The curve drawn between velocity and frequency of photon in vacuum will be a. The velocity of photons is proportional to (where υ = frequency) (1996) (a) 1 /√υ (b) υ (c) υ (d) √υ. Chemistry. Ch. NCERT P Bahadur … 9. It emits a photon in the direction of its motion and changes its state to a lower state m. Photon of frequency `v` has a momentum associated with it . Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. ii) The photon has an absolute speed of light velocity in the radial direction, and an absolute velocity perpendicular to that velocity. Solution: The relation ship between velocity, frequency and wave length of a wave is given by the formula v = \(\upsilon\) × λ Here, velocity, v = 343.4 ms-1 frequency \(\upsilon\) = ? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If a photon has velocity c and frequency v, then which of the following represents its wavelength? We think you can answer. c = 299792458 m/s. 64. If `c` is the velocity of light , the momentum is. Chemistry. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. A photon of frequency v has a momentum associated with it. AIPMT 1996: If a photon has velocity c and frequency upsilon, then which of the following represents its wavelength? Momentum of photon of frequency v, p = hv/c. But there are those who insist that the answer is Infinity and conclude that the Photon requires an infinite amount of energy to reach the velocity of light if the Photon has mass. A redshift interpreted this way correlates to a decrease in photon velocity. If `c` is the velocity of light, the momentum is: Photon of frequency `v` has a momentum associated with it. Cloudflare Ray ID: 62114943db310c25 (a) hv/c2 (b) hv (c) hc/E (d) hv/c. A photon has velocity and frequency v write the expression for wavelength of n such photons - 6913155 (7) The equation quickly reveals that for any calculation of velocity (v) = (c) the answer is an irrational number. Photon of frequency v has a momentum associated with it. 65. A monkey of mass m kg slides down a light rope attached to a fixed spring balance, with an acceleration a. Reason: Momemtum of photon is due to its energy and hence its equi. For all electromagnetic waves (in a vacuum) the velocity = c, the speed of light. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. In De Broglie formalism, massive particles have a phase velocity given by V = c^2/v, where v is the particle velocity and c the velocity of light. Explanation: Options missing in question, they are given below. AIIMS 2009: Assertion: A photon has no rest mass, yet it carries definite momentum. We can update the computer model for the decelerating photon to calculate a new frequency from its decreased speed. If c is the velocity of light, the momentum is . Energy of photon having wavelength is 2 eV. Here's your answer. iii) If the photon collides with a target traveling at a relative velocity toward or away, the energy associated with that relative velocity will be perceived as a higher or lower frequency (energy) photon. 1 Answer. NEET Physics Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter questions & solutions with PDF and difficulty level Photon of frequency v has a momentum associated with it. The phase velocity v φ p is not the same for all the Fourier components, some of them propagate more quickly and some more slowly. If c is the velocity of light, the momentum is 801 points Super Administrator. and wavelength, λ= 1.7 × 10-2 m So, putting these values in the above formula, we get : The wavelength of photon is proportional to (where v = frequency). A photon of frequency v has a momentum associated with it. 6 - Estimate the binding energy of electrons in... Ch. Because photons have no mass, all of the momentum of a photon actually comes from its energy and frequency as described by the Planck-Einstein relation E=hf. i.e., is the De-broglie wavelength of the electron. Consider a photon that has a velocity vector in a two-dimensional XY plane, and that the photon is viewed in a frame K and a frame K′ which is moving with a velocity V relative to K. In the limit V<
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