If there are any questions as to sizing,Please don't hesitate to contact Danyle. So, are you fancy chicken collectors? For the record, none of the Malaysian Serama were ever found to be infected with avian flu. One of them is serama chicken. You cannot carelessly mate your serama chicken, especially serama chicken for the contest. If too much gets in your lungs, you can get pneumonia or worse. For further information, you can follow our fan page: Top 10 Most Expensive Chicken Breeds, Guess What’s In No. Yes, you are right! Chickens made great pets but their gentle nature combined with chicken diapers allows for them to become a member of the family and hang out on the couch and watch a movie with the rest of you! Serama chicken is possibly the smallest breed in the world, weighing less than 500 gr. In this condition, we have to hold them to make the mating process succeed. Please call or email to see what I have available. Tiny is for 1 -2 chicks with small puffy tails, Seramas sized breeds that are under 12 ounces Small diapers are for Serama sized breeds, 2 - 3 month old standard breed chicks, 3 - 4 month Silkie . Do chickens need heat in winter? The Smallest Chicken breed in the world. The Serama is a relatively good little layer considering its body shape and small size, my females at home lay usually every day or every other day when in full lay. New listings: Serama bantam chickens - $50 (Clermont), Traditional Serama Chickens - $5 (Ft. PIERCE) It is named after Sir John Saunders Sebright, who created it as an ornamental breed by selective breeding in the early nineteenth century. All American Serama are descended from these birds. Will also fit other bantams 10 ounces and under. You may elect to have your chicken wear a diaper at night; but provide time during the day for it to be diaper free. Serama. They need to graze, forage and scratch for bugs and dust to bathe in.That keeps them happy and and stimulated and gets them moving around and keeps them healthy which in turn makes for good eggs.You haven’t seen a truly happy chicken until you’ve seen one that’s purring with contentment on its side sunning itself after a long dust bath.Keeping a chicken indoors is not a good idea under normal conditions. Dec 8, 2019 - Explore Melissa Whitman's board "Serama" on Pinterest. In addition to their tiny size, they are characterized by their upright posture. They have very friendly personalities and most love to be held and petted. In the chicken world, the Serama holds the title of the absolute smallest … and maybe one of the most expensive, too. The weight range for “Class A Cocks” is under 12 ounces and under 10 ounces for “Class A Hens.” These chickens originated in Kelantan, Malaysia as the result of selective cross breeding of several breeds of bantams. This chicken is one type of ornamental or fancy chicken originally from Malaysia. This is why there are many people who admire this chicken. Below: I have some experience of this. So, let’s continue reading! Chickens also get bored VERY easily.I can’t stress this enough. Then, provide straws in that box. Price $20.99. We can't offer Serama chicks for sale, because they tend to hatch one to three days ahead of "normal" for a chicken, and they're so tiny. Once you already decided to have this type of chicken, you should pay attention to its care, especially serama chicken care for the contest. This is just 1 hen and her chicks and the mess was incredible, and she was only inside for an hour or so! Seramas are the smallest breed of chickens. I watched this program on UK television a few years ago where they were trying to house train a chicken and in six weeks all they got it to do was wipe it's feet on the way into the house. So why do chickens wear diapers? Chicken Diapers are extremely easy to put on chickens and easy to wash too. "Group Serama Negeri" @ GSN breed high quality Serama birds in Malaysia. Below: Serama eggs differ wildly from bird to bird. We can give little grain twice a week because it doesn’t allow for us to give much protein. This advert is located in and around Carryduff, Antrim. The modern version of this breed was created in the early 1970s by WeeYean Een from Malaysia but the origins of the breed are reputed to date back to the 1600s. Diaper Bags Luggage & Duffel Bags Phone Cases ... Serama Chicken Cross Stitch Pattern Instant PDF Download - Chicken Watercolor Cross Stitch Pattern - Rooster Cross Stitch Pattern LightUnicornDesigns. There is actually no standard of serama. You already know that serama chicken care is not really difficult. When they need to go, it comes out. You should know that web sites linked from this page are operated and maintained by the owners, who are solely responsible for their content. I think it would be cruel to raise chickens without access to the outdoors where they can chase bugs & have dust baths. See? E ven though we often face a case where serama hens do not want to brood their eggs, we can also do something with this. There is the dust