A serving size of turkey breast comes out to 1/4 to 1/2 pound per person. It varies. Fill Butterball® Indoor Electric Turkey Fryer with oil to the MAX line. Place the turkey, breast facing up, on the rack. Cooking a Butterball turkey breast in a Crock-Pot is a convenient way to make a moist, tasty dish. It came with directions that I will share. Sign up for the Butterball Newsletter! All of our whole turkey (fresh and frozen), boneless roasts, and bone-in breasts are available in all major retailers across the country. Butterball, LLC strives to make its web experience accessible to all users. 70 . For a 10-12 pound cooked turkey, bake for one hour, or until the turkey is 125° F. The time may vary slightly dependent on your turkey size and oven. Exceldor Foods Ltd. is the Canadian Licensee. Low Calorie. Storage of Leftovers: Carve leftover turkey into pieces before refrigerating to speed cooling. 2017 Fully cooked turkeys are an easy way to get a great tasting turkey on the table in less time. Fully cooked turkeys are an easy way to get a great tasting turkey on the table in less time. If desired inject turkey with marinade (not included). , . … If you put foil on the breast, remove it about 30-45 minutes before the turkey is done to allow the breast to brown. Check temperature with a meat thermometer. Note: Cook time is approximate as oven temperatures vary. Allow about six hours for the turkey to cook on low setting. All of our whole turkey (fresh and frozen), boneless roasts, and bone-in breasts are available in all major retailers across the country. Cut six 1/2-inch slits in the cooking bag for the bone-in turkey breast. Do not stuff. DEEP FRIED WHOLE TURKEY Turkey breasts are much larger than chicken breasts, so you'll want to factor that in when you decide how much to buy. Remove turkey from wrapper. Should you to cooking turkey gravy to make a ton less difficult to you! Preheat oven to 325°F/165°C. Best Way to Cook a Turkey Breast. After removing your perfectly-cooked Butterball turkey from the oven let it rest for at least 20 minutes before carving. Butterball Smoked Fully Cooked Turkey is a classic Thanksgiving dinner choice, and it complements everyone's favorite sides. Dorling Kindersley/Dorling Kindersley/Getty Images Butterball recommends unwrapping its fully cooked turkey breast and placing it in a shallow baking pan in an oven that has been preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Thaw: Place unopened turkey breast on a tray in refrigerator for 1.5 to 2 days.DO NOT THAW AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. Sometimes it can take as long as 12 hours. Preheat oven to 325°F (165°C). Check temperature with a meat thermometer. Use leftovers within 3 days. The temperature should be 140° F in the thigh. A: The Butterball folks recommend cooking the turkey uncovered in a roasting pan. You can use a few tricks to keep it moist and flavorful. Times may vary depending upon the wattage of the microwave. Just bought my first Butterball precooked turkey this month. 2. Gluten Free . If thawing in a microwave, remove from package and place on microwave safe dish. Now that the turkey is in the pan you can add your favourite seasonings or check out our recipes for some Butterball suggestions. The formula for calculating turkey cooking time is to fry turkey 3.5-4 minutes per pound (0.45 kg.). Begin checking the turkey for doneness about 30 minutes before the recommended cook time. To properly thaw a frozen turkey breast in the refrigerator allow approximately 24 hours for every 4 pounds. Allow 2 days to thaw, keep refrigerated until ready to cook. Place thawed turkey, breast side up, on flat rack in shallow roasting pan 2 to 2½ inches deep. HOW TO COOK A TURKEY RECIPES FROM BUTTERBALL YouTube. Simply "Roast & Serve" in under an hour for a perfectly seasoned, juicy presentation of flavorful roasted turkey. Masterbuilt / Butterball Oil-Free Electric Turkey Fryer. Want more turkey tips? How to Cook a Butterball Turkey Breast in a Crock-Pot | Livestrong.com Butterball® Fully Cooked Baked Turkey Information If the Turkey Is Frozen: Thaw, unopened, breast side up on a tray in the refrigerator for 2 to 5 days. Every year finds a new influx of ex pats to Turkey, old and young, adventurous and homely, 1000s of ex pats are flocking to reside at Turkey annually since Turkey climbs into a manicured destination for most foreign nationals seeking to live a life of adventures. On shelves and just in time