But we don't really see politics as how the site is going to grow". Monthly traffic to the site grew steadily from about 2.8 million unique visitors in April 2014 to 10.7 million unique visitors in January 2016. [23] With the reorganization creating the Walt Disney Direct-to-Consumer and International segment in March 2018, ABC News Digital and Live Streaming (websites, ABC News Live and FiveThirtyEight) was transferred to the new segment. These include some subscription services, and others from websites that are direct competitors of this one. Silver pointed out that conflicts with the police caused the sharpest increases in news coverage of the protests[538 64] and assessed the geography of the protests by analyzing news reports of the size and location of events across the United States. Biden's Response To The Pandemic. Silver identified Cohen as "my news assistant". Silver also commented on the fact that the 538 ratings had contributed to Markos Moulitsas's decision to end Daily Kos's use of Research 2000 as its pollster. The name "Fivey" is a reference to the website's name, FiveThirtyEight. A substantial percentage of the articles focused on Senatorial races: the runoff in Georgia, won by Saxby Chambliss; recounts of votes in Alaska (won by Mark Begich), and Minnesota (Al Franken vs. Galen Druke Host and producer of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast New York City Metropolitan Area. Why other writers played only a limited role in FiveThirtyEight/NYT was explained in February 2011 in an article in. Fivey Fox is colored orange, white and beige with comically sized black glasses and has white colored sock-like paws. The blog would be listed under the "Politics" tab of the News section of the Times. [538 4] On Election Day, November 4, 2008, the site had nearly 5 million page views. [47] In contrast, individual pollsters were less successful. [38] FiveThirtyEight would thus be subject to and benefit from editing and technical production by the Times, while FiveThirtyEight would be responsible for creating the content. The Debate and the Graphs", "Grading New York Restaurants: What's in an 'A'? These included a monthly update on the prospects for turnover in the Senate; federal economic policies; Congressional support for legislation; public support for health care reform, global warming legislation and LGBT rights; elections around the world; marijuana legalization; and numerous other topics. [38][39] Under terms of the agreement, Silver would also write monthly articles for the print version of both the newspaper and the Sunday magazine. What Will The Republican Party Do About The Extremists In Its Ranks? The website, which takes its name from the number of electors in the United States electoral college,[538 1] was founded on March 7, 2008, as a polling aggregation website with a blog created by analyst Nate Silver. The site and its founder are best known for election forecasts, including the 2012 presidential election in which FiveThirtyEight correctly predicted the vote winner of all 50 states. This approach helped to stabilize his projections, because if there were few if any polls in a given state, the state forecast was largely determined by the 538 regression estimate. While under the ownership of ESPN in 2016, FiveThirtyEight won the Data Journalism Website of the Year award from the Global Editors Network. [538 58], In addition, FiveThirtyEight sometimes turned its attention to other topics, such as the economics of blogging,[538 59] the financial ratings by Standard & Poors,[538 60] economists' tendency to underpredict unemployment levels,[538 61] and the economic impact and media coverage of Hurricane Irene (2011). Although polls contained in these databases are ultimately a matter of the public record and clearly we feel as though we have every right to use them for research purposes, I don't know what rights we might have to re-publish their data in full". We’ve heard it over and over: Democratic candidates win cities. In 2008, Rasmussen Reports had an apparently short-term partnership with FiveThirtyEight in order to include this unique methodology for generating poll averages in their "Balance of Power Calculator". See more. His work has been heard on NPR, WNYC, FiveThirtyEight, On The Media, CBC, Wisconsin Public Radio, and the University of Cambridge's ELECTION. [22] ABC News Live streaming channel was launched on Roku in May 2019. [53] The site produced articles under 5 headings: politics, economics, science and health, (cultural) life, and sports. [538 44] All columns from the original FiveThirtyEight were also archived for public access. Cohen provided a periodic "Reads and Reactions" column in which he summarized Silver's articles for the previous couple of weeks, as well as reactions to them in the media and other blogs, and suggested some additional readings related to the subject of Silver's columns. In those three contests the forecast had favored Biden, but they were carried by Trump. Reed Galen is an independent political strategist and co-founder of The Lincoln Project. Hullman also said of the design that the introduction of the mascot, in conjunction with the new simplified look of the page, was perhaps "perhaps the strongest indicator that Silver intends to emphasize uncertainty" in his coverage of the 2020 election. Confidence Interval: Will Marijuana Be Legal Everywhere In The U.S. By 2024. For example, Rasmussen Reports "missed on six of its nine swing-state polls". [538 70] About two weeks later, the forecast showed the Republican chances of holding the majority down to 55 percent. See full bio ». By Galen Druke, Nate Silver and Perry Bacon Jr. By Galen Druke, Nate Silver, Perry Bacon Jr. and Anna Maria Barry-Jester. Mr. Sides is also the founder of the blog The Monkey Cage,[43] which was named the 2010 Blog of the Year by The Week magazine". Integral definition, of, relating to, or belonging as a part of the whole; constituent or component: integral parts. Galen Druke