THERE could be a hidden city frozen underneath Antarctica, according to shock claims. 12/21/16 11:40AM. Researchers say a massive cavity the size of two-thirds of Manhattan was found under a glacier in Antarctica. Satellite data collected between 1996 and 2006 showed that the thinning of the ice shelves (floating sheets of ice that connect to a landmass) stagnated in East Antarctica, while in West Antarctica, the rate of the melting tripled. The hacktivist group Anonymous have ‘revealed’ the chilling (Get it, because it’s cold there) secret the U.S. government discovered in Antarctica back in the 1940s. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The land of snow and ice was once a flourishing continent. ? When researchers confirm this discovery, the frozen abyss will become the longest on earth, snatching the number one spot off of Greenland’s Grand Canyon discovered in 2013. Have the tools used to build ancient monuments been staring us in the face all along? Please refresh the page and try again. The hidden world under Antarctica: Researchers reveal what lies beneath the ice, Researchers discover a previouly unknown figure among the Nazca lines. Scientists believe a massive object that could change our understanding of history is hidden beneath the Antarctic ice. The Antarctic Treaty, together with all associated agreements, is mutually known as the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS). Because Antarctica wasn't completely covered in ice at one point, some argue an ancient civilization could have lived there. Thank you for this. Critically, in early January 2017, Goode says he was taken to Antarctica to see the ruins for himself by an Inner Earth civilization he calls the “Anshar”. Reports indicate that Lake Whillans — first discovered in 2007, covering a staggering area of 20sq miles— which lies beneath 800 meters of ice in Western Antarctica is eerily similar to a ‘wetland.’. Digging for the Secrets Beneath Antarctica Scientists have found life in the depths beneath the ice Members of the Lake Whillans drill team lived in yellow tents studding the Antarctic … George Dvorsky. This system is responsible for providing regulations and guidelines to the international community on how to relate to Antarctica. Antarctica contains no countries or permanent residents. Copyright Ancient Code. There is a hidden world under Antarctica, in a new study, researchers have shown giant ‘wetlands’ 800 metres beneath the Ice in western Antarctica. However, not all cavities under the ice of Antarctica are filled with water. Antarctica is the most isolated of the seven continents, ... which is caused by the constant movement of iron under the crust, shifting the orientation of Earth’s magnetic field. As a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, this site may earn from qualifying purchases. Who knows what else we'll find under the ice one day! There is a hidden world under Antarctica, in a new study, researchers have shown giant ‘wetlands’ 800 metres beneath the Ice in western Antarctica. It's growing at the bottom of Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica, and it's rapidly enabling ice melt above it. Antarctica is not an ideal place for a geologist to work — it is widely considered one of the coldest, driest, windiest and, during winter, darkest places on Earth. What Antarctica Looks Like Under All That Ice. Another intriguing discovery was a low-density area beneath Marie Byrd Land in West Antarctica. (Image: © Vipersniper/iStock/Getty Images Plus). He said that since 2002, teams of scientists and archeologists have been excavating the ruins which are buried under two miles of ice. The pocket is a sign of "rapid decay" … Beneath Antarctica's millions of square miles of ice, beneath the snow thousands of feet thick, sits dirt and rock like every other continent. A possible new source has come forward with corroborating information about the discovery of a large frozen city two miles under the Antarctic ice, located roughly 16 miles from the geographic South Pole. Antarctica is home to more than half of the world’s freshwater reserves but most of it is frozen. By measuring these changes, GOCE provided the data to make a full gravity map of the planet. The huge and mysterious “anomaly” is thought to … If all of this ice were melted, sea levels would rise about 60 m (200 ft). Hitler didn't commit suicide, but instead fled using the German submarine fleet to go inside the Earth … About 98% of Antarctica is covered by the Antarctic ice sheet, a sheet of ice averaging at least 1.6 km (1.0 mi) thick. The kilometers-thick ice sheet sitting on top of 98 percent of the continent makes geologic study even more difficult. ‘It is exciting to see such a rich dataset from the lake, and these new data are helping us understand how lakes function as part of the ice-sheet system.”