Ph Eur. Carbon disulfide has been found in at least 210 of the 1,430 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 50 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 52 /H [ 1074 459 ] /L 197725 /E 126255 /N 8 /T 196607 >> endobj xref 50 32 0000000016 00000 n (1,8) Pure carbon disulfide occurs as a colorless liquid that is not very soluble in water; impure carbon disulfide is yellowish. gdݔ��\zVi�:7m�@��K�-A2��Nn�J����*�ԭp���sdɍ� ���;���fҀ���-��J0���B-�B\)��^�0��10���2@�V�� �P�0�a�&���v2�g�We\���a��j��Ռb^?6�N�fHiY.�c. trailer << /Size 82 /Info 49 0 R /Root 51 0 R /Prev 196597 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 51 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 38 0 R /JT 48 0 R /PageLabels 37 0 R >> endobj 80 0 obj << /S 313 /L 427 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 81 0 R >> stream Abstract. 0 0000010044 00000 n • It is highly volatile and extremely flammable, having a wider explosive range in air than hydrogen and a lower ignition energy. Jahrhunderts gab es mehrere erfolglose Versuche, Kohlenstoffdisulfid als Arbeitsflüssigkeit für Dampfmaschinen einzusetzen. Carbon disulfide (CS2) in its pure form is a colourless, volatile and in-flammable liquid with a sweet aromatic odour. Fifteen bands were observed, some how­ ever being of low intensity. IRIS Summary (PDF) (30 pp, 185 K) Key IRIS Values; Other EPA Information; Noncancer Assessment. %%EOF The threshold for photodissociation is approxi- mately 280 nm [DeMore et al., 1994]. 1982 Feb 5; 215 (4533):665–667. Carbon disulfide, also spelled as carbon disulphide, is a colorless volatile liquid with the formula CS2. Reference Dose for Oral Exposure (RfD) (PDF) (30 pp, 185 K) Last Updated: 09/30/1987. 0000029809 00000 n Another major issue in this document is the reports of adverse effects on reproductive function. Inhalation Exposure Limits for Carbon Disulfide, Acetone, and Ethanol.....8 Table 7. Development of lithium sulfur (Li–S) batteries with high Coulombic efficiency and long cycle stability remains challenging due to the dissolution and shuttle of polysulfides in electrolyte. In either case, the methane should contain less than 1% propane and heavier hydrocarbons and no more than 2% ethane. 0000029593 00000 n A Fermi resonance in the Raman spectrum will be interpreted in terms of interacting normal modes. carbon disulfide nor the effects of the peak exposures have been adequately 1. studied. 0000090376 00000 n Carbon Disulfide Carbon disulfide; Carbon bisulfide SAFETY DATA SHEET GHS product identifier Other means of identification 24-hour telephone Section 1. US2568121A US15664A US1566448A US2568121A US 2568121 A US2568121 A US 2568121A US 15664 A US15664 A US 15664A US 1566448 A US1566448 A US 1566448A US 2568121 A US2568121 A US 2568121A Authority US United States Prior art keywords sulfur gas temperature oil line Prior art date 1948-03-18 … carbon disulfide exposure caused reduced ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone), TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), and thyroxin neurohormones directly involved in lipid metabolism and could activate the enzyme lipoprotein lipase. … Stanosz and colleagues concluded that because of compromised endocrine activity of the ovaries, abnormalities in lipid biotransformation can occur in women who are … Carbon Disulfide Reactions with Atomic Transition-Metal and Main-Group Cations: Gas-Phase Room-Temperature Kinetics and Periodicities in Reactivity. f5�f`m0op��e`�.��N� wP��*�(�$@� ��!� 0000002283 00000 n (Pronouncedk är'b;nkdi-sl1'fid' ) Pure carbon disulfide is a colorless liquid with a pleasant odor that is like the smell of chloroform. H�b```f``1b`e`�.dd@ A�� ��T �� �A�AX�׈��Y}��W0��;Ǣ& gT��G�I�3 q�,�wH��i&�[6U��U�P��~�Ұض�@nS���������mQ9 Check to make sure the respirator-to-face seal is still good. Table 5. These studies, however, did not report sampling or analytical methods or provide adequate detail on occupational exposure concentrations. 0000009882 00000 n Carbon disulfide CASRN 75-15-0 | DTXSID6023947. SDS; CoA; EC Number: 200-843-6 Hill Formula: CS₂ Molar Mass: 76.14 g/mol CAS #: 75-15-0 Grade: ACS,Reag. Chemical Properties of Carbon Disulfide, Acetone, and Ethanol .....7 Table 6. 0000003183 00000 n IRIS assessment development process. 0000002490 00000 n Carbon disulfide (CS 2) is used particularly in the half-synthetic fiber (rayon) industry; in addition it may be used as a solvent.Its main effects on health are neurotoxicity with (sub)acute and long-term exposure, and vascular diseases (heart, brain, kidney, eyes) with long-term exposure. Crit Rev Toxicol. 0000004180 00000 n 0000004295 00000 n Type: legal entity composition of the substance State Form: liquid Degree of purity: > 99.9 - = 100 % (w/w) Constituent 1. 