since her introduction. With the lost of Grayfia, the power of Issei's team has decreased significantly. Sure Issei has Ingvild but she still haven't mastered her power yet and on top of that she has no experience in combat. She does not need to hide, Asia's BxB can protect her from anything. The facts showing the contrary of what ravel said. Be respectful, discrimination is not tolerated. As you said, Sonneil and Gressil also had the mentality of children. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 References 4 Others 5 Discussions Vali Lucifer is a half-human, half-devil and a descendant of the original Lucifer. By Ingvild has yet to experience real combat unlike Verrine and the others. Everyone gasped in response to the overwhelming compressed aura that was being released from the Water Dragon. Only reason it worked on Rias is because she was immobilize and Gasper couldn't afford to do anything. This situation is completely different, because her BxB wouldn't be used to buy time, but only for stopping other people to touch Ingvild.
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