Recommend next steps with confidence. Raise the carousel cover until the green lever magnetizes itself to the inside of the analyzer. Quick Reference Guide. Using the Catalyst Total T4 Test. 0000156573 00000 n 0000005329 00000 n On the IDEXX VetLab Station Home screen, select the patient from the Recent Test Results list and tap Add Test. %%EOF Installing the Catalyst Dx Analyzer The Catalyst Dx analyzer works in conjunction with the IDEXX VetLab Station. Maintain continuity of care. Select the patient and sample type on your Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyser. Recommend next steps with confidence. Download the quick reference guide 0000404996 00000 n 0000001736 00000 n Close the sample drawer and press the Start button on the analyser. 0 6. trailer 4. 1. Catalyst One Chemistry Analyser Unprecedented clinical insight in one sample run during the patient visit In one run with one sample, get chemistry and electrolyte results in only 8 minutes, total T 4 in as little as 15 minutes. Tap the quality control lot number you are using and tap Run QC. Quick Reference Guide. }` ��& For runs containing more than 18 slides, load the SDMA or TT4 slide(s) in the first 18 slides (if running with electrolyte slides, load the electrolyte slides first). 0000123471 00000 n 0000067380 00000 n User Guide. For more information about the slide order for other chemistries, see … 31 0 obj <> endobj Operator's Guide. Quick Reference Guide. Operator's Guide. Sample Preparation Poster. Enter the sample information on the IDEXX VetLab Station. Using the Catalyst Total T 4 Test. Sample Preparation Poster. Load the slide, sample, and reagent. Load-and-go workflow delivers a result in approximately 15 minutes. 0000210301 00000 n 0000005218 00000 n Sample Preparation Poster. a. Using the Catalyst CRP Test. 0000003863 00000 n Dilution Protocol. Using the Catalyst Lithium Heparin Whole Blood Separator. 0000002167 00000 n Total T4 Testing Guide. Total T 4 Testing Guide. 0000416681 00000 n Quick Reference Guide. Download the quick reference guide Load the reagent and tap Run on the analyser. Close the sample drawer and press the Start button on the analyser. Tap Maintenance, tap Clean, and follow these on-screen instructions. 4. If you have a Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyser, the only slides you can’t run the Catalyst SDMA Test with are phenobarbital, total T 4, and CRP. 0000006481 00000 n 0000176793 00000 n 0000004468 00000 n \�?�6'J���OG���A��V��� =�e��&���ג�AU �䣇�8V�4&�:��e��vL+���F�D�� ��� F������&��OB[���=�Vk�/n�c�@a�h����XqˀbЊ x�B�X{����RIrrc|�K%?���� For example, you could run a Catalyst Lyte 4 CLIP, a Catalyst Chem 17 CLIP, a Catalyst Total T 4 Test, and a Catalyst SDMA Test with one patient sample. 0000332677 00000 n Using the Catalyst CRP Test. 1. Using the Catalyst CRP Test. xref 0000452805 00000 n 0000438915 00000 n Catalyst One: When running SDMA with other chemistry slides, the SDMA slide can be loaded in any order. Close the sample drawer and press the Start button on the analyser. Total T 4 Testing Guide. 0000022688 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� <]/Prev 1002043>> Resources. 0000004651 00000 n 0000115262 00000 n Using the Catalyst Total T 4 Test. User Guide. Select the patient and sample type on your Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyser. Using the Catalyst Total T4 Test. 0000336394 00000 n Comparable range to IDEXX Reference Laboratories (1.0-180.0 µmol/L). Total T4 Testing Guide. Catalyst Bile Acids Reference laboratory accuracy and comparable range Test with ease, convenience, and efficiency. Operator's Guide. What is the run time for Catalyst Bile Acids? ), and then progesterone with additional slides on top. Load the slide, sample, and reagent. Quick Reference Guide. User Guide. Tap the quality control lot number you are using and tap Run QC. 0000242823 00000 n User Guide. 