Most Bergara muzzleloader barrels I’ve fired are capable of 2- to 3-inch accuracy with any load (very good for a muzzleloader despite what you may have read), but most Bergara-barreled CVAs can do even better if you experiment with various combinations of powder charges and bullets. Trigger: Fully adjustable with neutral gravity, and under a 3-pound pull, Sights: DuraSight DEAD ON one-piece scope mount, Stock options: ambidextrous standard or thumbhole stock available in combinations of black fiber, Realtree Max 1, Other features: Solid aluminum ramrod, extendable jag, soft recoil pad, Quake Claw sling. 100gr Blackhorn209, 300gr Powerbelt Aerolite, CCI 209 Magnum primers, 50 yards. The hinge snaps shut with little pressure. Its lightweight design at just 6.35 pounds and short, compact barrel will have appeal for quick target acquisition. The stock is made of solid material that will withstand tough handling and trying conditions. The one I use the most is a triumph, it has a 28 inch barrel. Is the standard stainless finish better than the Nitride coating? My new CVA Accura MR s shooting like a Walmart gun with a Tasco scope . Join other outdoor enthusiasts who already get great content delivered right to their inbox. Your hands hold tightly onto the gun without having to grip it hard, allowing the shooter to relax and squeeze the trigger. The composite design and coating make the stock completely weatherproof. The accuracy of the Accura V2 LR was excellent. Primers can be inserted and removed with a finger and thumb. The MR stands for Mountain Rifle, because it only weighs 6.35 pounds, and that’s a huge asset. The modern inline muzzleloader has changed drastically in the past 20 years. If you don't want to bring your iPad into the bathroom, we can send you a magazine subscription for free! At least that was the case until we laid eyes on the CVA Accura MR black nitride rifle at the 2014 SHOT Show in January. Deer or Elk Tongue Tacos, or Tacos de Lengua, Dried Morel Mushroom Steak Seasoning and Compound Butter, 10 Mistakes Adults Make When Hunting with Kids, North American Super Slam: 29 Big Game Animals You Need, What Your Rifle Says About You: Winchester Model 70, What Your Rifle Says About You: T/C Encore Pro Hunter. Just got this cva Accura mr and wanting everyone's opinions of what sabot, bullet is best to shoot from this make and model and also powder and primer recommendations for best accuracy. What I know is this: If this new nitride finish makes cleaning easier—which it does because it’s like a non-stick frying pan compared to a cast iron skillet—I’m all for it. Or, you can order the entire package from CVA for $750.40 (Accura LR, Konus Pro 275, and a heavy-duty carrying case), which is a very good deal. Cleaning only takes a couple minutes unless you’ve really put the gun to the test and fired dozens of rounds. Modern designs that accommodate magnum loads, new advancements in powder and bullets, and the ability to use telescopic sights can make shots out to 200 yards possible. The entire gun can be disassembled by removing just one screw, making a complete cleaning a breeze. The new CVA Paramount looks like … Use our advanced product search tool to find exactly what you are looking for! CVA Accura MR .50 Caliber Muzzleloader Rifle Stainless Steel Nitride/Max 1, ISM Md: PR3121SNM. At 200 yards, we obtained groups ranging from 1.75" to 2.25", with the average being just under 2 inches (center to center). The trigger is a standout, and anyone testing the quality of the trigger in a gun shop will know immediately that it’s a winner. An inline muzzleloader is simply a barrel, a stock to hold it, and a trigger system to fire it. I just started shooting Hornandy FTX .458 in 325 grain bullets in crush rib sabots with 100 grains of Blackhorn 209 through my new CVA Accura MR. A brass brush is recommended to clean fouling in the lands and grooves. I shoot at 200 yards practicing every year with it. The Nitride muzzleloader was very easy to load. For true long range muzzy accuracy you’ll want 40 or 45 caliber barrels and you’ll want to shoot full bore Bullets. I’ve got the short barrel with scope. It has an MSRP of $249.99, but can be found discounted on the internet for as little as $134.99. ©2021 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. The barrels also come with an external treatment to help prevent corrosion, ensuring easy maintenance. The region is well known as a reputable firearm-making community with centuries-old traditions. Being able to disassemble the gun and clean all components will mean the rifle will last a lifetime. A friend's dad is also shooting a CVA Accura … The Accura V2 is CVA's top-of-the-line muzzleloader (above the CVA Wolf and CVA Optima). it will be 4-5 inches low. I have taken 3 deer at 200 yards the most one ran was mayde 10 yards. 