. Thanks to the Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD) project financed by the National Science Foundation (NSF) researchers are one step closer to discovering exactly what lies beneath the thick ice sheets covering most parts of the icy continent. Antarctica, the world’s southernmost continent, is almost wholly covered by an ice sheet and is about 5.5 million square miles (14.2 million square km) in size. And this is not surprising, given that the temperature here can reach minus 80 ° C, and most of it is covered with a massive glacier. Antarctica was home to a temperate, swampy forest about 90 million years ago. According to a new study on Antarctica, there is a vast canyon system that lies beneath the ice present in East Antarctica. 11 Rainforests 27. Antarctica is the least explored continent on the planet. But under-ice finds in Antarctica are not limited to lakes. Peterson says that he was taken to Antarctica during classified missions where he was tasked with the job of understanding the advanced technologies found near three motherships, one or more of which he witnessed during his missions. Stay up to date on the coronavirus outbreak by signing up to our newsletter today. One of these places is located under the glaciers of Murray bird land. East Antarctica's crust is thicker than West Antarctica's: It's between 25 miles and 37 miles (40 and 60 kilometers) thick, compared with the West's 12 miles and 22 miles (20 and 35 km) thick. NASA Found a Giant Underground Cavern in Antarctica Almost the Size of Manhattan. But then there's also this suggestion: Getty Images / BuzzFeed Alien UFO found in Antarctica is 100 percent proof of ancients aliens on Earth - odd claim ALIEN hunters believe they have found a UFO in Antarctica which they claim is … More land for these disgusting humans to pollute. Wonder if there are fish in these freshwater lakes. At last, an article with verifiable references. [Antarctica: The Ice-Covered Bottom of the World (Photos)]. Scientists have found that the ancient, isolated reservoir of ocean water has the ability to affect the biogeochemistry of this lake system. Researchers hope that further studies will allow them to understand how sea levels rise, and how ice behaves in response to global warming. Scientists confirm legends, revealing the face of Viking warrior woman with battle wound. GOCE orbited Earth from 2009 to 2013, mapping gravity differences below to tease out the planet's topography and interior structure. At 12,500 square kilometres and with an average depth of 430 metres, Lake Vostok is the world’s sixth-largest lake by volume, but as it lies beneath some 3.5km of ice, it’s not easy to visit. Fifty one years later Patrick Epps reclaimed them 250 feet under the ice cap! Antarctica hasn’t always been covered by miles-thick ice sheets, a land of hunkered-down penguins and some scraggly grasses.Roughly 35 million years ago, Antarctica was a … It sits in what is known as the Antarctic Convergence, which is where the cold, north-bound Antarctic waters meet the warmer ocean waters. The lack of landmass under West Antarctica makes the region more vulnerable to melting, as it lacks the mountain ridges that stabilize the glaciers in the east. Not so long ago, scientists discovered under the Thwaites Glacier a gigantic cavity with an area of about 40 square kilometers and a height of about 300 meters, which was formed by the melting of about 14 billion tons of ice. A new map reveals the remnants of ancient continents lurking beneath Antarctica's ice. But even this could not stop the impending catastrophe. Initial Territorial Claims on Antarctica . Au contraire, during its long history, Antarctica was located farther north and experienced a tropical or temperate climate, meaning that it was covered in forests, and inhabited by various ancient life forms. The findings help reveal fundamental facts about Earth's tectonics and how Antarctica's land and ice sheets interact, he wrote in an email. Around 25 million years ago, Antarctica as we know it, gradually broke apart from Gondwana. The rainforest's remains were discovered under the ice in a sediment core that a team of international researchers collected from a seabed near Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica … NY 10036. Weather fronts rarely penetrate far into the continent, because of the katabatic winds. The Palermo Stone –Evidence of Ancient Astronauts? When they looked at this layer, they found evidence of the continent's history as part of Gondwana, a supercontinent made of the modern Southern Hemisphere continents, which broke up about 180 million years ago. The climate of Antarctica is the coldest on Earth.The continent is also extremely dry (it is technically a desert), averaging 166 mm (6.5 in) of precipitation per year. But this very feat revealed that the layers of ice were not annual, as is presumed by modern science. Always wary of articles titled with “Researchers…dadada” with details. The water of the lake periodically drains to the ocean through some channels connecting the lake, however, with insufficient energy to carry much sediment. Why is Antarctica considered to be a desert? Mysterious Antarctica. Scientists have established that the glacier is so heavy that it could bend the mainland under … The eastern section of Antarctica is buried beneath a thick ice sheet. Beneath the Antarctic ice lie the remnants of "lost" continents. ANTARCTICA scientists were stunned to find a