for … ajovyyozilu’s batteries batteries cmos batteries laptop batteries battery charger connector boards bluetooth bluetooth boards Karmate battery charger instructions Fiskville Auto and car manuals and free pdf automotive manual instructions. Cooking a Butterball turkey breast in a Crock-Pot is a convenient way to make a moist, tasty dish. Brush with oil to prevent drying. If Aldi still has them, I never seem to catch them when they are in the store. Check out our Turkey Calculator. However, bone-in is the preferred choice for most cooks, because the bone acts as an insulator for the meat. Ingredients: Turkey breast, Water, Modified potato starch, Potassium lactate, Salt, Flavour, Sugars (dextrose), Sodium phosphate, Carrageenan, Onion, Sodium nitrite, Spices. This year, Publix offers a fully cooked Butterball turkey (be sure to order ahead), as well as Boar's Head turkey dinners, which come with Boar’s Head turkey and family-friendly sides like mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberry-orange relish, and marshmallow delight. . Thaw: Place unopened turkey breast on a tray in refrigerator for 1.5 to 2 days. Masterbuilt / Butterball Oil-Free Electric Turkey Fryer. This allows the fat from underneath the bird to drip down while it heats up, ensuring a moist, tender breast. Cook within 3 days after thawed. Microwave on defrost mode or Turkey Breast With Bone NUTRITION FACTS A high-protein option your family will love, Butterball Easy Fresh bone-in turkey breast is perfect for every day or holiday. See Also: Seafood Boil In Butterball Turkey Fryer Season turkey as desired and shape into five patties, ½ -inch thick. Thaw: Place unopened turkey breast on a tray in refrigerator for 1.5 to 2 days. Place turkey breast in 350° oven and heat until warm. Add a cup or two of water, turkey broth or chicken broth to the pan. Turkey, Water, 2% or Less of Salt, Dextrose, Sodium Phosphate, Carrageenan, Smoke Flavoring, Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Erythorbate, Potassium Lactate, Sodium Diacetate. Please be sure to check with the store manager if you do not find the item or specific size you’re looking for. 2. Butterball Smoked Fully Cooked Turkey is a classic Thanksgiving dinner choice, and it complements everyone's favorite sides. All the flavor of a raw roast without the hassle. PREP & COOKING INSTRUCTIONS Fully Cooked, Ready to Eat, can be heated to desired serving temperature for carving station applications, slice or carve to desired thickness. Cook within 3 days after thawing. Remove turkey from packaging (leaving oven-safe nylon truss on turkey legs) and place in a roasting pan. into each side of turkey breast, thigh, leg, and wing for a total of 8 to 16 oz. For our Sunday Night Dinner we Roast a Butterball Boneless Turkey Breast , along with Leftover Dressin and Turkey Gravy !! From Cajun to traditional, these roasts deliver the flavor your family craves. roasting in an oven is one of the most popular ways to cook a turkey. www.bootifulturkey.com - Jennie O Fully Cooked Turkey Breast Cooking Instructions. Place turkey, breast side up, on a rack in a shallow (3" deep) roasting pan. How Long Does It Take to Smoke Turkey Breast? I found one at a discounted price right after the holidays and couldn't pass it up. The butterball electric turkey fryer instructions also state that you will have to lower the heat when cooking the turkey parts. Sold frozen. Serving size. Since cooked turkey keeps well in the refrigerator, you may … Remove turkey breast from the wrapper. 3/4 - 1.5 hours. Herbs for flavour. How do you cook a frozen Butterball turkey? Always tender and juicy, Butterball turkeys are individually pre-brined directly in the breast meat, ensuring you can take the turkey from … Butterball® Turkey Roasts and Breasts are classic and delicious turkey options, and are great for a family dinner or a holiday meal. Turkey Breast, Water, Salt, Turbinado Sugar, Vegetable Oil. Heat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Before removing plastic bag, place turkey under warm running water for 2-3 minutes. Place the meat inside of your roasting pan with cut potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic and corn. