American Rubber Plant. Rubber trees and plants vary in size and in shape. Toggle Nav Durable, eco-friendly, made in the USA. Ficus plants are a common houseplant, as they are easy to maintain. Numerous species of plants belong to the genus Ficus and contain irritating sap. Cindy says. These little cuties top out at 10 inches tall. Toxic to cats and dogs. Add beauty, style and design to indoors, courtyards, patios, verandas and in the garden with these Easy Care feature plants. Rubber Plant Care. The Baby Rubber Plant has waxy round leaves that provide that special sheen on a shape ideal for pretty much any … My Cart. Dogs that eat plants: some dogs chew on or eat all kinds of garden plants. The different types of rubber plants are similar in appearance. The baby rubber plant looks a bit like the toxic-to-pets-but-beloved-on-the-gram fiddle leaf fig. In cooler areas, it thrives as an indoor plant, growing to 2m+. The milky sap known as latex released by a damaged a rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is poisonous to cats.Plant latex contains several proteins which are intended to protect the plant from sustaining further damage by deterring the attacker, which in our case is a curious cat but could also be herbivores, insects or disease.. Scientific Name: Peperomia obtusifolia. Rubber plant leaves can collect dust so regularly gently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Rounding out our list of plants that are safe for cats and dogs is the prayer plant. My Pet Warehouse is an Australian based pet retailer that stocks a huge range of pet supplies and accessories online and in-store. Space became a premium and one of the first things to go was the giant Rubber Plant in the corner! The jade plant – also known as the rubber plant – is part of the Crassulaceae family, and all the plants in this family are poisonous to dogs. Like tomatoes, this edible plant is not edible for cats and dogs. But overall it’s non-toxic and one of the plants safe for dogs, when it’s compared to other festive plants like amaryllis. Air plants are dog friendly plants and non-toxic for cats as well. Reply. You can find a list of dangerous plants here. Malicious parts of the plant: The whole plant is poisonous, but especially the base of the leaf, stem, and bulbs. Are the plants to avoid dangerous to have in a home with a cat if it’s up where they can’t reach? This is a popular plant that can grow up to five feet tall indoors and more than six feet tall outdoors. Other Ways to Help: Become a Monthly Member; Fundraise with Team ASPCA; Join the Mobile Action Team; Share this page: Help the ASPCA Put a Stop to Animal Cruelty Donate. It is hardy grown outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11. Also Read: How to Save a Dying Air Plant. steph says. Watch for droopy leaves, which indicate a need for more water. But they’re safer (and much tinier)! Also, check out these flowering succulents. They fell out of fashion and became hard to find. Propagate a Rubber Tree Plant with Cuttings. Ficus elastica (more commonly known as a rubber plant, rubber tree or rubber tree plant) is a popular houseplant because of its waxy leaves and larger-than-life appearance. Rubber plants’ water needs vary according to season: In the growing season (summer), the plant should be kept moist. The poisonous sap of this plant affects the mucous membrane Paper plant (Fatsia Japonica) Both the leaves and stem are toxic, and cause vomiting and diarrhoea, as well as stomach, intestinal and respiratory problems. Propagating a rubber tree plant from cuttings starts with getting a good cutting. The Spruce / Kara Riley. The amount of the rubber plant that the dog ingests will be a key factor in determining how sick the dog becomes. Carnivorous plants make a fun and funky addition to a houseplant collection, but what happens when kitty wants to pounce on one of those traps when they snap shut? Rubber tree plants: The Japanese, Chinese, Indian and jade rubber plants are toxic to cats and dogs. The modern cultivars of rubber tree plant are the house cat version of the tiger, but a rubber tree is still not a plant to allow unfettered growth unless you live on acreage. Plants not only add colour, but many houseplants also have air-purifying properties. Rubber Plant. A number of plants are poisonous to pets. Best with protection outdoors; indoors grow in a bright area. It's best to opt for dog-friendly plants. Rubber plant’s (Ficus elastica) common name does not imply that it is pliable. Following ingestion, irritation of the mouth and gastrointestinal tract may occur. Chives . baby jade or dwarf rubber plant) is a great low-maintenance succulent, but it’s not so friendly to Fido, says Thomson. Plants that are safe for dogs. 5. Jade plant (also known as baby jade, dwarf rubber plant, jade tree, Chinese rubber plant, Japanese rubber plant or friendship tree) is toxic to both cats and dogs. Family: Pipericeae. Venus Fly Trap. Baby Rubber Plant (Peperomia) Note: The Baby Rubber Plant's larger cousin, the Rubber Tree (or Ficus benjamina), is actually toxic to dogs and cats. 11. Ficus plants have the unique characteristic of rubbery, glossy leaves and grow in a variety of shapes and sizes. Rubber plants are most easily identified by their shiny, glossy leaves. The drawback, though, is that some of the most popular houseplants are also toxic to pets and children. Hey everyone. Unfortunately for pet owners, rubber plant is toxic to dogs. Reply. In other words, are they only harmful if consumed? Around 30 years Rubber Plants were incredibly popular, but people started to live in more modern homes and apartments which tend to be smaller. Aloe vera, which has many positive medicinal uses for humans, can paradoxically be quite toxic if ingested by dogs. Severity: High. 