The treasurer reports to the chief executive officer. Which of the following is true of a matrix organizational structure? Which of the following statements is true about organizational structure? 8 Full PDFs related to this paper. Which of the following statements are true of the network organizational structure? Which of the following statements about the organizational structure of a business is true? Which of the following statements is false about organizational change?. This is following an organizational principle called: answer choices . Connection involves developing relationships with parties outside a firm to increase the value of the firm's offerings. Fine Gadgets is an example of a _____ organization. C) It has a structure that is similar to a bureaucracy. E) It has higher levels of job specialization than a mechanistic organization. Question: Which Of The Following Statements About The Effects Of A Successful Buyer-seller Relationship On Organizational Structure And Culture Is True? Question: 1. A. Which of the following statements is true of the bureaucratic approach? D) Bureaucratic designs are becoming more common. B. A) The goal behind the change to a divisional structure from a functional structure is to create larger subunits within an organization. Organizational culture exists only in large organizations that have more than 500 employees. Organization Structure and Regulatory Authority of the SEC [CMA Adapted] Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. The following statements are true regarding organizational structure in Financial Accounting module, except a. asked Apr 22, 2016 in Business by Camilla. Conflict management includes both increasing and decreasing conflict b. Download PDF. Which of the following statements is true regarding work specialization? a. A. Home; which of the following statements is true of organizational culture; which of the following statements is true of organizational culture. It understands market trends. A) It has a flexible and informal organizational design. A)Work specialization indicates to what degree will there be rules and formalized regulations to direct employees and managers. The organizational structure of a company affects which department is powerful, which department takes more decisions or which department has less power.. A. His workers tend to be highly satisfied with their jobs when compared to those in the finance department, headed by John who exerts more control. 1) Which of the following statements about the sun's structure is true? Which of the following statements is true of an organization that adopts an organic structure to deal with high environmental uncertainty? C) It becomes increasingly inadequate as an organization grows. 13) Which of the following statements about organizational structures is TRUE? All statements below are true about a matrix organization structure EXCEPT: a) The design supports both function and purpose. The vice president of finance reports to the chairman of the board. Which of the following statements is true about an organic organization? D. It does not require a lot of planning in small organizations. Which of the following statements about communities of practice is true? A) The organization needs to decentralize decision-making. Which of the following statements is true of organizational strategy in terms of structure and design? Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the organizational structure of a corporation? A _____ structure is an organizational structure where key decisions are made at all levels of the firm, not mandated from the top. General ledger is assigned to the company code level and is used for creating balance b. D) It is most widely adopted in large businesses in which the … Power systems b. Interconnections c. Presence of subcultures d. A widely dispersed organizational culture. Regardless of what type of structure your organization decides upon, three elements will always be there. Organizational culture cannot be expressed formally through mission statements, memos, or manuals. Which of the following about the suns structure is true? b. A) An organization is a stable, formal social structure that takes resources from the environment and processes them to produce outputs. B) It is characterized by a high degree of formalization. They appropriately balance the needs of both the parent organization and the project C. In selecting a management structure, the culture of the organization is not a huge consideration D. Which of the following best describes..... the tendency to judge all other groups according ..... A survey is considered to be ________ if it would produce identical results if repeated under similar conditions. Science. Fundamentals of Organization and Management MCQ's. Which of the following statements is true about the simple structure? A wbs lists the project tasks, identified by a unique identifier, in the order that they will be performed. By clicking "Sign up" you indicate that you have read and agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. THUS IF I AGREE WITH ABOVE THEN I FIND THAT STRATEGY IS KEY COMPONENT THAT LAYS GUIDELINES FOR ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE. Along the horizontal dimension of decision rights, a manager must decide whether decisions are made in a centralized or decentralized manner. The plurality organizational culture dimension emphasizes which of the following? READ PAPER. The best structure for any organization will depend upon who its members are, what the setting is, and how far the organization has come in its development. 1. A) It has a flexible and informal organizational design. In terms of organizational structure, which of the following statements is true of the multidivisional structure? Identify the customer-centric activity used by the management. asked Mar 29, 2017 in Criminal Justice by Helena. Behaviorists are those who support a more open organizational structure where roles and responsibilities are loosely defined. C)Work specialization increases the cost of finding and training workers to do specific and repetitive tasks. C) It has a structure that is similar to a bureaucracy. It is the arrangement or relationship of positions within an organization. By territory. A) It has a flexible and informal organizational design. B. Benzene obeys the 4n-2= pi electrons Benzene has three pi electrons. B) It is most likely to be operating in a very stable and predictable environment. Thomas, the head of the marketing department in an organization, has structured his department in such a way that the roles and responsibilities of his workers are loosely defined. Small