I have some of the recordings already so now I have another quest to pursue and my music purchase wishlist just got a huge boost! . Hmm.., I still have to decide for tonight how I’m gonna (re)arrange the room’s furniture. Join to Connect ps audio. Ha! By the looks of the comment section a lot of other people think so too. Both Sprouts were conceived by Scott McGowan, PS Audio founder Paul McGowan’s son, who also serves as sales director for the Boulder, Colorado, company. 6. I can’t believe the omission of Flim & The BB’s!!!! I’m kind of amazed that there isn’t a chapter devoted to regeneration. i. It is quieter, has less depth and to the right. If you try a recording that’s widely recommended and it doesn’t sound good, the problem is in your system, not theirs. Follow the cello line throughout – truly resolving systems reveal how extraordinary it is. I have playlists for deep bass, for imaging and depth; and for “real”–the music is being played in your room, or you are in its room. I suggest a new introduction: What to expect from a two-channel audiophile system. Paul McGowan is the co-founder of PS Audio (The 'P' ) and has been designing, building and enjoying high end audio since 1974. Tricycle, Funhouse and Over And Out – my go-to tracks to test & show off dynamic range, staging, attack…. Yes agree with you (from yesterday), “You have to be there to understand” Although having thought about it, I can stream DSD files. Small tweeks that work. I’m just as likely to listen to an average recording but sometimes lines have to be drawn. The right voice is directly behind the right speaker. Finally: “Take Ten”, Paul Desmond/Jim Hall Quartet (Take Ten) “Take Five” is great – then Paul Desmond kept exploring. If it makes me start hiccupping after I have some, then I’m good. One guy that I knew, back in the day, actually drilled two holes at the bottom of the wall into the adjoining room & ran his loudspeaker wires through that. I second the request to include a little on vinyl set-up. CEO Paul McGowan has energized his audiophile brand by manufacturing in-house with an eye on efficiency. Well, maybe not. Etc. Any list like this is pretty pointless unless it is referenced (Label, catalogue number) and I suppose format for audiophile purposes. I second the suggestion of listing some easily-found tracks (and what we should be hearing/listening for) that could serve as litmus tests of sorts for the performance of our systems. Thank you for making the playlist on Qobuz, much appreciated. Headphones were the basic transducers when the idea of stereo was born! I’ll check them out. Second, the two voices on dualities should be in the center. So I’m in agreement that some tweaks are important – which ones? Matches many of mine. Subjects range from personal stories, how to setup your system, news of the day, streaming, vinyl, tubes, transistors, loudspeakers, holographic imaging and more. People who like it HOT love this stuff; the rest just sit there with their eyes watering. Others: hydroxychloroquine, all NSAIDs, some diuretics, antibiotics, antidepressants, a few chemotherapy drugs, etc. Cat 8 solid core is best. Paul, Ohm's Law is produced by PS Audio and presented ad-free for the community. Track 9 and 10 the singer is centered. How to burn calories while listening (conduct the music, dance, pedal a Cubit, etc.) Maybe my favorite jazz track of all time. Boy, was I proud when I got my Deep Purple bootleg LP back in the day. It would be nice if you could suggest two or three speakers in each size category. His position as audio designer and co-owner was assumed by Dr. Bob Odell, an audio designer who had created notable Harman Kardon designs. The set should include a couple of examples from each kind of music you listen to; be particularly revealing of some aspect of good sound; and be interesting enough to be listened to many, many times. Paul McGowan's Email and Phone CEO PS Audio @ ps audio. I think the guy who recorded this one had the microphone in his pocket. “Harbor Lights”, Boz Scaggs (Silk Degrees) – feel the space Thanks again, Yud. Thanks Ned. Michael. Like ECM (German), TRPTK (Dutch! Alright. As I near completion I wanted to engage our community for a bit of help. What about the holographic image? Looking forward to this! Spousal conflict and abuse avoidance An easy way to check whether this might make a difference is to buy small cheap wool rugs available in furniture and home stores and place them at the reflection point on the floor. If so is your set up a staring point. I did notice that there are some tracks on the PS Audio’s Qobuz playlist that are available in higher resolution. I just listen to the Steve Hoffman mastered audiophile DCC LP reissue of it…yes it’s nice! Both