is FiveThirtyEight’s podcast producer and reporter. FiveThirtyEight has won numerous awards. Just better. This model, too, relied in part on demographic information but mainly involved a complex method of aggregating polling results. [538 66], On the morning of November 6, Election Day, Silver's model gave President Obama a 90.9% chance of winning a majority of the electoral votes. Well, it's here [citing his June 6 article], in an article that contains 4,807 words and 18 footnotes. Their forecast showed Democrats winning Senate races in North Carolina and Maine, which Republicans ended up winning. [5], Since the 2008 election, the site has published articles—typically creating or analyzing statistical information—on a wide variety of topics in current politics and political news. The core data employed were polls, which FiveThirtyEight aggregated for each state (while also considering national polls) using essentially the same method it had employed since 2008. [21], FiveThirtyEight launched its ESPN webpage on March 17, 2014. rankings in NCAA college football,[45] the NBA,[538 54][538 55][538 56] and Major League Baseball matters ranging from the 2011 attendance at the New York Mets' Citi Field[538 57] to the historic 2011 collapse of the Boston Red Sox. His work has been heard on NPR, WNYC, FiveThirtyEight, On The Media, CBC, Wisconsin Public Radio, and the University of Cambridge's ELECTION. [57], As early as June 2015, FiveThirtyEight argued that Donald Trump "isn't a real candidate. The two top vote-getters for each of the two remaining seats representing Zones 3 and 6 will compete in the Dec. 1 runoff elections. Special procedures were developed relying on both polls and demographic analysis. Galen Druke, a producer and reporter for FiveThirtyEight, traveled to Wisconsin, North Carolina, Arizona, and California interviewing professionals, politicians, civilians, and those affected by gerrymandering in their state. [64] The website also kept track of the accumulation of national party convention delegates. During the presidential primaries and general election of 2008 the site compiled polling data through a unique methodology derived from Silver's experience in sabermetrics to "balance out the polls with comparative demographic data". FiveThirtyEight, sometimes rendered as 538, is an American website that focuses on opinion poll analysis, politics, economics, and sports blogging. When Silver started FiveThirtyEight in early March 2008, he published under the name Poblano, the same name that he had used since November 2007 when he began publishing a diary on the political blog Daily Kos. Although Silver put a "toss-up" tag on the presidential election in Florida, his interactive electoral map on the website painted the state light blue and stated that there was a 50.3% probability that Obama would win a plurality of the state's votes. In August 2010, the blog became a licensed feature of The New York Times online and renamed FiveThirtyEight: Nate Silver's Political Calculus. The website, which takes its name from the number of electors in the United States electoral college, was founded on March 7, 2008, as a polling aggregation website with a blog created by analyst Nate Silver. [538 43]. The site will return to its original URL, www.FiveThirtyEight.com. [538 47][c], Beginning in 2011, one writer who emerged as a regular contributor was Micah Cohen. "[63], FiveThirtyEight's predictions for each state primary, both for the Republican and the Democratic party nominations, were based on statistical analysis, not on the analyst's opinions. FiveThirtyEight, June 15, 2016, David Fi David Wsrestone, "We Won Some Prizes,", Walt Disney Direct-to-Consumer & International, Walt Disney Direct-to-Consumer and International, Iranian presidential election in June 2009, United Kingdom general election scheduled for May 6, International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Statewide opinion polling for the United States presidential election, 2008, "FiveThirtyEight.com WHOIS, DNS, & Domain Info – DomainTools", "Nate Silver joins ESPN in multifaceted role", "Where We Were on June 16, 2004--and What It Means for Nov. 4, 2008", "Making His Pitches: Nate Silver, an all-star in the world of baseball stats, may be the political arena's next big draw", "Baseball Analyst Draws Fans by Crunching Election Numbers", "Rasmussen Reports to Partner with FiveThirtyEight.com", "Today's Polls: The Bounce hits the Badger State – The Plank", "Finding Fame With a Prescient Call for Obama", "The New York Times Will Incorporate the Blog FiveThirtyEight into the Politics Section of NYTimes.com", "Times to Host Blog on Politics and Polls", "Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight Blog Is to Join ESPN Staff", "Nate Silver – Renowned Statistician, Author and Founder of FiveThirtyEight – Joins ESPN in Multi-Faceted Role", "Nate Silver Interview: The New FiveThirtyEight – NYMag", "ABC News Takes Over Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight", "ABC Launches New 24/7 Online News Network 'ABC News Live' Exclusively on Roku Channel", "Disney Reorganizes Divisions, Creates Dedicated Direct-to-Consumer Streaming Unit", "Case study: The FiveThirtyEight.com Predictive Model of the 2008 Presidential Election", "Polling Firm's Reprimand Rattles News Media", "Polling Controversy Raises Questions of Disclosure", "Statistics wizard from Winchester makes a splash in Iran election - The Boston Globe", "Baseball nerd who predicted Obama's win foresees Labour meltdown", "Where's the Transparency in Pollster Ratings? Much like Grantland, which ESPN launched in 2011, the site will retain an independent brand sensibility and editorial point-of-view, while interfacing with other websites in the ESPN and Disney families. [538 39][32], Silver responded on 538: "Where's the transparency? [41] However, of the seven listed writers, only three of them had published on 538/New York Times by late December 2010: Silver, Renard Sexton and Hale