Money was scarce, but frugal as she was, Laura managed to begin putting money away that could provide them with a stake for a new start. And perhaps that was all there was to it. This, perhaps, could have been what happened to Almanzo with regard to the paralysis that he experienced subsequent to being sick with diphtheria. cap-and-trade). In this case, insurance and financial assurance mechanisms may be useful instruments to supplement existing standards and rules when there is a significant risk that sources of future pollution might be incapable of financing the required pollution control or damage mitigation method. At times, EPA may completely ban or phase out the use or production of a particular product or pollutant, as it has done with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and certain pesticides. She was unreasonably annoyed because some of them were bottom side up but she must read them anyway. Paradigm Change Website: It was a carefree, happy time, for two people thoroughly in sympathy can do pretty much as they like. It was a paper-backed set of Waverly novels. In late 1889, Laura learned that she was pregnant again. It may be that the generous supply of fresh air had something to do with the general good health. The first, a technology or design standard, mandates specific control technologies or production processes that polluters must use to meet an emissions standard. Do emissions stem from a stock or flow pollutant? I was really happy that I was able to stay overnight on the Ingalls Homestead, where there are a few RV sites. Subsidies are forms of financial government support for activities believed to be environmentally friendly. What seems much more associated with mold-related illness is the inability of the body to get pathogens under control even over time, and thus to become affected by them in chronic ways. She wrote about the move: The thing to do was to get things arranged in the home and make it cheerful for Manly. She couldn’t take her eyes from them. Deposit-refund systems are also available for lead-acid batteries, automobile parts, pesticide containers, propane gas containers, large paper drums, and beer keys. That seemed like craziness to me even back then, and since then I have heard many, many stories of newspaper insulation in older buildings leading to horrific toxic mold problems. Differential pricing of resources used by these mobile sources (such as higher tolls on roads or greater subsidies to public transportation during rush hour) is a potentially useful tool. This kind of phenomenon appears to have been responsible for the 2009 and 2010 deaths of actress Brittany Murphy and her husband Simon Monjack, for instance. NEPA requires federal agencies to prepare Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) for any activities that could significantly effect the environment. An example is the U.S. The most important effects of environmental toxic mold exposures are indirect and usually do not manifest until years after moving into a toxic building, and this causes even people who are aware that environmental issues exist to underestimate their importance. Although it is unclear exactly what caused the paralysis, one possibility is that some kind of pathogen (such as poliovirus or another enterovirus) was responsible for that occurring. Words! 2001. If, on the other hand, more uncertainty associated with the benefits of controlling pollution exist and policymakers wish to guard against high environmental damages, they can limit these damages by using a quantity instrument. A page on the Paradigm Change website provides information about founder Lisa Petrison. Ma came over to see how she was and took Rose home with her for a few days. As Laura moved into middle age – a full two decades after the diphtheria – much of her health seemed to return to her and she was able to become much more active (including focusing on writing her book series). The next morning she felt much worse and Manly got his own breakfast. An EIS is a report specifying potential environmental damages and alternative approaches to the agency action to minimize adverse impacts. Published news reports *** 6. Last night, when dark caught him, he saw a light about two miles north of the grade and drove to it on the chance of finding a place to stay all night. On the other hand, for reasons that I will share in the next sections, I am especially suspicious about this claim shanty with regard to it potentially having had a toxic mold problem. And so – as much as I loved the “Little House” books when I was growing up – I am finding myself having even more respect for Laura and Almanzo Wilder now, as I think about their story in the context of the effects that chronic (possibly mold-related) illness seems to have had on their lives. taxes or charges) and quantity-based instruments (e.g. Rather than charging a polluter for emissions, a subsidy rewards a polluter for reducing emissions. One theory that seems to have achieved a fair amount of recent mainstream credence suggests that mold in baby mattresses may be a major contributing factor to SIDS (called “cot death” in the UK). Since Laura was going through her first pregnancy, she had a good excuse to be experiencing new symptoms. Still, Laura was never lonely. Paradigm Change may receive a small percentage of sales made subsequent to clicks on those links. But the others must be kept warm and fed. He came all the way from the Jim River and didn’t find a soul. Words! The suggestion here is that a particular kind of mold may volatalize fire retardants used in the mattresses, thus exposing infants to poisonous gasses and suffocating them. Thanks very much for visiting Paradigm Change! Lifted him in, as easy as if he was Carrie, here. There are two types of trading programs currently used in the United States: Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs) and Capped allowance systems (i.e. ‘It was hard work and sometimes short rations at the first, but gradually the difficulties were overcome,’ Laura later recalled. Both the novel By the Shores of Silver Lake and the more fact-based Laura Ingalls Wilder autobiography Pioneer Girl discuss a man who was determined to stay in the De Smet area through the winter of 1879, even though there was no town built yet and even though he was very frail and living all by himself in a claim shanty. Fortunately, a buyer for the homestead emerged, giving them enough money to live on for a time. Market-based approaches or incentives provide continuous inducements, monetary and near-monetary, to encourage polluting entities to reduce releases of harmful pollutants. In the end he was glad to be going. Even if mold is not obvious in an environment, acute symptoms and intuition often will provide good clues that it is a problem. Those pursuing mold avoidance also may consider joining the Mold Avoiders Facebook group, which is run by Paradigm Change and which now has almost 8000 members. And believe me, I learned how to