of these recordings have exceptionally wide dynamic range. So, I watch You Tube videos of speakers (with headphones on) I think I might like. The Guide helps in basic setup for any kind of speaker. You can visit that thread here. Thanks! Massive GoGo Penguin fan. I have some reading to do. The late Arnie Nudell, co-founder of Infinity, was very much a mentor to PS Audio's Paul McGowan, and Paul and his team have been working a loudspeaker design that would honor Nudell. Roger (The Netherlands). It was dirt cheap from my local saw mill. It’s fun to play around…. Harder than carpets in a multi-purpose room, but make a real difference—surprisingly, to bass response. McGowan left the company in 1990 to join Arnie Nudell of Infinity Systemsto build high-end speakers with Genesis Techno… “How an Entire Industry Totally Missed the Forest For the Trees Even After 60 Years” Hi Paul, great list! All ( Just bought the book on Amazon today!). The main thing is that you enjoy the music. As you are aware, with all the best plans/ electronics and speakers… the room can dominate the performance. https://play.qobuz.com/playlist/2399556, And for the music in DSD here’s are the albums By a chap from NYC, mainly pictures of brands I’ve not heard of. 29 January 2021 Paul McGowan writes: A great writer once said in a note to his friend: “I apologize for the long letter. WOW Paul… You have a piece by my friend Emmet Cohen on your list. And advice on properly employing an eq for room issues attenuation- thx, Paul, . As has already been said in other words, if I don’t clearly hear what you’re describing (or, I utter the dreaded “I kinda think I hear that..”), then I’m not there yet. b. Above the track list Album track list it says Tracks, Credits, and Versions. I don’t have the ability to play physical SACD. I know that you have covered this elsewhere, but what about something on construction of a HiFi room? Becusse the used vintage market is great, but I have zero idea how to judge those components. If make adjustments to make the voices symmetrical, then track 9 singer is no longer centered. Thanks, The subject “dual purpose” would be helpful. Did you email me? Yep, same here. Mike, On the same disc she performs Tchaikovsky’s piano concerto #1. I’ll give them a serious look. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The luxury of dedicated listening rooms is beyond the means of most people. , Rich, Try listen to Mammal Hands too. 1. Another standard cd resolution recording done right! I’ve gone back to an au naturel system (except for a DSP subwoofer crossover) with stereo speakers well away from walls and my listening chair positioned fairly nearfield (which takes the most deleterious room reflections out of the picture). Kind of like the Car Talk of audio. All of this information will be great, no doubt, but many of us who are not quite audiophiles have to make compromises based on the room: size, shape, functionality, decor, etc. Paul McGowan tells all (and then some) in this riotous tale of misbegotten success that’s 99% true in all the best ways. Stan made much better products than Paul. “Family Reserve”, Lyle Lovett (Joshua Judges Ruth). Eliminate phase conflicts. Thanks for your involvement ! Since I can’t send you a PM… I use Isoacoustics stands on top of Heinecke Basswood blocks with Quad 12L actives on my desktop. While you mostly have to work with the space you have (bounded by the spouses restrictions! Below I have listed the major subjects covered in the guide. Lest it be forgotten, that’s their job. So I’ve been a fan of plinths / boards for a long time. “I Know You By Heart”, Eva Cassidy (Eva by Heart and Songbird albums) – just listen q. Don’t have to tell you, but clean power matters. Along with “A guide to proper cutlery” and ” My favorite skillet”. I have it on the SACD ” Best of… ” collection but was wondering if you had heard Burmester’s CD-03 version . Nah! Soundstage differs with each piece of music. Sadly, as the only one in the household who enjoys a spicy interlude (?, oh never mind…), I might have to give this a shot. We learnt a bit more about his motivations and mind set in an interview we conducted with Paul at the eve of introducing their Network Bridge, an add-on to the PS Audio PerfectWave DAC or PWD for short. Pharrell Williams –, Gnomus – Jean Victor Arthur Guillou – Mussorgsky: M.P. Everest EVC 9030. When I wrote “center” I should be careful. I’ve experimented with applying FabFilters EQ to correct minor anomalies in my speakers, and I’ve also experimented with MiniDSP room correction and Ambiophionic RACE filters. You even added that there are special audiophile hearing aids which would be rather expensive. Now, please, back to finishing your new