What do you think is better for him between Bloodstained Chivalry vs Glads? She rebels against ossified prejudices using her music and passionate singing. To really understand the huge impact that zhongli could have on your team we need to talk about his new mechanics and how to use him properly. As a physical damage carry, Razor … Genshin Impact Razor Build Guide. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! She is not the first Cryo healer, a title belonging to Qiqi, but she does bring some new things to the table. Artifacts are essential in this game and are really important. Not Diluc-level, but most likely the 2nd best Claymore character in the game. 0. Genshin Impact Razor guide: weapons, artifacts, and more by Sam "Initia1ise" Hapgood. I'm really curious about Xinyan and want C6 Razor. This is Dux. Learn about Razor's stats, strengths and weaknesses, best Artifacts build, and our rating of the character in this complete profile! Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. YOU GET ATK DMG, YOU GET ATK DMG, EVERYBODY GETS ATK DMG!!!!! Charged Attack. Also heralded as the "Conqueror of Demons" or "Vigilant Yaksha." Some of these showcases are truly astounding for the amount of sheer creativity and patience on display. Damn i wish i did the same thing when he was still available in the shop, i just rolled 10 times but only got fischl, i really hope to get this dude soon, he reminds me of demon anime characters if that makes sense and my current dps characters are all ranged and dont really do it for me, gonna hope for better luck in the future. Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes. Genshin Impact Characters List. Charged Attack. Overview. Complete guide to the Razor character from Genshin Impact. Top Rated Professional Carpet, Upholstery, Tile & Grout Cleaning. Some really good other early replacements are (but not limited to): Skyrider Greatsword [scaling physical dmg + ATK buff], Debate Club [scaling ATK + AoE ATK buff], and Bloodtainted Greatsword [scaling mastery + dmg to enemies affect by electro]. Since some of you guys asked about my current build on razor, here it is !F2P friendly is the build, not the constellations okay ! Has base ATK scaling which is poggers. btw is it better to roll on the new promotional banner if i only want razor or on the beginner one? Cookies help us deliver our Services. Abilities. Do NOT follow the guide above. Pair with a cryo team member and you'll be able to maximize this build. Genshin.gg is not affiliated with or endorsed by miHoYo. Electro • Claymore. Drains Stamina over … More Genshin Impact: Genshin Impact Xinyan Guide: Best Build, Artifacts, Team, & More! Genshin.gg is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, … Xinyan Overview. Being a four-star character only makes Razor better as it is easier to make him more powerful. Updated artifact recommendation. Holding E is much better than tapping if you're in a group. Guide includes skills and build, how to get Razor, voice actor, best weapons, best artifacts, talents, & ascend materials! Razor is one of the 4-star characters in Genshin Impact – belongs to the DPS class and is a beast that preys the enemies with the skills he has. Genshin Impact Albedo build: Set up the 1.2 character Genshin Impact Ganyu build : Optimise the chill hero To start the event you'll need the Kamera, which … Razor might be a four-star character, but — with the right build — he also happens to be one of the most beastly damage-dealers in the game. If you want other characters let me know. - It's time to roll boys (gacha). Razor Builds . Normal Attack. pc console. Press J to jump to the feed. On a related note, I'm saving for the next banner. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. r/Genshin_Impact This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Whirlwind Thrust Normal Attack. Many posts started appearing on reddit or on the forums about how underwelming he feels and the low dps output he provides. How do I get it D: ? It will end the duration, so just commit to slapping, WEAPON #1 (Recommended for mega deeps damage): Wolf's Gravestone, WEAPON #2 (Recommended for early slaps): Prototype Animus, ARTIFACT #1 (Recommended for straightforward slappage): Gladiator's Finale, ARTIFACT #2 (Recommended for slapping with jazz): Thundering Fury, More posts from the Genshin_Impact community. Unlike everything else in the game, artifacts are also separated by “sets”. Genshin_Impact Guide to making Xingqui a team’s main healer/support (w/ AR 40+ build) By: NPHeart. If he’s a character you enjoy playing, it could be worth building him as your team’s carry. Razor Overview. Sigils will give energy and disappear if you hold the skill. TL;DR Guide for Razor . If you're building for full physical would you then recommend Skyrider Greatsword over Animus is or the Animus better? Add this game to my: Favorites. You play Razor in Genshin Impact and you need the currently best build guide? He literally hits like a truck with his ult. 208-318-3028 If you have C4 on Razor, then the hybrid build will work just fine. Lightning Fang, Razor's elemental Burst, is probably my Favorite ability in Genshin Impact. Edit: Changed artifact recommendations. Thundering feels like turning him into a hybrid instead of pure atk. r/Genshin_Impact This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Razor is a DPS character, and frequently the carry of the team. It is intended to be a brief overview of the strengths/weaknesses of the character, with the authors own opinions on the best currently available gear to pair with the character. He is also one the few characters who can almost make the entire elemental system irrelevant through the sheer amount of physical damage he can output with the right Razor build. Razor is the Character in Genshin Impact. Call Us At. Pyro • Claymore. 