take care of hens and to make them lay. And Manly didn’t care how often she went, just so she came home in time to get supper. In Spring 1889, they moved back to the house on the tree claim where they had started their marriage. When we came to Missouri in 1894, we were looking for a place where the family health might make a good average, for one of us was not able to stand the severe cold of the North, while another could not live in the low altitude and humid heat of the Southern states. Only a week after the baby died, the house on the tree claim caught fire and was destroyed. When the oats were hauled to the homestead and stacked, Manly dug the hole in the ground for the cellar, and over it built the one-room addition to the claim shanty. The story is reported as being autobiographical fiction, focusing on time period that the family spent in Florida. She loved her little house and the housework. If uncertainty associated with the costs of abatement exists and policymakers wish to guard against potential high costs borne by polluters as a result of regulation, then they can limit these costs by using a price instrument. Fees, charges, and taxes are widely used incentives which generally place a per unit monetary charge (or fee or tax) on pollution emissions or waste to reduce the overall quantity. In addition to having lost their house, for two consecutive years hot and dry winds had totally destroyed their wheat crops and expenses were mounting. Many Christian charities work around the world in countries affected by war. From left: Caroline (“Ma”), Carrie, Laura, Charles (“Pa”), Grace and Mary. – author Dan L. White quotes another article in which Laura speculated about the benefits of fresh air. She and Almanzo met there and lived there for the first four years of their marriage. Manly was early in the field, plowing, and Laura was busy all day with cooking, baking, churning, sweeping, washing, ironing and mending. Both voluntary and mandatory reporting programs exist in the United States. And so November passed and December came. Stachybotrys is especially associated with psychiatric symptoms and other neurological problems, and so the fact that Laura reported having what sound to me like hallucinatory symptoms when focused on and in close proximity to the newspaper insulation seems to me an important clue that she very well may have been being exposed to the mold at that moment. Laura left her morning’s work undone and went with him to see the work started, and because the air was so fresh and the new-cut hay so clean and sweet, she wandered over the field, picking the wild sunflowers and Indian paintbrush. Although I am not sure what kinds of chemical substances might have been used in baby blankets or baby mattresses in the late 1880’s, I don’t think it is implausible to imagine that the cash-strapped Wilder family would not have bought new baby bedding after moving out of the claim shanty and may not have made the effort to re-wash the items prior to using them with the new baby. Laura wrote: Now was a busy, happy time. Sometimes she went to town, but more often to see her Ma and the girls. This all is wholly consistent with many of the cases of mold-related illness that I have seen. Laura, meanwhile, went to work for a dressmaker for a dollar a day. Information resources offered by Paradigm Change may be accessed at the links below. A general problem with voluntary action programs is that it is quantitatively difficult to assess the success of the program. Still, the book has been read by far fewer people than the earlier novels, and it features a plot that has virtually nothing to do with the entirely invented version of Laura and Almanzo’s marriage depicted on the long-running “Little House on the Prairie” television show. Watching the plump wheat kernels slide into the open mouth of the sack made Laura dizzy. So much depended on this year’s crops, and there was no money to hire help. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The information on this site is for educational use only. By February 1886, things still seemed good: With work and play, in sunshine and storm, the winter passed. At the beginning of the 1887-1888 winter, Almanzo splurged on a new hard coal heater. Take, for example, a beverage container recycling program. As usual, a strong wind was blowing from the south, and by the time the neighbors arrived to help, the whole house was in flames. The place for him is with his own folks. During their first year or two at Rocky Ridge, the wood they took into town and the income they received from their flock of hens provided what cash they needed for groceries, clothing, and other necessary items. Avoiding Mold is a Facebook page providing updates on new information on toxic mold illness. Laura reported first starting to get sick on Almanzo’s birthday on February 13: But in spite  of the warm day Laura caught a severe cold and had a touch of fever so that she must stay in bed. Manly and Laura, well bundled up and covered with robes, went often for sleigh rides on sunny afternoons. Laura with the rest of the Ingalls family in 1894. Although Laura did not have the paralysis issues that Almanzo did (perhaps due to her not having the same pathogen in residence in her system), it is my impression from reading various books by and about her that it took her a very long time to wholly recover her own health subsequent to the diphtheria issue as well. Things are changing very fast in this country as we dump more and more toxic chemicals on the earth. Apparently the whole story seemed too grim to be likely to get much of an audience. The carpet from the old bedroom was across the east end of the room, and the armchair and Laura’s little rocking chair stood on it, close to each other between the windows. You’re tired.”. Laura’s draft of the book was published without alteration in 1971, after Laura and Almanzo – as well as their daughter Rose Wilder Lane – had all died. He said that he would send someone out from town to help them. Do emissions derive from a point source or a non-point source? Examples of hybrid approaches include: EPA has also pursued a number of non-regulatory approaches that rely on voluntary initiatives to achieve improvements in emissions controls and management of environmental hazards. It was not comfortable. Deposit-refund systems are a prominent example of a Tax-Subsidy incentive approach. It’s true enough, I guess, these prairies are about the only thing that cures consumption. His name is Woodworth. I took this picture of it during my 2011 visit to De Smet. She forgot to feel ill at the sight or smell of food, in her hurry to be done with the cooking and follow her thoughts back into the book. So while obviously we are never going to know for absolute sure whether toxic mold was an underlying cause of some of the Wilders’ problems, I thought I would share my observations as food for thought for those who are interested.
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