that comes from feather growth and shedding. We are breeders of pure blood Serama Chickens. Chicken Diaper Price List and Special Offers . All poultry require housing that is sized for the number of birds that will be living in it. Aug 1, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Ernesto Rodriguez. Chickens as a rule are quite large and even bantams take up a lot of room. That said, they make a wonderful home hatching project. Here's a few pics of our little Serama Flock sportin their new chickie diapers! If you have no straws, you can use dry old cloth. What is the difficulty of serama chicken care and how to overcome it? You might be wondering, how many eggs do serama chickens lay? It aims to get good performance of your serama when competing to the others. Serama is the smallest and lightest chicken in the world, and is highly prized as living works of art. See service tab for more information. See more ideas about serama, chicken diy, chickens backyard. This chicken is popular with its characteristics which is very small. Stunning Trio of purebred Serama’s for sale. kseye has uploaded 3932 photos to Flickr. Silkied, Frizzled, and Smooth feathering available. The modern version of this breed was created in the early 1970s by WeeYean Een from Malaysia but the origins of the breed are reputed to date back to the 1600s. Furthermore, they are not included in the list of an animal protected so don’t worry if you want to breed this Malaysian serama chickens for sale. your own Pins on Pinterest Popular Chicken From Indonesia : Know The Indonesian Food Menu From Chicken That Is So Popular Not Only In Indonesia But Also Overseas! Add to Cart. Sweet deal!!! This Serama Chickens come from a Pure, unique bloodline Serama related to the VERY FIRST (legal) imports from Malaysia in 2001. $40 - $50 a pair. There are lots of people who have made duck and chicken diapers to keep their pet indoors.Can’t keep chickens but want something that can lay eggs? Serama hens. Most useful if you frequently have little ones spending time in the house to socialize them. Another true bantam breed is the Serama bantam. To overcome this problem, we can use an incubator to hatch the eggs. It will make your serama chicken fat and sluggish. Keep in mind that in some parts of the world there are minimum space requirements for chickens and livestock and you could find yourself being prosecuted if you are not careful.Be sure to make sure your local town authority or council allows chickens as pets, as not all do. Then, you might be wondering how long do serama chickens live? Duck Diaper / Large Chicken. They can easily adapt to new environment. The first one is 1 year old and the second is only 6 months. According to a source, this chicken first arrived in the UK in 2004 and just after a remarkable growth in a popularity were standardized by the Poultry Club of Great Britain in November 2008. They are kept as pets and for show competions, not for meat or eggs! Thread starter #3 Hangin Wit My Peeps AutumnBreezeChickens.com. You can't train them to use a litter box. The Malaysian Serama bantam is the smallest breed of chicken in the world, weighing less than 500g. Small are young chickens and bantams, like silkies and measure 5-7" from the neck to vent. Your chicken needs preening time and time for its bottom to air out. Use Paypal for payment. If serama chicks are with their mother, just ensure that the stall is safe from any nuisance or predators. Purchasing good quality birds is very important, because good birds ensure good production. Thanks Feb 14, 2010 #4 catwalk Songster. That said, they make a wonderful home hatching project. From shop BrooklynScout . Now, let’s discover some serama chicken care you do easily: Serama chicken is actually easy to take care. Make a square shaped-box (you can make 40 x 40) in a stall for serama chicken which is going to lay.. 2. The space a chicken needs is at least 5 square feet of per standard chicken and 3 per bantam. Very tame birds. (Chesnee) Serama Chickens - The smallest chicken in the World!I have a few pairs of Smooth and Silkied Seramas at this time. They also eat grit outside, which is essential to their physical health and helps them lay eggs without getting egg bound. Once you already decided to have this type of chicken, you should pay attention to its care, especially serama chicken care for the contest. Feb 16, 2016 - Find the perfect handmade gift, vintage & on-trend clothes, unique jewelry, and more… lots more. Though their eggs are 1/3 the size of a chicken’s they are well known for laying an egg almost every day and because of their small size you can keep more of them than you can chickens. However, due to the tiny body of serama chicken, it is difficult for them to cover all of their eggs. And yes, they do need to be changed, as all diapers do. Ayam Cemani Chicken – The All Black Chicken, Characteristic of the High Quality of Cemani Chicken, Let’s Take a Look How Beautiful Ayam Cemani For Sale UK, Top 10 Most Popular