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Carve and serve immediately. . Line your pan with aluminum foil and season your frozen turkey breasts. wondering how to cook a turkey or how long to cook a turkey? You are quite frankly paying for the stuffing. Nutrition Facts. Try one of our boneless roasts to get the family asking for seconds. Cover and reduce heat to 325° F. Fry turkey breast for 7 minutes per pound. I'm trying to find one online that I … Refrigerate carved leftovers within 2 hours of eating. Cook for 4 hours or until meat thermometer reads 165°F (74°C). Butterball Turkey Breast Smoked Reviews Influenster. 50 % Daily Value * Total Fat 6g 9% Saturated Fat 2g. Brush skin with vegetable oil to prevent drying. Remove turkey breast from the wrapper. Place breast on rack in shallow roasting pan. DO NOT THAW AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. Every year finds a new influx of expats to Turkey, old and young, relaxed and daring, thousands of expats are flocking to reside at Turkey annually since Turkey climbs into a manicured destination for overseas nationals seeking to live a lifetime of adventures. DO NOT stuff. Butterball pre-brines their turkey based on the size which keeps them tender and juicy, which is something we all desire from our cooked turkeys. The turkey breast should be allowed to cook for up to a half an hour, or until it reaches the desired temperature. COOKING INSTRUCTIONS. Sign up for the Butterball Newsletter! DO NOT stuff. Gluten-Free. If you encountered any difficulties with the accessibility of this website, please contact Butterball by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling 1-800-BUTTERBALL (800-288-8372). SERVE TURKEY BREAST Brand: €€€€Product #:22655 81082€€€€Category:Butterball Just Perfect PRODUCT DESCRIPTION All the flavor of a raw roast without the hassle. The following instructions are for a bone-in turkey breast. , . The turkey should be completely thawed for even, safe cooking. Check out our How To section so you can cook your top turkey. Fully cooked, slice-n-tact turkey breast; sold frozen. https://www.thekitchn.com/how-to-reheat-turkey-and-keep-it-moist-251033 Brush or spray skin lightly with vegetable or cooking oil for best appearance. Butter is the key ingredient to juicy turkey breasts and it also gives a lot of flavour, especially when you’re roasting without the skin and bones. DO NOT stuff. Your turkey may take up to 12 hours to cook. Our Roast & Serve is a fully cooked skin-on turkey breast ready for oven. Learn how to cook whole turkeys and boneless roasts using the rotisserie methods below. If it wasn't for them, we’d have to include that extra step in our cooking which would kill time & effort - which we’re getting to save just by purchasing the turkey from butterball - a great reason to start with. . It distributes heat throughout the meat and helps keep it juicy. DO NOT stuff. Product is whole muscle to deliver superior texture; perfect for center of the plate applications. Preparation & Cooking Instructions. The temperature should be 140° F. Let meat stand at room temperature 15 minutes to take off the chill. Calories. Nutrition Facts. We bought a Butterball Fully Cooked Turkey that was 12.5 pounds from a local store as well. Position turkey on flat roasting rack in 2” roasting pan. Place turkey breast, skin side up, on a flat roasting rack in 2-inch open roasting pan. Butterball turkey cooking instructions - . That’s why Farm to Family by Butterball™ turkeys are raised without any antibiotics ever. Fully cooked turkeys are an easy way to get a great tasting turkey on the table in less time. The sausage is made with high quality turkey to deliver a superior taste and texture. Place the defrosted tender That’s why Farm to Family by Butterball™ turkeys are raised without any antibiotics ever. H-E-B Butterball Boneless Breast Meat Turkey Breast Roast Sweetheart Turkey Breast Roast Norbest. Cover the top of your roasting pan with aluminum foil and let it bake … Take a deep dive into all our delicious recipes! I don't cook turkey very often. PRE-COOKED WHOLE TURKEYS. To prevent overbrowning, loosely cover breast with lightweight foil after 60 to 75 minutes. Place the Turkey Breast in a shallow pan with a small amount of liquid (water or turkey drippings) 3. Remove fresh turkey from bag. Featured Recipe: Apple-Glazed Roast Turkey with Stuffing and Gravy. Just 15 minutes on the grill or in the skillet. Luckily, for this recipe, it should only take 3.5 to 4 hours for the turkey breast to fully cook. Simply purchase, heat and eat! Follow these special directions for a delicious meal: Preheat oven to 325° F. Remove wrapper. This fully cooked, oven fresh product contains carrageenan to ensure consistently moist product and maximum yield. 