Speakers!!! I’d love to hear some YES or GENESIS on the IRSV’s! Perhaps offering it in an electronic format with the disk available for download would facilitate the distribution. He’s the Current Cole Porter Award Winner. Members of our Forums started a new thread called “Our list for Paul”. Thank you!!! anything else to consider (Unless that’s hidden in a sub chapter not broken down here). Give us a brief sample about what you know about good kitchenware. Type of music that is best on certain types of speakers. Oh and where you plonk your listening seat is wrong! To quote Frank Gifford about his wife, Kathie Lee Gifford, who came under media attack about her clothing line that was, allegedly, made in countries with child labor right after the OJ Simpson Trial: "America will let someone get away with murder, but they won't let anyone get away with SUCCESS. Good idea Paul! You could write a whole book on this subject alone. (but I’m not sure that’s allowed to be celebrated anymore). 4865 Sterling Drive • Boulder, Colorado • 80301 • 800-PSAUDIO • +1-720-406-8946. Subscribe through your phone's podcast app and get the latest each day. There are a number of setup tools out there like the Fozgometer and it would be useful to let people know what’s involved with detailed turntable setup. Hi Paul. Would of liked to of seen Prince: When the Lights Go Down from The Vault-Old Friends 4 Sale on the list another CD quality reference track. It would be a brief discussion of truthfulness to the source, transparency, frequency range, depth and width, and image. j. The CEO of PS Audio and a lifelong rebel and early troublemaker, McGowan tells (almost) all in this memoir that's sure to make a ruckus. try “America” from Dave Grusin presents West Side Story. Wow! A chapter on ‘Tweaks’ would be useful. How big is the glass? I know you have a lot of experience with DIY cables. Curved speaker cabinet sound better that square? I now use wooden jigs to make sure my chair, and all my speakers, are exactly in position and stay there. Equipment: Speakers, Monitor Audio GR-20 (2 sets) , GR-10, GS-FX, GRLCR, RS1, Martin Logan Dynamo sub. Brilliant playing of a beautiful ensemble piece – totally organic sound. Having just completed a major effort to improve the sound in my room, I’ve given some thought to what made a major difference. You should just get a general sense of direction. Ironically standard CD quality but sounds fantastic! I agree. Tracks for testing each attribute of our systems. It would set the stage for the rest of the book. What about selling a pdf version of your book, by downloading it directly from the PS Audio or via Amazon? That was then or what would become the MK1. “Revolution #1”, The Beatles (The White Album Fiftieth Anniversary Remix) You know Sir George smiled down on Giles for this one – it’s something to listen to a fifty year old recording one has heard so often and have it be a revelation. Paul McGowan is the co-founder of PS Audio (The 'P' ) and has been designing, building and enjoying high end audio since 1974. Paul's done a fantastic job of pairing down a large list of music to his top picks for testing. Are you familiar with AV Roomservice’s EVPs? Stairway to Heaven – Rodrigo y Gabriela – Rodrigo y Gabriela (Reedition Digitale). I know you say with power cables, thick solid core works best for lows and thin stranded best for highs, is this also true with speaker cables? Really cool! While consideration can be given to room set-up; use of acoustic treatments etc., additionally for those that prefer not to live with traps, diffusers, heavy window coverings… how best to go about taming the peaks? Really looking forward to the book. Nice list by the way. Have no idea what the Finale of Beethoven’s Debut is. As your expectations rise beyond what a basic audiophile system can accomplish, your first investments should be in improving the room, not more expensive equipment. If this is an audiophile’s guide, I’d like to know what an audiophile is considered to be. Suggested ballpark wattage for certain size rooms/speaker sensitivity/listening levels dB-wise. Love the way you take it to the limit. Do you not plan to address headphones and immersive sound via headphones? Cost a lot, played very little. Not all tracks have higher resolution versions. Or you could just add it to “The history of 2-channel audio”. Not sure Stan is still around. The CD is a great idea. Frankly, if I ever had the luxury of a dedicated audio space, I would go to a dealer to supply and install. He did say one thing, that UK (and you can include EU) and USA hifi went separate ways in the 1970s, power and multiple components in the USA and lower power and integrated in the UK/EU. If the question involves an