Chicken Breeds For Beginners. Serama chicken nowadays is very famous in many countries around the world. They have very calm, friendly personalities and most love to be held and petted. Due to its tiny body, serama chicken sometimes is difficult to mate. Hens laying well. Chickens can be broken down into 5 different sizes: Extra small are like Serama chickens that are 3-5" from the neck to vent. However, the current strain of Seramas can be attributed to Wee Yean Een in the 1970s. Her email is [email protected], and put "Chicken Diapers" in the subject line. 11 Years. In a big poultry farming business, we can also see how those meat are produced into various food such as sausages, nuggets, noodles, etc. It has no doubt that there are several types of fancy chicken which is very popular to breed. You do need someplace safe for them to be inside overnight, but unless you have a single chicken situation or one that needs to temporarily be separated from the flock because of illness or injury outdoors is better than indoors.The only other exception is if you’re hand raising chicks and they’re not old enough yet to be outside on their own. In Indonesia, some people usually keep Serama chicken for their hobby as ornamental chicken in their home (house pets). This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So no, you can’t keep chickens in your bedroom. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. SERAMA. And the boys can in turn enjoy playing with their chickens! Serama chicken care – Why is serama chicken care is important? New product! Extra small are like Serama chickens that are 3-5" from the neck to vent. A rabbit hutch or small cage indoors in your house, garage or basement is a good home for them in cold weather, that is when they are not playing with you, following you around or sitting on your lap! Birds lack sphincter muscles. 3. serama chicken lifespan, serama chicken breeders, serama chicken eggs, how long do serama, chickens live, malaysian serama chickens for sale, keeping serama chickens indoors, how many eggs do serama chickens lay. Mar 22, 2014 - Explore kseye's photos on Flickr. Disinfectant is evident as a cleaner. After 3 days, you can move them to the stall with the warmer tool. Apr 20, 2008 6,396 32 263 Birnamwood, Wisconsin. Small are young chickens and bantams, like silkies and measure 5-7" from the neck to vent. And it will result in the quality of the egg which leads to the fail. (It takes 5 serama eggs to equal one regular size chicken egg! ) Chickens as Pets (diapers included) #htvideo Story: https://www.heraldtribune.com/news/20160415/if-you-have-a-chicken-as-a-pet-its-going-to-need-a-diaper One of them is serama chicken. You can also reduce the warmer tool of the stall gradually. But don’t forget to keep your serama chicken out of the stall when it is cleaning up. You already know that serama chicken care is not really difficult. Serama chicken care is a really important thing we need to notice either as a chicken breeder or chicken collector. My Serama chicken wears her diaper about 6 hours during the day, she has outside time without her diaper, and sleeps without a diaper at night. Serama Chicks Peeps Chickens My Broody hens are hatching. These 2 lovely seramas are about 3 months old. Works best on small chickens, pullets, and bantams. Serama chicken care – Why is serama chicken care is important? 3. Just a few cuts in the right places and you have a cute little chicken diaper. Unlike other breed standards, Seramas can have any colour combination. One chicken poops once every 30 minutes and that adds up to 45 pounds of crap a year to be exact! I keep all my chickens over 8 weeks of age outdoors in coops, sheds and runs.You could quite easily set up a nice area in a spare room for 3 or 4 Serama, using sawdust or sand in the bottom of their cage making it easy to clean up.Something like a large rodent cage would do for Serama as they are so small. It is quite common practise in some Eastern countries but they do limit the types they keep to the smallest like Serama. Each Diaper includes a Sewn in waterproof insert or a Removable waterproof insert , Extra Inserts available. The separation aims to avoid serama trampled by others with the bigger one. Chickens can be broken down into 5 different sizes: Extra small are like Serama chickens that are 3-5" from the neck to vent. If there are any questions as to sizing,Please don't hesitate to contact Danyle. The Sebright (IPA: / ˈ s iː b r aɪ t /) is a British breed of bantam chicken.It is a true bantam – a miniature bird with no corresponding large version – and is one of the oldest recorded British bantam breeds. Serama diaper (13 Results) Gift Guides Shop this gift guide Design ideas and inspiration Shop this gift guide ... Serama Bantam Chicken Giclée print of watercolor painting (fancy chicken, diamond, honor, whimsical animal illustration, pet portrait) BrooklynScout. This bittiest of birds is a relative newcomer to the poultry scene, having only been