Ersetze Geldstrafen durch Gefängnisstrafen. regensordo. The scenario of martial law is described in a futuristic manner in this Rockefeller Foundation document, as a scenario that’s already happened: “One important — and novel — component of our strategy toolkit is scenario planning, a process of creating narratives about the future based on factors likely to affect a particular set of challenges and opportunities”. Jüngst stieß ich im Internet auf ein Dokument der Rockefeller Foundation, das ein Zukunfts-Szenario vorstellt, welches stark an die aktuelle Corona-Pandemie erinnert. And it was written by the alleged benevolent Rockfeller Foundation in 2010. (Presumably he rounded off the figures to the nearest thousand dollars.) This was posited in the Rockefeller Lockstep 2010: • Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan. Documentation has proved that biological warfare is a reality, and that the United States is in the forefront of this. This public document was automatically mirrored from PDFy. In 2010, Rockefeller’s Transportation Initiative funded a scenario-planning exercise for key stakeholders to map creative paths toward federal legislative reform in transportation policy. Jump to page 18. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. Die Rockefeller-Stiftung (engl.Rockefeller Foundation) ist eine in New York City beheimatete wohltätige Organisation.Sie wurde von John D. Rockefeller gegründet mit dem Zweck, das Wohl der Menschheit auf der ganzen Welt zu fördern.. Am 14. A Rockefeller Foundation white paper published in May of 2010 titled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development takes a look at hypothetical future scenarios which may be used to benefit privy globalist corporations, businessmen and organizations at a later time. LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and authoritarian leadership: Two documents are available to download here, the full 54 pages technocratic crap written in typical globalist boring jargon ‘Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” and the 6 pages focused on the lockstep scenario that has been deployed to enforce the current fascist society using the alibi of a ‘pandemic’. Später sagt er aber, daß er bereit sei, die Menschheit als oberster Präsident in die Neue Weltordnung zu führen. Download PDF . Although other nations have the capability, to some degree, none is as advanced as the US is, in this field. Die fünfzigseitige Abhandlung "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" beschäftigt sich mit "treibenden Kräften", jene die Zukunft von Technologie und internationaler Entwicklung affektieren. In short, this is the plan that the Rockefeller Foundation wants to implement in the United States and beyond. Financial Statements. Mai 1913 genehmigte New Yorks damaliger Gouverneur William Sulzer die Satzung der Stiftung, welche bald darauf ihre Aktivitäten aufnahm. PLANDEMIC PLANET, THE ROCKEFELLER MASTER PLAN: LIVING IN LOCKSTEP. It even spoke of a pandemic to lead to the outcomes they predict. All Documents; Show only Financial Statements; Show only Governance Documents; Financial Statements. Danny 26/08/2020 22:50 One Comment Tien jaar geleden heeft de rijke en machtige Rockefeller Foundation een scenario doorgespeeld en mooi beschreven waarin een pandemie leidt tot autocratische regeringsvormen met totale bewaking en controle van de burgers. The Rockefeller Foundation is an American private foundation based at 420 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Download … p. 18 seq. Rockefellers „Lock Step“ Scenario. The scenario described has several differences from reality. Although a document published by the Rockefeller Foundation in May 2010 with a chapter titled ‘Lockstep’ was found, the chapter does not contain the exact content read by the speaker in the audio.. Full text. 2016 Financial Statements. Der Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 ... Rockefeller winkt direkt mit seiner linken Hand ab. The speaker in the audio is not President Akufo-Addo. fact the vast holdings of The Rockefeller Foundation and other family-8 collected funds were not included in Dilworth's presentation left most members little more enlightened than they had been. ROCKEFELLER Foundation Document Predicted a Global Pandemic. Nederlandse vertaling: LockStep document van de Rockefeller Foundation. Posted on March 26, 2020 by State of the Nation. Het zogenaamde LockStep-document. Ein Dokument der Rockefeller Foundation aus dem Jahre 2010 mit dem Titel “ Szenarios für die Zukunft der Technologie und für die internationale Entwicklung “ beschreibt einen Vorfall, der zum Tode von 13,000 Menschen während der Olympischen Spiele 2012 in London führt. The Rockefeller Foundation is working to provide the direction and drive needed to build a 21st century transportation system. Erstellt wurde das Dokument im Mai 2010 von «The Rockefeller Foundation» zusammen mit «GBN Global Business … 2019 990-PF. Auszug aus Lockstep, übersetzt von Norbert Häring . This Rockefeller Foundation paper reminds me of other key conspiracy accounts and documents which have also somehow magically (on the surface) “predicted” the future. The goals of the Rockefeller Foundation include tax optimisation for the Rockefeller clan, birth control, reduction of the global population to […] Financial Statements. To change the world into Global Governance (New World Order), a world crisis needs to occur to move into "The Great Reset". Well, it was written about in a document called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. 