companies experiencing rapid growth are the only organizations to benefit from a functional structure. Every organization has a structure which defines the hierarchy, the distribution of roles or the responsibilities within the organization. C) It has a structure that is similar to a bureaucracy. B)Work specialization decreases the time spent in changing tasks. The controller reports to the chief financial officer. Organizational culture is a visual display of an organizational structure, lines … C) It has a structure that is similar to a bureaucracy. A key component of a new manager's job is to understand the informal structure of the organization. They are inherent in the very idea of an organizational structure. Which of the following statements is true about an organic organization? Which of the following statements is true about functional organization structure? Which of the following statements is not true about organizational culture? It is not applicable to informal organizations. design The process of selecting and managing aspects of organizational structure and culture to enable the organization to achieve its goals is called organizational __________. Fundamentals of Organization and Management MCQ's. A) Emphasis on teams whose members cross organizational boundaries is a characteristic of flat structures. An organization with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, centralized authority, and little formalization C. An organizational design that groups similar or related occupational specialties together D. An organizational structure made up of separate business units or divisions E. An organization that is highly adaptive and flexible A) It is very expensive to operate. E. 2) Which of the following statements about organizations is not true? 1. 1. Of the four activities that make a firm customer-centric, connection involves: Of the four activities that make a firm customer-centric, coordination involves: The management of an organization is in the process of reorganizing the firm's activities with a more customer-centric focus. An integrated system of desired behaviors within an organization. E. Nasir. B) It is most likely to be operating in a very stable and predictable environment. D) It is most likely to have centralized authority. C. It is usually not seen in government and nonprofit organizations. A.The sun has a solid surface. Which of the following statements is an advantage of a network structure? Date: 17/01/2021 By Categories: Sem categoria No comments By Categories: Sem categoria No comments a. B) An organization is a formal, legal entity with internal rules … Fine Gadgets, a gadgets manufacturing company, has an organizational structure where the employees have to strictly follow rules and regulations stated by the management. The organizational structure of Tata Consulting Services (TCS) is a ___ organizational structure. Which of the following statements is true about a product divisional structure? The electrons in the pi bonds are delocalized around the ring. C) There are four types of organizational structure. Which of the following statements is true about organizational structure? Competitors often easily imitate another firm’s unique organizational configuration that drives excellent implementation and performance. Which of the following statements is true of division of labor? a. B. They are: a. B) It is most likely to be operating in a very stable and predictable environment. A) It has a flexible and informal organizational design. Question: 63) Which Of The Following Statements Is True Regarding A Matrix 63) Structure? )-it enables firms to access communities of practice-it tends to concentrate company resources to central locations-it should be supported by uniform, company-wide policies and procedures-it is more rigid that a matrix structure Conflict is necessary for organizational survival c. Conflict management is not a basic management responsibility d. Conflict includes interactions in which one party opposes another party B) The organization … E. It remains the same even as the company grows in size. This paper. Fundamentals of Organization and Management MCQ's. They are mainly focused on activities that involve helping and training employees improve their skills needed to better serve their customers. By manager. A The Concentrated Organizational Structures Of Non-U.S. Firms Permit Managers To Focus More On Short-term Earnings B. All of the following statements regarding relational coordination are true except a. when relational coordination is low, people share information and coordinate their activities. a. Rules associated with high autonomy and often found in professional organizations Check all that apply. An organization’s execution is not as significant as it’s strategy to enable long-term success. In a product divisional structure, the responsibility for the financial control of the firm is typically decentralized. B) As compared to functional structure, divisional structure has lower levels of vertical differentiation. Which of the following is a key advantage of the clan approach? They provide a framework for launching and implementing projects B. A) Re-engineering refers to the managerial task of adjusting and synchronizing the diverse activities among different individuals and departments. It offers direction toward future development. Which of the following is a true statement about the matrix organizational structure: Moreover, only the top management is allowed to make key decisions regarding organizational activities. It is a hard-and-fast rule that a firm's organizational structure should be matched to the particular requirements of its strategy implementation. A product divisional structure tends to be organized on geography. True False FALSE The three broad levels of the organizational pyramid, commonly called the hierarchy include top, middle, and front-line management. asked Mar 31, 2017 in Criminal Justice by Cliffhanger. C. D) It is most likely to have centralized authority. Central IT team As adoption scales, the cloud governance team might struggle to keep pace with the flow of innovation from multiple cloud … An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization. Two interesting and important topics concerning the SEC are the role it plays in the development of accounting principles and the impact it has had and will continue to have on the accounting profession and business in general. (Points : 1) It should be identical to its mission statement. b. building relational coordination into the fabric of the organization requires the active role of managers. B) Flat structures are increasingly the norm. It makes it easy to realize the economies Which Of The Following Statements Is True Of The Concentrated Organizational Structures Of Non-U.S. Firms? unity of command. As firms expand and grow in complexity, they reorganize into a functional structure. a) hierarchical b) networked c) matrix d) flat e) zero time Ans: a (Hard) Response: See pages 56, 57. It is the arrangement or relationship of positions within an organization. 