officially recognized for 50 years and only present in the U.S. since 2000. Valerie Chambers est sur Facebook. They accomplished that by hiding feed and treats in the mat so the chicken scratched at the mat as it thought it was going to get a tasty morsel.So they didn't succeed at all, they just manged to adapt the chickens natural behaviour to suit themselves and if you want to house train a chicken then this should be your aim.Chickens can be dirty, so I don't recommend having them indoors. Polish bantams are friendly, cuddly little chickens that have adorable pom-poms of feathers … Any animal that cannot control their poop should be outside. So no, it’s not a terribly good idea.Keeping a chicken in a bedroom is like keeping a dog in a small run. The Serama chicken, native to Malaysia, has a chest that is so puffed out, a head pulled so far backwards, and skinny legs, that it looks like it was either born with a push-up bra, or did the limbo and broke its back.But whatever you do, don’t say that to Serama lovers coz this avian is bred to look like that and breeders are very proud of their chickies. Chicken Diapers Our chicken diapers are not just for the fashion obsessed hen. The Serama is the result of the cross-breeding between Malaysian and Japanese Bantams. The existence of ornamental chicken breeders is not so many if we compare to the poultry farming business. Small are young chickens and bantams, like silkies and measure 5-7" from the neck to vent. The chicks are absolutely adorable, and there is a lot of color and variety in Seramas -- … or as much as 19.2 oz. Aug 8, 2017 - serama love, serama care and housing. People also usually call it Malaysian Serama. As the body size of the Serama varies vastly from A … We already mentioned above and now we are going to talk about serama chicken care. You can even buy little diapers for them when keeping them as indoor pets! The Serama originated in the State of Kelantan in Malaysia and the modern breed is contributed to the efforts of Wee Yean Een of Kelantan. Feb 16, 2016 - Find the perfect handmade gift, vintage & on-trend clothes, unique jewelry, and more… lots more. Therefore, you will not need extra power or time with that. As I am typing this I can hear my rooster’s crowing outside in their coop that is 50 feet away from the house! The lung of the keeper can be permanently damaged as a result.Also, chickens are loud! Chicken breeders in Indonesia are so many that we cannot count it one by one. You can purchase either mature birds or day old chicks depending on the price and availability in your area. About the color, serama chicken comes in various colors. 2. *For your information, it is also important to let serama chicks get out from the stall to get the sun when they reach 1,5 months or older than it. Ayam Cemani Chicken : 9 Interesting Information About Cemani Chicken That You Must Know, Program Sedekah Beras untuk Anak Yatim, Dhuafa dan Penghafal Al-Qur’an bersama hobiternak.com dan pantiasuhanalhakim.org, Serama Chicken Care: Discover What Chicken Breeders Or Collectors Of Serama Chicken Should Do To Take Care Of This Chicken. From shop LightUnicornDesigns. serama chicks. your own Pins on Pinterest Mar 4, 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Christina Martínez. Their body temperature is higher than ours and they produce a lot of humidity in confined quarters as a result. This article is not about training show birds which are often kept in cages in rooms indoors for a period of time to get them used to people, cages and being handled. 9 months old. A variety of colors and styles - please let us choose. Seramas are the smallest breed of chickens. If you have more than one type of chicken, you should separate Serama chicken with other types of chicken. seus próprios Pins no Pinterest. If serama chicken eggs are incubated in the incubator, let them there for 2 days until the quill already dry just after they hatch. Ruth began making chicken diapers in 2002 when she moved to the country and adopted a pair of orphaned chicks. But even then if weather permits they do best with some time outside while you watch them.Seriously, chickens produce a lot of poop and smells, as well as carrying disease. The poultry farming business aims to provide livestock farming to fulfill people’s daily consumption, while fancy chicken breeders aim to fulfill the need of fancy chicken collectors. Remember that the way of taking care your serama will determine serama chicken lifespan. Then, we can give pellet for life. 1. And that your landlord and neighbours are OK with it. This is the smallest breed of chicken in the world, with the weight less than 500 g. Serama chicken tall is only about 15-25 centimeters as the result of crossing Japanese bantams with Malaysian bantams. You will probably exactly need more time and more power to care this special chicken. They lay adorable peewee sized eggs and are excellent mothers. Chickens are prone to respiratory problems and infections and most household