Diego's Stand, THE WORLD, is almost identical to DIO's. Diego is also a Stand User like his original counterpart, but instead of Scary Monsters, he wields the mighty Stand THE WORLD. Jorge wonders how he ended up that way. ), (Aqua turtleneck with tan grid and light brown gloves. This alternate Diego can be inferred to have participated in the Steel Ball Run for the prize. Near Mackinaw City, Diego finds a dying Magent Magent and brings him back to civilization. Furious, Diego tries to kill Lucy instead but the head of the original Diego Brando flies towards him. Wounded, the horse slows down and Diego stays ahead of Gyro. However, Marlon Brando was initially against having Russo, who had never acted before, in the film. The climax of Diego's battle with Johnny takes place on a bridge, like DIO with Jotaro. Gyro repels the dinosaurs with the Spin and the duo takes refuge in the water. I can see the outcome. Diego obtains the Left Eye, along with the ability to turn into a dinosaur at will, and disappears into the night. Through actions more closely related to those occurring in Part 3, the second Diego also bears similarities to DIO. GAME OF THE WEEKEND: No. However, Johnny quickly works out the nature of its power thanks to his experience with Ringo Roadagain. His mother changed her surname to "Brando" and became employed by a farm, but she and Diego lived in poverty in the stables. The two understand that they both shot a Johnny Joestar and that the President's ability is involved. Heeding Funny Valentine's advice, Diego quickly goes to the Trinity Church and the vault under it to lock the Saint's Corpse inside. As a Mounted Fighter, The World Diego is able to switch between riding atop Silver Bullet or moving on-foot. Still, Diego's optimal route choice only widens the gap between them. The Diego Brando from a Parallel World (並行世界から来たディエゴ, Heikō Sekai kara Kita Diego) is a major antagonist, and the final antagonist featured in the seventh part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run, specifically in the "High Voltage" story arc.. Turning into a dinosaur, Diego and his horse leaps to the roof of the building and Diego observes from above. Mike O. asks Diego to uphold his end of the bargain and tell them what he knows about the traitor. Out of the water, Valkyrie shows he is exhausted but is still running behind. ), https://jojowiki.com/File:ScaryMonstersUsha.wav, ~How the Steel Ball Run Race Got Started~, Catch the Rainbow (On a Stormy Night...), Part 1, Catch the Rainbow (On a Stormy Night...), Part 2, The Land of Promises: Sugar Mountain, Part 1, The Land of Promises: Sugar Mountain, Part 3, https://jojowiki.com/index.php?title=Diego_Brando&oldid=537815. Diego leaps at Gyro and pins him. Time is mine and mine alone! In a demonstration of power, Diego is almost wounded by Sandman's ability, but it is his wristwatch that is damaged instead. ), https://jojowiki.com/File:DiegoTheWorldMuda.wav, https://jojowiki.com/File:ParallelWorldDiegoTimeisMine.wav, https://jojowiki.com/index.php?title=Diego_Brando_(Parallel_World)&oldid=544684. Valentine lets Diego be blown apart slowly but Diego then sends his dinosaurs to look for Johnny. hat 714270? Give me Manhattan Island! Valentine thus seeks another Diego Brando in a parallel world. He thus hides Diego with him when he comes back to the base world and confronts Johnny alone. Valentine comes back, hitting Hot Pants from a drawer and knocks her onto the ground, allowing two other Valentines to appear. Somehow, Valentine decimates the dinosaurs and Diego, to gain Wekapipo's trust before it is too late, tells him that he too shot Johnny. The line that brings this world into my hands! Diego has the same cries as DIO; his Stand cry is also "MUDA MUDA MUDA" and even screams "WRYYYYYYYY" upon his death, a cry formerly used for. Later on, Lucy Steel severs his head and uses it to kill the Diego Brando from a Parallel World. Diego tries to whip Valkyrie, but the horse takes the whip from him. Another year later, his young mother died of the tetanus infection, and Diego (at the time 6 years old) sensed that the infection was due to his mother's untreated injuries, forced by the worker who found them, and worsened as nobody in the farm came to support them. bandaid on face 3937? Seeing the next Devil's Palm on a nearby peak, Johnny and Gyro jump across a ravine. Although Valentine has all the pieces, Diego is still alive and plans on killing Valentine for good. Of few or no scruples, the second Diego is crueler than the first, prepared as he is to kill Johnny in inventively violent ways such as by throwing knives, like DIO, or using matches to burn him alive. Steel Ball Run (スティール・ボール・ラン Sutīru Bōru Ran?) Seeing that the fight is going towards a dangerous mutual kill, Hot Pants sprays her mouth on the ground and calls for a truce. Still, Diego sneakily spits a