Way to go! SMH. There are so many directions you could go when writing an essay about the American flag. One of the first American flags that Betsy Ross sewed. To honor the American flag, shows all that you "Love" America; The nfl just proved their disrespect; Actions speak louder than words !!! The fringe on a Flag is considered and honorable enrichment only'.” It has been said that the gold color represents the richness of the natural resources of this nation. What feelings does it conjure? How fascinating! On your vehicle, clamp the staff to the right front fender. Answer: Though I cannot say this with certainty, I don't believe so. The Flag and disrespect. Angela loves history and feels it is essential to our future to know the past—or else be destined to repeat it. Last Updated: Also because the primary reason for a flag is to identify ships, it makes sense that there would be that navigational symbolism. § 8(a)The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. Therefore, I do not necessarily believe that one should show respect towards things they do not respect. They are kneeling to bondage. I love this website because i have a essay to do. Do you see how many Vets are out on the streets? Source: United States Code, Title 4, Chapter 1–The Flag. The flag has taken on significant meaning for many Americans, even as others have created variations that symbolize other things that some Americans take pride in. The color of red represents the blood spilled and valor of the people that fought and died to create the new nation, white signifies purity and innocence of the new nation, blue the infinite vastness of the creator, and silver the strength and integrity of the individual states joined together shining and reflecting their oneness in the new light. The 13 stripes on each flag are always seven red and six white. this a very good site for the american flag there is a lot of infomation. The Flag of the United States of America is a symbol of freedom and liberty to which Americans pledge their allegiance. These young protesting brats need to grow up and find a job or go home or get out of this country and see what they are messing up. What surprised you? [Five-pointed] pierced mullets are called spur revel, while ones that are not pierced are called a star. Since the nation's founding, the American flag has typically symbolized national pride. I'm off to do "liberal" things ...have a great Day ! Answer: The honest answer is that no one truly knows for sure, but we do know that the resolution of the Continental Congress in 1777 states "the union [shall] be thirteen stars white in a blue field, representing a new constellation." Here are more facts that you probably did not know about the stars, the stripes, the colors, the folds, and the meaning behind it all. Know any facts there? Our flag stands for freedom because of the many lives that had to be lost throughout history for us to be the nation we are today. I feel the American flag stands for freedom, equal rights, hope, opportunity, among just a few. Keep your flag completely dry and folded properly — into a triangle, with the union (blue section) visible — before storing it in a well-ventilated area. Red stands for courage, hardiness, and bloodshed. Answer: To understand why there are different flags, you need to understand the purpose of flags. The Flag Desecration Amendment (often referred to as the Flag-burning Amendment) is an American proposed law, in the form of constitutional amendment to the Bill of Rights, that would allow the U.S. Congress to prohibit by statute and provide punishment for the physical "desecration" of the flag … From your porch, place the union (blue section) at the peak of the staff. Answer: Many believe that you stand and sing during the national anthem, and you place your hand on your heart for the pledge. The flag can be flown every day, but it is often flown to show patriotism on these observances: National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. Most often, this is done to mark the death of a government official, military member, or first responder; in honor of Memorial Day or other national day of remembrance; or following a national tragedy. A practice not unique to US forces We need to respect our flag and what it stands for. Not only were they concerned about the racism, but they also were concerned about the extreme violence that happened to certain black Americans. Give me a break, if that isn’t a bigoted statement than what is? Vote policies that help them get mental health treatment. White stands for purity and vigilance: purity because our country is independent and is not corrupted by any other country. That being said, I believe that America should go back to the things that the flag is supposed to represent. If I felt our country was going down a dark path that harmed people like that of the Holocaust, I would not stand and respect our country at that time. I probably know a bit less about your flag that your other commentators, so this was really interesting. Question: Do you feel it’s right that our professional football players kneel during our national anthem and disrespect our country by doing so and everybody that fought and died for it? Purple is often a symbol of royalty, which is something early Americans rejected. Being startled by my Nephew and a few others, the bomber was forced to detonate early...before reaching the Pavillion, which saved numerous maybe even hundreds of soldiers' lives Many people do not know the meaning