Stinking Bishop. A Brief Guide to Great Stinky Cheeses Epoisses. The Top 14 Stinky Cheese 1. Epoisses: . "For something a little softer like Greensward or Epoisses, I will open up the top and dig in with a good cornichon," he says. The most famous of the funky cheeses. "Stinky cheeses have a real propensity to being baked. Fortunately, although some of the pungency permeates the cheese itself, most of it remains in the rind, leaving a soft-ripened or semi-firm cheese within that is usually milder in flavor than a pair of fetid feet. Stilton is the king of English cheese that has found its place in the list of world’s most stinky cheese of all time. It takes its name not from its outrageous stench, but from the Stinking Bishop pears used in the brandy with which the rinds are washed. Don’t forget it is one of the oldest cheeses too. The taste and smell of stinky tofu varies greatly - after eating some from a street market in Taiwan, Andrew Zimmern can't even swallow this kind here: Vieux-Boulogne Cheese. About this cow’s milk cheese produced in Normandy, one cheese seller says, “The aroma of this cheese is likened to moldy cellars, barnyards and bacon.” Some say it is so stinky they leave it outside until ready to eat. "When you are looking for a robust, meaty flavor, washed rind cheeses are the go-to category," Windsor says. (You may also see these referred to as Brevibacterium linens or B. Known for its strong mushroom notes, one cheese columnist described an authentic Camembert as having "hints of garlic, barnyard and ripe laundry.". Melissa Breyer is Treehugger’s editorial director. Sign up for the Top Pick Of The Week newsletter to have a top food review and a recipe e-mailed to you. A wash with brandy gives this classic and custardy pasteurized cow's milk cheese its fruity-meets-bacony flavor. A “Stinky” cheese is an aromatic cheese where the rind has been washed with brine, marc (a fairly rough-tasting brandy made in the Burgundy region of France), wine, or beer. "My first real experience with funky cheese was the Corsican stinker U Pecorinu. The resulting environment is ideal to develop bacteria known as orange-forming coryneforms, which lends the pungent aromas to washed rind cheese. Legend has it that, centuries ago, a monk was aging cheese when he saw it growing some fuzz. Its flavor is slightly salty and meaty. In a contest to determine England’s funkiest-smelling cheese, it took first place, with judges describing it as smelling like “a rugby club changing room.”. Similar to wine, good cheeses have terroir and reflect something about where they're created. This buttermilk washed-rind cheese is beefy, nutty, and yet milder than you might imagine. So, what kind of cheese should you try if you can't help but love the smelly ones? It's a taleggio-style cheese that's sweeter and more mild than most French-style stinkers. This is true of many washed-rind cheeses, where the powerful aroma comes from the rind and not the creamy interior. For a stinky aroma and brownish-pink hue, it's rinsed in Perry, a boozy beverage that features fermented Stinking Bishop pear juice. Delivery & Pickup Options - 216 reviews of Stink Cheese "They have only been open a few days and seem to be doing great. Washing the cheese helps remove the mold that would naturally grow on the cheese, and the use of a brine solution creates an environment that favors salt-tolerant microbes," he says. THE NIBBLE, Great Food Finds, is an online gourmet food magazine and website with 1000+ product reviews of specific types and categories of cheese like stinky cheese, plus articles on cheese. This Italian cow's milk cheese from the Val Taleggio region is washed in seawater once a week during aging to arrive at its wet-socks-and-grass aroma; beneath the rind is a subtle, sweet and tangy cheese that is far more mellow than its smell would suggest. Not for the faint of heart; perfect for those who think the stinkier, the better. If so, this is the list for you. The reddish-orange rind makes this stinky cheese easy to pick out from the crowd. ET), host James Wong explains why a cheese that smells like stinky … Get the best food tips and diet advice every day. Boost your health and trim your waist with these slimmed-down versions of a classic comfort food. This buttermilk washed-rind cheese is beefy, nutty, and yet milder than you might imagine. All Rights Reserved. Baked potatoes topped with bacon lardons and melted stinky cheese are one of my favorite options, too," Jones says. And by my third bite, I had already ordered seconds. I'll be going back to try other things. Made from unpasteurized cow's milk in the Gevrey-Chambertin area of Burgundy, the rind is washed... 3. Ami Du Chambertin. Camembert. This page lists more than 1,000 types of Italian cheese but is still incomplete; you can help by expanding it. is where this stinky cheese gets its name. A delicacy from Northern France, Vieux-Boulogne, aka Sablé du Boulonnais, was found to be the smelliest cheese in the world by experts and machines at a university in London. Others pack heaps of it—more along the lines of James Brown. It’s grassy and nutty, but with a strong goaty smell that has a particular kind of gaminess that some people can find off-putting. Epoisses de Bourgogne. During the aging process, the rinds of these cheeses are rinsed — with anything from brine to brandy, wine, beer or even pear cider — which works to inhibit mold and encourage the growth of friendly bacteria. "The inside of these cheeses tends to be sticky, while the rind can be gritty. Epoisses is also sometimes compared to Munster, another stinky cheese that hails from France, which has an aroma that's often compared to a barnyard. This French cow's milk cheese from the Département de l’Yonne in Burgundy has its rind manually rubbed two to three times per week during aging. Ardrahan, a type of semi-soft cheese with a gold hue and a washed rind, is made from pasteurized milk from pedigree Friesian cows that wander around and graze on a calm Irish farm. Happy cows, tasty cheese. It was a big step toward making cheese a full-time career for myself.". If you can get past the pungent aromas, stinky cheeses can be some of the most delicious varieties out there. How stinky is Stinking Bishop? Mainly produced in Germany, Limburger is perhaps the most popular of all smelly cheeses. The 13 Smelliest Cheeses in the World Taleggio. Join Simon and The Wiggleslive at the Wiggly Arena for a game of Simon Says. In general, stinky cheeses contain some common characteristics, explains Josh Windsor, assistant caves manager at Murray's Cheese in New York City. There is a rumor which exists on the internet (but I can never seem to... Ardrahan. This cheese made by Charles Martell & Son at their Laurel Farm in Dymock, England, uses milk from the rare Gloucester breed of cattle.
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