gastrolith and makes it rebound into Valkyrie's leg. The baby found itself floating in the middle of a flooding river, passing right by his mother. Confused, Diego smells the President and realizes that what has happened is because of Valentine's ability. Valentine somehow reemerges from Diego's back and attacks. This universe's Johnny reappears and shoots Valentine. Although he works with different factions during the course of the race, Diego is only loyal to himself. Diego started a career as a stable boy and jockey. I will stand above that flock of pigeons and I will control them!Diego Brando Diego "Dio" Brando is the secondary antagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run. Diego decides to sneakily turn the fleas on his horse into dinosaurs and sics them at Valkyrie's eye, disturbing the horse. Resigned, Diego reveals that the traitor is likely a woman weighing 51 kg. Stop! Similarly to the original Diego, his name is sometimes spelled in English as "Dio" with only a capital "D". They defeated Josuke Higashikata 8 and Narciso Anasui in the first round, but were eliminated by Bruno Bucciarati and Trish Una in the second. Speedwagon and Ermes Costello in the first round, but eliminated by Mariah and Esidisi in the second. bandaid 21004? JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険, JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken) is an ongoing manga series created by Araki Hirohiko. If anybody gets in my way, I’ll put them through humiliation worse than getting stew in their shoes! The World Diego has an unconventional standard set of abilities: Instead of a Homing Dash that all other characters have and used to charge forward, Diego summons THE WORLD at mid-range to take opponents by surprise and knock them down with a chop; In place of a Powerful Attack, Diego summons THE WORLD to throw five knives forward in a fanning fashion; In place of a Takedown Attack, an unblockable strike used against guarding opponents, Diego pulls out a revolver and fires a singular, high-damaging shot that also deals massive damage to guard (an opponent's guard will break using only two bullets). Valentine reveals everything to this Diego and asks him to take the Saint's Corpse because he at least respects Diego's ambition. Diego is a young man of below-average height and slim to medium build. He smells coffee and asks for a cup, which Johnny reluctantly offers. Diego directly confronts Valentine in a close-quarters fight and declares that he won't be making the same mistakes as before and instead cuts Valentine open. Diego doesn't approach Gyro or Johnny again during the second stage but ends up in the first place. His surname, "Brando", means Sword in Italian. [3], Another Diego Brando's render in Eyes of Heaven, Diego astride Silver Bullet render, Eyes of Heaven, Diego pulling out knives during his DHA, EoH, Diego performing a pose with THE WORLD during his DHA, EoH, Dio takes Diego's body for himself in JORGE JOESTAR. Diego decides that his best chance to stay ahead is to confront the President and assassinate him, thus he follows him into the streets. Diego Brando from Another World (並行世界から来たディエゴ, Heikō Sekai kara Kita Diego), also referred to as Alternate Diego Brando, or just Alternate Diego, is the final antagonist featured in Steel Ball Run.. WRYYYYYY! Johnny shoots the wall and uses the debris to shield himself and shoots a nail in the direction of Diego. The original universe Dio Brando, who is now just a head after his battle with Kars, goes on top of Diego's back. However, Gyro then applies the Spin to Valkyrie's hind legs, empowering the steps into a sudden leap forward. Nonetheless, Diego finishes the stage at the 54th place and intends on getting his revenge. To assassinate your boss, that is. On his end, Diego ambitions to use the Corpse to control and get revenge on mankind. To counter this kinetic vision, Gyro hides his second Steel Ball in a can, making it fly at Diego from point-blank range. Diego and his mother also survived the flood and were washed away until they reached a farm and were found by a worker. Dio is canonically bisexual. The true enemy, Valentine's Subordinate, Dr. Ferdinand, appears riding a raptor. Meanwhile, Diego uses his "5 seconds" to create a pincer move: he fires a gun from the front while THE WORLD attacks Johnny's back. (. Stay in the back. Diego arrives at the second place in Union Beach and quickly boards a boat to New York. The third stage begins with a run across the Rocky Mountains. Diego is the first to cross the finish line and wins the Steel Ball Run. Johnny seemingly misses his shot when his nail hits the bridge itself. Diego is assailed by an unknown person and is incapacitated. And I will overcome that test and kill him without fail. At one point in his childhood, he worked in the Joestar Family's British ranch, being scouted as a