An online video clips on Chinese cannibalism contains ... one human rights advocate recorded allegation of doctors eating dead fetus after performing abortions at Shenzhen hospitals. So the mother is really eating her baby's placenta, which fits with the established definition of cannibalism. Is eating human Placenta cannibalism? I can kind of see where they are coming from… except that the idea of eating the placenta for the sake of gaining the extra nutrients (it is extremely rich in nutrients) and passing them along to ones offspring is something that … Eating the placenta does not involve taking a human life. Given that the purpose of the placenta is to maintain the life of the baby, and is expelled after the baby is born, it seems most correct to refer to the placenta as belonging to the baby. Human placenta-eaters are a rare example of an animal eating part of itself on purpose "We did not find any documented historical accounts across cultures of … There is no similarity whatsoever between this and embryonic stem cell research. ... Cannibalism is the eating of human flesh. In other cultures, various rituals surround the placenta including burial and treating it as sacred or as another child with its own spirit. Eating placenta ‘borders on cannibalism’ Due to the lack of scientific evidence that placentophagy is beneficial for humans, many critics believe … In fact, he likens the act to cannibalism, asserting the placenta is actually a part of the newborn. Human placentophagy, or consumption of the placenta, is defined as "the ingestion of a human placenta postpartum, at any time, by any person, either in raw or altered (e.g., cooked, dried, steeped in liquid) form". Ok, so the eating human meat thread made me curious. To … The definition of cannibalism is: the eating of human flesh by a human being. Placenta, again, does not qualify. Is Eating Placenta Cannibalism, and What About God? The human placenta could be purchased in black markets in several parts of the World; some shady nurses/health workers managed to sell it to people who want it for charm/juju/voodoo or black magic and for consumption or medicinal uses as is it is used to cure some alignment in ancient traditional Chinese medicines. Somebody there claimed that eating the placenta after birth counts as cannibalism and would so be immoral. Warning people of an impending siege that will be so bad that people will resort to eating their own children, which is cannibalism, is not even remotely similar to voluntarily eating your own placenta because you think it has “nutrients” or whatever. Articles on human placentophagy are careful not to use that word, but does it even fit the accepted description? Some women eat it raw, but many women have a yuck-factor objection to eating raw bloody tissue. Cannibalism, by definition, is consumption of the flesh of someone or something that has been recently killed. So, is eating the human placenta an act of cannibalism? Eating the placenta is promoted by some modern New Age, holistic, and “natural-is-good” cultural beliefs. Starvation-Induced Cannibalism. Claim: Eating a human placenta is cannibalism. Flesh is defined as being muscle and fat; placenta is neither. The placenta is human flesh, and as such, should not be consumed.
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