5. One of the easiest ways to breathe some life into a room is with the addition of a plant or two. Dermal irritation is also possible if the sap gets on the pet’s skin. A staple of many mini planters, the jade plant (a.k.a. Indian rubber plant, common rubber tree, common fig, fiddle-leaved fig, fiddle-leaf fig. Identification of Rubber Plants. Its milky white sap contains latex, which was originally used to make rubber. They’re smaller and sometimes called “american rubber plant” or “baby rubber plant.” A toxic member of the ficus family is the Ficus benjamina, which can sometimes go by “Indian rubber plant.” It really looks nothing like a rubber tree at all. Ty for watching! Another quality plant from the Easy Care range. A plant that looks extraordinary in containers and glistens with style: the baby rubber plant is delicate, shiny and bright, yet low-maintenance. Some species of rubber plants are fine for cats and dogs. In extreme cases it can lead to a … Sadly, ZZ plants are toxic to dogs, cats, and people if ingested and can cause oral burning, swelling, irritation, vomiting, excessive drooling, and difficulty breathing. These can cause serious illness and even death in some cases. If you want to spruce up your home without the worry, consider these plants instead. Prayer Plant. This includes wiping the leaves with a damp cloth or even misting them. The ripened fruit is considered ok but the green parts of the plant contain solanine, toxic to dogs and cats. Adam-and-Eve (Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Wake Robin, Starch Root, Bobbins, Cuckoo Plant) | Scientific Names: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae About Us. The jade plant is also commonly called a rubber plant and is very toxic to dogs, causing gastric distress, heartbeat irregularities, and depression among other symptoms. 06 of 19. To keep rubber plants at a manageable size, or promote bushier growth, trim off the stem tips. Aloe Vera. Toxic Properties: Insoluble calcium oxalates; 04 of 09. Toxicity to pets. Rubber plants can grow up to 100 feet in their native homeland of Southeast Asia. Temperature: Average room temperatures of 60 - 75°F (15 - 24°C are fine. A large amount needs to be ingested to result in severe poisoning. Rubber tree plants can grow very tall and this means an indoor rubber tree occasionally needs to be pruned. Rubber Plants are determined to grow upwards, no matter what. Avoid lower than 55°F (12°C), sudden temperature drops and cold drafts. Also known as ribbon plant or airplane plant, the spider plant is non-toxic to cats and dogs and will tolerate a wide range of light, moisture, and soil conditions. Large intake causes convulsions, low blood pressure, tremors, and cardiac arrhythmia. According to the ASPCA, contact with the skin can cause dermatitis, while ingestion can cause oral irritation, salivation and vomiting. Is a Rubber Plant Poisonous to Children?. Consuming this plant causes vomiting, lethargy, abdominal pain, weakness, and depression. Light: A nice brightly lit spot is ideal, without direct sunlight. It’s therefore important to check the safety of any plants before giving your pets access to them. Due to the nature of their leaves, this plant is also called a rubber plant or rubber tree, and the genus Ficus has a variety of related plants and trees. 21. Search Our online store offers one of the largest selections of pet food in Australia, including veterinary and prescription lines. Christmas Catus. Toxins: Licorine and other alkaloids. The thick, egg-shaped leaves are succulent and dogs seem to find them tasty. As rubber plants grow quickly, they may need re-potting into a larger pot every few years. Additional Common Names: Pepper Face, Baby Rubber Plant. After pruning, don’t throw out those cuttings; instead, use them to propagate a rubber tree plant. Symptoms: Vomiting and diarrhea. Its ingestion can cause kidney failure in cats; it is also one of the toxic plants to dogs. If your dog does this, try to stop it, and quickly consider getting a copy of the book, Safe Sex in the Garden, as it has a very large, comprehensive listing of almost all common (and uncommon) garden plants that are poisonous to dogs (and children, too). If you think your pet has ingested a toxic plant, it may be a medical emergency. A pet safe relative to the Ficus elastica is Peperomia (below), which is safe for cats and dogs. So, having googled safe plants for cats & dogs, was delighted to find this comprehensive list. Here is 14 tips to help you care for a Rubber Plant. The Rubber Plant is easy to care for and can live many years. What to look for: Decreased appetite, depression, diarrhoea, drooling, skin irritation and vomiting. It might cause mild discomfort in the intestine if your pet ingests it. February 14, 2016 at 2:02 am. The rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is a tropical evergreen that has become popular as a houseplant thanks to its glossy, thick leaves and low care requirements. This one’s complicated. Non-Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs, Non-Toxic to Cats, Non-Toxic to Horses. The toxic property in this plant is unknown, but ingestion can cause vomiting, depression, ataxia (incoordination) and … Carlina Teteris / Getty Images. During the dormant season, your plant may only need water once or twice a month. Aloe vera: While aloe vera is considered a medicinal plant for humans, it has a mild to moderate level of toxicity for cats and dogs. While it’s not known exactly what substances make jade plants dangerous for dogs, exposure can cause mild GI distress and, in rare cases, lethargy, tremors, coordination issues, or an elevated heart rate. Avoid contact with the white sap, which can cause skin irritation.
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