immediate need, this is not a good place as Paul won't see them for weeks. OK I have sent two requests for the book and disk with zero response so I will try this venue. The final task is to set the volume of deep bass correctly. All Proper scientific method practices should be explained in chapter 1 depending on who the intended audience is of course. What about a chapter about how to conduct efficiently sound quality evaluations on its own system ? These chopping boards are $20AU (14USD) each; a very affordable tweak. Steven, We all have some to add, I’m sure. 3, “Organ” –, You Don’t Get Me High Anymore – Phantogram –, Infernal Dance of King Kaschei – Myung-Whun Chung –, Walking on Sacred Ground – Many Nations/ Thayne & Taiowa Hake –, With Every Breath I Take – Frank Sinatra –, Jazz Variants – O-Zone Percussion Group –. Behind the right speaker, the voice is prefect. That’s great. The Stereo will be a step-by-step guide to assembling, tuning, and working with your speaker and room setup so your system sonically disappears and in its place appears a holographic soundstage where the musicians perform. Does this fit or am I missing something? Here’s a catchy subtitle for you Paul; Frank, What do you mean when you say “messed up”. Mike, Everest and Command Records are the only two companies I’m aware of that used it. Once you get the basics right using the IAATB grid system described in the book and exemplified on the Octave Record’s Reference Track SACD, you then turn to the section on panel speakers for specifics. After years of fretting about polarity in recordings I found that the differences I thought were due to polarity were in fact phase problems in my room. I think a very important topic is how to judge the quality of vintage audio. I’m a beginner audiophile. And my back ? 4. I’ve found it awkward to walk up to a central rack to look at equipment when others are concentrating on the music. You say “grown in human excrement” like it’s a bad thing. 3. There is some, for example on Pentatone and Channel Classics, but not a lot. That’s a great idea. 91 likes. I’m experimenting now with different isolation techniques for the electronics. But like many smart designers, Stan was a terrible business manager. You may want to check out Rumer too. Interview with Paul McGowan from PS Audio Paul McGowan is one of those rare audio enthusiasts who really loves what he does, believes in it and makes a good living out of it. True and not widely believed. I am using a very old chair and ottoman set that is pretty comfortable, but too high-backed, blocking sound from behind my ears. The difference in the systems over all tonal response was night and day. Click the link below to see the video.. GAIA II, IsoAcoustics, Paul McGowan, PS Audio, RMAF 2018, speaker isolation. Paul McGowan's company, PS Audio, is well known for being some of the highest quality gear available for audiophiles. Some discussion of the various “stations” and management software would be helpful. Beethoven Fantasia for Piano Choir and Orchestra DG 435617-2 Yeah, I got sort of a thing for Diana Krall. Paul McGowan's Email. On the other hand, books on the sides are a plus, as is a thick wool carpet and a room that isn’t square. Fat Rat, Unfortunately I can not find it on Amazon as published. Sounds like it was recorded by some bloke in the audience with a cassette machine. There seem to be some token DSD recordings of forgotten or forgettable Norweigan composers simply because 2L heavily promoted their DSD output. I have 4 LDRs under an Oppo 203, 4 MDRs under a 9 lb preamp, and 4 HDRs under an 18 lb preamp PSU and a 24 lb Lampi dac, the latter three being on the bottom shelf of a cabinet with a somewhat bouncy floor construction under the carpet. She chose one of our favorite albums, Blind Pilot's 3 rounds and a sound. , Glad to hear you’ve got the list on Qobuz. How do I download your playlist and listen to your picks into this setup? “All in one” equipment solutions vs what many cobble together with usb condionting, linear power supplies etc. Is there a great DIY cable that gives this without breaking the bank and how do you know what bulk cables are best to use? 114. The quinine in tonic water is known to cause or exacerbate tinnitus, so I think a classic gin & tonic might be the worst thing to drink. Found it. It’s the closest thing to live music during the Pandemic and the Trio of off the wall incredible! Its very frustrating. Just as I tell people, “you have to experience the 3D holographic imaging from your audio set-up to understand”. AXPONA saw the first public demo of the new speaker, the AN3, which is expected to be available toward the end of the year at a price somewhere in the region of $11,500 $14,500/pair. 