This sound is quite easy to identify, and it can be quite indicative of a few … A guinea pig may die suddenly of ketosis without ever demonstrating signs of illness. Diarrhoea. The vet prescribed antibiotics, and for the next few days I hand fed her, away from Boo. If you share your home with a guinea pig or two, keeping them happy and healthy is a priority. Tumours – These can occur all over your guinea pig’s body and you should be checking for them regularly. While this may be typical, do talk with your vet about this, as nutritional supplementation may help. It is most often found in small pets that are overweight with overlong nails, especially if they reside in wire-floored cages. Heart problems in guinea pigs can be an issue. Symptoms of dental disease include excessive salivation, drooling, weight loss, changes in stool consistency and frequency, difficulty swallowing, and the presence of facial swelling and/or pus-filled nasal discharge. A guinea pig’s whining sounds like a high-pitched moan. This is due to all the aforementioned noises being linked with your guinea pig showing distress or that they are unhappy. Symptoms of mites also include itchy and dry skin. Guinea pig teeth grow continuously, meaning they need to be regularly worn down in order to prevent dental disease. Foot Problems – Generally linked to injury, obesity, and disease, foot problems can be very uncomfortable for your guinea pig. Guinea pigs are susceptible to getting sick from some viruses that you might be carrying, but they are not susceptible to other viruses. Stupidly you often get notice about it if it is nearly too late. For example, a guinea pig that usually loves to be handled starting to whine at being picked up could indicate illness or injury and should be investigated. Here are some of the most common guinea pig diseases and some top tips on how to pick up on the cues that you have a sick guinea pig. Guinea-pigs don't have the ability to vomit and when whatever it has eaten has passed through can you stop her eating the first droppings? Also, a guinea pig can stop eating, playing, start over grooming and become non-interested in the surrounding environment. Sick guinea pig sounds – wheezing, clicking, sneezing, coughing Behavior changes Any of these symptoms are a giveaway that you need to seek medical help quickly, because guinea pigs are prey animals and will hide illnesses as long as possible. Adequate housing, good ventilation and cleanliness are all important to make sure that your guinea pig stays healthy. Guinea pigs are renowned for being vocal and making a wide range of noises in order to communicate with each other and with us. Bumblefoot is more commonly seen on front feet. If you're concerned about the health of your pet you should seek medical advice from a vet. Dental issues, such as slobbering. Your vet may also administer an anxiety reducing medication. While guinea pigs positively thrive on a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, such foodstuffs … Hungry Pig; Lonely Pig; Happy Pig; Curious Pig; Angry Pig; Keep Away; Ooh Lah Lah; Stressed Pig; Chirping Pig; For general questions and comments, please email The vet diagnosed pneumonia. That’s why it’s essential to get your sick guinea pig to a vet as soon as you suspect a stomach bug or any type of GI upset. If not, and if your guinea pig has developed osteomyelitis, more stringent measures may be indicated. Excessive scratching should also be a cause for concern as this could mean your guinea pig has mites, mange, or nits. Female guinea pigs commonly show hair loss around the flanks and underbelly when they have ovarian cysts. The Diet should be all the Timothy Hay and Orchard grass that she can eat, 1/8 cup of pellets a day and some fresh veggies that are high in Vitamin C. Guinea Pigs cannot manufacture Vitamin C in the body, so I always suggest giving 1/4 100 mg of a human chew able Vitamin C daily. If the hair around the neck and head are intact, you can assume that the guinea pig may have bitten his own hair. Guinea pigs can starve or become severely dehydrated, even in the presence of adequate food and water. Eyes are runny and red, there is discharge from both nostrils, and they even sound stuffy. Other symptoms can include roughening of the fur, weakness, grinding teeth, lack of fecal output, abdominal swelling (bloating), and pain when you touch the abdomen. This noise is vocalized when the piggy is being disturbed or bothered. Bottom Check – Like it or not, this part of your guinea pig needs health checking too. This does not commonly occur, but it is important to keep an eye out. Last, but certainly not of least importance, it is vital that you get to know your guinea pig well. Treatment may include shortening overgrown teeth, treating abscesses, and removing diseased teeth. Soiled or wet bedding may also be a cause. All content is therefore for informational purposes only. Guinea pigs are also known to suffer from heart problems. Your sick guinea pig may also eat less and move around less often as she begins to feel lethargic. (Food & Nutrition for Mice), Can Hamsters Sneeze? Your vet may also advise that you disinfect your guinea pig’s cage. Miscellaneous Disease Conditions of Guinea Pigs. Therefore, even small changes in diet can cause GI upset. This is sometimes called barbering. It is a common behavior among new guinea pigs, guinea pigs who just lost their companion or guinea pigs who are sick. