You’d definitely get a Wikipedia entry and be the entire basis of a Vice article. There are a few types of snakes in the world. When there’s no … Ten thousand. Picture yourself being covered with ants, each one biting at a different part of your body. At least one of them (I’m not one to do any research or fact-checking) does this thing where they pull you under water and spin really fast. With a single swipe of their massive paws, a bear could crush your entire face. B. BobbyBReloaded1975 Well-Known Member. That, mixed with their unsanitary living conditions, and the forced confinement of calves for veal production, all make factory-farm dairy one of the worst animal products you can eat. 1. Unlike many other animals who kill for their food, humans can survive on a completely plant based diet.We’re not living in the dark ages anymore. 5. When they aren’t ferociously tearing their prey to shreds, lions enjoy basking in the sun for hours. Depraved Griffiths told cops eating his victims was "part of the magic". report. Wide Angle All the Presidents’ Pets A cat named Miss Pussy. They maul their victims with razor sharp teeth and claws. This could take a while. Pig is my absolute favourite animal to eat. Posted by 3 years ago. He was convicted of the murders of Susan Rushworth, 43, Shelley Armitage, 31, and Suzanne Blamires, 36. When they pounce, they come at you with pure speed and raw power. Cool! FriendsFestive is back, and we couldn't BE more excited! So even if you do survive the attack, the amount of deadly bacteria coursing through your body won’t make you last too long. share. Ants – You laugh now, but I want you to really think about this one. Some snakes could swallow you whole and be done with it. Like any cat, they stalk their prey while remaining completely hidden from sight. Unfortunately, they couldn’t resolve that before this was made and therefore have been slotted in the tenth position. Could you imagine being pecked at for 14 hours by a robin? This thread is archived. or getting my head hacked off with a knife or saw, like ive seen on the net, most of us have. Best and Worst Meats to Eat. No Comments. Luka Magnotta - … Reply. This is especially ironic since so many vegetarians turn to dairy as a more humane choice than meat. Have you ever seen a piece of clothing or a wallet ravaged by moths? Reddit, what is the worst animal to be eaten alive by? Go. 9. WhatsApp. Tweet. You can’t move but you can still feel pain. Wherever an ant can fit, they will go. I have heard that death at the hands of a water buffalo is about as bad as it gets. After a brief foray into Africa we’re back to India. Crocodile. Oh, I forgot to mention they are nocturnal. The Jaws franchise normalized shark attacks, so much so that – of the animals that you could be eaten by – sharks are extremely passé. In Africa, hippos, of all large animals, are the biggest killers of humans – far more so than lions. That would be the good choice for you to make. The pain of thousands of teeth slowly devouring your body as you become covered by more and more ants. You see ten. Frank. There's a reason they keep licking your face: they'd love it too! Email. You should all have my email by now. save. Oh, and they aren’t necessarily limited to just the African terrain. [clarification needed] This article contains a compilation of lists from several reliable sources. Drowning and Dismembering Dinosaurs – This could have taken the number 1 spot pending dinosaurs could get over the whole “being extinct” issue they’ve been dealing with for the last couple million years. They’d be like spoilt brats at a fancy restaurant with your carcass. Of course, when there’s blood in the water that attracts more sharks. No thanks. So it would be kind of like fighting Freddy Krueger. Reddit, what is the worst animal to be eaten alive by? The box jellyfish is widely regarded to be the most posionous animal in the world and contians a toxin that can cause heart attacks Cobras, typically … Think about it: if you have surviving kin, they can say “My parent was eaten by a lion” and they will become the most popular kid in school. Response to Worst animal to be eaten by? Close. Because when do you ever see just a single ant walking around? You don’t want to be alive when they use their teeth to tear you to pieces. 1. The robin would just be … Killing animals for food Jewish slaughter rules. Aside from the cameo appearance in The Lion King, hyenas are mostly known for their sinister laugh. ... May I note that the sauce probably hurts the babies and eating live animals sounds barbaric. They do have a great sound though. Don't bother. May 15, 2020 #41 sclawman77 said: French bulldog Oh no. Leopards. However, in the sense of “If you had to choose…” I think this list does its job in achieving whatever it is that needs to be done. Get stuck into some socially distant socialising. Just look at the images below. Any disagreements can be sent to me directly via email. Observant Jews should only eat meat or poultry that has been killed in the approved way, called shechita.. Andrew Zimmern, whose stomach has hosted more animals than Noah’s Ark, has made a career vicariously eating on behalf of the unadventurous among us. Archived. Besides, they are just cats. Could you imagine being pecked at for 14 hours by a robin? This would be cool as hell. 0 2. Once it got on its game though, that would hurt. oh how that would suck. The tastiest land animals and the best cuts to me: 1. They are as fast as they are deadly. Jonah had such a boring and awful time in a whale’s belly that he turned his life around. Most big cats kill prey by strangulation. Thankfully, lions aren’t exactly a common sight around this part of the world. But how can you defend yourself when you are outnumbered one million to one? Their venom paralyzes you, causing you to stay motionless while still completely aware of what is happening. 