3/4 - 1.5 hours. Drop oven temperature to 275°F. Secondly, how do you heat up a fully cooked turkey Butterball breast? Butterball Fully Cooked Turkey Tenderloin THAWING: Thaw product in refrigerator and remove from package. Turkey can be actually a safe sanctuary for expats. When done, remove the turkey from the smoker, protecting your hands with washable mitts or towels, and let stand for 15 minutes before carving. DO NOT add water to the pan. Frozen Boneless Turkey Roast . Thaw the whole Butterball turkey, smoked turkey or turkey breast completely; then place it breast-side down in a roasting pan. Dave: I also left my stuffed turkey roll in the fridge for three days. Cover in foil and heat approximately 15 minutes per pound, until the internal tem- perature reaches 160*. The fully cooked whole Butterball Smoked Turkey is the best turkey I have ever tasted. This bird had a foul smell while cooking and a horrible imitation smoke flavor when cooked. Place turkey breast in 350° oven and heat until warm. Remove turkey breast from the wrapper. Place turkey, breast side up. Cooking time isn't a safe way to determine when turkey burgers are fully cooked. Refrigerate carved leftovers within 2 hours of eating. Can you thaw the frozen stuffed butterball turkey breast then cook it in a slow cooker. 3/4 - 1.5 hours. Here are all my best no-fail tips for roasting a juicy holiday turkey breast: Use butter. Insert 4 to 8 oz. DO NOT add water to pan. Remove the frozen turkey from the white outer packaging. It came with directions that I will share. DO NOT stuff. Heat to 375° F; this will take approximately 20 to 25 minutes. Insert oven-safe meat thermometer deep into the thigh without touching the bone. Surprisingly, they taste better cold. A classic way to prepare a turkey, the rotisserie method is great for an evenly golden brown turkey, because the turkey is able to rotate fully over the heat source. Featured Recipe: Apple-Glazed Roast Turkey with Stuffing and Gravy. Butterball Introduces Fully Cooked Turkey Breast For. Butterball Smoked Fully Cooked Turkey Breast is one of our traditional favorites with its easy, no mess prep Thaw Butterball turkey in the refrigerator for best results, then remove smoked turkey from the wrapper, carve and let meat stand at room temperature for 15 minutes to take off the chill 3/4 - 1.5 hours. Roast fresh turkey as soon as possible, … DO NOT stuff. Aldi used to have them year round and I would buy 2 or 3 per year. Thaw: Place unopened turkey breast on a tray in refrigerator for 1.5 to 2 days.DO NOT THAW AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. Place turkey breast, skin side up, on a flat roasting rack in 2-inch open roasting pan. Keep frozen unopened: Store in freezer, should be used within 3 months of purchase date. Our smoked turkeys are a fully cooked, hassle-free turkey option that offers easy preparation, less mess, rich flavor and a shorter cooking time. Now the only question is: how much turkey do you need? For more information contact: Butterball, LLC One Butterball … Using a meat thermometer check turkey breast to ensure it has reached the appropriate cooking temperature 165 °F-170 °F (74 °C-77 °C). Bake for 1 hour. The temperature should be 140° F. Let meat stand at room temperature 15 minutes to take off the chill. Take a deep dive into all our delicious recipes! Using injector syringe, inject 1/2 cup (4 ounces) of chicken broth into each side of breast. Prepare: For the best possible experience, we recommend the heating instructions below. we had two breasts and cooked them вђ¦ keep refrigerated or frozen. 190 servings per container. Pats are actually a turkey raised responsibly without attribution to come into the daughter and lift. If you encountered any difficulties with the accessibility of this website, please contact Butterball by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling 1-800-BUTTERBALL (800-288-8372). Storage of Leftovers: Carve leftover turkey into pieces before refrigerating to speed cooling. , . 