0000439829 00000 n Using the Catalyst … Operator's Guide. Load the slide, sample, and reagent. 0000433775 00000 n 0000051274 00000 n h�bbd```b``� ��`v�d�"��$;����3@��:��M�2��$+X�])� a�� $% @l� (Time to results varies endstream endobj startxref Follow the on-screen instructions for loading the Tap the Catalyst One icon on the IDEXX VetLab Station Home screen. The Instruments screen displays. Access Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyser manuals, quick reference guides, sample preparation posters and more. Quick Reference Guide. The analyzer should be placed on a level surface with a minimum of 2 inches (5 cm) between the back of Running progesterone on a Catalyst One Chemistry Analyser. 87 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<90846F6699D5394491AE923AF3C39352><33957BD0B4222B4997AA1DBF38702FEB>]/Index[31 76]/Info 30 0 R/Length 225/Prev 1022135/Root 32 0 R/Size 107/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Operator's Guide. Load the slide, sample, and reagent. Enter the patient information on the IDEXX VetLab* Station. Enter the sample information on the IDEXX VetLab Station. Using the Catalyst … Select the patient and sample type on your Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyser. 0000059044 00000 n 0000129732 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n c. Remove the carousel. 0000005591 00000 n 0000436345 00000 n 3. Quick Reference Guide. Order tests & supplies Learn more about ordering directly from IDEXX and order your in-house tests and supplies today. Using the Catalyst Total T4 Test. On the Select Instruments screen, tap the Catalyst icon and then tap Append Results. Catalyst Progesterone Quick Reference Guide. b. iiӴ�#���фR� �9l#��Ǝ�B���Z0Ԡaq�6��Ϣ�kԥV��oq��\��o�֝O'0�-�8��M�[��s����{17-���S�j�Ym�5�y��8Sa 0000156536 00000 n 0 Tap Quality Control. 0000284731 00000 n Enter the sample information on the IDEXX VetLab Station. 0000078116 00000 n For Catalyst Dx runs containing more than 18 slides, load the CRP slide within the first 18 slides. Dilution Protocol. Sample Preparation Poster. For Catalyst Dx runs containing more than 18 slides, progesterone must be loaded within the Sample Preparation Poster. Recommended load order is Lyte 4 CLIP, chemistry CLIP (e.g., Chem 17, Chem 10, etc. 1. 3. If you have a Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyser, the only slides you can’t run the Catalyst SDMA Test with are phenobarbital, total T 4, and CRP. Load the slide, sample, and reagent. Catalyst Progesterone Quick Reference Guide At the end of the run, identify the result type (preprandial, postprandial, other) on the IDEXX VetLab Station. Using the Catalyst CRP Test. Close the sample drawer and press the Start button on the analyzer. 0000367035 00000 n Running progesterone on a Catalyst One Chemistry Analyser. To Install the Catalyst Dx Analyzer 1. Enter the sample information on the IDEXX VetLab Station. Quick Reference Guide. Catalyst Dx: If there are 18 slides or fewer in the run, the progesterone slide can be loaded in any order. 95 0 obj <>stream Select the applicable Sample Type. Tap Instruments on the IDEXX VetLab Station Home screen. For example, you could run a Catalyst Lyte 4 CLIP, a Catalyst Chem 17 CLIP, a Catalyst Total T 4 Test, and a Catalyst SDMA Test with one patient sample. 