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are the most common form of treatment for guinea pig pneumonia, and these should help your sick guinea pig back to health. Some have attributed the noise to be happy and excited where others seem to think its when a Guinea pig is startled or surprised. Injuries – General injury can happen in any number of ways such as trips, slips, and when housed with others fighting. This sounds very much like a bird singing, and as yet no one really knows why they do it. If your guinea pig has a respiratory infection, he may have trouble breathing. Squeaks and Nibbles is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Squeaks and Nibbles is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to While very high-pitched, it still sounds like a sneeze that humans and animals make all of the time. This can mean that by the time they are vocalizing their injury or illness it may be quite severe. It is also entirely possible that a sick guinea pig may growl, teeth chatter, or whine. Is there no vet in your area with any experience medically of smaller pets? Lettuce, for example, is a laxative to guinea pigs in high quantities and can be the cause of diarrhea. It is also worth taking into account that sick guinea pigs may display signs other than noise that they are ill. Respiratory disease is very, very common in guinea pigs. In the last six months our Guinea pig has started losing his hair, and making weirds sounds, and sounds out of breathe, to top it off he has a problem with his stools. So it’s important that you act on signs that your guinea pig may have a respiratory disease and get him/her to a vet as soon as possible. Dental disease can lead to ulcers, infections, abscesses and tongue entrapment if left untreated. Sick Guinea Pig Noises. Some hair loss is normal as the new, adult hair pattern begins to grow in and often coincides with weaning. If you think that your guinea pig is making noises or displaying signs that they are ill, it is always prudent to try to locate the cause. She had hardly any other symptoms and seemed to be acting normally, except around food. Guinea pigs have specialized GI tracts, designed to process a high fiber diet. Vitamin C assists in wound healing, protects against free radicals, assists in heart health, and helps a guinea pig maintain skin, joints, and mucosal surfaces such as gums. Your vet may advise that you separate sick guinea pigs from other healthy guinea pigs that you have, to avoid spreading any infection. Your vet may want to do x-rays and/or a CT scan of your guinea pig’s head and jaw. The chances are if your guinea pig is sick that you will hear them shriek. Prompt, competent veterinary care is crucial to saving the life of a sick cavy. Sick Guinea Pig – How To Tell When Your Furry Friend Is... Gastrointestinal Disease in Guinea Pigs and Rabbits. For example, several years ago I had a lovely pair of female guinea pigs: Boo and Georgie. Lethargy, lameness and stiffness, diarrhea, bruising or bleeding, decreased appetite, weight loss, and a change in the texture of hair may be symptoms of a vitamin C deficiency. Luckily, she soon regained her strength and went back to running the show! Guinea Pig Sounds. Your guinea pig may also have trouble eating. Pain medications may be suggested for joint and other issues arising from the deficiency. Singing or Chirping. Ever wonder what your Guinea Pig is saying? This is their attempt to stop themselves from being picked on by other guinea pigs or predators. Symptoms, of course, will vary but will generally mean them displaying behavior that is not usual. You should also check the soles of their feet for any signs of soreness. Guinea pigs use this discharge on their paws to groom themselves. The usual guinea pig depression symptoms include being lethargic and sluggish. Pneumonia is the most common respiratory disease in guinea pigs. This is one of the more unexplained Guinea Pig noises. In addition, dominant individuals may prevent subordinates from accessing food and water. Diarrhoea – Commonly caused by poor diet diarrhea is fairly common in guinea pigs. If not, a companion is to blame. Upper respiratory disease can cause signs that look very similar to what people suffer when they have a cold. Also, weigh your guinea pig every week to make sure his weight isn’t changing too much! Take your pet to a vet to to determine if these bumps are benign, or if they’re starting to affect the lymph nodes and other parts of the body. There are some signs that your guinea pig may be nearing the end of his life. I remembered that she had sneezed a couple of times over the preceding two or three days (unusual for her), too. for