3 shots 250gr CVA Slick load sabots, 100gr Blackhorn209, cci 209m primers, @100 yards. CVA's top-end muzzleloader is improved by a rust preventative, cool-looking finish. Two issues with this load is: 1 it has a pretty good kick. For years Jeff Johnston has tested and evaluated firearms with the consumer—the hard working American who’s considering plunking down a paycheck for a new gun—in mind. Even after shooting an entire day on the range, the breech plug came out with no effort. CVA actively promotes its use of these barrels and offers a money-back guarantee for accuracy. The gun feels rugged and durable, with no loose parts. The Accura comes in blued or stainless, with retail prices starting at about $400 and running up to $600. I was disappointed with the huge drop I got from 150 to 200 yards, and will limit my shots to around 150 even with Nikon bdc recticle. The barrel is treated inside and out to ensure the entire length is resistant to weather and corrosion. I was shooting sub 1 inch groups at 100 yards. Swabbing works great for surface fouling, but complete care is required to ensure the barrel is spotless. But what makes the new Accura MR new and unique is its nitride finish. You May Also Like. The picture here of Chris Hodgdon answers that question. 1 Ground Ambush Tip: Break Up Your Silhouette, Muzzleloader Review: CVA ACCURA MR Nitride Mountain Rifle. Like all CVA-Bergara in-line muzzleloader barrels, these feature the popular turn-in-28 inches rate of rifling twist. This rifle will perform at yardages well beyond 200 yards, with some people shooting accurately at over 350 yards! Not this guy. Biggest Selection CVA® Accura™ MR-X, LR-X & CVA® Accura™ V2 - .50 Cal Muzzleloaders with Bergara™ Barrels. An ambidextrous check piece will permit both left- and right-handed shooters to use the same gun. Its line of ACCURA Mountain Rifles is extremely adaptable and easy to use in any hunting situation. CVA claims the new finish is slicker and therefore produces approximately 100 fps higher muzzle velocities than the standard MR rifle, but I am not sure about this claim yet. Accura MR Nitride with Black Stocks and Scope Mount. So I prefer an “action” type that merely makes loading, unloading and cleaning easier, and at this time the break-action does this best. Our groups at 100 yards ranged from 3/4" to 1.25" and averaged right at 1.0 inch (center to center). My Accura V2 loves them. Loads for CVA Accura Mountain Rifle Discussion in 'Muzzleloaders' started by muddhunter, Sep 14, 2017. February 12, 2021   |  Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, February 10, 2021   |  Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes. If the breech plug is not completely screwed back into the gun, the hinge won’t close — a valuable safety feature to ensure the gun is in proper working condition before it can be fired. The rifle did shoot well with a variety of powder options. Both of us looked at the gun and imagined what it would be like to shoot. Seeing how it gets dark at midnight during Saskatchewan’s June black bear season, I had much time to run my fingers over CVA’s new Accura MR Nitride muzzleloader—when what I really wanted was to caress the plush hide of a soon-to-be bear rug. The Quick-Release Breech Plug requires no tools and can be easily removed by hand. The Nitride has a 25-inch barrel with 1:28 twist rifling. Although it looks like a ceramic, baked-on coating like Cerakote and a handful of others, “ferritic nitrocarburation” is actually a chemical process that 1. turns the Accura’s 416 stainless steel a matte black color, and 2. hardens its outer layer to make it more impervious to rust. 172 yards ranged is the farthest I've ever shot a deer with it. The recoil is well managed, and with the built-in recoil pad, this gun could be used by anyone. Hunters and shooters looking for a new muzzleloader won’t be able to ignore the value of all the features and quality of the new ACCURA MR Nitride. This load was very accurate for me. Scope is tight to the gun . But I also appreciate—and love to hunt with—rifles and muzzleloaders from time to time. The trigger is exceptionally good