0000003893 00000 n CS 2 and other associated sulfide compounds were found by this study to be present in emissions from unconventional shale gas extraction and … 1997a, 1997b, the 1997 documentation for Carbon disulfide in Volume 12 of the present series). 0000001881 00000 n Download Product Safety Card; Recommended Products. Sources Carbon disulfide is used in large quantities as an industrial chemical for the production of viscose rayon fibres. It is an important raw material for preparing viscose rayon and cellophane film. 0000001512 00000 n h�bbd``b`:$�A�h ������ B$[b��,���r���R�$L �E��V Y���O0 �� & Carbon disulfide evaporates rapidly at room temperature and is flammable. 0000005777 00000 n [8] Im letzten Viertel des 19. Carbon disulfide will not result in human exposure via the diet. Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation and the World Health Organization, and produced within the framework of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals 0000004752 00000 n Identification::: Chemical name :carbon disulphide Supplier's details : Carbon Disulfide Product use :Synthetic/Analytical chemistry. The spectra show effects of normal mode symmetries on gross selection rules. Preparation of carbon disulfide Download PDF Info Publication number US2568121A. 25 0 obj <> endobj Carbon disulfide is also a by-product of some industrial processes and is a minor component of the waste gases emitted from the processing of sour gas. 54 0 obj <>stream Kohlenstoffdisulfid wurde 1796 von Wilhelm August Lampadius entdeckt. @6-[���ZN��-q�t�D��9U�Cr$��M�,�R������ԩ�f��B�)]�����s&w��CJ���NJҧ.�.�X�hQ&��.��w������������_��/�s�=�g�������������n�ZE�ڽ?8�n�7�,ݝae����S�6`�����~�88@×'������e�갳��a�����?|�]��ۼ9�,7��l�Yi�����&|v|��ެ7_���W���ݗg��7�V���Ϸ���+|��9�?㋵!���g��M�h�jy�v���u�e���J���G�ˋ�.�z^���m�"�(�:�K����hy������g��ew�����v��]��|__�\��x��Z���GNN~�^�4���������fV}T=�1��fy�>;���\u�?ݬ���դ&cS��n}�����1,/z5�����M�>= ��c_�rCD���gn��N��}3|?��A��)�>v9��iC�Е ��۪���y�� �z�T���Jpk�j�] `�Q��\�t;}�!m��$ �%r.�1#J�g���l��貏���x���Dﻒ,�k�s�"�%爨���Gۀ�1�K�� ��,���Cڀ1�k�v(c�. Reference substance name: Carbon disulphide EC Number: 200-843-6 EC Name: Carbon disulphide CAS Number: 75-15-0 Molecular formula: CS2 IUPAC Name: methanedithione. Carbon disulfide has two ultraviolet absorption systems. Reference substance name: Benzene EC Number: 200-753-7 EC Name: … Here, a novel additive, carbon disulfide (CS2), to the organic electrolyte is reported to improve the cycling performance of Li–S batteries. : A registration number is not available for this substance as the substance or its uses are exempted from registration, the annual tonnage does not require a registration or the registration is envisaged for a later registration deadline. Meek, Existing Substances Division, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; and D. Caldbick, Commercial Chemicals Evaluation Branch, Environment Canada, Hull, Quebec, Canada Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations … 1983; 11 (3):169–278. 0000004219 00000 n Carbon Disulfide -Properties • Carbon disulphide (CS 2) has been widely used as a solvent • It is generated in small quantities by natural processes, (stagnant water bodies). Carbon disulfide (CS 2) has been historically associated with the production of rayon, cellophane, and carbon tetrachloride.This study identifies multiple mechanisms by which CS 2 contributes to the formation of CO 2 in the atmosphere. 0000098582 00000 n 0000001687 00000 n Science. The technical product is a yellowish liquid with a disagreeable odour. Carbon disulfide has an affinity for both gray and white matter, and symptoms of acute inhalational exposures above 3 to 4 ppm include tinnitus, dizziness, headache, and confusion. [9] Schwefelkohlenstoff wurde auf Grund seiner hohen Toxizität auch zur Vernichtung von Ratten[10] und Wühlmäusen[11] eingesetzt. h�b```"3������ea�`���r��M�u.�����,�FG[�GCB �00\��� �`�c?3���i5;�`�ʦ� Carbon disulfide; CASRN 75-15-0 Human health assessment information on a chemical substance is included in the IRIS database only after a comprehensive review of toxicity data, as outlined in the . %PDF-1.6 %���� 0000001533 00000 n Solubility of carbon dioxide in various solvents at different temperatures Solvent Quantity dissolved, mL/g (STP) Temperature, C 80 60 40 2 00 1 0 1 52 02 53 03 54 0 TRI 2009 Carbon Disulfide Air Emissions and Water Discharges for Cellulose 3.3 Other Processes Other processes that emit carbon disulfide include the manufacture of thiocyanates and high-purity metal sulfides. 