0000130000 00000 n 0000051840 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� Catalyst One Chemistry Analyser Unprecedented clinical insight in one sample run during the patient visit In one run with one sample, get chemistry and electrolyte results in only 8 minutes, total T 4 in as little as 15 minutes. IDEXX Bile Acids Algorithm 0000472103 00000 n SDMA Test Algorithm. 4. Download the quick reference guide Load your sample and the progesterone slide. Comparable range to IDEXX Reference Laboratories (1.0-180.0 µmol/L). 0000095235 00000 n Tap the Catalyst Dx tab. 0000029801 00000 n 0000044844 00000 n 0000361989 00000 n When running with other slides, should the SDMA test be loaded in a particular order? You can load the slides in any order when running SDMA on the Catalyst One Chemistry Analyzer or with 18 or fewer slides on the Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyzer. Quick Reference Guide. Sample Preparation Poster. Operator's Guide. Sample Preparation Poster. Catalyst SDMA Test and Total T 4 Kit Quick Refrence Guide. 2. Catalyst SDMA Test and Total T4 Kit Quick Reference Guide Running progesterone on a Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyser. Catalyst CRP Diagnostic Guidelines. Catalyst Bile Acids results are available in approximately 15 minutes. Catalyst SDMA Test and Total T 4 Kit Quick Refrence Guide. Maintain continuity of care. Sample Preparation Poster. h�b``d``�����>E����X��,S��10tBDYl������������ �!�� m��`�&1�����~�YH�a�ɓ^�X+�-���Aₚ�����-���g3���X�X03E�r��\�j�˹�d/�U�k^�����^�&O�|���5u���y�AJgL�O�Z%�e،p�(�x�5 �ğ ��2� Dilution Protocol. 0000006992 00000 n 0000086231 00000 n 2. 0000122993 00000 n Before you unpack the analyzer, choose an optimum location for the instrument. IDEXX SNAPshot Dx* Analyzer Quick Reference Guide Running a Patient Sample 1. 24 72 5. 5. 0000115529 00000 n 0000206819 00000 n Running Dilutions on your Catalyst One Analyzer. 0000375983 00000 n SDMA Test Algorithm. 0000174219 00000 n Close the sample drawer and press the Start button on the analyser. Tap Quality Control. Using the Catalyst Total T4 Test. At the end of the run, identify the result type (preprandial, postprandial, other) on the IDEXX VetLab Station. 0000005105 00000 n �0N��Y�kRo�{�E��+):�4Oq2. Catalyst Dx: If there are 18 slides or fewer in the run, the SDMA … Sample Preparation Poster. Catalyst One - Quick Reference Guide. Total T 4 Testing Guide. Using the Catalyst Total T 4 Test SDMA Test Algorithm. 0000003403 00000 n Close the sample drawer and press the Start button on the analyser. 0000475585 00000 n Total T 4 Testing Guide. h�ėmo�H���~Lu�y_fߤ*��� I��r9���&�@��5��fֆ`��I+Uֲ����x������y� � l^0 �y�4�'ŜP�sR0��N���2o�0��PS�gRY�*J������H�7�)'�p�6�f��f�_G���}K�Eu��|y�N�^��?yt�����8`"vX��Ϣ� -�E�Y�Y��{�vX�e]�Ao���NN�|��$V�\N�e>�9�O�Y����O�M^�ˇ��d�5{ ��iv�ӌW�����z��aV20x"��^�x��7�%��G�Y%w,��Φ�M� :���nw�=>Ɔ):A�%a�,�˧G�����靗�;zU���L2�� \�wY�N�����I�;:>'���\f���j�hh\��G�2��ם��4c���f��3%�����/�����‡�EF"��i_ Total 4 Testing Guide. %%EOF IDEXX VetLab Quality Control and Maintenance Log. Dilution Protocol. 0000094713 00000 n Open the side door on your analyzer. Operator's Guide. Load the slide, sample, and reagent. Operator's Guide. 0000094449 00000 n Sample Preparation Poster. Quality Control Log Version 1.0 (10.15) Quality Control Log Version 1.0 (10.14) Quality Control Log Version 1.0 (10.13) Catalyst CRP Test Diagnostic Guidelines. Tap Instruments on the IDEXX VetLab Station Home screen. 