it is a good feeling gun , had the thumb hole stock , but the gun is junk. Personally I wouldn’t fire more than 3-4 rounds with out cleaning in between to make sure no fouling is changing your grouping. When your done with ur hunt for the day do u shot off the load? Gonna try a 110gr by volume blackhorn 209, cci mag primers and 250gr sst. also i believe in “seasoning a barrel”. However, that was not a surprise, as very few guns will shoot great with all bullet weights or powders. All my rifles i own are long range tack drivers. If you are looking for a MZ that you can spec out to any state restrictions I think the Accura is the way to go. But I also appreciate—and love to hunt with—rifles and muzzleloaders from time to time. You can pull the breech plug, pour the powder out, and push the bullet out of the end of the barrel. Anyone out there shooting an accura with a consistent load? I got a CVA Accura at Gander Mountain last year. I'm sighted in with 150 grains of power this year (three pellets) and will be heading up late next week.Good Luck!Sent from my SM-A505U using Tapatalk. Corn fields are your friend. However, we did clean the barrel between each 3-shot group. Mike, Mike, my CVA MR takes 110gr black horn 209 with the powder adapter breech plug, 250 gr SST, CCI mag primers and its amazing out to 200 yds. Thanks for the reply brian. I have shot 12 deer in 4 years with this combo and they all dropped immediately except one that went 30 yds. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app, I really want to shot pellets and atay away Powder. They’ve got some good advice. At least that was the case until we laid eyes on the CVA Accura MR black nitride rifle at the 2014 SHOT Show in January. Since the bergara barrel seems to be more on par with a custom barrel such as pac-nor, douglas, etc, in being held to tight specs, I'm wondering what your most accurate saboted 250gr load is if you shoot an accura. I tried the original breech that came with it as it was for both pellets and powder but after reading on it I thought I should get the powder plug. Use our advanced product search tool to find exactly what you are looking for! With the black nitride Bergara barrel, it leaves nothing to be desired. Just ordered the cva accura MR today from There’s pros and cons for both. Cci primers, Mike, my CVA MR takes 110gr black horn 209 with the powder adapter breech plug, 250 gr SST, CCI mag primers and its amazing out to 200 yds. Simply pull the primer until the next huntSent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app. I tried pellets but when I went to powder from a recommendation it was a breeze to clean. Just lookin at ballistics online. And let me tell you, the CVA Accura V2 muzzleloader is a great option if you are looking to make a purchase.. Your load is what i been reading on lots of forumns. We have shot a lot of different muzzleloaders over the past fifty years, from the .58 caliber Zouaves to .50 caliber Hawkens. However, I am afraid that she is going to insist on using it for her blackbuck hunt. Again, it is something that we … Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app. Just stop by farms and ask them if they are having any problems with bears in their corn fields.Anyhow, I was talking with a PA game warden up by my camp last year. CVA begs to difer There’s a lot to be said for having the folks who design a product know what it’s like to use it in the field. The trigger pull on the Accura V2 was 2½ lbs out-of-the-box, very crisp with no creep. It was not as good with 300 grain bullets. I'm having serious trouble with blowback in the primer , breech plug. Using a TC clear powder volume measure. Both of us looked at the gun and imagined what it would be like to shoot. My favorite set up that I own. The same black nitride process is used by several automobile manufacturers to harden the moving parts in their engines, rings, pistons, etc. I search other forums online and got ideas, but some of u guys I know and trust, and maybe Ur loads will work withmy rifle. The results were very similar. 200-250 yds is doable. Both of us looked at the gun and imagined what it would be like to shoot. Hachimo, That gives me one week to select a load and get it sighted in. Join our newsletter! My friend has that rifle setup for Colorado, shoots lights out with Williams peep. I didnt change powder at all yet. Author Topic: CVA Accura MR range report (Read 230 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. If you get the idea that we are really impressed with this rifle, you are correct. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app, I would start with 90 grains and work your way up.... let your gun tell you what it likes...Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United, I also bear hunt the early season in Pennsylvania. A muzzleloader is typically a 150-yard-max gun, so I don’t need a long-barreled, bulky rifle. The primer is solid black and I have to pull it out with pliers. Before we get into how this rifle shoots, we would like to talk about the Bullet Guiding Muzzle. Using remington primers,110gr blackhorn 209 (with new breech plug), Hornady sst 300gr. We used a Sinclair tripod front rest and rear bag for stability to get the greatest possible accuracy. In fact, when used for rifle barrels, it is more corrosion resistant than chrome lining. They were out of stock with the powder plug but just found one online trou cabelas and had that 2 day shipping. Personally I wouldn’t fire more than 3-4 rounds with out cleaning in between to make sure no fouling is changing your grouping. CVA is to be commended for not ... Just stop by farms and ask them if they are having any problems … I made the switch to BH 209. I tried the original breech that came with it as it was for both pellets and powder but after reading on it I thought I should get the powder plug. Just ordered the cva accura MR today from Fired two primers to dry and loaded again. I have the cva accura v2 and I love it. All that remains is to see if it shoots like it handles. We were only able to conduct our tests with IMR White Hots and Hodgdon Triple7 pellets, as we had exhausted our supply of Blackhorn 209 and Alliant Black MZ powder. You can dicker at the stores and get your best deal. Looks like I gotta get that new breech plug to shoot powder. October 7, 2020 in Big / Small Game, So I’m new to muzzleloaders. Only issue. Biggest Selection CVA® Accura™ MR-X, LR-X & CVA® Accura™ V2 - .50 Cal Muzzleloaders with Bergara™ Barrels. We fired multiple three shot groups at 100 yards with each bullet listed below, letting the barrel cool between shoots. Ok so I'm trying this stuff out. At least that was the case until we laid eyes on the CVA Accura MR black nitride rifle at the 2014 SHOT Show in January. Best Prices, Expert Advice, Fast Shipping on all Muzzleloaders So taking off the scope is not an option. CVA Accura MR .50 Caliber Muzzleloader Rifle Stainless Steel Nitride/Max 1, ISM Md: PR3121SNM. I leave it loaded, take the primer out and leave it in my garage. 