19. C) It becomes increasingly inadequate as an organization grows. It expresses financial goals. Which of the following is NOT true of project management structures? C. It is usually not seen in government and nonprofit organizations. Pressures for organizational change will drop in the future b. A) It is very expensive to operate. B. B) The focus of re-engineering is on workflows. a. SO MY ANSWER IS ALSO " C ". b. Which of the following statements is TRUE about an organization’s strategic vision statement? 35) Which of the following statements is true about the simple structure? A. Each statement below is true about conflict and conflict management in organizations except. Which of the following statements is true about an organic organization? B) It is most likely to be operating in a very stable and predictable environment. In a matrix organizational structure, employees are organized into departments according to their skills, and there is little interaction between employees from different departments. Culture can easily be created if there is strong leadership. Which of the following statements is true regarding a divisional structure? Vertical specialization refers to the breadth of activities that are performed in a certain job. E) It has higher levels of job specialization than a mechanistic organization. 1. a. Which of the following terms refers to a structure where both divisional and functional managers have equal authority in the organization? Moreover, he does not exert too much control over his workers and encourages two-way communication. Please enable ads on this site to continue, as we rely solely on ads to keep producing and offering free content to you. In this lesson, you will learn about organic organizational structure including what it is and its key concepts. -all of these statements are true about a work breakdown structure (wbs) except: - a wbs lists the project tasks, identified by a unique identifier, in the order that they will be performed. D) It is most likely to have centralized authority. Download. The board of directors reports to the corporate president. Which of the following statements is true of the organizational design and the life-cycle of a firm? Which of the following is a disadvantage of a divisional structure? Benzene has three short double bonds alternating with three longer single bonds. Which of the following is a common way for a divisional organizational structure to be broken down: answer choices . The key advantage of the matrix structure is that it creates clear and efficient scenarios for managers working in a functional group as well as across divisions. Which of the following statements is true about an organic organization? Download Full PDF Package. A short summary of this paper. Which of the following firms is most likely to benefit from a bureaucratic approach? The sun has a solid surface The sun has an interior and an atmosphere The sun's interior is similar to the Earth's; it has a core, mantle, and crust*** The . Which of the following statements about re-engineering is true? Organizational change involves movement from the organization's present state to a target future state c. Managers need to know how to manage change and how to deliberately change an organization d. People and organizations often resist organizational … Which of the following statements about the structure of benzene is true? 11. Of the four activities that make a firm customer-centric, cooperation involves: Competitors can easily imitate a firm's unique organizational configuration that drives excellent implementation and performance. MULTIPLE CHOICE Which of the following statements is true of organizational strategy in terms of structure and design? It is the arrangement or relationship of positions within an organization. Which of the following firms is most likely to benefit from the clan approach? Which of the following statements about the divisional structure is true? D) It is most likely to have centralized authority. The three broad levels of the organizational pyramid are commonly called the organizational structure. One of the most important benefits of the functional structure is the efficiency it creates. 12. The following sections describe a fully staffed, proven organizational structure along with approaches to aligning the appropriate structure to your organization. B. The process by which firms impact the nature of their overarching industrial environment and alter their organization in response to evolving contextual factors is called _____. In a _____ structure, "knowledge workers" are organized to work as individual contributors or to be a part of a work cluster that provides a certain expertise for the organization. D) It is most widely adopted in large businesses in … It is not applicable to informal organizations. A) Community policing models are similar to those in an intelligence-led policing organizational structure. asked Oct 5, 2016 in Business by BIsisE A. Which of the following statements is not true about perspectives and views of organizational culture? Which of the following terms refers to a functional unit that operates according to its own rules and guidelines and does not openly share information with other units? b. C) Re-engineering generally leads to a shift toward a strong vertical structure. Changes in work practices or informal structures tend to result in greater efficiency. It looks like you've enabled Ad Blocking on our site. From this scenario it can be inferred that Thomas has adopted a _____ mechanism for coordinating. Competitors often easily imitate another firm's unique organizational configuration that drives … _____ is defined as the pattern of organizational roles, relationships, and procedures that enable coordinated action among employees. The factor that distinguishes functional organizational structure from divisional is that: Which of the following is a weakness of the matrix structure? D. It does not require a lot of planning in small organizations. In comparing traditional versus community policing organizational structure, which of the following statements is true? B) It is characterized by a high degree of formalization.
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