A model in science is a conceptual representation whose purpose is to explain and predict observed phenomena. Circumference = 2πr = 2π (6371 km) = 40000 km. Our Moon has a diameter of 3476 km. At most times, Mars appears to move __________ relative to the stars. - Free fall is falling without any resistance to slow you down, the floor drops away at the rate that you are falling, allowing you to float and thus making you feel weightless; astronauts are in a constant state of free-fall at the space station because they are constantly falling around the earth causing them to feel weightless, moving fast enough, - 1st law: An object in motion stays in motion. The moon seems larger in angular size when it is near the horizon than when it is high in the sky. The Sun-centered system pictured in the lower window of the animation offers a simple explanation for observations of apparent retrograde motion. Angular resolution describes the ability of any image-forming device such as an optical or radio telescope, a microscope, a camera, or an eye, to distinguish small details of an object, thereby making it a major determinant of image resolution.It is used in optics applied to light waves, in antenna theory applied to radio waves, and in acoustics applied to sound waves. If you extend your hand to arm's length, you can use your fingers to estimate angular distances and sizes in the sky. The ~ of the Sun here is a constant, whether it is viewed from the Earth, or from the Moon, (give or take a smidgin). If the Moon were twice as far away, it would appear half as big"15' across"even though its actual size would be the same. We also know that the AU is about 390 times the average Earth-moon distance. Question We observe that the angular diameter of the moon is about same as the angular diameter of the sun (about 1/2 degree). Callisto’s diameter is 4720 km and Ganymede’s diameter is 5200 km. The angular diameter depends on the distance between the two objects and the diameter of the object being viewed. Longitude, however, does not vary. How large is the Moon if its angular size is about 30 arc minutes and it is 384,000 kilometers away from us? The zodiac are the constellations that make up the ecliptic. They could not measure the Moon's diameter accurately, but they knew its angular size a, which is also roughly ½°, or 1800". Also, your orbit makes you see different combinations of bright and dark sides. It changes the constellations in the sky, therefore changing the constellations we see. A hypothesis attempts to answer questions by putting forth a plausible explanation that has yet to be rigorously tested. The horizon is the boundary between the Earth and sky. Viewed from Earth, the Moon's angular diameter would have have been larger in the past. explained apparent retrograde motion by saying that each planet moves around earth on a small circle that turns upon a larger circle, Copernicus revolution was the dramatic change initiated by copernicus, that occurred when we learned that earth is a planet orbiting the sun rather than the center of the universe, ellipse: Is an oval in the shape of its bound orbits, 1. the orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun at one focus, Modern science seeks explanations for observed phenomena that rely solely on natural causes. The zenith is the point directly overhead; the meridian is an imaginary half circle stretching from the horizon due south to the horizon due north, passing through the zenith. A) Picture -Both galaxies are 1 cm in diameter, and 25 cm apart. So what is the cause of the seasons? What can we conclude? The universe is expanding, meaning that average distance between galaxies are increasing with time- implying that galaxies must have been closer together in the past. Some people judge it to be as much as twice as large, but the average estimate is 50% to 75% larger. In the figure below, D represents the true diameter of the Sun (1.392 x 10 6 km) and d represents the distance from the Earth to the Sun (149,598,261 km). A 12 month lunar calendar has only 354 or 355 days, or about 11 days fewer than a calendar based on the Sun (59, 60). f you wanted to document the apparent retrograde motion of Mars, you would need to measure and record Mars's __________ over a period of __________. • The Moon and the Sun, coincidentally, have nearly the same angular size, about 0.5 degrees. A week after full moon, the Moon's phase is: If there is going to be a total lunar eclipse tonight, then you know that: When we see Saturn going through a period of apparent retrograde motion, it means: Earth is passing Saturn in its orbit, with both planets on the same side of the Sun. The Moon's motion across the sky can be measured in angular size: approximately 15° every hour, or 15″ per second. The distance would be 7.2 ft (3.6/0.5 = 7.2, so the penny must be 7.2 times farther away … 3) The Moon has an angular size of 30 minutes and its distance from the Earth is about 240,000 miles. You've now seen that Earth's varying distance cannot be the cause of