of the American Flag and what it represents. To not stand is saying we are giving up that freedom. If the flag is not an all-weather flag, then it should not be displayed while it rains or snows. #fortnite is dead. Since there are many different groups, countries, states, there is a need to symbolize each group through a flag, hence the multitude of flags. We stand because we are saying that we will not only stand for our I individual freedom but we stand together to fight and preserve our freedom. BLUE symbolizes vigilance, perseverance and justice Of course, these characteristics are aligned closely with the values of America, which is why they are represented in the colors of the American flag. If I truly felt that police officers were targeting black Americans across all of the United States than yes, I would agree. The flag has flown and given respect to those that have passed on by. The flag’s 13 alternating red and white stripes represent the 13 original colonies. ..:). But it is an unusual holiday. Official websites use .gov I will continue to honor this country as long as it continues to work towards freedom, unity, and love. The “backwards” flag is actually part of the US Flag Code, which applies to spacecraft, aircraft, and even service members’ uniform insignia. Can you say terrorist!!! Vigilance because our country needs to be alert and careful in the choices we make. I believe that, although our country struggles in all three areas, I feel that as a whole our country continues to strive for those three things. Various historians have their thoughts on what the colors of the American Flag … I see them as the most important aspect of a lot of things. Every person that is fighting for our freedom I will stand for you I will teach the people around this also. In both versions, the black space above the blue line represents society, order and peace, while the black below, … Flags are also used to show support and promote unity within a group. The mere fact that you can even suggest that black men and women are NOT unjustly treated in this country is the very reason they are kneeling. But it does exist in our children before we corrupt them. You may hear of other counties burning our flag because they disrespect us. This is a silent protest and yet captures people's attention. However, the present-day interpretation of its symbolism has strayed from its original meaning, as Blue Lives Matter supporters have put their own twist on … Vote policies that help them get mental health treatment. U.S. Learn about the American flag and how to display it. Question: Why do the professional football players kneel during our national anthem? Answer: Generally, it is respectful to only display the flag from sunrise to sunset, unless the flag is being illuminated throughout the night, in which case it can be displayed 24 hours. Therefore, it is not necessary to place your hand on your heart when you are singing the national anthem. By the way, I do stand for our national anthem. Betsy Ross wasn't thrilled to take on this responsibility, and her initial response was, "I don't know, but I can try." Good work! I was like "Oh I agree with that, but not that." I believe reading it from various texts rather than a textbook is most effective. Do You Have to Vote for the Party You're Registered With? Please work together, and stop bickering. We ARE THE UNITED STATES!!! It was never about the flag but since a lot of people refuse to get it and want to make it about that instead of the REAL issue, let's just go ahead and let you win and make the argument about the flag and showing disrespect. What does it mean to our country? As an artist, I appreciate the colors used on flags and often colors are representative of what is displayed for the eye to see. and since they are right in front of everyone's nose that representation should be known and understood if one is going to stand at attention and sing to it. This lesson offers specific symbolic aspects of the U.S. flag as well as factual points pertaining to the flag and its history. February 19, 2020, USAGov is the Official Guide to Government Information and Services, Government Agencies and Elected Officials, Presidents, Vice Presidents, and First Ladies, Indian Tribes and Resources for Native Americans, Commonly Requested U.S. Laws and Regulations, How Laws Are Made and How to Research Them, Personal Legal Issues, Documents, and Family History, Who Can and Can’t Vote in U.S. Are they joining those that violate their rights, equality and ideals that our flag represent?!!! GOOD JOB! You should take off your hat as a sign of respect. Now I know the meaning of the folds for the Flag and what it meant for my brother to receive a folded one after my Nephew died. https://www.foxnews.com/real-estate/flag-day-facts-10-things-you-didnt-know-about-the-american-flag, http://www.ehow.com/about_6163988_folds-mean-folding-flag.html, https://www.almanac.com/content/american-flag-etiquette-rules-and-guidelines, http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/us-ststr.html, http://www.pbs.org/a-capitol-fourth/history/old-glory/, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-man-who-wrote-the-pledge-of-allegiance-93907224/, https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/key-pens-star-spangled-banner. Flag in Washington, DC the District of Columbia Has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire - consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City.London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. I