200-250 yds is doable. It was gettin dark so I left scope low and a little left justso I can see a group. He recommended loading up a pretty heavy load. I just started shooting Hornandy FTX .458 in 325 grain bullets in crush rib sabots with 100 grains of Blackhorn 209 through my new CVA Accura MR. Or keep to blackhorn209. Again, it is something that we took for granted as being really cool and an extra benefit on CVA rifles. This gun came with the scope and there is nothing wrong with it. 100 yds that thing is capable of being within an inch of each other or better. We have had the same problem with the ramrods of other muzzleloaders, so CVA was not alone. What do u guys think? Another cool feature of the Accura MR is the DuraSight One-Piece Rail Base/Ring System. With either White Hots or Triple7, it consistently shot tight groups. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United, Thanks buddy. It’s really up to you what you feel good about with powder or pellets if your getting good grouping with both. The ACCURA MR (Mountain Rifle) with its lightweight design (6.35 pounds) and shorter, more compact 25” barrel, is designed to be easier to carry and more maneuverable than our standard muzzleloaders – with a fit and ease of target acquisition that is reminiscent of a custom-made rifle. Scope is tight to the gun . Overall, the Accura MR is a near perfect tool for the muzzleloading season. The ACCURA MR sports all the features that have made CVA’s ACCURA V2 famous – a custom quality Bergara® Barrel, Quick Release Breech Plug (QRBP), Trigger Guard Actuated Breeching Action, matching Quake® Claw® Sling, premium SoftTouch stock with rubber grip panels, DuraSight® DEAD-ON™ one-piece scope mount and PalmSaver™ Ramrod. Copyright 2014 by Jim Clary and/or I have the Accura V2 and I shoot 95 grains of Black horn 209, CCI magnum primers, Hornady FTX 45 grain bullets and MMP sabots. Sure does. Accura MR .50 Caliber Muzzleloader Stainless Steel Nitride/Max 1, ISMThe ACCURA MR is CVA’s newest addition to the ACCURA family of premium muzzleloading rifles. Another feature we like on the Accura MR is the DuraSight One-Piece Rail Base/Ring System. Having shot CVA's on our last hunt, we kind of took for granted its benefit: no canting or deformation of the bullet as you load it into the barrel prior to using the ramrod. So my question here is how much powder by “weight” and “volume” do you use? Evrywhere i looked so far is on backorder. Three to six, no contest on that point.\ Good luck and have fun . The ACCURA MR is the newest addition to the ACCURA family, which are quickly becoming CVA’s most popular models of muzzleloaders. Only issue was it has not rifle sights. I can’t find anyone with nitride powder adapter breech plug. By the time i got it unboxed and everything together it was 6:00 and only had an hour before it got dark. CVA should be commended for not installing a lawyer trigger on their rifle. It does not absorb moisture. Nice set up Mike, make sure you follow the max for that like gambler mentioned. In our tests on the range with the Accura MR, Jim loaded and fired ten rounds, without swabbing and with no difficulty. I had no major complaints after testing out this firearm. Bought the powder from a local Bass pro. Once again, with the black nitride treated barrel, we did not have to swab between shots, only cleaning the barrel between each three shot group. CVA's Accura MR Black Nitride Rifle By Dr. Jim & Mary Clary, Associate Editors We have shot a lot of different muzzleloaders over the past fifty years, from the .58 caliber Zouaves to .50 caliber Hawkens.Add in the modern inline muzzleloaders and we have burned up a fair amount of powder. You won't regret it and will probably wind up using the Accura most of the time. This one feels like a 26-inch-barrel shotgun, and has all the features that make it a great gun for hunting. Hunted last year with the flintlock for the first time and with PA having the early muzzleloader bear season I gotta get out. They have since changed the design of the loading tips on all 2013 CVA models, so this should be no longer an issue. Ordered it through where I got the gun. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United, Nice set up Mike, make sure you follow the max for that like gambler mentioned. I’m sure the feeling of getting it out of the box throwing some rounds felt good. We adjusted it down to two pounds to match our target rifles. I think you’ll hit the barn at least lol. CVA's Accura MR Black Nitride Rifle By Dr. Jim & Mary Clary, Associate Editors We have shot a lot of different muzzleloaders over the past fifty years, from the .58 caliber Zouaves to .50 caliber Hawkens.Add in the modern inline muzzleloaders and we have burned up a fair amount of powder. However, on the range earlier this month we had the opportunity to load and fire several other brands of muzzleloaders (they shall remain nameless). It's easy! I was shooting sub 1 inch groups at 100 yards. I’ve got the short barrel with scope. There’s some experts on here as well. Hope that helps. Federal primers Winchester primers. Should i maybe buy a pack of white hotts and try shootin 3pellets bein I have 300gr sst’s? I think with the rest you’ll get tighter groups and not rushing. Our ACCURA … I’m mostly a bow guy. Can't get a group under a coffee can at 100 yards . The DuraSight mount make it very easy to mount a scope and is inherently more stable than standard mounts. I hunted with flintlock last year so no choice u gotta fire em off. Barnes Tmz, Barnes T ez , 290gr and 250gr . Great stuff. Yes my scope is tight and all that stuff . Two issues with this load is: 1 it has a pretty good kick.
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