our seasons. What is the Sun's diameter in kilometers? No, because the Greeks had an Earth-centered model that also accounted for apparent retrograde motion. Basically, the tidal force stretches Earth to create one tidal force facing the Moon and one tidal force opposite of the moon. How many arcseconds are in a full circle? Latitude affects the sky because it affects the horizon and the zenith. Each degree is separated into arcminutes and further subdivided into arcseconds. Means that it makes a half turn in half the orbit. The XDF is a small fraction of the angular diameter of the full moon. - Orbits cant change spontaneously because as long as no other object causes the planet to gain or lose energy, its orbit must remain constant. Which of the following planets should have the most extreme seasons? The phase of the Moon must be new and the Moon must be passing through Earth's orbital plane. 2. The linear diameter of the moon is 3476 km. – From the information in the table, calculate the maximum and minimum angular size of each moon and object as viewed from Europa. The Moon's angular size is about 1/2∘. Delta (d) is the angular diameter of the Sun from the distance of the Earth and alpha (a) is half of this (a = d /2). What is this in arcseconds. - Momentum is the product of its mass and velocity (momentum= m X v) Momentum can only be affected by a force applied to it- not only any force, but a net force or overall force. If we use the modern knowledge that the Moon is about 3,500 kilometers in diameter, we can estimate its distance just as we did for the friend's distance above. Without re-inputting, click "seconds" and then click "calculate". In spring: When it is summer in Australia, the season in the United States is: It must be the day of either the spring or fall equinox. --> Orbital period, Keplters theory of law, --> We only see our own solar system in one stage. When the moon is smallest, it is moving slowly, so the troughs in the graph are wide. A circumpolar star is a star that always remains above the horizon for a particular latitude. The Sun and the Moon are usually equal in angular diameter when seen from Earth, even though one is about 400 times wider than the other. (a) If the Moon’s diameter were doubled, going from an angular size of ½° to an angular size of 1°, there would be more total solar eclipses because the opportunity to cover the Sun’s disk would be increased. Change the Moon's orbital plane so it is in the same plane as Earth's orbit around the Sun. AKA the Big Bang (about 14 billion years ago). The bumps are not all the same size because the orbit of the moon is perturbed by the sun. (Hint: use the Moon data given in the previous question.) Retrograde motion is when the apparent retrograde motion is the apparent motion of a planet, as viewed from the earth, during the period of a few weeks or month's when it moves westward relative to the stars in our sky; it was difficult for ancient astronomers to explain because they believed in an earth centered universe; stellar parallax- the apparent shift in the position of a nearby star that occurs as we view the star from different positions in the earth's orbit of the sun each year, this supported an earth centered universe because they thought if earth rotated around the sun then the stars would get closer at certain times of the year. Angular Diameter = 206265 (6788 km / 200,000,000 km) Angular Diameter = 7 seconds of arc. This tells you that: Beijing and Philadelphia have about the same latitude but very different longitudes. The Milky Way can be explained as being the size of a football field, with our galaxy being centered over midfield and our solar system as a microscopic dot around the 20-yard line. The Moon's angular size is about 1/2∘. For example, comets' orbits can change if they get too close to a planet. Astronomy had practical benefits for timekeeping, keeping track of seasonal changes, and navigation. Both Actual Size and Distance are in kilometers. If you could change the layout of the solar system, which of the following would cause a lunar eclipse to occur at least once every month in this hypothetical situation? Part 4: Computation. Each appears to be about ½° across from ground-based observers. With the large mass of both the Earth and Moon and its distance, the Earth-Moon system has a relatively high angular momentum , but not an extraordinary amount. - Speed - The distance an object travels per unit time. - Basically, the strength of gravity between the Earth and the Moon declines with distance so as we switch b/t the sides of the Earth that face the Moon, the gravitational attraction of each part of Earth closest to the Moon becomes weaker. Taking measurements of the angular size of the moon is also determining the angular distance of the two objects. The angle covered by the diameter of the full moon is about 31 arcmin or 1/2°, so astronomers would say the Moon's angular diameter is 31 arcmin, or the Moon subtends an angle of 31 arcmin. Two stars that are in the same constellation: May actually be very far away from each other. The exceptions are during its periods of apparent retrograde motion, when Mars appears to move __________ relative to the stars. Latitude measures the north/south position on Earth, where longitude measures the east/west position. The answer is 24.846 seconds. Knowing the moon's true diameter (1/4 that of the earth), we can use its measured angular diameter (half a degree) to determine its distance. While 1/3,600th of 1° is an arc second, an arc minute is 1/60th of 1°. For an observer on the Earth, the angular diameter of the Moon and the Sun are quite similar ( ~ 0.5 o = 30 arcmin).In reality, the Sun’s physical diameter is 400 times bigger than the Moon, while the Moon is ~ 400 times closer to the Earth. Io has a diameter of 3620 km. The orientation of the axis is relative to the sun changes; the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun in June and away in December. their densities are very low compared to other objects or comparable size such as our moon or mercury. - There are two types of tides including Spring and Neap tides. For example, the Moon, at its present distance from Earth, has an angular diameter of 0.5°, or 30'. A one-mile-long line painted on the face of the Moon would appear from Earth to … Synchronous rotation means that the Moon rotates on its axis in the same amount of time it takes for it to orbit Earth. Now our answer is.4141 minutes. Major levels of structure: planets, moon, asteroids and comets, the Sun= solar system, The Sun and all stars we can see make up the Milky-Way Galaxy (galaxy= a great island of stars in space, containing a few hundred million to a trillion or more stars), etc. The radius of the Sun (r) will be half of D (r = D/2). How many arcminutes are in a full circle? Happens b/c of Earth's gravity affecting the moon. The phase of the Moon must be full and the Moon must be passing through Earth's orbital plane. No, b/c the moon would be behind the Earth at that time. As a result, the actual number of solar eclipses that occur each year is approximately _____. The observable universe can be put into perspective by thinking about how many grains of sand there are in all the beaches in the world, which would be comparable to the number of stars there are in the observable universe. Spring and fall equinoxes are when the sun is shining equally on both hemispheres. Suppose that instead of being inclined to Earth's orbit around the Sun, the Moon's orbit was in the same plane as Earth's orbit around the Sun. Summer is northern. Solar eclipse only occurs when the Moon is new and is close enough to the ecliptic that its shadow partially or completely reaches the Earth. (Click "Show Moon with flat orbit" to see this situation.) Which statement best describes how variation in the Earth-Sun distance affects the seasons? So the peaks in the graph (where the moon is large) are narrow, as the moon quickly moves away from periapse. Jupiter has a diameter of 142,000 km. Technical terms, an object moves at constant velocity unless a net force acts to change its speed or direction, - Temperature - The quantity that tells how warm or cold an object is with respect to some, - mass-energy is the concept that the mass of an object or system is a measure of its energy, - States that any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly, - An object on a bound orbit follows the same path around the Sun over and over, while an, - You need to know the orbital period of the two objects (p), the mass of one of the objects. During this time, Mars appears _____ in our night sky and crosses the meridian around _____. The exceptions are during its periods of apparent retrograde motion, when Mars appears to move __________ relative to the stars. The Moon was was {eq}362,399\, km {/eq} from Earth.The moon's true diameter is {eq}3,474\, km {/eq}. Should these facts alone have been enough to convince the ancient Greeks that Earth really does go around the Sun? What is really happening in space during the periods when we see Mars going through apparent retrograde motion? Moon is about 30 arc minutes and its diameter is about 3476 ki,ometers.so it may be 3476divided by 30. about 115.8kilometers. Circumference = 2πr = 2π (6371 km) = 40000 km equator to pole distance = Circumference 4 =40000 km, 4 = 10000 km, Thus, 1◦ = 10000 km 90◦ = 111 km Each arcminute of latitude represents 1.85 … "Early attempts (by Greek Astronomers) to measure the distance to the Moon exploited observations of a lunar eclipse combined with knowledge of Earth's radius and an understanding that the Sun is much further than the Moon. Extrapolating backwards in time, we can estimate how fast theEarth could What conditions must exist for a lunar eclipse to occur? All happen b/c half the moon always faces the sun and other half doesn't. However, they do sometimes change because of gravitational encounters- when two objects get close enough that they feel the effects of each other's gravity.
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