5. I’m about to buy a Naim Muso Qb Mk2 for my son because of the fantastic sound quality and connectivity. It is the best…enjoy! Looking at the frequency cross overs between tweeter, mid, mid-bass etc can we assess if its going to be a bright speaker or not? Thanks, I appreciate you! Call it: From tone controls to computerized room correction. You never (as far as I can remember) mentioned this subject again. What a band – what a producer! If that’s not what you’re hearing I would go back and work again on getting the center fill correct. There’s a Glen Campbell live CD available with various covers but seems to be the same recording on each one. Thanks Paul. l. Commercial sound absorption and diffusion correctly placed in the room. g. Height matters—especially in the listening chair. Don't subscribe Hi Paul! Love your communications. Sometimes I’ll hear just 2 or 3 notes on the TV or in a TV ad that reminds me of a song or an album that I haven’t listened to in ages & then I make a mental note that that one is the next to be played. Would it be possible to do a chapter on cables? Please give some thought to a discussion of streaming both from services and from your own ripped cds. I am a regular follower of your daily video presentations. I’ve seen bi-wire cables that are the same AWG for both and only a few with different size AWG but those are out of my price range. Over here there is general scepticism about cables (not least because our most famous audio designer ever said the best cable is one that conducts electricity) and there is a completely different approach to power (most people just use kettle cables, our largest manufacturer Naim has made separate power supplies for all components for over 30 years, treatment is mainly conditioners as our main manufacturer is Isotek and regeneration is extremely rare). I remember when PS Audio stood for Paul and Stan. That might mean end of December but more likely the first week in January. 3. I found out that every cd needs another furniture setup to sound at its best. e. Read manufacturers instructions and at least try what they recommend—even if it seems weird. But, we’re close. This year CES show in Las Vegas was said to be the biggest ever.The major part of the audio show was located in hotel Alexis Park and the nearby hotel St. Tropez that hosted the T.H.E. ), Chesky and streaming services like Qobuz and Tidal! This will be a new series of books, the first of which is The Stereo. If they work, consider buying a similar carpet for the whole room. Ok, well I’m going to be proactive & book you in to Alcoholics Anonymous ahead of time , FR I agree with him — 4 do better than 3 under components, usually with the OEM feet removed. Hi Paul, Not sure if it is on your list but a section covering streaming would be useful. You may already have intend to include it on the next coming books ? Have several of her cds, and she was on an episode of Live At Daryl’s House. https://tidal.com/browse/playlist/bc4127ca-e756-48db-bd6c-11b5c6cf330c, https://www.nativedsd.com/albums/37315-rosary-sonatas, https://bluecoastmusic.com/blue-coast-records, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOOfoW5_2iE, Angel Vengador – Harry Gregson-Williams –, Everything Is Free (feat. *Flim is not on Spotify or Tidal – not sure about Qobuz…. Much appreciated as we all like to have new and great recordings to play. I have a lot of favorites but none on Paul’s list made mine. Safely replacing passive crossovers with digital crossovers. I really like PS Audio's power products. Hello Paul… its Paul “Symphony #3, Saint Saens”, Munch & the BSO – listen with & without subwoofer to determine how good your main speakers are with deep bass. A weekend spent with the setup procedure outlined in The Stereo will net big gains in sound quality without spending a dime. Impact of high power audio gear on your electric bill He lives in Boulder Colorado with his wife Terri and his four sons: Lon, Sean, Scott and Rob. Paul McGowan. Nothing is more accurate than your ear and your experience with live music. So I’m gonna list a few tracks in the metal/hard rock Sub Genre that have great DNR and are not compressed to hell. Other (Rock) favs: (Magnepan Perspective) Herbie’s speaker decoupling cones were particularly effective. This could have something to do with the microphonics & the fact that I place my gear in between my loudspeakers, albeit on the floor. PS Audio has one of the few and theirs is a real treasure. Thank you! Not a standard speaker footprint. More even than speaker placement. PS Audio CEO Paul McGowan – a hi-fi expert – says ‘not everything’, confirming the thinking of two other hi-fi experts: MBL’s Jürgen Reis and HEDD Audio’s Klaus Heinz. Matt green