0000005550 00000 n Carbon Disulfide, (2) while wearing particulate filters abnormal resistance to breathing is experienced, or (3) eye irritation occurs while wearing a full facepiece respirator. Die toxische Wirkung wurde 1866 beschrieben. Carbon disulfide is a highly volatile, flammable liquid with low ignition temperature. (LEL 1%) • Odour of rotting cabbages/ radishes. Figure 2 presents a diagram of this process (8). 42 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[25 30]/Info 24 0 R/Length 85/Prev 59539/Root 26 0 R/Size 55/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Lasting effects such as insomnia, intense irritability, and headaches may persist for months, but prognosis for significant recovery is good. Carbon disulfide MSDS (material safety data sheet) or SDS, CoA and CoQ, dossiers, brochures and other available documents. 0000002959 00000 n 102214 View Pricing & Availability. 0000053805 00000 n CAS-No. : 006-003-00-3 REACH No. The compound is used frequently as a building block in organic chemistry as well as an industrial and chemical non-polar solvent. %PDF-1.3 %���� System RfD (mg/kg-day) Basis PoD Composite UF Confidence; Developmental: 1 x 10 -1: Fetal toxicity/ malformations: NOEL : 1.10 x 10 1 mg/kg-day 100 Medium . 0000001074 00000 n It is used in the production of a number of chemicals, and has been used for soil fumigation and insect control in stored grain. Ping Cheng , Gregory K. Koyanagi, and ; Diethard K. Bohme; View Author Information. 0000010361 00000 n It has an "ether-like" odor, but commercial samples are typically contaminated with foul-smelling impurities. Vibrations of Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Disulfide Purpose Vibration frequencies of CO2 and CS2 will be measured by Raman and Infrared spectroscopy. 0000000987 00000 n h��Y�n���y��0��`! 0000002066 00000 n The infrared absorption spectrum of carbon disulfide has been remeasured in the region from 2 to 24 I' with cells up to 5 mm in thickness. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (759K), ... Dalluge RW, Penkett SA, Jones B. Carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide from the eruptions of mount st. Helens. The chemical formula for carbon disulfide is CS 2, and its molecular weight is 76.14 g/mol. Carbon disulfide can be made from methane and sul- fur by either a high or low pressure purification process (Figure 1). 0000056239 00000 n carbon disulfide concentration of 4 ml/m3 (about 12 mg/m3), a maximum concentration of 65.7 ml/m3 (208 mg/m3) and a median length of exposure of 66 months (4–220 months), no indications of neurotoxic effects compared with a group of 222 controls were found (Reinhardt et al. 0000009656 00000 n If the seal is no longer good, you may need a new respirator. As a result no Acute Reference Dose (ArfD) or Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) have been established. [12] 0000125867 00000 n C 2 S may undergo hydrolysis catalyzed by nanosized titania and zirconia to form CO 2 and H 2 S. Application Product name : Carbon disulfide Product Number : 335266 Brand : Sigma-Aldrich Index-No. Carbon disulfide . Carbon disulfide: 1600 pdf icon: CARBON DISULFIDE: Carbon monoxide: 6604 pdf icon: CARBON MONOXIDE Now available in NMAM 5th edition pdf icon: Carbon tetrachloride: 1003 pdf icon: HYDROCARBONS, HALOGENATED: 3-Carene: 1552 pdf icon: TERPENES: Cathine: 9106 pdf icon: METHAMPHETAMINE and Illicit Drugs, Precursors, and Adulterants on Wipes by Liquid-Liquid Extraction : Chlordane: 5510 pdf … CARBON DISULFIDE The pagination and layout of this pdf file are not necessarily identical to the hard copy First draft prepared by R. Newhook and M.E. endstream endobj 26 0 obj <> endobj 27 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/Rect[401.43 465.352 418.43 480.352]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>><>/Border[0 0 0]/Rect[72.08 450.457 89.08 465.457]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>>]/Contents[30 0 R 31 0 R 33 0 R 34 0 R 35 0 R 36 0 R 37 0 R 38 0 R]/CropBox[0 0 612 792]/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 23 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 28 0 obj <>stream 0000056378 00000 n If it is, replace the filter or cartridge. Beauchamp RO, Jr, Bus JS, Popp JA, Boreiko CJ, Goldberg L. A critical review of the literature on carbon disulfide toxicity. 0000008934 00000 n What is carbon disulfide? Carbon disulfide is emitted from the chlorinator, the storage facilities, handling (i.e., loading of trucks, tank: cars, barges), and as process fugitives. Carbon disulfide is a clear, colorless liquid with a sweet, pleasant, ethereal odor. One extends from 185 to 230 nm, and excitation in this spectral region causes photodissociation with a quanttun yield of 0.5 - 1 [Colman et al., 1996]. Impurity 1. endstream endobj startxref
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