197 Shares. 2004-06-22 06:09:52 being munched by another human. I should start by saying that there really isn’t going to be a list of the top 10 best animals to get eaten by. Cassowary. Top 10 Worst Animals to be Eaten By I should start by saying that there really isn’t going to be a list of the top 10 best animals to get eaten by. Lions – These cats can run. 6. Grizzly would be unimaginably brutal. Sharks – Granted, most sharks pose little-to-no threat to humans and the ones that do rarely attack, however, in the cases where a shark does attack you, it never ends well. Picture yourself at the beach, having a good time in the water when a 20 foot black mass enters your peripheral vision. Even the herbivores would get in on the action, I’m sure. The national fruit of Jamaica isn’t going to be found in just any supermarket, as it contains a … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. China is the worst country on Earth. They use their speed to catch whatever prey was dumb enough to mistake them for a fluffy kitten. Plus whatever else they can crawl into. But usually only as they are crunching down on your skull. Even though the results of animal tests are often unreliable, labs all over the world continue to torture animals for makeup. probably rats or crabs. Whether it’s a 40 foot T-Rex leaning over to pick you up in with its 12-inch teeth or a Kronosaurus swimming by and devouring you, dinosaurs have a lot to offer in terms of how they would eat you alive. Which they really do. Okay, here’s the list of the Top 10 Worst Animals to get Eaten By that couldn’t be more irrelevant: 10. 157. I’m not talking about one ant. Tiger Attack. Birds – Any bird would be bad to be eaten by mostly because it would just be annoying for the person being eaten. A virulently racist parrot. Pig - Roast Pork, Gammon, Bacon and ham. Bears – They are tall. Maybe more. Then it begins the ingesting process. Pigs would not only go through your lifeless corpse, but your bones too, thus saving your family loads on funeral costs. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. 33. The robin would just be there nibbling on your shoelaces for the first half an hour. Worst animal to be attacked by? Before you can even scream the identity of your assailant, rows of thousands of teeth are exposed and are slicing through bone. These Six Questions Will Compare Your Favourite TV Choices With The Nation, Sky Q’s Entertainment Poll has all the answers, WTF Fun Things You Can Still Do In London 2020. The surprising truth about which animal foods enhance health and which you should avoid. Think about it: If a single shark attacks you, you can focus your own counter-attack back on it. Posted by 8 years ago. They aren’t interested in biting you once and killing you. Of course, their lack of existing makes it hard for them to be a legitimate threat. “The most deadly animal on the Nile is hippo, they kill more than any other,” Wood continues. They weigh a lot. Mostly because there really isn’t such thing as a good animal to get eaten by. Ackee. Best: Sharks - "eaten by sharks" would look cool in an obituary. Mostly because there really isn’t such thing as a good animal to get eaten by. 10 PEOPLE WHO WERE EATEN BY ANIMALSCivilization is amazing. Try to use your imagination here and avoid going all National Geographic on me. then you wouldnt be able to move while being eaten alive by such animal. they have tiny mouths and would take longer to yeah you. I mean, at least a crow would go for the eyes first. All in all, they know their body and how to use every bone-crushing part of it to make a meal out of you. Worse, they know basic anatomy. Lifeless, black eyes stare at you from just under the surface of the water as the shark sinks those jagged teeth into you. or maybe something like a rat that would have paralytic poison in their saliva. 84% Upvoted. 1. Nothing good has ever come out of China except cheap, crappy products and animal cruelty. And it wouldn’t be an instantaneous death like with a dinosaur or some of the other predators on this list. They’ve spent months gnawing away and have still barely touched it. Bitten through the Brain To make matters worse, they carry more diseases than anything else out there because they eat so many infected carcasses. Entering every exposed orifice: your mouth, your nose, and your ears. Is there any more mortifying way for your body to be found than what is effectively a leather morphsuit? Sort by. Jaguar. as the shark sinks those jagged teeth into you. 8. That’s what would make this animal so hauntingly painful to be eaten by. Gutted by Giant Bird They don’t just bite your legs or your arms; they go straight for the throat or the head. A pair of possums, which were later eaten for dinner. What with the lack of a sufficient savannah and all. He left behind the remains of his first victim which consisted of a hand and part of a torso. Worst Animal to be killed and eaten by .. Thread starter BobbyBReloaded1975; Start date May 15, 2020; Prev. What's the worst animal to be eaten by? Hyenas – Sticking with the Savannah theme, I would like to introduce to you an animal that you probably weren’t too familiar with. We don’t need to eat animals to survive. If the snake decides your bones are getting in the way of it feasting on you, have no fear, it will wrap itself around those pesky bones and shatter them to dust. Their jaws are far more powerful than that of a lion. You know where to contact me. Find the latest contact information for support from charitable organisations. Squirrel. © The Paramount UK Partnership trading as Comedy Central, Cast your eye over our verdict before taking your first steps down the food chain, FriendsFestive 2021 Tickets Are On Sale Now. 2. From writing this article I’m getting the … Snakes – There are a few types of snakes in the world. Among large predatory animals, crocodiles are the ones that kill the greatest... 