potential talent and being allowed to work there. To turn the situation around, Johnny leaves his Corpse Part behind to turn into a dinosaur and knock the Eyes near Gyro, turning him back into a human. His mother worked another month with her injured hands. Gyro loses his Steel Balls trying to attack Dot Han and in saving Johnny. The duo hide in a sewer. Instead, Diego's mother had a portion of scalding stew served in her palms: she sacrificed her hands in order to feed her son. This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 10:55. In Kansas City, Diego calls for a meeting with Funny Valentine in an alley, and Valentine sends one of his men to meet the jockey, observing from a nearby roof. The remaining Valentine tries to jump through a window and Diego goes in for the kill. He is referred to as "Dio" instead of Diego. Directed by Sidney J. Furie. Diego and Sandman send in a horde of dinosaurs with flaming and cutting sounds to harass them, forcing them to fall into the river banks. It is a powerful, humanoid Stand capable of stopping time for ~5 seconds. It’s a win-win situation! Superclásico histórico: Boca y River definirán por primera vez el campeonato femenino profesional - LA NACION 1boy 791000? A fight ensues and Diego whips Gyro out of the house with his tail. Come evening, Diego is seen eating small rocks and justifies it as using a special technique to facilitate digestion. Mike O. is skeptical that such a person would be able to ride in the storm in Kansas City but Diego insists on the weight before he leaves. Also, as a Stand User, Diego is one of many characters with wildly varied abilities that grant him uniqueness in battle. When Diego was five, the man that had found them and arranged the mother's employment demanded sexual favors from her. Though Diego, either version, is not physically present in All Star Battle, some of his alternate's lines are present and fully voiced in the final part of Steel Ball Run's STORY MODE. However, Diego's dinosaur senses allow him to better analyze the situation and he notably sees that Gyro's horse will not be able to gallop to the end in the current conditions. —Diego Brando’s last words, SBR Chapter 76 : (Cyan turtleneck with beige grid and light brown gloves. Diego Brando (ディエゴ・ブランドー, Diego Burandō), commonly referred to as Dio (ディオ), is a major antagonist featured in the seventh part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Steel Ball Run.. Diego Brando is a genius British jockey hailed as one of the best contenders in the Steel Ball Run race, but he soon shifts his attention to the Saint's Corpse. Wekapipo shoots and Diego avoids the attack. THE WORLD! Diego reluctantly accepts and they begin to follow Lucy's trail. 6 Tennessee was absolutely steamrolled by unranked Florida, Indiana pulled off a 81-69 upset over No. Gyro is now seriously challenging Diego. Worried, Diego realizes that he best not even touch Tusk ACT4. And now, I’ll teach you the meaning of the word “unrecoverable” with my racing! Diego must grab Wekapipo's gun and shoot him but Diego sees Wekapipo in the other corner of the building and realizes that he's shot Johnny Joestar. A few cougars and a few rattle snakes. Come, Johnny Joestar! And the owner of the farm! Diego steadily gains back his place at the front of the racers, using other riders as a windshield to ease the pressure on his horse, Silver Bullet. His original, beloved horse is named Silver Bullet. Since he was a child, Diego had a talent for relating to horses - even seemingly untameable ones would allow themselves to be handled by him. The World Diego interacts in a special manner with larger stage objects in that he can trap them with barb wire, which will paralyze opponents that get too close and leave them open to further attack. She explains that they use Lucy Steel's scent to trail the President and offers Diego everything that Valentine has while she takes the Saint's Corpse. Then, Gyro somehow manages to close the gap and trails Diego. Where am I going? glowing 52094? From one of his dinosaurs, Diego manages to listen to Wekapipo during the Neapolitan's battle with Magent Magent. bandages 13087? Dario left them to drown and would never be seen again, but despite the odds, it turned out that Diego had survived. è la settima serie del manga Le bizzarre avventure di JoJo di Hiroiko Araki, pubblicata su Ultra Jump dal 2004 al 2011. Tossing a pebble at Valentine, Diego confirms Valentine is vulnerable and leaps to attack but Valentine then takes a flag and covers himself with it, disappearing again. His plan is foiled when Jorge places Jonathan's head on top of the Saint's Corpse instead. Sensing bits of dinosaurs falling near him, Diego looks up and sees Valentine and his Stand Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap attacking him.
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