1079 Butterball Turkey Distributor TURKEY BREAST ROAST/SERVE. We bought a Butterball Fully Cooked Turkey that was 12.5 pounds from a local store as well. Want more turkey tips? Carve turkey breast and serve immediately. Made from breast meat for superior flavor and maximum customer satisfaction. While you will need 375 degrees F for the entirety, you can cook the parts at the temperature of 325 degrees F, with 4-5 minutes per pound of turkey meat. Butterball® Oven Baked Turkey is fully cooked and ready to eat. Use leftovers within 3 days. roasted turkey breast gravy packet was only going to pressure Defined in addition to butterball turkey in motion, this recipe look to maneuver and crush them with sunflower oil for most of the interruption. , . Remove turkey from wrapper. Always tender and juicy, Butterball turkeys are individually pre-brined directly in the breast meat, ensuring you can take the turkey from packaging to pan without a lot of extra preparation. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes before removing the netting and slicing. Place turkey breast, skin side up, on a flat roasting rack in 2-inch open roasting pan. Conventional Oven: Preheat oven to 350°F. Ingredients: Turkey, Water, 2% or Less of Salt, Dextrose, Sodium Phosphate, Carrageenan, Natural Flavors, Potassium Lactate, Sodium Diacetate. Butterball, LLC strives to make its web experience accessible to all users. Features & Benefits. “Cooking” Preheat your oven to 375°F. A Butterball turkey breast roast smoked on The Good One Heritage Oven over lump charcoal with mesquite and oak chunks for flavor wood. Place turkey in fryer basket and slowly lower basket into hot oil; be cautious of splattering. We take the time to save you time in the kitchen! Place turkey breast in 350° oven and heat until warm. Our oven-baked turkeys are a fully cooked, hassle-free turkey option that offers easy preparation, less mess, rich flavor and a shorter cooking time. Allow about six hours for the turkey to cook on low setting. A smoked turkey's cooking time depends on its weight and the temperature you choose, just as it would with a fresh one. To expedite thawing, turkey can be thawed unopened under cold running water. Turkey, Water, 2% or Less of Salt, Dextrose, Sodium Phosphate, Carrageenan, Natural Flavors, Potassium Lactate, Sodium Diacetate. Cover the turkey with foil and place in oven. Conventional Oven: Preheat oven to 350°F. butterball has your answers. We also called Butterball at 1-800-288-8372 (1-800-Butterball) and verified that these were the correct instructions. It might apply to yours as well I would imagine. Place the turkey, breast facing up, on the rack. I further certify that any APP used in the product conforms to the Food and Nutrition Service Regulations (7 CFR Parts210, 220, 225, 226, Appendix A) as demonstrated by the attached supplier documentation. Butterball® Oven Baked Turkey is fully cooked and ready to eat. i used your turkey breast recipe as a guideline for our butterball 3 lb boneless turkey breasts. Ingredients: Turkey breast, water, lemon juice, vinegar, sea salt, Vitamin C (sodium ascorbate), modified corn starch, natural flavour. 1.41 OZ . Serving size. Heating Instructions Pre-heat the oven to 325°F. Pat turkey breast completely dry with paper towels, inside and out. To Serve Cold: Remove turkey from wrapper. If you do not have a meat thermometer then fry turkey 4 minutes per pound (0.45 kg.). DO NOT stuff. 2/8 lb. Turkey Heating Instructions Dupre's Cajun Market. We're talking turkey with the folks at Butterball, giving us last-minute tips. Remove neck from body cavity and giblets from neck cavity. Ingredients: Turkey, Water, 2% or Less of Salt, Dextrose, Sodium Phosphate, Carrageenan, Smoke Flavoring, Sodium Nitrite, Sodium Erythorbate, Potassium Lactate, Sodium Diacetate. You can cook both bone-in and boneless turkey breast in the slow cooker or Crock-Pot. Butterball, LLC strives to make its web experience accessible to all users. Amount per serving. Carve turkey breast and serve immediately. Remove turkey breast from the wrapper. 7. Prepare: For the best possible experience, we recommend the heating instructions below. DO NOT THAW AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. ajovyyozilu’s blog. Prepare: For the best possible experience, we recommend the heating instructions below. Butterball Introduces Fully Cooked Turkey Breast For. I was delightfully surprised. Place thawed turkey, breast side up, on … Do I need to rest a precooked turkey breast reheated. High Fiber. Season inside and outside of turkey with your favorite seasoning (not included). To Heat Thawed Turkey in a Conventional Oven: 1. DO NOT THAW – COOK FROM FROZEN. Turkey Heating Instructions Dupre's Cajun Market. Fully cooked turkey sausage patties offer a high protein, low fat option for breakfast. We also called Butterball at 1-800-288-8372 (1-800-Butterball) and verified that these were the correct instructions. Follow these special directions for a delicious meal: Preheat oven to 325° F. Remove wrapper. Cook the turkey to internal temperatures of 175° F to 180° F in the thigh and 165° F in the breast. … Place frozen turkey, breast side up, on a rack in a shallow (3″ deep) roasting pan. Too often the breast meat goes to waste in my household because I never figured out how to cook the whole bird without drying out the breast. Low Sodium. Let the breast rest for 10 minutes in the cooking bag before opening the bag. Nutrition Information per 100g % Daily Value MICROWAVE: Place defrosted tender on a microwavable dish and microwave for 3-4 minutes on high (1200W). Place the roasting pan in the middle of the oven. Allow 2 days to thaw, keep refrigerated until ready to cook. It’s important to get the turkey up off the bottom of the pan to allow proper air flow for cooking. The product is browned in oil, perfect for gourmet sandwiches. TO REHEAT COOKED TURKEY BREAST AFTER REFRIGERATION Preheat oven to 325*. 3. Keep frozen unopened: Store in freezer, should be used within 3 months of purchase date. Cover tightly with foil and roast at approximately 5 minutes per pound, until the turkey is heated through. , . HOW TO COOK A TURKEY RECIPES FROM BUTTERBALL YouTube. HOW TO FRY A TURKEY IN THE BUTTERBALL® ELECTRIC TURKEY FRYER. Prepare: For the best possible experience, we recommend the heating instructions below. Check out our How To section so you can cook your top turkey. It can be used in recipes calling for cooked turkey, without prior heating. It might apply to yours as well I would imagine. It is recommended to apply the rub to the turkey 1 hour before putting it into … Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F and grab a roasting pan. CONVENTIONAL OVEN: Preheat the oven to 375°(190°C). Brush or spray skin lightly with vegetable oil. Drain juices from cavity and blot with paper towels. I certify that a 1.41 oz.. serving of the above product (ready for serving) contains 1.00 oz.. of equivalent meat/meat alternate when prepared according to directions.. Use of foil pan significantly increases time. Check temperature with a meat thermometer. Place the cold (not room-temperature) turkey in a roasting pan, breast-side down. We believe that everyone deserves the right to delicious turkey raised responsibly without any compromises. Follow these special directions for a delicious meal: Preheat oven to 350° F. Remove wrapper. Butterball Turkey Breast Smoked Reviews Influenster. Calories from fat. Butterball Smoked Fully Cooked Turkey Breast is one of our traditional favorites with its easy, no mess prep Thaw Butterball turkey in the refrigerator for best results, then remove smoked turkey from the wrapper, carve and let meat stand at room temperature for 15 minutes to take off the chill How to Cook a Pre-Cooked Oven Roasted Turkey Breast | Livestrong.com Place turkey breast, skin side up, on a flat roasting rack in 2-inch open roasting pan. Learn how to easily heat and enjoy our Burgers' Smokehouse Turkey! With traditionally shaped whole muscle breast meat, this three-piece, skinless turkey breast is perfect for buffets or slicing by the pound. Many grocery stores offer fully cooked turkeys as well as complete Thanksgiving meals. , . If you encountered any difficulties with the accessibility of this website, please contact Butterball by sending an email to [email protected] or by calling 1-800-BUTTERBALL (800-288-8372). Not sure what size turkey to buy, how long to thaw or when to put it in the oven? We believe that everyone deserves the right to delicious turkey raised responsibly without any compromises. The oven is an obvious place to heat your turkey, especially if you're doing a whole one. Place thawed turkey, breast side up, on flat rack in shallow roasting pan 2 to 2½ inches deep. Just like cooking a whole turkey, cooking time for a a precooked turkey breast depends on its weight. Do I need to rest a precooked turkey breast reheated. Low Carb. 6775 Financial Drive, Suite 101, Mississauga, ON L5N 0A4 Butterball® is a registered trademark of Butterball, LLC. Turkey is a safe haven for expats. Various brands suggest heating temperatures from 275 to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, with times ranging from a low of 4 to 5 minutes per pound to a high of 10 to 12 minutes per pound.
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