184. Added stat check. What are “Artifacts”? October 15, 2020. By Will November 4, 2020. Reviews. Genshin.gg. Razor is a 4 star electro claymore character in Genshin Impact. He carries so hard. As for what over what, I can't say because I haven't done a full DPS sheet on him (since I don't own him), but people seem to much prefer Gladiators. Genshin Impact Investigate the Ruin Guide – Puzzle Solutions & Locations, Genshin Impact Violetgrass Guide – Violetgrass Location & Uses. Some say he is an orphan raised by wolves. Yo if anyone is seeing this so late and coming back to this guide as a referral, DO NOT build thundering fury on Razor. Questions. If anybody is on the lookout for a 2nd DPS carry this guy is it. Razor is a character in Genshin Impact. Take my word from it, from a vet playing Razor since Day 1 all until AR45. Wish List. Each character has 5 artifact slots. Razor Skills Talents. Charged Attack. DIE. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Downside is that he takes a lot of damage just because he has to stay out so long, best paired with a strong healer a.k.a Barbara with Thrilling tales of dragon slaying. Genshin Impact – Best Team Build. Cheats. I’ve been getting a lot of requests on making a video about her since my last one. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is a guide for making the best team and party setup in Genshin Impact. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Learn how to unlock this Quest and where it is found, as well as its rewards and a full walkthrough for completing the Quest. Just wondering if its still good to spam charged E with the constellation that reduces defense? Razor is a beast, if you like playing him I'd recommend it. The game features a massive gorgeous map an elaborate elemental combat system engaging storyline characters co op game mode soothing soundtrack and much more for you to explore. r/Genshin_Impact This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Time to give in to the call of the wild, and get on the hunt. Q&A. Combos, Moves and Talents, 4 Star Character Worth Getting? Just. Build with the highest physical damage in the game, showing all skills, artifacts, weapons and mechanics. Genshin.gg. This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Abandoned as an infant, Razor was taken in by the Wolf of the North, Andrius, and raised by his wolf pack in Wolvendom. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! 80. We introduce the best party composition for each task including exploring areas, slaying field bosses, and more! How to get: Full credit to reddit user xAltaire for this one! The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Normal Attack. Find Razor Build In Genshin impact here including Best Weapon for Razor from 3 stars to 5 stars, Best Artifact Set, and Build Set such as Electro DPS, Physical DPS. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Genshin.gg is not affiliated with or endorsed by miHoYo. Overview Skills Passives Constellations Builds Ascension. The wolf-boy wonder Razor is a flashy and powerful addition to any roster in Genshin Impact. Summon your dad? She is unique because she is a ranged support character who can heal and deal damage, provide crowd control, and support the entire team with shields. Razor is the character for those who prefer to play Genshin Impact as a more straightforward RPG, switching out characters less frequently. Hold E to do poop an AoE electro storm in front of you. Zhongli’s charged basic attack involves teleporting and having polearms plunge into the ground from above. A boy who lives among the wolves in Wolvendom of Mondstadt, away from human civilization. When fighting with Razor, start every attack with the press version of Claw and Thunder.Once you’ve landed a hit, switch to Razor… - Forge (Prototype x1, Crystal Chunk x50, White Iron Chunk x50), Has base ATK scaling and it can slap someone so hard that they. … I decided to fuck it and blew all my saved up gems to roll for stardust glitter to unlock this bad boy. Table Of Contents . Home. During this time, the wolf within will strike alongside Razor's normal attacks, thus dealing electro damage. Razor is a powerful claymore user with some powerful Electro abilities, so you need a weapon that makes the most of all of those. Genshin Impact Razor Showcase Review! Available since the start of the global release, Razor is also part of the Zhongli banner event as one of the rate up 4 stars along with Xinyan and Chongyun. Genshin Impact Violetgrass Guide – Violetgrass Location & Uses; Genshin Impact Dione Guide: Best Build, Artifacts, Team, & More! I got a lot of questions and replies on my main healer Xingqui comment on a post in this reddit. I’ve been getting a lot of requests on making a video about her since my last one. YOU CAN'T DO CHARGED ATTACKS WHEN SLAPPY BOY IS OUT, Makes slappy boy come out more often and resets your E (kinda like Fischl), How do I get it D: ? Best razor build genshin impact reddit. Guide contains best domain & exploration team / party, setup & composition, bonus skill, team build tips. A. Overview Skills Passives Constellations Builds Ascension Showcase. 