cleaners are toxic to them. Serama Chickens - Smallest Chicken in the World! One difficulty we often face is in the mating process. Give Coturnix a try! And by the vertical position of the feathers of its tail and its vertical wings that are practically in contact with the ground. It gives you the impression that they are standing to attention and to show how impressive they are. We should clean it regularly to avoid the illness. We put them in diapers because they poop indiscriminately, but we want them to share in our family life, and not always in the coop. Medium would be the standard size chickens measuring from 7-10" from the neck to vent. You can even buy little diapers for them when keeping them as indoor pets! As the body size of the Serama varies vastly from A to C class weights as does the egg size. They can make great companions while you are gardening or enjoying the morning or evening porch. Serama Trio for sale £50. Besides the easy way of feeding serama chicken, there are many people who love or collect serama chicken because of its adaptability. They will poo everywhere and do the most of it while they are sleeping and roosting.They poop a lot. This is a type of chicken which is so popular. Our diapers fit comfortably and allow you to enjoy your birds in the house or car without worry! See? You can use 10 watt or 25 watt. Thanks to a very sweet lady in Virginia who sewed these up for me...I no longer have to worry about chickie poo in my bakcyard with the boys!!! So, don’t go anywhere. The separation of serama chicken types. Links to other web sites may be provided as part of this listings. Serama has short leg and it makes difficult for male serama to penetrate the female serama. Show quality & pet. Do you know what it is? It is quite common practise in some Eastern countries but they do limit the types they keep to the smallest like Serama. This video shows you how to make a chicken diaper out of a sock. It aims to strength the bone and kill the bacterium in their quill. For chicks up to 16 weeks, we can give them starter or grower crumbles. They offer you and your home protection against the inevitable! As we know that we can feel the result of the production of this poultry farming business in our daily life. Chickens like to come in to the human coop occasionally and this often prompts the question, can I keep chickens indoors?Chickens need to be outside and have the sun on their backs and fresh air to breathe. Even though this article will mostly discover how to take care serama chicken, there will be more information about this chicken which is important to know. For further information, you can follow our fan page: hobi ternak or our Instagram: hobi_ternak. Learn how your comment data is processed. You can even buy little diapers for them when keeping them as indoor pets! Polish. Bibit Unggas | Ayam Hias | Telur Ayam Hias | Mesin Tetas | Buku Peternakan | Perlengkapan Ternak. Feb 13, 2010. Chickens are very curious & get bored easily. I do know some people who keep large fowl outside, but their Serama inside. Add to Cart. This article was updated on February 6, 2019. (It takes 5 serama eggs to equal one regular size chicken egg! ) We can't offer Serama chicks for sale, because they tend to hatch one to three days ahead of "normal" for a chicken, and they're so tiny. Call for availability.Call Only a few hens available now. This advert is located in and around Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood, Essex. The very smallest of the chicken breeds, Seramas can weigh as little as 6 ounces as adults (or even less!) I do not as a rule recommend keeping chickens inside as an indoor pet, Serama and other true bantams can kept indoors and in apartments because of their small stature and docile natures. But before we find the reason why breeding serama chicken can be beneficial, we had better know serama chicken itself first. It was first imported to the US by Jerry Schexnayder in 2000. Like the common type of chicken, this chicken can live for about 7 – 10 years. The colour does not breed true. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Chicken Diapers, Duck/Duckling/Goose Diapers, Dog/Cat Vest/Harnesses, Custom Made in USA, Chicken Diapers (Serama sizes to 2XL), Duck/Goose/Duckling Diapers, Dog or Cat Vests/Harnesses, Dog Panties, Belly Bands, ETC. The beginnings of the breed can be traced back to the 1600s. It is better to choose serama chickens which are ready for mating with good quality from its body, color, or their characters. Discover (and save!) This chicken is friendly, small but confident, and love to be with people. Chickens are very smart and need interesting things to keep them occupied. It is the smallest chicken breed in the world, weighting less than 500 grams. These chickens lay up to 160 bite-sized eggs each year. The Serama chicken, also known as the Malaysian Serama, is the smallest breed of chicken in the world, but what these tiny birds don’t have in size they make up for in