Which of the following is true of conscience? They help us to explain why some actions are right or wrong. The appeal to the people fallacy is about things that appeal to people. Which of the following is true of generalizations? The Appeal to Popularity has the following form: Most people approve of X (have favorable emotions towards X). The majority of Americans believe that it is perfectly acceptable to share copyrighted music over the Internet. Appeal to Popularity is an example of a logical fallacy. A good generalization has all true premises. A famous person appearing in an ad for a product completely unrelated to the person's fame or expertise commits a fallacy of popular appeal. Which of the following commits the fallacy of popular appeal? According to Lawrence Kohlberg, which of the following is a stage of moral development? The ethical subjectivist claims that we all have a duty to be tolerant of others. Which of the following are true of generalizations? Critical thinking skills have been found to help us, Seeking out only evidence that supports one's views and dismissing as unreliable statistics that contradict those views is known as. I don’t trust anyone in that park.” This statement commits which of the following fallacies? Which of the following is true of moral theories? They are ridiculed, shunned, attacked, or imprisoned. Which of the following best describes pseudoscience? Review the Ch. 4 information on evidence, research, errors and biases in thinking on pp. Below is the transcript; notice the appeal to pity as he attempts to justify why his teacher should give him an A … an argument that you should vote for Smith because everyone else is going to vote for him an argument that we should believe the Earth is flat on the grounds that the Earth certainly does not look round when you are standing on it all of these answers describe arguments that commit the fallacy of popular appeal QUESTION 3 Which of the following is true of dreams? Then, X should be. The following paragraph commits an informal fallacy. William Perry, and then later researchers, studied the cognitive development of college students. All of these are strategies that fall under the heading of reason. The following argument commits the fallacy of begging the question: “Socrates must be mortal, because all men are mortal, and Socrates is a man.” True. Remaining Time: 1 hour, 58 minutes, 34 seconds. Effective critical thinkers are able to balance belief and doubt with an attitude of. The information collected in the Freshman Survey is used to make which of the following types of argument? Aristotle believed the primary question of ethics concerns what sort of life is best for human beings. Carol Gilligan maintained that men and women differ in the ways in which they develop morally. The cultural relativist claims that what is morally required varies from culture to culture. Thus for the time being, we can assume that it will. An example of the fallacy-fallacy fallacy is the following: Alex: your argument contained a … an argument that you should vote for Smith because everyone else is going to vote for him Q: Which of the following commits the fallacy of popular appeal? The following argument commits the fallacy of popular appeal. A classmate concedes a disagreement with you, but only because she believes you are not smart enough to … Neither the conclusion of an argument nor a premise in an argument is a proposition. Which of the following is the attitude of most scientists? Alex: I just checked Wikipedia and it says that dogs are mammals, so I was right. Which of the following true of correlations? Which of the following arguments commits the fallacy of appeal to ignorance? b. an argument that you should vote for Smith because everyone else is going to vote for him Morality, in his view, requires that we have these character traits—that we should be just, temperate, courageous and so on. b. HUM 115 Week 3 Identifying Fallacies Social Errors, and Biases Quiz Question 1 / 10 Identify a true statement about expert testimony. Critical rationalists maintain which of the following? B) an argument that we should not believe a claim because only a stupid person would accept it. Which of the following is a conflict between moral values? This is a mistaken assumption since the whole and its parts don’t necessarily need to have the same properties. Which fallacy is committed by the following argument? Fallacy to be analyzed: There is no record of how … 19. Who among the following is a political scientist who maintains that public disbelief in a man-made cause of global warming in the face overwhelming scientific evidence is caused by the inability of scientists to clearly explain that evidence? 