helped cds. I remember that you spent a few words on Hearing Aids (a few years? I really liked the way you displayed equipment at the last RMAF. I am quite excited about this work—something I have been planning to do for decades. PS Audio was founded in 1973 and shipped its first products in 1974. p*****@psaudio.com View Paul's Contact Info It's free! Best to you. Based on the number of Norah Jones selections, I need to add “Cold Cold Heart” for the space and the bass. Hi Paul, an excellent project. © 2021 PS Audio - Boulder, Colorado, USA, After labeling the subject, here's where you type in your actual question for Paul. I’m in the fine tuning depth stage. So just a bit about that i think would be important for someone just cutting their teeth. How to keep from frying in your listening room Jim Smith did something similar in his book Good Sound, although it was just one recording by the Chieftains he used. To me the only chapter of interest is “Paul’s secret formula”. I wasn’t so impressed with GAIA feet under my speakers, but their stands made a huge difference. try “Fascinating Rhythm” from Dave Grusin The Gershwin Connection. You included ” Stimela” from the ” Hope ” album . I think if Paul looked at it he’d have a nervous breakdown. It was a live performance and eclipses all others by a wide margin. Is speaker set up different for different brand or type of speakers? I have only one book on HiFi, which my son bought me for my birthday. AH Gregory Porter number 13–Liquid Spirit– definitely a keeper. These people know what they are doing. Wow thank you Paul for taking the time to compile this list. Just saying if you are picky like me you can always press the “versions” button and see if the track on any playlist is available in better quality high resolution. Hopefully the 27th. A small price to pay for the ultimate audiophile pleasure. Just to make sure we’re on the same page. Paul, This channel is dedicated to all things PS. Company Website. Also, listen for initial transients on deepest bass (usually found only in electronic music): the more impactful, the better. In a half inch difference in the location of the central chair. equivalent of the SACD? You get my drift? Paul is a good 'ol fashioned unapologetic two-channel guy. And if in doubt, go with the high density ones vs. the medium. Learning of others experiences is helpful. It’s not cheap, but it has virtually no preservatives & it is in a glass bottle NOT plastic. From that alone I put my my mono blocks on the same maple (3in though) Setup and noticed more improvement in detail and sound stage. And, I know you don’t like to suggest speakers to consider, but it is very hard to pick good speakers when all we have is Best Buy products to consider. Richtea, Basically how to learn to hear and describe the difference between equipment. 7. Do you end up on the soundstage itself? It’s arseholes anonymous; but everyone there gave me the sh!ts . Although the stealth has more of a selection of inputs and doubles as a preamp the link III floored it with the vocals on this disc. Think I know about a third of these, heard of some of the other artists but never listened, some completely unknown. If you want to avoid microphonics you necessarily have to put your electronics in another room; preferably with a brick wall in between. There is a low frequency rumble that needs to be cut if you have a very wide range system and typical of many otherwise fine recordings the piccolos are piercing and need to be tamed. There actually seems to be very little DSD at all. Therefore, I would like to second varunpj in his request to release the book, as it is now, with the option to buy/download audio files later. 2. Don’t forget a section about Vino, Chocolates, Cognac, and Cigars? So when PS Audio's Paul McGowan passed through Santa Fe just before Christmas 1999 on his way back from Texas to home base in Colorado, I asked him for a bit of oral history. His Opus 1 piano trios? It's what he sells in amps and he is about to come out with a … If you have a moment to drop me a note, I would be very appreciative. Sometimes what you think is better isn’t. I have the CD but it is also available on YouTube as a video. Stan Warren left to start Superphon in Eugene OR. magnetic speakers too. But how do you know it’s right? Paul began his audio career in 1974 as the "P" in PS Audio, and now is back in charge of the company that bears his initial. Once again. Folic acid deficiency specifically has been linked with high-frequency hearing loss.” https://www.hearingwellnessctr.com/nutrition/. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Mmm, great idea but unlikely to be happening anytime soon. 2. (Just listen to the entire album – a lost masterpiece)