7 The tigers in Beijing Wildlife Park are really getting frisky these days. 277 comments. What is the worst animal to be eaten by in terms of pain and discomfort? Comedy Gigs & Theatre Shows You Cannot Miss In 2020, Hilarious Valentine's Day Gift Ideas That Don't Completely Suck. The worst part about bears is thinking that you can just outrun one because of how big they are. If you had to be eaten be something, what would be better than being devoured by your bestest pal in the whole wide world? hide. Panthers – Included in this realm are cheetahs, cougars, leopards, and tigers. By Dr. Phil Maffetone September 29, 2016 May 26th, 2020 Nutrition. Worst: some sort of parasite that eats you alive from the inside over a period of about six months..... 0 0 I guarantee you couldn’t outrun a hungry bear even if you had a head start. Then they use their sheer size to overpower you, pin you to the ground and begin to tear you apart without any disregard for your well being. On Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods, Zimmern seeks out food cultural traditions in the locales he visit, and if it means snacking on fresh cow placenta or a still-beating frog’s heart, he’ll swallow it down without a second thought. Birds – Any bird would be bad to be eaten by mostly because it would just be annoying for the person being eaten. The most recent of these is the 2006 Animal Welfare Act, which has made it a legal requirement for all pet owners (in fact, anyone who’s at all responsible for a domestic animal) to do things like make sure they live in a good environment, get to eat suitable food … That would be far too easy. Especially if you were a cheeky colonel. If you don’t it’s either here or here. (For liability purposes, please do not attempt to outrun a hungry bear). Archived. Claws that can rip your limbs off and teeth that can tear through your flesh, these cats go straight for the throat. best. From the house cat to the tiger and lion,... 6 Different lists have varying criteria and definitions, so lists from different sources disagree and can be contentious. ... Something inherently terrifying about being eaten alive and swallowed whole. The Jaws franchise normalized shark attacks, so much so that – of the animals that you could be eaten by – sharks are extremely passé. Share 197. 3. Consider our dear friend Jaws. 7. Personally, it's tough to decide between the bone crunching tear of a grizzly bear's jaws or a swarm of rats nibbling away. Leaving nothing but a pile of bones for vultures to pick at. Being basted in battery acid and providing a whole brood of poultry with meals for weeks would make for some delicious, delicious irony. Oct 26, 2019 2,576 4,269 113. Everything else was gone. There are the ones that don’t bother you because they couldn’t if they tried, the ones that could kill you with a single drop of venom, the ones that squeeze you to death, and the ones that seem like they aren’t a threat until they display their fangs as they coil around you. I mean, at least a crow would go for the eyes first. My runners up are…. And they are all masterful hunters. They have claws and teeth. Fast. … What's the worst animal to be eaten by? at least a crow would go for the eyes first. 4. Eating a pig is like eating your dog! For animal expert Gordon Grice, falling victim to a hyena would be one of the worst deaths as they will eat people alive 'There are instances where … Today, most people wouldn't worry about being eaten by an animal. Disagree with my list of the Top 10 Worst Animals to be Eaten By? Donkey - Texture of lamb but its nice and beefy. This is a list of the deadliest animals to humans worldwide, measured by the number of humans killed per year. Not that you are in any condition to go anywhere. And the sad thing is, most of their ppl there know this is how we feel about them. These winged bastards act like internal organ bailiffs, harvesting your intestines without even giving you the courtesy of dying first. 9. Close. 8 level 1. In city parks and towns around the country, you will find a population of squirrels that, at … However, it’s the ones that bite first and ask questions later that you should really be afraid of. As actor Cameron Diaz put it after hearing that pigs have the mental capacity of a 3-year-old human: “[Eating bacon is] like eating my niece!” Learn more fascinating facts and read inspiring stories about pigs and other animals in the bestselling book Animalkind . Alligators – Yes, this includes crocodiles. They bite somewhere to paralyze you (like the neck) and then viciously spin underwater until you either drown or bleed out. You from just under the surface of the world, hippos, of all large animals, crocodiles the... Are crunching down on your shoelaces for the person being eaten by mostly because it would be! The deadliest animals to be eaten alive by what would make this animal so hauntingly painful to be killed eaten. To shreds, lions enjoy basking in the sun for hours eyes stare at you from just the... It got on its game though, that would hurt seen a piece of or. Dying first something inherently terrifying about being eaten alive by speed and raw power 10 PEOPLE WHO eaten... 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