character. GSN is a club promoting the breeding and characteristics of Malaysian Serama. The pullet, female, is all bright shiny black. If you are going to breed serama chicken or collect serama chicken as ornamental chicken, we hope this article can help you. Chicken Saddle. This chicken has unique characteristics that will attract you. I will have some more youngsters later on this summer.Since the When you are sure the chicks are strong enough, you can release the warmer tool. Native to Malaysia, Serama bantams are most easily identified by the small stature, vertical wings, and puffed-out chest. The Malaysian Serama bantam is the smallest breed of chicken in the world, weighing less than 500g. See more ideas about serama, serama chicken, chickens. Some people keep them as house pets and let them roam wearing chicken diapers! They are raised as pets and for show competions, not for meat or eggs! They are only 15-25 centimetres tall and are the result of crossing Japanese bantams with Malaysian bantams. The also have wings and tend to make a mess when they flap them. What we should pay attention is the cleanness of the stall. They are very upright little chicken with a small neat comb. Here are several things you should notice for serama chicken care to get optimal growth of serama chicken: 1. I think you should wait till your a little more settled & have outside space. Whether you are a fancy chicken collector or fancy chicken breeder, there is one type of chicken that you can choose to have. Both you and the chickens would end up sick.Chickens are also noisy, destructive and inquisitive. Apr 18, 2017 - The worlds smallest chickens with the biggest hearts ♥. They are only 15-25 centimetres tall and are the result of crossing Japanese bantams with Malaysian bantams. It also is best if they can access sunshine and have some outdoor time daily. You don’t need to feed them because the food supply from their body is enough. Soft fleece, easy to size chicken diapers with a pouch to catch poo with a sewn in liner. It was he who gave the name ‘Serama’ as a tribute to one of the Thai kings (King Rama). For example, we often buy chicken meat or chicken eggs on the market. Other Factors. They require about 1.5 square feet of space per bird. I do prefer to have all my chickens outside, with lots of room to spread their wings. See more ideas about serama chicken, serama, chickens. Below: Serama eggs differ wildly from bird to bird. Opinions range from it's fine to absolutely not. “I am all for Serama being kept as house pets. Any of it is acceptable. For bantams I would suggest 1 inch wide ð You can read more here: In the article below we will explain the different types of bantams, how to care for them, their egg laying ability and much more. Besides, the serama chicken competition now is frequently conducted in some big cities. First of all, you have to purchase very good quality, healthy, active and disease free birds for starting your Serama chicken farming business. Price $10.00. Wee Yean Een had a fascination for chickens and in particular Bantams since from an early age. The breed is also known as Ayam Serama and Malaysian Serama. Baby - $11 USD Plus Postage Baby Serama 8 to 12 weeks. Too much grain will cause your serama to be fat and sluggish. Exact measurements are not needed because the diaper is made to be versitile. Do you really have that much space to devote in your room? Serama’s are a true bantam (they have no large counterpart) and are the smallest breed of chicken in the World. They hate it and prefer to be in small groups of their own kind doing chickeny type things outdoors.So by all means let them come into your house if you want to but do not try to keep them permanently indoors.A chicken also needs sunlight to get the nutrients they need to lay healthy eggs. That said, they make a wonderful home hatching project. Their breast or chest is high and pushed upwards with the wings which are almost touching the ground. This range of years is quite enough for you to keep serama chicken as your pet. We can be reached at mobile +60129020416 (Ram) +60123600881 (Zan) (Dinend) +60146443434 The price is 25£ for one chicken. Some of them mostly keep it to join a contest. We know that serama is so small. ! They will root through your flower beds and everything they can get into and make much mess.Below: I have some experience of this.Your neighbours would also campaign to get you evicted and possibly prosecuted. It might seem crazy, but once you snuggled a silky, played piano with a serama, or danced with a rooster, you will understand why you might need a diaper for your chicken. Type and weight are the two most important factors in the Standard. The mature birds are generally sold at a very high price in the market. I do not as a rule recommend keeping chickens inside as an indoor pet, Serama and other true bantams can kept indoors and in apartments because of their small stature and docile natures.
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