your DD. It’s important to pay close attention to your guinea pig and seek veterinary advice if you suspect dental problems. Urinary tract infections should be investigated by a veterinarian, who can decide the best course of treatment. The most common symptom of gastric distress in guinea pigs is diarrhea, as they are unable to vomit. They are drooling a lot. While making this sound a guinea pig will sway their hips and walk around another guinea pig. For example, guinea pigs purr when they are content, wheek when they are hungry, and rumble when in the mood for love. Pretty much, it’s the sound they use to complain to us. She also said Georgie had lost weight (with her long, red fur I hadn’t noticed, though I did think that Boo was looking chubbier than usual!). It doesnt sound very positive really, everything you have described sounds familiar, guineas go down hill so quickly and often we don't get to know why - could be some congenital condition, after what you have described with the dog ( I am appalled at your friend's attitude to her dog! What noises do Guinea Pigs make when they are sick? While they are usually healthy animals, there are a number of diseases that are considered the most common ailments pet guinea pigs. Hutch and does not provide veterinary advice. Talk to your vet for advice. It does not mean, however, that you are not feeding your guinea pig correctly, but rather that more likely you are treating them to too much good stuff. Try to see if you can match these sounds to the sounds your Guinea Pig makes!! In other cases, a sick guinea pig has worsening signs that can include loss of energy, lack of appetite, lack of desire to drink, muscle spasms, lack of coordination or clumsiness, coma, and death within 5 days. Also, impurities in the water may make it unpalatable to your guinea pigs. However, they do still require vet attention to prevent long-term damage to your pet’s lungs. Sadly some people take their guinea pig to the vets to be put to sleep because they cannot afford the veterinary treatment needed for their sick guinea pig. These signs can get worse if … How do you know if you have a sick guinea pig? Eye Check – There should be no signs of cloudiness or discharge in your guinea pig’s eyes. Look for signs your guinea pig is sick. Whining, for example, probably means your guinea pig is annoyed at being disturbed, whereas growling and teeth chattering are good indicators of general discontent. Observing your guinea pigs as they eat and drink, as well as checking water and food levels, will let you know if they are getting the nutrition and hydration they need. We will take in these guinea pigs too, see that they get the right treatment, nurse them back to health and let them enjoy their retirement here. Normal breathing in a guinea pig should be easy and quiet. They may also experience weight loss, bleeding from the … my guinea pig is sick. Feet Check – The nails of a guinea pig should never be allowed to grow too long. These can either pose no problem at all for your guinea pig, or they can be extremely irritating. Find a cavy-knowledgeable exotics vet soon after adopting a guinea pig so you know whom to contact in an emergency. In. What Noise Do Guinea Pigs Make When They Are Sick? If you or a fellow cage mate interrupts his or her nap, you may hear this noise. How can you tell if your guinea pig is not feeling too well? Your vet must diagnose this condition. Fourthly, hair loss can be caused by hair biting, either by the guinea pig affected or by one of his/her companions. Check out our article on Guinea pig mites for more information. Click Here! Check nails, teeth, and ears regularly. Stress is also a major factor in how quickly your sick guinea pig recovers from gastric upset. Any kind of abnormal change in urine and waste of guinea pigs can also be the reason for their death. This situation can be life-threatening if the stones block the ureter, where urine passes through. Mini Shih Tzu – Would This Tiny Dog Be Right For You? What noises do guinea pigs make when unhappy, Are Almonds Safe for mice? You have entered an incorrect email address! Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, Vitamin C Deficiency: “Scurvy” in Guinea Pigs, Endotoxin deplets ascorbate in the guinea pig heart. Do they make any noises to display this? We are going to discuss each of these reasons and talk about the solutions for keeping a guinea pig happy. Respiratory Issues – Due to spending the majority of their time in an atmosphere that is full of small particles, guinea pigs are prone to nose, throat, and lung infections. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Chirping: This sounds just like a bird chirping and is perhaps the least understood (or heard) noise that guinea pigs make. The chances are if your guinea pig is sick that you will hear them shriek. This indicates that they are feeling pain and discomfort and the cause of this should be investigated straight away. There are some illnesses that can pass from your guinea pig to your dog. Any lump is more likely to be a treatable cyst which your vet will be able to help with. But, what about when your guinea pig is sick? Guinea pigs make great pets. Symptoms include swelling, scabs, abscesses, tendonitis, and skin reddening. If you think that your guinea pig is making noises … Guinea pigs are unable to synthesize their own vitamin C through their intestinal gut flora, but it is a necessary nutrient for their survival. Well, yes they do, and the noise they make is one you’ll never forget! Check your guinea pig’s skin for any tumors or abscesses that may develop. Generally bumblefoot sufferers have a good prognosis if the case is mild or caught early. Guinea pigs are notoriously good at hiding their illnesses. Rather, they should be bright and clear. Secondly, your guinea pig’s pups may appear to lose hair as they develop. A female can also make this sound if she is in season. Treatment generally includes vitamin C supplementation, bandaging, antibacterial therapy, and pain relief. Little guinea pig hearts sure take up a lot of room in ours . More vitamin C is needed to solve this problem, but see your vet first! They are often displayed as either limping or unhealthy pad color and are best treated by your vet. This is especially true since there are several illnesses common to guinea pigs, some of which will require outside care. This can result in excessive slobbering or drooling. Paying close attention to their normal behavior will allow you to pick up on changes quickly and act accordingly. Gd. Older guinea pigs also may develop a problem where their pooh gets stuck. Whining: A whining or moaning type of squeak can communicate annoyance or dislike for something you or another guinea pig is doing. These, if left untreated, can claim your guinea pig’s life in a matter of hours or weeks, depending on the severity and type of stomach bug they have. Summary verdict: Being a guinea pig for a sonic ray was truly a whole lot worse than being a guinea pig for the pain ray. Therefore, it’s best to keep him or her in a warm, dark and quiet room to reduce stress. This condition can be life-threatening to a sick guinea pig. Can dogs get sick from guinea pigs? You can do everything right sometimes, and they still get sick. You may need to supplement vitamin C for life. One very common sound that you may hear your guinea pig make is a sneeze. Fecal output and consistency are good to keep an eye on too. However, it is always better to be safe than sorry, and this is why regular health checks are recommended. A well-balanced diet, with plenty of greens, is also critical in ensuring that your guinea pigs remain disease-free. Your guinea pig is struggling to breathe if you find them panting, breathing through its mouth, or tilting its head. Just like cats, Guinea pigs purr for a variety of reasons, but their way of purring isn’t the … Purring. Boo was always submissive to Georgie, even though Boo was the larger of the two. Check for changes in the following: Any of these symptoms are a giveaway that you need to seek medical help quickly, because guinea pigs are prey animals and will hide illnesses as long as possible. ailments. For example, sometimes when I hold and pet my silkie cavy, she would whine to tell me she wants to roam free. Excessive build up around the genital area should always be examined by a vet. You will need to handle your guinea pig to check for injuries, parting their fur to locate wounds. Please note that guinea pigs will often try to hide the fact that they are ill or injured. If you suspect your guinea pig may be sick or injured, or if you think he may be approaching the end of his life, seek medical attention for him. It sounds like an upper respiratory infection. All noises that we are happy to hear our furry friends make, I’m sure you’ll agree? Before some days of dying, guinea pigs drop uncontrollable saliva from their … The good news is that most guinea pigs can recover from pneumonia, if caught in time. Also called pododermatitis, this condition can cause lameness and pain in your guinea pig. Signs of pneumonia (or any respiratory disease) include sneezing, nasal discharge and coughing or noisy breathing. Firstly, if your female guinea pig is pregnant, she may suffer hair loss during the late stages of her pregnancy. luck. If your guinea pig has allergies, he may breathe more loudly, but … I would happily volunteer again to be hit by the Pentagon's pain ray. Respiratory infections are pretty common in guinea pigs. But do you know how to tell if your guinea pig is sick? ( Why do they sneeze ). Enough vitamin C and fiber are vital to your guinea pig’s health. The vet may also want to do some x-rays or an ultrasound to see what’s going on inside your sick guinea pig. diarrhoea or the absence of faecal pellets)More … Monitor any change and speak with your veterinarian at any time you suspect there might be something off with your pet guinea pig. This is caused by a misalignment of your guinea pig’s teeth, which then make it difficult for your guinea pig to swallow or chew. Guinea pigs can be stoic when it comes to letting