really appreciate your compliments! Guidelines for Displaying the Flag of the United States. A flag flying at the top of a lighthouse could mean several things, depending on the color and color pattern of the flag. The gold fringe flag is not the same flag that is approved for our Constitutional Republic in USA code Title 4 Ch 1 & Ch 2. If you want to honor a Vet then vote policies that don’t throw them out on the street when they do get back for serving. Question: How long should the flag be displayed? My comment hasn't been posted; did I offend; sometimes the " Truth" offends...please respond...2g. Since the nation’s founding, the American flag has typically symbolized national pride. View a larger version of the infographic. http://www.military.com/flag-day/flag-ettiquette-d... Not displaying the flag during unpleasant weather conditions. The flag is believed to be a design by a woman named Betsy Ross around the height of the American Revolution in the mid-to-late 1770s, leading to its nickname, Betsy Ross Flag. We want to remember the person's perseverance and vigilance, not the loss of the person. If you want to honor a Vet then vote policies that don’t throw them out on the street when they do get back for serving. It is considered an exercise of the First Amendment right. Hoisting the flag energetically and lowering it ceremoniously. Give it to your local VET ORG for they will dispose your flag with dignity and the respect. Each person may look at the flag and feel it stands for something different, and it is shaped by how you think about your country, or the country's flag that you are looking at. The flag should never be embroidered, printed, or otherwise for any advertising purposes. History of the Flag of USA . As for the stripes themselves, they stand for the first 13 colonies. Do they understand that those that discriminate them are offending their flag even more than them?! Answer: A flag represents either a club, state, or country that you are part of. An official website of the United States government. When the British left a day later, Key was surprised to observe the flag still waving over the fort. Ask a real person any government-related question for free. With another flag, place the U.S. flag to your left when crossed. Key watched the attack from a ship a few miles from the action. 2. By the way , I am the author of my questions.. Why do I feel that even you do not really understand why our countrymen placed our flag in Iwo Jima? If you need additional information or have a question, you can email the Department of State’s protocol office at protocolhelp@state.gov. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. For many Americans the flag represents freedom, pride, and justice. I think that the players are kneeling because they don't honor the flag which is really stupid. I hope no one ever changes them. If the flag is damaged or worn out, it should be disposed of with dignity. Fringe is used on indoor flags only, as fringe on flags on outdoor flags would deteriorate rapidly. Since I want America to represent all those great traits, I will continue to show respect to the flag. Question: How come there are different flags? This land was taken over from the natives!!! I believe that the majority of police officers are unbiased and protect our country as they should. Pride in America often is represented by the United States flag. So... just thought I'd throw out a blab on my position on what some people don't seem to be able to grasp about this "flag" thing. It's probably the NUMBER one thing that gives FREEDOM any meaning at all. Courage because our country is based on the courage of separating from what we once knew, courage of starting over, courage of fighting for our freedom. When it has nothing to do with race. The United States flag is associated with rich American history and has changed appearance several times. The President has the authority to issue an executive order declaring the American flag to be flown in this manner as a symbol of respect to principle government workers and other figures who recently died. What about this article did you find interesting? While a mullet may have any number of points, it is presumed to have five unless otherwise specified in the blazon. Flag Day is little celebrated, sort of a poor relation to Memorial Day and Independence Day, which bracket it. I decided to look up the meaning regarding the American Flag after seeing a post on Facebook about wanting to punish people who burn the American Flag. LauraGSpeaks from Raleigh, NC on July 04, 2012: Interesting and educationional hub. p.s. The fourth color (yellow) is not approved in the code. :). That argument, being used by many, just doesn't hold water all the way around for several reasons. No one knows for sure if there is a reason they chose seven red stripes, although some may wonder if it had anything to do with keeping the edges of the flag clean since white shows dirt more efficiently than red: not a very patriotic reason, but a very logical answer. We know the stars are for the 50 states. The United States flag represents so much of what America means and its symbolism runs deep in its history. Finally, blood shed to honor all those who lost their life for our freedom and our country. To order a U.S. flag that has flown over the Capitol, contact your senator's office. Sorry, your right to do so, my right to be in total disagreement. The 13 stripes on the flag represent the 13 original colonies while