I was hearing for the first time how far his cancer had progressed, so the jokes did not seem so funny. While he was in the middle of this kind of puzzle solving he was impossible to interrupt. Because many processors had to communicate simultaneously, many messages would contend for the same wires. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). That was the essence of Richard's charm. I actually had dinner with Richard Feynman once. Gravity is a model. "Not bad for amateurs.". Most of the team that built Darwin had already left for Dun & Bradstreet soon after Thinking Machines Corporation entered bankruptcy in 1994. He was excited by the results. In fact, he was always volunteering for it. We set up in an old mansion just outside of the city, and when Richard showed up we were still recovering from the shock of having the first few million dollars in the bank. This particle is a perfect ball bearing that can move at a single speed in one of six directions. He was skeptical about the idea, but whenever we met at a conference or I visited CalTech, we would stay up until the early hours of the morning discussing details of the planned machine. He is the son of physicist Richard P. Feynman, and the brother of Michelle Feynman. Box 25, Folder 16. The program wide area information server (WAIS), developed at Thinking Machines by Brewster Kahle, would later be influential in starting the Internet Archive and associated projects, including the Rosetta Project as part of Danny Hillis' Clock of the Long Now. Eventually he would either decide the problem was too hard (in which case he lost interest), or he would find a solution (in which case he spent the next day or two explaining it to anyone who listened). Now I don't have to explain to people that I work with a bunch of loonies. Instead, we planned to connect the processors in a 20-dimensional hypercube so that each processor would only need to talk to 20 others directly. "On the other hand, he is the only one who ever explained quantum mechanics to me as if I could understand it." I once asked a female engineer who had just been a victim of this if it bothered her. 4 JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS, VOL. In the 1960s, Feynman began thinking of writing an autobiography, and he began granting interviews to historians. "Hey, we got it right!" Feynman worked out the program for computing Hopfield's network on the Connection Machine in some detail. A new picture of the letter "A" will "remind" the memory of another "A" that it has seen previously. I remember often when we were both consulting for Thinking Machines in Boston, Feynman would say, “Let’s hide away and do some physics.” This was a typical scenario. (!!!) Il développa aussi les diagrammes de Feynman, un outil qui permet de conceptualiser et de faciliter le calcul des interactions entre particules dans l'espace-temps, notammen… The technical side of the project was definitely stretching our capacities. On the other hand, it delighted the listeners since they could walk away from it with a real understanding of the phenomenon and how it was connected to physical reality. Feynman's insistence on looking at the details helped us discover the potential of the machine for numerical computing and physical simulation. "Give me something real to do.". Hopfield had figured out how such a memory could be built from devices that were similar to biological neurons. The entire computation took less time than division. Discover Creative Tools . Richard worked at the company on and off for the next five years. Today 42(2), 78 (1989). There are many potential problems with cellular automata as a model of physical space and time; for example, finding a set of rules that obeys special relativity. Richard Phillips Feynman was born on May 11, 1918, in Queens, New York City, the son of Lucille née Phillips, a homemaker, and Melville Arthur Feynman, a sales manager, originally from Minsk in Belarus, in those days part of the Russian Empire; both were Ashkenazi Jews. "Don't say `reflected acoustic wave.' As it turned out, building a big computer is a good excuse to talk to people who are working on some of the most exciting problems in science. It did not matter if she was the cook, an engineer, or the president of the company. November 25, 2019. For example, the flow of sand is very similar to the flow of water or the flow of a pile of ball bearings. Using this approach, Richard decided we should pick an expert in each area of importance in the machine, such as software or packaging or electronics, to become the "group leader" in this area, analogous to the group leaders at Los Alamos. Yay! Nothing made him angrier than making something simple sound complicated. The part that he was proudest of was the subroutine for computing logarithms. The first program run on the machine in April of 1985 was Conway's game of Life. He always started by asking very basic questions like, "What is the simplest example?" I remember a conversation we had a year or so before his death, walking in the hills above Pasadena. "That sounds like a bunch of baloney," he said. Your Mind is a Pattern Matching Machine. In studying the router, he paid attention to the action of each individual gate and in writing a program he insisted on understanding the implementation of every instruction. Using this theory it is possible, in principle, to compute the values of measurable physical quantities, such as a proton's mass. By 1992, the company was losing money, and CEO Sheryl Handler was forced out. I think Feynman had a healthy respect for how our minds actually work — as opposed to how they might work if they were ideal reasoning machines. We decided to play it safe and ignore Feynman. The notion is that the "continuum" might, at its lowest levels, be discrete in both space and time, and that the laws of physics might simply be a macro-consequence of the average behavior of tiny cells. When we finally picked the name of the company, Thinking Machines Corporation, Richard was delighted. There he was instrumental in setting up some of the first plug-programmable tabulating machines for physical simulation. ", "Yeah," he sighed, "that bugs me sometimes too. Reprinted with permission from Phys. The algorithm fit especially well on the Connection Machine, since the small table of the logarithms of $1 + 2^{-k]$ could be shared by all the processors. Or, "Forget all that `local minima' stuff. see how we do it. Quantum chromodynamics is a theory of the internal workings of atomic particles such as protons. Just say there's a bubble caught in the crystal and you have to shake it out." In the early 1930s, when Feynman was at Far Rockaway High School, he assembled a set of handwritten notes based on a book called Calculus for the Practical Man. For two-dimensional problems there was a neat solution to the anisotropy problem since [Frisch, Hasslacher, Pomeau] had shown that a hexagonal lattice with a simple set of rules produced isotropic behavior at the macro scale. Now, 30 years after its invention, the Connection Machine has been acquired by the Museum of Modern Art, where it is currently on view as part of the exhibition Thinking Machines… Richard arrived in Boston the day after the company was incorporated. Box 25. Oracle later acquired Sun Microsystems, thus re-uniting much of Thinking Machines' intellectual property. It became profitable in 1989, in part because of its contracts from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). … ", The Long Now Foundation was established in 01996* to foster long-term thinking and responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years. Carl R. Feynman has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. Their son Carl was born in 1962, and their daughter Michelle was born in 1968. and Sheryl Handler[?] We all started planning additions to the hardware, such as support of floating point arithmetic that would make it possible for us to perform and display a variety of simulations in real time. OK, boss, what's my assignment?" I was trying to design a computer fast enough to solve commonsense reasoning problems. In May 1985, Thinking Machines became the third company to register a .com domain name (think.com). Either way, he was interested. The hardware portion of the company was purchased by Sun Microsystems, and TMC re-emerged as a small software company specializing in parallel software tools for commodity clusters and data mining software for its installed base and former competitors' parallel supercomputers. Later, when the memory is shown a new pattern it is able to recall a similar pattern that it has seen in the past. Not a formal dinner, certainly; this was a barbeque in the summer of '85 or '86 in Cambridge, at a house shared by his son Carl and some other folks who worked at Thinking Machines and Symbolics at the time. In this way he worked on problems in database searches, geophysical modeling, protein folding, analyzing images, and reading insurance forms. The last project that I worked on with Richard was in simulated evolution. Specifically, we could use one processor to simulate each cell and rules that were chosen to model something useful, like fluid dynamics.
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