you know that they aren’t feeling in tip-top shape. Not all noises guinea pigs make are ones that display joy, or ‘normal’ interaction. Symptoms of this condition include blood in the urine, straining to urinate, and being unable to urinate. Your vet may recommend injections, restricted activity, and syringe-feeding. One morning, in a complete break of character, Georgie let Boo get first dibs on breakfast! What are guinea pig depression symptoms? It is more dangerous if the guinea pig starts wheezing, which indicates some serious problems in breathing. Investigating Sick Guinea Pig Noises Or Behaviors, Conclusion: Noises guinea pigs make when they are sick, guinea pig that usually loves to be handled. Guinea Pig Breeds – Discover 13 Different Cavies, Guinea Pig Sounds: A Guide To Guinea Pig Noises, Cute Guinea Pig Names – 200 Unique Names To Choose From. Sneezing and discharge could mean that your guinea pig has caught a cold. Prevention is always better than cure and just as long as you keep your guinea pig clean and well fed you should avoid any problems. Just step away, and let them be.They can also use this sound to tell us if we are doing something they don’t enjoy. You may find that as your male guinea pig ages, his genital area begins to produce excessive secretions with unpleasant odors. Checkup to identify problems early Guinea Pig health check February 23, 2017 in Guinea Pig diseases [Auto translated] Guinea Pigs won’t tell you if they are sick. Though these noises are usually associated with reacting to behaviors or situations other than sickness, you shouldn’t rule it out. If the feet are sore you will need to ensure their cage is clean, and that they are also provided with bedding as soft as possible. Your vet may also advise a high fiber diet, including lots of timothy hay and supplementation with vitamin C, which is very important for fighting infection. Easily seen maggots on the skin of guinea pigs are the signs that they are approaching death. Protective effects of vitamins C and E against oxidative stress, Guinea Pig Dermapoditis (bumblefoot, sore hocks), Can Guinea Pigs Live Alone? Patches of hair loss or areas where the skin is sore and red are signs of a problem. Your vet, however, will be able to show you how to help them. In order to remedy this and prevent infections, it’s important to keep the area clean by regular bathing with warm water and a guinea pig-safe soap. Wagner, J. E. (1976). Rather, some also indicate that your guinea pig is far from amused. A rumble sounds deeper than a purr with a vibrating effect. Hutch and Cage is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This area should be clean and dry, not wet and smelly, and if it is the latter could indicate a urinary infection. However, this can be easier said than done and it may be better to take your guinea pig to a vet. That first day I let it go, but after the second day I was convinced something was wrong with Georgie. With the right care and attention, your guinea pig can recover completely from many gastrointestinal diseases. They can be delicate creatures. Our aim is to provide the reader with information to enable them to make a good decision when making a purchase or caring for their pet. Oh - but I'm surprised at the vet, if I'd lost a mature/older pig and the other was ill from the same problem, I think I'd have elected to have the ill piggie PTS. Nose Check – Like the eyes, the nose should be clean and not runny. Female guinea pigs may be more likely to get bladder infections. A chirping guinea pig may also appear to … Since some of these symptoms can have several causes, it is essential that a veterinarian locates the origin of the problem in order to … Guinea pigs are very prone to kidney and bladder stones. Coat Check – Guinea pig fur is dense and should always be clean. When caught early, most illnesses can be cured fairly easily with a course of antibiotics safe for cavies. Guinea pig is making strange noises while unable to breathe correctly; then you must be worried about its health. Guinea pigs need at least 10-30 mg of vitamin C per day. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. By knowing what is most commonly seen, you can be better prepared to monitor for signs and symptoms that your guinea pig may be getting sick. Your vet will be able to prescribe a suitable mite medicine. Also, as an Amazon affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. A few signs of stress that can also be a sign of illness are hiding or sleeping noticeably more than normal, poor appetite, hair loss, etc. Need Some Medicine for your Guinea Pig? They may eat less, sleep more, become lethargic, or refuse to be handled. If you’re sick with a cold and the cause is a rhinovirus, there’s a good chance you can’t infect your guinea pig. Characteristic symptoms of heart problems in guinea pigs include: tachycardio (rapid heartbeat), pallor of mucous membranes, general weakness, intolerance to exercise or the appearance of abdominal swelling (ascites).
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