This says that a claim must be true because no one has proven that it is not true or that a claim must be false because no one has proven it false. I swear I’ll pay you back. 1. This category is for irrelevant conclusion fallacies, ones which make a point or conclusion which is logically irrelevant to the argument at hand. b. the straw man fallacy. This says that a claim must be true because no one has proven that it is not true or that a claim must be false because no one has proven it false. endstream endobj 454 0 obj <. Topic: Fallacies of Ambiguity or Diversion. However, because the reasoning is... See full answer below. So you’ve got to lend me $2000. Select one: a. hasty generalization b. ad hominem c. equivocation d. post hoc e. appeal to majority So you can believe that his … So you can believe that his class teaches students nothing about real life. Fallacies of Relevance by Laura Alfano 1. Example: Aliens must exist because no one has been able to come up with evidence to the contrary. Although they are often used in attempts to persuade people by non-logical means, only the unwary, the predisposed, and the gullible are apt to be fooled by their illegitimate appeals. Natalie is a pillar of our community, and pillars are made of stone or wood. a. Whoever thrusts a knife into another person should be arrested. Subject: Operations Management 0 ♥ 0 (5 points) Identify the fallacies of relevance committed by the following arguments, giving a brief explanation for your answer. The presentation that follows divides twenty-two informal fallacies into five groups: fallacies of relevance, fallacies of weak induction, fallacies of presumption, fallacies of ambiguity, and fallacies of grammatical analogy. Use your knowledge about fallacies of relevance to determine which, if any, of the following statements are true. 1) If an argument commits a fallacy of relevance, then the argument is neither sound nor cogent. An expert with a good reputation is generally reliable. He couldn’t possibly know anything about female health problems. Fallacies of the second category occur in those cases in which a word, phrase, or passage has no clear meaning . Don’t hire him to tutor young kids; he’s too violent. (2) Tiny is a dog. a. modus ponens. After all, if you don’t, we will have to break your arms, wreck your business, and harass your customers. Since that sports reporter is a female, her analysis of what caused our team to lose the game is irrelevant. c. the fallacy of equivocation. Question 10 0 / 10 Which of the following is a fallacy of relevance? c. the fallacy of equivocation. 4.2 Fallacies of Relevance . Such informal fallacies are normally divided into the following three general categories (Kahane and Tidman 2002, 349): Relevance fallacies: Fallacies of this kind do not present relevant information, or present irrelevant information for the conclusion. A deductive argument often follows the pattern: (1) All dogs have legs. Appeal to the Mob 2.1. He actually expects us to think about the material outside of class. Similar fallacies are often grouped together under a common name intended to bring out how the fallacies are similar. I saw him in a commercial where he said that Asperalinol was great for migraine headaches. �{���� �h`�`@@�0e��р�x �g`���y��$��t W� %PDF-1.5 %���� Fallacies of Relevance and Fallacies of Ambiguity. Check All That Apply. You said you can’t get any rest from the noise, so if you want him to stop, then let’s steal his car and trash it out of town. 2. Each of these is an example of the Fallacy of Relevance. So Natalie must be made of stone or wood. What makes something a fallacy is that it fails to be rationally compelling, once we have carefully considered it. 453 0 obj <> endobj We would die happy if you go to law school. 1. Force 2. It must be good for athletes. 2) Single arguments never commit more than one fallacy of relevance. Fallacies of relevance include fallacies that occur due to reliance on an irrelevant reason. Choose from the fallacies of ad ignorantiam , ad verecundiam , ad hominem , ad populum , ad misericordiam , and ad baculum. This fallacy is committed when the person in question is not a legitimate authority on the subject.
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