thriving world of alien-like organisms living under more than 2,600ft (800m) of frozen ice. The map shows that East Antarctica is made up of multiple cratons, which are the cores of continents that came before, according to study leader Jörg Ebbing, a geoscientist at Kiel University in Germany. The continent of Antarctica is located in and comprises 20 percent of the Antarctic region of the Southern Hemisphere. A new map reveals the remnants of ancient continents lurking beneath Antarctica's ice. Polar vortex may be linked to climate change 06:17. Antarctica’s undeveloped state means the skies above the continent are the clearest in the world. Recent discoveries have revealed just how volcanic Antarctica really is, despite being hidden underneath massive ice sheets. I wonder how much gold, silver, platinum and other mineral percentages are under all that frozen H2O. © “It is amazing to think that we did not know that this lake even existed until a decade ago.,’ said Helen Amanda Fricker of Scripps, who initially discovered Subglacial Lake Whillans in 2007 from satellite data. Brad Rosenheim, Ph.D., associate professor of geological oceanography in the USF College of Marine Science (CMS), is a principal investigator of the SALSA (Subglacial Antarctic … I had some of these conversations with Corey and even recorded one interview about Antarctica which we have on CETV here. © You will receive a verification email shortly. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. Visit our corporate site. There are plenty of interesting facts about the southernmost continent. Scientists worry about the ice melting due to environmental issues such as climate change. Ebbing and his team used other satellite data to virtually strip the ice from Antarctica to focus on the bedrock beneath. Antarctica is so cold because it is at the pole, is very high and is a large landmass. Antarctica is classified as a desert by this definition. 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They have found that it may be up t… Antarctica: The Ice-Covered Bottom of the World (Photos), In Photos: Research Vessel Headed to 'Hidden' Antarctic Ecosystem, See Photos of the World's Weirdest Geologic Formations, Whale that stranded off Florida is completely new species (and already endangered), 18 dead and hundreds missing in catastrophic Himalayan avalanche, SpaceX's Crew-1 astronauts break 47-year US space record, Ancient graves and mysterious enclosure discovered at Stonehenge ahead of tunnel construction, Stressful animation shows blue whale dodging hundreds of ships while trying to feed, Coronavirus may infect key brain cells, causing neurons to die, Asteroid the size of the Golden Gate Bridge will whiz past Earth in March. There was a problem. The modern-day continent is also host to regions called orogens, which are crumpled-up regions where ancient continents would have rammed together to build mountains. The existence of this low-density portion of the upper mantle — the layer of the planet beneath the crust — may be due to an ancient mantle plume, Ebbing and his colleagues wrote Nov. 5 in the journal Scientific Reports. The Antarctic mantle plume would date back to sometime in the last 66 million years, according to the researchers. The map shows that East Antarctica is made up of multiple cratons, which are the cores of … Antarctica’s distance from the rest of the world also means fewer contaminants to clog the sky. What we have to understand is that around 170 million years ago, Antarctica was part of the supercontinent called Gondwana. It is a good place to study Earth. Lakes under the ice: Antarctica’s secret garden. Researchers concluded that that the environment beneath the Icy continent is very similar to a wetland within the coastal plain on other parts of the planet. The continent of Antarctica is truly the ‘real’ land-down-under. Antarctica is not an ideal place for a geologist to work — it is widely considered one of the coldest, driest, windiest and, during winter, darkest places on Earth. This is the Bentley depression, which is the deepest continental point on the planet that is not filled with liquid water about 8215 feet … Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Researchers have revealed what actually lies under the western parts of the icy continent of Antarctica. The huge and mysterious "anomaly" is thought to … It has revealed the deepest canyon on Earth’s surface, plunging 3.5 kilometers below sea level under Denman Glacier in East Antarctica, nearly half as deep as Mount Everest is tall. The cavern sits where nearly 14 billion tons of ice used to be, all of which melted in the last few years. What Antarctica Looks Like Under All That Ice. Antarctica’s reputation as a frozen land at the bottom of the world might make it seem an uninteresting place, but nothing can be further from the truth. Gravity's pull differs very slightly from one point on Earth to another, depending on changes in topography and the density of the planet's interior. Researchers say a massive cavity the size of two-thirds of Manhattan was found under a glacier in Antarctica.
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