0. 0. - Midsummer Courtyard Domain (AR 30 locked, 20 Resin per run), Gives an electro damage buff + any electro reaction buff, but the main star is the elemental skill CD. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Meaning of Lupical is a Story Quest in Genshin Impact. I do recommend a healer paired with him tho and a second carry if possible because at ar 45 the game gets kinda hard if you're not lucky with artifacts, Go for prototype aminues and you'll be fine, he's very strong, Hi, on my girlfriend's account, I have a Razor, diona, sucrose, chongyun, noelle, Fischl, beidou, xiangling, barbara, lisa, kaeya, amber and MC. Genshin Impact Razor Guide & Wiki Below is a list of all details about Genshin Impact Razor, including his talents, constellation, ascension, base stats, and story entries. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I cannot stress this enough since the guide is spreading misinformation, NO THUNDERING FURY. He is extremely satisfying to play, especially considering how his elemental burst ability, drastically enhances his capabilities to deal large amount of damage, over a long periods of time. r/Genshin_Impact This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG developed by miHoYo. Any reco for team comp? For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Pure Crit or pure Phys build on Razor? The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! - Any World Boss (40 Resin per run), Boosts everything + great for a Normal Attack heavy DPS like Razor, How do I get it D: ? 208-318-3028 During the main storyline, you will get to a point where you can take Razor for a trial run. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, … Yes, it's still better just to spam the held E, but you can essentially provide orbs for yourself infinitely as well. GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. Razor is most at home prowling through the forest, fighting with claw and thunder. Razor is a character in Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact Guide & Walkthrough Wiki For the weapon, Wolf's Gravestone (obviously) would be optimal but Prototype Animus is more than servicable, so that should be easy to get. Tags. ". Normal Attack. Hey guys and welcome to my Sucrose showcase video! It is intended to be a brief overview of the strengths/weaknesses of the character, with the authors own opinions on the best currently available gear to pair with the character. Thanks for the guide man! His strength lies in pure phys, his kit is meant to deal and dish out Phys with a SIDE of Electro, not mainly electro. As agile as lightning. Yeah if you want to hit 2k-3ks normal atks just stick with gladiators since razor has the highest normal atk multipliers anyways. For a more detailed version of this guide, check it out here! Also would you say thundering fury set is better than gladiator or is it a preference? yeah, true. Thanks for this, am wolfboy main deeps at c4. If built right, Razor can be a positively disgusting damage dealer, inflicting Electro elemental reactions consistently due to the short cooldown on his skills. Razor become imbued by the wolf within, drastically increasing his overall power for 15 seconds. Genshin.gg . The sigils are nice, but you shouldn't have energy problems if you have a good setup! Should I invest into Razor? If you head to the point in the image below you'll see that there's a challenge node. Stay tuned for more information about games and don’t forget to follow Dunia Games on Facebook and Instagram for more updates. If you're planning on running Razor DPS then: Xiangling Support (for overloaded reaction proc), Qiqi Support/Healer (for consistent CC + resistance debuff). Genshin Impact Xinyan Build Guide. Like everything else in the game, artifacts are also separated by stars. Dance on Fire Normal Attack. May sound weird, but I've been running Razor as main carry with Bennett as support. Anemo • Polearm. Here s the best stats weapons and artifacts to use on your razor build. Popular Character Guides He doesn't really use Electro that much, so you want ATK and Physical Damage bonuses on your artifacts. More. The best Razor build in Genshin Impact When we are in need of excellent physical damage output, Razor is our first choice. Genshin Impact PlayStation 4 . Genshin Impact – Albedo Level 80 First Look Gameplay – All Skills Show 1.2 Ver Update Video show Genshin Impact – Albedo Level 80 First Look Gameplay – … Razor in his Lightning Fang mode fighting off Treasure Hoarders in Genshin Impact. Combo: Sucrose Q, Fischl Q, Qiqi Q, Razor E (hold), Sucrose E, Qiqi E, Razor Q -> AA, … Board. So I decided after tuning his artifacts enough that I would make a full guide to healer Xingqui. Amber Barbara Beidou Bennett Chongyun Diluc Diona Fischl Jean Kaeya Keqing Klee Lisa Mona Ningguang Noelle Qiqi Razor Sucrose Tartaglia Traveler (Anemo) Traveler (Geo) Venti Xiangling Xiao Xingqiu Xinyan Zhongli Albedo Ganyu. Razor generates so much energy Bennett's ult is up well before Razor is in danger of dying, and popping it bumps him back to 70% and adds damage + elemental proc. BUT IF YOU HAVE RAZOR AT C4, TAP IT FOR 15% DEBUFF ON ENEMIES! [AR55] MAX LVL 900 Elemental Mastery Sucrose + Crit Build SHOWCASE + TIPS (Genshin Impact) December 30, 2020. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! I honestly have zero idea what he is but oh lordy he slaps. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore!
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