the 50 stars represent the 50 states of the USA. The section of law detailing guidelines involving the U.S. flag is called the Flag Codes. Do you mean this? God Bless America right? I truly do not get it, but as Voltaire said, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.” That is Democracy!! This is a great article on our Flag. Answer: Many have chosen to do so because they feel that police officers have unfairly targeted black Americans and done unjust violence against them. The Flag Itself The portion of the flag denoting honor is the canton of blue containing the stars representing states our veterans served in uniform. It stands for freedom, the … Estoiles, however, are presumed to have six rays and have not been found pierced. BJ Cigrand, a teacher, organized the students in the Fredonia, Wisconsin State funded School, Area 6, to watch June 14 (the 108th commemoration of the official selection of The American Flag) as 'Banner Birthday'. They like to try and fool themselves and appease their consciences by saying things like "We Grew Up" ... No they didn't, they lacked what these players still have ..namely. As each state joined the United States of America, another star was added. It sure as hell doesn't stand for "hey use me to make money", It sure as hell doesn't stand for "hey use me to sucker young men and women into dying to make rich men richer". The claim that the seamstress Elizabeth “Betsy” Griscom-Ross sewed the first American flag is widely discredited by historians. Learn English and Attend College in the U.S. Introduction to Federal Government Contracting, The Contract Opportunities Search Tool on beta.SAM.gov, Locate Military Members, Units, and Facilities. Perhaps you all just walk by and ignore that fact. Yet you criticize those men and women fighting for that very same freedom that supposedly has been fought, yet NOT received. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. God Bless America right? Answer: First you need to decide what kind of essay you are trying to write. When we properly display this powerful symbol, we signal our respect for everything it represents. Flying the American flag upside down is an officially recognized signal of distress. Thin red line flag firefighters why is the french flag blue white red other thin line flags u s nyc police department new york u s flag with one purple stripe mean Other Thin Line Flags U SA Call For The Thin Purple Line 2018 10 01 SecurityWhat Does The Black And White Us Flag… Read More » However, the present-day interpretation of its symbolism has strayed from its … Vigilance ... we must never become complacent and think "this is america the best place in the world" and never look around and realize there is still much to be improved upon. What about the American Indians, they were here first and the white and black men took their land, raped, killed their people and nobody helps them. Although maybe they chose the colors, because of what they wanted the colors to mean. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrisy. My Nephew was one of five killed about three weeks ago in Afghanistan, being blown up by a suicide bomber who walked in to the Bagram base there heading for the Pavillion with several hundred soldiers waiting to do a post Veterans day run. Question: Was purple a choice when the American flag was in the process of being made? Look back at the lives that the slaves had. Many of us need to read the meaning of the Star Spangle Banner, and read the meaning what the United States of America Flag. Hardiness because our founding fathers believed our country will outlast the land that we came from. It is up to you to decide what message you want to give to your reader. Including the flag. These three colors have long been associated with the United States and its respective flag, yet few people know the symbolism and meaning behind them. Perhaps you all just walk by and ignore that fact. Angela Michelle Schultz (author) from United States on July 06, 2012: chrissieklinger from Pennsylvania on July 06, 2012: Wonderful hub with important information and the chart is awesome. I do not understand why offend the flag that stands for their rights in order to prove discrimination and oppression by the few that obviously have no respect for our flag and rights either. thank you for writing this it help me with a two page essay about the american flag. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson declared the song to be played at all national events before it was made the national anthem March 3, 1931. Then again, I also noticed some contradicted one another as well. Wish you good luck from Russia! Whatever standards those are, should we not pay attention to disparities in those standards to different groups of citizens ? Flag etiquette dictates that every time an American flag is to be stored or presented during a ceremony, its handlers should fold it in half twice lengthwise; then starting with the end opposite the blue field, make a taut triangular fold. Flag Code, a worn out American flag should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. No one knows for sure, but the five-pointed star was an unprecedented decision that allows our flag to be that much more special to Americans. While there has been much confusion between the two due to their similar shape, a star with straight-sided rays is usually called a mullet (or "molet") while one with wavy rays is usually called an estoile.
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