Can I splice an additional 240V line (~15') to the existing one? Report. I am rearranging the laundry area and the dryer is going to end up pushed into a corner. Discussion Starter • #1 • Dec 5, 2011. Most houses, unless VERY old, have 220 volt run to the panel. I could run a new line (~100') back to the breaker, but obviously it is much easier to splice. Each of the hot legs acts alternately as the hot and neutral as the electricity changes direction 60 times a second. I have a dryer that I need to move 15 feet. 99 A 220-volt circuit doesn't need a neutral wire. If your dryer is connected to a 30 amp double pole breaker, you need #10 SJ cord. Usually when you have to buy or replace your dryer cord you buy the extension that has to be wired onto the dryer and then plugs into your wall outlet which is already a 220v. Is there a junction box solution that I can use to wire new cable from the exisiing dryer spot to the new ... 220V wiring need to extend Report. HiCustomer I have never seen a 220 volt cord pre-made and available for purchase. Nema 10-30P Dryer Splitter Extension Cord, Nema 10-30P 30-AMP Male Plug to (2) 10-30R Female Receptacle, 3-Prong Dyer Y Split Adapter Cable 1.0Meter 4.8 out of 5 stars 24 $59.99 $ 59 . 10FT 3 Prong Dryer Extension Cord,NEMA 10-30 Extension Cord,10-30P to 10-30R 10-AWG STW Heavy Duty Cord,30A 125V/250V 7500W UL Listed 4.9 out of 5 stars 14 $65.99 $ 65 . I am moving the existing dryer outlet farther away within the room. Also, not sure if you are talking justt adding a 220V circuit, or bringing 220 to a … I have a 3hp 220 tablesaw running on a separate 30amp breaker. Just not sure about properly connecting everything. That's not to say they don't exist, but I've never seen one. I need to run a 220V/30amp line from a 200amp brkr-box to the utility room. 99 Half the breakers run off 110V on one side of the 220, the other half on the other 110V side, and both use the common neutral. However, the neutral wire is needed if a 220-volt appliance has features that run on 110-volt power, such as a clock or a light. The junction box of the splice will be accessible for maintenance. Can I in effect put a splitter on that outlet and run a 16,000 btu window air conditioning unit on that same line. Will there be any issues with future inspections when/if I sell the home? Some powerful appliances require extra juice, so they need 220 volt lines and outlets, which draw electricity from 220 volt electric panels. I have alot of 110v experiance & very little 220v experiance. Hey and good day.. (I realize one mistake will cause devorce, major damage to new $1200 dryer and new home.) – ThreePhaseEel Feb 8 '17 at 2:48 @ThreephaseEel in other words a 30A dryer with #10 wire, fed by a 60A breaker, using listed extension cord is permitted? 117 Posts . Please briefly explain why you feel this question should be reported . If your dryer plug is 4 prong, you need 4 conductor cord. The dryer power cord is assumed to be protected by being applied within the dryer's Listing as per 240.5(B)(1). However, you can make one fairly easily. I've bought the correct breaker, 30amp-wire, and plug box (for dryer). Question.
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