2018 Financial Statements. In 2010, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the Rockefeller Foundation, one of Our major “philanthropic” organs, convened what is called a “scenario planning exercise” where future events that we may or may not be … A 10-year-old document was dug up because some thought it showed COVID-19 was pre-planned. Financial Statements. Im Jahr 2010 hat die Rockefeller Foundation einen Bericht herausgegeben, der unter anderem ein Szenario aufgeworfen hat, dass die heutige Corona-Weltlage reflektiert. 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Document Envisions Pandemic Police State Scenario.pdf (PDFy mirror) Publication date 2014-01-01 Topics mirror, Collection pdfymirrors; additional_collections Language English. Unlike Bill Gates' Event 201 which was 2 months before the official outbreak, this Rockefeller Foundation paper was published 10 years ago in 2010. The globalist organization the Rockefeller Foundation has been planning and waiting for the right pandemic to implement themselves as world leaders. The first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. 2017 Financial Statements. It was established by the prominent Rockefeller family in New York State on May 14, 1913, when its charter was formally accepted by the New York State Legislature. Financial Statements. Lock Step (Gleichschritt) ist ein in 2010 veröffentlichtes Szenario der Rockefeller Foundation. The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010 They hypothesize a simulated global outbreak required steps, various phases, overall timelines, and expected outcomes. The Rockefeller Family first entered the oil business, in 1865, when it was only 6 years old. Anyone who watches this can be in no doubt this scary as fuck,NWO ID chips for everyone,global electronic monetary system universal basic income etc etc. Download PDF . In actuality, they are blueprints written by key insiders who already know the game plan and the … (document intro) From the Foundation’s statement of purpose: “The Rockefeller Foundation supports work that expands opportunity and strengthens resilience to social, economic, health, and environmental challenges — affirming its pioneering philanthropic mission, since … If it were to be implemented even partially, it would lead to a further concentration of economic and political power in the hands of even smaller elites, to the detriment of a growing majority that would be deprived of basic democratic rights. Written by James Fetzer. Die Rockefeller Foundation finanzierte 1916 die Gründung der Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, die “die erste ihrer Art in den Vereinigten Staaten war und auf diesem Gebiet einen enormen Einfluss erlangte”. We are seeing the aims of this document come to fruition in 2020. 2019 Financial Statements . The Rockefeller Foundation’s use of scenario planning to explore technology and international development has been both inspired and ambitious. According to Dilworth, the 84 living Rockefellers are worth a mere $1,033,988,000. A Ruling Class Dream Scenario. 2010: Rockefeller’s ‘Operation Lockstep’ Predicted 2020 ‘Lockdown’ Published on August 25, 2020. This video just surfaced, and it’s shocking. This 2010 Rockefeller Foundation document describes what they expected to get, and so far are getting, from a global pandemic. Lock Step is one of four scenarios in a paper produced for the Rockefeller Foundation in cooperation with the Global Business Network and released in May 2010 with the bland title Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.Lock Step is the scenario in which a pandemic "blanketed the planet", leading to tighter top down government control in all (or almost all) countries. It’s shocking, because it shows a journalist speaking on TV in 2014, reading out a document that was put out by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010, entitled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, which EXACTLY DESCRIBES the OTT lockdown going on right now across the world in response to a ‘pandemic’. Download PDF . BUSTED: Rockefeller Document Exposes True Globalists Covid-19 Control Plan… Posted by Lisa Haven | May 14, 2020 | Featured, USA | 3 | By Lisa Haven. Erzwinge die Phase-2-Quarantänen auf eine viel extremere Art, indem die Strafen für Nichteinhaltung erhöht werden. Download PDF . Der Titel jenes mittlerweile allberühmt-berüchtigten Dokuments ist nicht etwa «Lockstep», sondern. Oddly enough, the routes of the new coronavirus were publicly disclosed in the 2010 article by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network titled, Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. Throughout my 40-plus-year career as a scenario planner, I have worked with many of the world’s leading companies, governments, foundations, and nonprofits— and I know firsthand the power of the approach. So what is so interesting about this document and who wrote it, is that The Rockefeller Foundation is one of the main funders of the World Economic Forum that is implementing Agenda 2030/Sustainable Development Goals/New World Order. A Rockefeller Foundation paper, would it surprise you to know, predicted and planned for the exact type of pandemic scenario in which we find ourselves right now with the COVID-19 coronavirus. Dit is de agenda …