2. 2. 0000389518 00000 n Total T 4 Testing Guide. 0000052313 00000 n ; Results available during the veterinary patient visit for improved pet owner understanding and compliance. 0000501255 00000 n 0000052495 00000 n Catalyst … Running progesterone on a Catalyst One Chemistry Analyser. Download the quick reference guide Using the Catalyst Total T 4 Test. Dilution Protocol. Total T4 Testing Guide. The Instruments screen displays. Tap the QC information in the Pending list on the Catalyst Dx Home screen and then tap Load. 0000415821 00000 n Operator's Guide. Operator's Guide. Using the Catalyst Total T 4 Test. 0000006222 00000 n Catalyst Dx Chemistry Analyzer: SDMA can be run with all chemistry/electrolyte slides and/or CLIPs except phenobarbital, total T4, and CRP. Tap the Catalyst Dx tab. �`6��� ���f/��A$����� 6/�F0ɒ"��H..ɲDZ�E�@zKe�zg��o8��� X ?�����o�)`7hy�ĵA$�Q���S��)��&[YD���B� �d��R}&F�6��iN�g` endstream endobj 32 0 obj <>>> endobj 33 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 792.0 612.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 34 0 obj <>stream Catalyst CRP White Paper. �iڏ7���q]����Ѷ�h4��ꚸ�.>�F~�m���:�g�Y�����eQ�n��j36�����ZB(x�/����P�yhkR�\^_NT�B�Q6���F�I���pC-L�|��8����u00m����ĎQ�0,�F�&���7am�&M�1 Using the Catalyst Lithium Heparin Whole Blood Separator. Using the Catalyst … Catalyst Dx: If there are 18 slides or fewer in the run, the CRP slide can be loaded in any order. Select the SNAP* Test Type. Tap the QC information in the Pending list on the Catalyst Dx … Using the Catalyst Total T 4 Test. Enter the sample information on the IDEXX VetLab Station. 0000246305 00000 n Total T 4 Testing Guide. 24 0 obj <> endobj 3. Catalyst Dx: If there are 18 slides or fewer in the run, the SDMA or TT4slide(s) can be loaded in any order (if running with electrolyte slides, load the electrolyte slides first). 0000002056 00000 n Once the patient’s name appears in the Pending list on the SNAPshot Dx* Home screen, tap the patient’s name and then tap Select. 0000164033 00000 n 0000456029 00000 n 106 0 obj <>stream ), and then progesterone with Sample Preparation Poster. Select a product or service to access manuals, quick reference guides, training courses and more ... Hematology. Running progesterone on a Catalyst One Chemistry Analyser. Using the Catalyst Lithium Heparin Whole Blood Separator. 0000449581 00000 n Catalyst Progesterone White Paper. Recommended load order is Lyte 4 CLIP, chemistry CLIP (e.g., Chem 17, Chem 10, etc. Running Dilutions on your Catalyst One Analyzer. 0000394171 00000 n Dilution Protocol. Running Dilutions on your Catalyst One Analyzer. h�b``f``7g`c`�q����X؁������Ȁ�G�AQ��U'�M�h Q@u@ ��o{ H��X^�A�e=�r&�I�|�21�c�%g#wJz������O&A�-%�5O���ex���O��#��q���;%�3NH=�� �_})��RU�Һ�����8_�V�KH�&. Using the Catalyst Total T 4 Test. Catalyst Bile Acids Reference laboratory accuracy and comparable range Test with ease, convenience, and efficiency. 0000282156 00000 n Load-and-go workflow delivers a result in approximately 15 minutes. 0000130437 00000 n 0000456829 00000 n Catalyst Dx: If there are 18 slides or fewer in the run, the progesterone slide can be loaded in any order. Quick Reference Guide. Total T4 Testing Guide. ; Results available during the veterinary patient visit for improved pet owner understanding and compliance. 0000115825 00000 n Catalyst CRP Diagnostic Guidelines. 0000037328 00000 n 0000122717 00000 n d. Using an IDEXX-supported alcohol prep pad, wipe the startxref 0000014769 00000 n
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