and breaks clean with no creep. Bergara barrels are made of 416 grade stainless steel and have a history of being the base for accurate production barrels. The ACCURA MR (Mountain Rifle) with its lightweight design (6.35 pounds) and shorter, more compact 25” barrel, is designed to be easier to carry and more maneuverable than our standard muzzleloaders – with a fit and ease of target acquisition that is reminiscent of a custom-made rifle. Chris harvested this mule deer with his Accura - taking it down at 180 yards. By now, however, after sitting for 8 hours each day watching a week-old beaver bait deteriorate 15 yards in front of me, I’m a bona fide expert on deterioration. Ask muzzleloader hunters what their maximum range is and most will tell you 200 yards is pushing it. The rifle is easy to shoulder and, combined with the shorter 25-inch barrel, helps draw your eye down the barrel and quickly acquire the target. The Nitride takes things one step further with more corrosion resistance and shorter barrel. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app The ACCURA MR also includes a DuraSight Dead-On one-piece scope mount, meaning all you have to do is mount a scope and head for the range. I have 7 muzzys. CVA Accura V2 LR Velocity Test Range Day . Our test rifle shot very well at 100 yards with 100 grains of Pyrodex and PowerBelt bullets. The only question that remains is: How does the Accura V2 perform in the field on a hunt? Is the coating worth the extra money? From that position, the breech plug can be removed by hands in seconds, a wonderful feature for unloading the rifle if you do not wish to shoot it and scare all the bears in the woods after a fruitless sit. I dont play much with sabots due to them not being legal in Colorado so my of my loads are with Conicals. The ramrod fits into guides on the bottom of the barrel and is held securely in place. I see a small difference but in all honesty, my Wolf with 777 is as deadly. I sight it in 2" high at a 100 yds. Accura MR .50 Caliber Muzzleloader Stainless Steel Nitride/Max 1, ISMThe ACCURA MR is CVA’s newest addition to the ACCURA family of premium muzzleloading rifles. Last season, I hunted with the Accura V2, CVA’s most recent update to its popular line of modern muzzleloaders. Advancing over the original ACCURA and V2 models, CVA continues to improve the shooter-friendly features its rifles bring to market. Logged Connecticut Valley Arms (CVA) has been manufacturing muzzleloaders since 1971 and continues to develop models with features that hunters and shooters will embrace. It can be purchased with a straight stock or thumbhole option, which provides a unique appearance with a raised stock and extended grip. I’ve written several times that the Accura MR in .50-caliber is my top choice for a modern, inline muzzleloader, basically because to me it feels closer to a modern centerfire rifle than anything available right now. Manufacturers have strived to make front stuffers more reliable and easier to use. With 3 pellets and the 250 grain SSTs it actually was only .5" high at 50 with a 100 yard zero instead of 2" high like most charts said. That load has about a 12" drop at 200 and it falls off very quickly as you stretch your shot past 200 yds. Notably, the process is applied to every surface of all metal parts, so the inside of the barrel is also “nitrided.” And we all know, muzzleloader bores get fouled fast and lead to major accuracy loss, and so this is a significant addition to an already great rifle. It is rubber coated and eliminates the stress point in your hand when loading. That was the last three charges I had brought that day, and I haven't grouped it again. Don’t forget to cock and test the trigger, and you’ll know immediately how well it will shoot. I established a place in the community as a mortgage banker and met my lovely wife Lisa. The Accura has a great reputation among hunters for reliability, ease of use and exceptional accuracy. What makes the Accura MR special is its excellent, 3-pound trigger that sends a bullet down its fluted, 25-inch inch Bergara barrel. These pipes are made in Spain by CVA’s sister company, which also sells them to many other gun manufacturers that you’d probably know if only they didn’t have an agreement not to tell. CVA prides itself in developing better technologies to improve the entire muzzleloader experience, making loading a breeze and cleaning as quick and painless as possible. The receiver of the Accura has nicer