Tusk eventually lost his footing and fell. Robin survivied but barely. He Approves Of Nightwing and Starfire's Relationship. He was annoyed when Batman went out alone and even more annoyed upon finding out Nightwing was his babysitter. Damian reveals that he ask her to lead the shadows with him was not because he thought her as a great fighter but, he had feeling for Raven. "This article contains information that has not been verified. Talon appeared in a nearby alley and asked him to finish them off. He appears close to Raven, who also has family problems. He activated the device and met with Talon. Damian distressed and heartbroken over his grandfather’s death, showing his love for his relatives. [10], Though deeply shaken by the killing, Bruce reacted with compassion rather than anger. For Damian’s 13 th birthday his grandfather sent him an unexpected gift – a dead robin (Teen Titans: Rebirth #1). Robin ultimately spared Batman but ran off again. Just prior to succumbing to his injuries from Darkseid’s omega beams, Damian begged his father to save Raven from Darkseid, showing that he kept her in his final thoughts and cared for her safety most all. Raven was noticeably the only person who could calm Damian down when he expressed anger or frustration. By the time of Apokolips War, the two had become very close to one another, with their friendship eventually blossoming into mutual feelings for each other, though both were too shy to admit it. It took over a month for him to realise his fingers were tapping out sonatas, concertos, etudes, nocturnes, endless movements on invisible strings. Robin soon realized they were being followed by Batwoman. Damian Callinan, Actor: Backyard Ashes. Dick Grayson tried to reason with Wayne in private, but he realized that maybe he and Damian lacked what was required to be father and son. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category. As Batman fought the man with the gun, Robin climbed up the side and fought the driver. Damian Wayne, otherwise known to the world as Robin, the Boy Wonder, was the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Eventually, he would leave the movement and join the Batman Family as the vigilante called The Signal. Damian decides to stay on as Robin after everything is said and done, though he was ready to go with his mother when she asked him to. The blowback scorched his face. You can help DC Database by editing this page, providing additional information to bring this article to a higher standard of quality. The Court accepted Talon's choice of protege but asked Robin to reveal his secret identity as a pledge of loyalty. Even though in previous films the two spent almost all their interactions fighting and bickering, Damian was horrified and devastated when Nightwing was killed by a Paradoom. Robin launched from Beast Boy, as a vulture, and stabbed Superman in the ribs with Kryptonite. She took them to the ruins of the warehouse where she and Batman fought Heretic's gang over two weeks prior. Two years later, Superman, Raven, Constantine, and Etrigan came to one of the League's outpost where he ordered his Shadows to stop them from battling. He would not let that bastard hurt Damian again. DC Database is a FANDOM Movies Community. The carnage of the war also made him abandon his oath to never again take a life, once again being more than willing to kill his enemies. With the Titans' lives in the balance, Raven conceded and left with the Corruptors. Mara had been made leader of a group known as the Demon's Fist, which was originally supposed to be led by Damian but became hers when he chose to leave the League. Damian Wayne was born to the Daughter of the Demon, Talia al Ghul, using DNA from her one-time flame, Bruce Wayne. Talon then asked Robin what he would in turn sacrifice. Being swallowed by the roof, Robin yells at her for betraying them. Terra wakes as the Titans fight, becoming blinded by a blood-lust towards Slade for betraying her; she blocks Robin and Nightwing and tries crushing Slade. Later that night, he tried to sneak out again but the latest outgoing security system prevented him. Species ), Outlaw: Batboy is an outlaw now. Damian, due to being raised with a focus on martial ability, has little to no regard for social abilities. Batwing's battle with Firefly didn't go as well, either. Teen TitansLeague of Assassins (formerly)Bat-Family Even after Raven declined his offer and the two not seeing each other for two years, Damian bared no sense of betrayal towards her. He locked onto Wizard and set the plane on a collision course then ejected. This forced Damian to permanently restrain Dick in a strap-jacket and keep him locked up in a cell for the rest of his life, much to Damian’s sadness. Blue Beetle found him creepy but Raven detected sadness. Raven asked him to get away from her. "Ra's" pleaded for help but Robin beheaded him with his sword. [24] He was later unwillingly recruited by Damian to help him investigate a series of break-ins at LexCorp. Raven considers Robin's words. Damian and Raven sharing a passionate kiss, showing the true and strong love between them. All of them waved at the sleepy babe happy to see he clearly enjoyed his birthday. Beetle thought he hated them. He placed tracers on everyone 30 seconds after they first met. In his first appearance it is said that Damian is a little bit younger than was Bruce when he lost his parents, so he was probably 7 or 8 [1]. Disgusted with the "pure and perfect" Dick Grayson, Robin declared he was Wayne's son and nailed him with a low blow then knocked him down below onto the Batcomputer chair. - Life's full of questions, isn't it? Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne’s biological son with Talia Al Ghul, made a miscalculation and, as a result, Dick was killed. Talon introduced himself and invited Robin to follow him. 2 Takes Damian … Anonymous Suggestions. As the Dynamic Duo, they faced new threats such as Doctor Hurt, Professor Pyg and Flamingo.[3]. Bruce tried teaching Damian, still a cold-hearted assassin, about the sanctity of life, but had trouble relating with his son. [9] When Batman discovered their location, he beat Nobody mercilessly and came close to killing him, but stopped when he realized Damian was watching the fight. Once they got to the Tower, Nightwing asked him not to behead anyone and introduced him to Starfire. Bruce Wayne ordered Grayson and Damian to return to the city without so much as thanking everyone. Terra opens a path in the cliff and closes it behind them. This resulted in another argument and a short fight, before Alfred arrived. Batman arrived and was about to chase Talon but Robin challenged him and the two fought. He encouraged Robin's darker side and tried to take him as an apprentice. Cyborg and the Titans took a portal to Trigon's realm to retrieve it. Batman understood and told him about a monastery in the Himalayas that could be of help. Damian asked about the man he saw in her head. Modest as ever, Robin boasted he was more Batman than Grayson would ever be. Robin was in the dark. August 9 « » Log in or sign up.
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