100-128, and the fallacy information found in Ch. True. Question Completion Status: QUESTION 2 Which of the following commits the fallacy of popular appeal? Which of the following commits the fallacy of popular appeal? Section II: Name that Fallacy 10. Which of the following commits the fallacy of popular appeal? Example: Alex is waiting in line at an ice cream shop, when out of nowhere someone cuts in line in front of him. What resources did the participants in the Milgram and Stanford University prison experiments who resisted hurting their subjects have that the other participants probably did not? Which of the following methods do scientists consider the only reliable one for obtaining knowledge? Misleading vividness – involves describing an occurrence in vivid detail, even if it is an exceptional occurrence, to convince someone that it is more important; this also relies on the appeal to emotion fallacy. Review the Ch. Appeal to popularity is making an argument that something is the right or correct thing to do because a lot of people agree with doing it. an argument that some claim must be false because no one can prove that it is true. Moral values are values that benefit others as well as yourself. Which of the following is a conclusion indicator? | HASTY GENERALIZATION. Taking objectivity as their ideal, scientists strive to do which of the following? an argument that is psychologically appealing, but provides no support for its conclusion. Expert testimony is generally unreliable. Which of the following best describes the red herring fallacy? Which of the following best describes the assumption of modern science called objectivity? They are capable of helping us solve our problems. View desktop site, Remaining Time: 1 hour, 58 minutes, 34 seconds. In a broader sense, equivocation refers to the use of vague or unclear language, especially when the intention is to mislead or deceive an audience.To dismantle a fallacy of equivocation, you must first discover the context behind the questionable terminology as it compares to the assertions an argument is attempting to prove. Fallacy of composition is a logical fallacy in which the properties of groups or wholes and their members or parts are thought to be transferable from one to the other. Which of the following is true of gender and communication styles? Which of the following arguments commits the fallacy of appeal to ignorance? False. Which of the following can differ from culture to culture? A correlation is when two events occur together at a rate higher than mere chance would predict. Which of the following should any good argument do? Which of the following is used to interpret the communications of others? (Points : 1) APPEAL TO FEAR. A student asks a teacher to give him an A in a course because, if he gets anything less, he will not get into medical school. Which of the following is true about our ability to reason? provide sufficient evidence for a conclusion. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The following argument commits the fallacy of composition: Teenagers earn less than adults, on average. Which of the following can be a barrier to effective communication? Correct Using a stereotype can prevent us from seeing people as they really are. Which of the following arguments commits the fallacy of appeal to ignorance? 9. an argument that you should vote for Smith because everyone else is going to vote for him. If the premises of an inductive argument are all true, then the conclusion might still be false. © 2003-2021 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Select one: a. appeal to ignorance b. diversion c. accident d. ad hominem e. appeal to emotion Question 9.9. Which of the following is associated with morality throughout the world? 1 / 1 pts Question 5 Which of the following arguments commits the fallacy of appeal to ignorance? Q: Suppose your bathroom scale reads your mass as 85 kg, with an 8% uncertainty. What generalization is suggested by the Milgram experiment and the Stanford University prison experiment? C) an argument that some claim must be false because no one can prove that it is true. APPEAL TO AUTHORITY. This type of fallacy is also called bandwagon. Therefore X is true. Complete the Week 3 Identifying Fallacies, Social Errors, and Biases Quiz.. “Both times I went to that park there were shady characters sitting around in the park. Moral relativists claim that there are moral principles shared by all people. It isn't clear from our focus group whether or not this bill will be popular with the people. an argument that we should believe that evolutionary theory is correct on the ground that all biologists believe it! Which of the following is a possible negative consequence of stereotyping? Terms Appeal to Force is a logical fallacy that occurs when one uses the threat of force or intimidation to coerce another party to drop their argument.. naturalistic approach to ethics for fear that it commits something called ‘the naturalistic fallacy’. Which of the following is a word or phrase that typically indicates an analogy? Which of the following best defines "emotional intelligence"? Privacy Recognizing Fallacy . The conclusion of a deductively valid argument necessarily follows from its premises. Which of the following displays the informal fallacy of appeal to pity? In one particular scene, Shia Lebouf who plays Sam Witwicky begs his teacher for an A grade . 5 on pp. In the appeal to ignorance fallacy, the arguer falsely accuses another arguer of being ignorant.
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