lines, and a 27-inch fluted barrel adds to the appearance of the rifle. It is easy to clean, and a lightly oiled rag is all that’s required to touch up the treated barrel. CVA's new Accura MR Nitride Mountain Rifle features a nitride coating that makes it virtually impervious to rust, a crisp trigger, and light weight, making this accurate rifle one of this year’s top new hunting muzzleloaders. All you need for reloading in the field is the ramrod. The rifle has a modern look and feel. The shooter moves the bullet into battery, not an action. The barrel has a bullet guiding end, meaning there is no need for a bullet starter — you simply drop the bullet in the end of the barrel and it aligns to be guided down with the ramrod. In fact, the 250gr PowerBelt AeroLite is by far the most accurate muzzleloader bullet I’ve ever shot out of my CVA Wolf and CVA Optima. Every barrel CVA sells is still made in the Bergara factory. Like all CVA rifles, the Nitride was designed and assembled in Bergara, Spain. Truth be told, this is one of the best muzzleloader bullets for deer sized game within 200 yards. Last lear, I bought an Accura and started using 70gr (weighed) of BH209. The ACCURA MR is the newest addition to the ACCURA family, which are quickly becoming CVA’s most popular models of muzzleloaders. The short barrel makes the gun easy to maneuver in a blind or shoot in any direction from a treestand. But what makes the new Accura MR new and unique is its nitride finish. Not this guy. Certainly it’s not a long-range load, but again, the rotting beaver carcass was a mere 15 steps in front of me, and so I was not expecting a major poke. The sweet trigger is a major reason the rifle shoots accurately for anyone shooting the gun. After several shots and no cleaning at the range, a bullet could be loaded with minimal pressure. And as much as I hate to admit it, the black barrel and Realtree Max-1 camo just look cool together, and that alone is worth the extra $35 to me. CVA Accura LR - Konus scope 3x9x40 - 290 gr Barnes spitfire TMZ - 110 grains of BH209 - Fiocchi 209 magnum primers All can be 300 yard shooters, but the LR is designed for it. Our ACCURA … The threads can be quickly cleaned with a nylon brush to get deep into each groove. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments. 150gr American Pioneer Super Sticks, Winchester W209 primers, 245gr Powerbelts @ 100 yards. The CVA Accura V2 Long Range muzzleloader is the top of the line model from CVA and has been rated the best long-range muzzleloader from Accura LR boasts a 300-yard shooting capability by providing better velocity through its 30" Nitride-treated Bergara barrel. CVA's Accura MR Black Nitride Rifle By Dr. Jim & Mary Clary, Associate Editors We have shot a lot of different muzzleloaders over the past fifty years, from the .58 caliber Zouaves to .50 caliber Hawkens.Add in the modern inline muzzleloaders and we have burned up a fair amount of powder. Accura PR-- NONE are prepped, have only seen a few 4. Breech lube is applied to the threads to make insertion and removal a breeze. The MR stands for Mountain Rifle, because it only weighs 6.35 pounds, and that’s a huge asset. When it comes to guns, bullets and optics that actually work in the woods, JJ's Gun Blog is gospel. Accura MR-- some are, some aren't-- MINE already was so I installed a peep/globe combo and it was a PITA. The ACCURA is a break-open muzzleloader that operates with the hinge release lever built right into the trigger guard. In the Accura’s case, just press the flange on the rear of the trigger guard to open the action, revealing the flash hole where a No. Using Barnes 250g Spirfire tmz sabots and 90 gr BH 209 and 100 gr BH 209 . Load wise I use Harvester's 300 gr PT Gold, a Harvester Black crush rib sabot and Federal 209 A primer and 110 gr of BH 209. The new ACCURA MR Nitride is compact and easy to pack on any adventuresome hunt. Who wants a heavy rifle when you’re only going to shoot out to 200 yards anyway? Browse our extensive selection of firearms and accessories on There are a LOT of good shooting loads for the Accura. No other equipment or tools are required, making it easy to pack up a couple of speed loaders and head out. Not sure what it will be with your load, but with mine the drop is only supposed to be around 9" at 200 yards I believe--probably less if the trajectory stays flatter than the predicted numbers. It's a darn good shooting muzzy.
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