Stewart. Politics Podcast: What Could The GOP's Future Look Like? Greig retitled Motivation Radio prior to recording. In the 2016 primaries, the projections also took into account endorsements. Unlike virtually every other forecast we publish at FiveThirtyEight – including the primary and caucus projections I just mentioned – our early estimates of Trump's chances weren't based on a statistical model. [538 36] In the end, Silver's projections were off the mark, particularly compared with those of some other organizations, and Silver wrote a post mortem on his blog. This is what allowed him to beat all the pollsters in his forecasts in the Democratic primaries in North Carolina and Indiana, for example. Galen Druke discusses that question with pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson and writers Ramesh Ponnuru and Henry Olsen, who have all spent their careers in Republican politics and conservative thought. Politics Podcast: Would Voters Abandon The GOP For A 'Patriot Party'? He previously worked for President George W. Bush, Senator John McCain and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. [538 28] Following a number of preview posts in January[538 29] and February,[538 30] Renard Sexton examined subjects such as the UK polling industry[538 31][538 32][538 33] and the 'surge' of the third-party Liberal Democrats,[538 34] while Silver, Sexton and Dan Berman[b] developed a seat projection model. A large number of states remain competitive, and Democrats could easily retain the Senate". Despite correctly forecasting Biden to win nationally, they overestimated Biden's margins in some battleground states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and underestimated Trump's margins in states such as Ohio, Iowa and Texas. In the final update of his presidential forecast model at midday of November 4, 2008, Silver projected a popular vote victory by 6.1 percentage points for Barack Obama and electoral vote totals of 349 (based on a probabilistic projection) or 353 (based on fixed projections of each state). [19] In its announcement of its acquisition of FiveThirtyEight, ESPN reported that "Silver will serve as the editor-in-chief of the site and will build a team of journalists, editors, analysts and contributors in the coming months. "[12] Silver relied on demographic data and on the history of voting in other states during the 2008 Democratic primary elections. ", "How We Designed The Look Of Our 2020 Forecast", "America's Hottest Pollster Gives His Final Verdict as US Elections Reach Climax", "FiveThirtyEight Combines Polls, Reporting and Baseball", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=FiveThirtyEight&oldid=1002583921, Articles with dead external links from February 2016, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Articles with dead external links from September 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Opinion poll analysis, politics, economics, sports blog, In April 2009, Silver was named "Blogger of the Year" in the 6th Annual Opinion Awards of, June 2018: "The Atlas of Redistricting" was named "News App of the Year" by the Data Journalism Awards sponsored by the, This page was last edited on 25 January 2021, at 03:19. As for why the complete 538 polling database had not been released publicly, Silver responded: "The principal reason is because I don't know that I'm legally entitled to do so. [36] In addition to updating his pollster ratings, he published an updated methodological report. [24], One unique aspect of the site is Silver's efforts to rank pollsters by accuracy, weight their polls accordingly, and then supplement those polls with his own electoral projections based on demographics and prior voting patterns. It's also here [referring to another article], in the form of Pollster Scorecards, a feature which we'll continue to roll out over the coming weeks for each of the major polling firms, and which will explain in some detail how we arrive at the particular rating that we did for each one". [538 11] On February 4, 2009, he became the first blogger to join the White House press corps. [48], An independent analysis of Silver's state-by-state projections, assessing whether the percentages of votes that the candidates actually received fell within the "margin of error" of Silver's forecasts, found that "48 out of 50 states actually fell within his margin of error, giving him a success rate of 96%. Galen Druke is a podcast producer and reporter at ABC News's FiveThirtyEight. "[75], Fivey Fox would also issue reminders to readers of "the potential for extreme outcomes" according to Jessica Hullman, in a piece written for The Hill. FiveThirtyEight launched its ESPN-affiliated stage on March 17, 2014. In Alaska, after a protracted counting of ballots, on November 19 Republican incumbent Ted Stevens conceded the seat to Democrat Mark Begich, an outcome that Silver had forecast on election day. [538 15][538 16] He developed a list of 2010 Senate races in which he made monthly updates of predicted party turnover. At base Silver's method is similar to other analysts' approaches to taking advantage of the multiple polls that are conducted within each state: he averaged the polling results. Every detail of how the pollster ratings are calculated is explained. [9][10] From that primary election day, which included contests in 24 states plus American Samoa, Poblano predicted that Barack Obama would come away with 859 delegates, and Hillary Clinton 829; in the final contests, Obama won 847 delegates and Clinton 834. Articles tagged Galen Druke (1) Nicholas Quah August 22, 2017. [34] He noted that in the case of Research 2000 there were some discrepancies between what Silver reported and what the pollster itself reported. Question over transparency in pollster ratings. [14] At the same time, FiveThirtyEight's daily "Today's Polls" column began to be mirrored on "The Plank," a blog published by The New Republic.
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