Description: High power, long-range bolt-action pistol for target shooting and hunting. Carl in Yakima . It is a slide action shotgun chambered for 12 gauge only. manufactured after 1921. Cowboy & Old Western History
Serial Number Blocks: N/A. 12/1/2020, Antique
Remington Typewriter Model Serial Number Database. Basement
Total Production: N/A. Your annual membership will bring you in contact with those who share your Remington interests. This gun, designed by F.A. *The total production of smooth bore Model 10's with 24 inch barrels is 200 making it the rarest Remington …
The first letter … The two-letter code on the barrel is part of a special coding system designed by Remington to identify the manufacturing dates of all their shotguns and rifles. On 8/9/99, stopped stamping the barrels with the date code. Remingtons manufactured after 1921 have a code located on the left side of the barrel
A serial number is printed on the receiver of each Remington rifle or shotgun, provided it's a newer model. Model XP-100. Fortunately for collectors, it is not difficult to determine a rifle's age, as beginning in 1921, Remington began imprinting serial numbers on the barrel of each rifle it produced. *There were 800 smoothbore Model 10's were manufactured with 19 5/8 th inch barrels which is the standard lenght. The Remington Hammer Double Barrel Shotgun (aka Model 1889) had serial numbers that continued from the last E. Remington & Sons hammer double. months of the year, for example B=January, L= February They continued to mark the date code on the end flap of the shipping box.
Remington Model 742 Serial Number Lookup Free; MODEL 81 Serial Numbers These are the last serial numbers for each year of production for the Model 81 Year – Serial – Total. Handguns
The barrel lengths are from 26' to 32' with various chokes. Remington never used the year of the first production as a model number, … 2/3/2021, US Militaria
These numbers – along with some basic knowledge about the rifle model itself – is all that the collector needs in order to determine the age of his rifle.
Model 10 Trench Shotgun (World War 1) Model 10 T – Target Grade which included grades D, E, and F as described above The guns had a simple serial code system, which started with 001 and went to 275,600. 1936~1675 1675. Using these barrel codes to date a shotgun is somewhat unreliable, as shotgun barrels are often interchanged at random. Remington 1100 lt 20 date of manufacture by serial number, remington 1100 lt 20 serial numbers, remington lt-20 serial m973558k, serial numbers for remington 1100. Now you can do this automatically using Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup. (*) If your firearm does have a serial number, if you will call or email us the serial number and model number we can determine the approximate age of your firearm. 1939~8872 2010. /* Small upper */ in an invalid response.
Military Manuals
But you need to use two letter code which is located
google_ad_client: "ca-pub-5708522835464660", /* RSA 160 wide tower */ 1943~21579 4. It has lots of interesting articles on Remington firearms, ammunition, collectibles and Remington history!
1941~17748 5125.
Hi, Your Remington Model 10 was made in November of 1923. If so, could someone point me to a source of this information. Rem-Rand Serial Numbers Data from Remington Rand Corporation Records of Advertising and Sales Promotion archived at Hagley Museum and Library : Appendix I Typewriter Manufacture Dates and Serial Numbers ... Sept. 1873 : MODEL #1 INTRODUCED. near the frame that identifies the year and month of Longarms
on other details.
1944~21694 115. Simpson, and O.H. Using barrel codes (such as those listed above) to date the manufacture are reliable on Remington rifles, as the company rarely changed barrels on a customer’s rifle. A two or three letter code on the left side of the barrel identifies the month and year of manufacture. 1938~6862 1967. the serial numbers are approx 440xxx and 720xxx. MANUFACTURE
Model 10. The code letters were reused and may have one or more possible meanings. also, he left his grandaughter a nice Remington Model 550-1 22caliber semiauto i don't see a serial number on this one and the barrel says B AA, which would be January but I don't see an AA on the list just MM(1943) through ZZ(1953) I think this gun may be older than the shotguns, but i don't know These trench guns with serial numbers between 128000 and 1… CatShooter. 1942~21575 3827.
enable_page_level_ads: true
Thread starter carl1575; Start date Dec 10, 2014; carl1575 I am still in the car business after 53 years. Remington Model 10-A with serial number 166xxx. Military History
Enter your two or three letter date code. information is for Oct 06, 2007 If you will call or email us the serial number and model number we can determine the approximate age of your firearm.
The Winchester Model 1897 was the major production, but Remington made 3500 of the Model 10-A version for issue to U.S. troops during World War I. Houghton, J.O.
1939~8872 2010. The first letter of the code identifes the month, the other letter(s) identify the year. 10,11,12,20,30,31,92 : Serial Number Location: On top plate right side under end of carriage. ... Model Standard No. google_ad_height = 600. 1940~12623 3751. Discontinued in 1923. Your membership also includes attendance at annual RSA meetings, annual historical seminars at Remington-related locations, and participation with fellow Remington collectors at all the major gun shows in the U.S. Click on here to take you to the sign-up page. In some cases, you will have to decide which meaning is correct based
2/5/2021, Edged Weapons
Remington Model 10-R 12 ga. Riot Description: Great condition,John Pedersen design c.pre 1920.
Your Remington Model 10 was made in November of 1923.
month and year of manufacture.
MODEL 81 Serial Numbers These are the last serial numbers for each year of production for the Model 81 Year – Serial – Total. How do i fin out when my remington model 550-1 was made, i. However, you won’t be using that serial number with the Remington Serial/Barrel Number Lookup app because that number won’t tell you the month and year it was manufactured.
Arms Collectors
Description: Remington's first pump-action six-shot repeating shotgun Introduction Year: 1908 Year Discontinued: 1929 Total Production: Approximately: 275,600 Designer/Inventor: John D. Pederson with improvements by C.C. Founded in 1816 by Eliphalet Remington.
The barrel lengths are from 26" to 32" with various chokes.
Three months later in 1968 the serial number started with 419012 and went to serial number 473710.
2/3/2021, Foreign Militaria (Other)
If your firearm does have a serial number, if you will call or email to the address below, the serial number and model number we can determine the approximate age of your firearm.
Remingtion firearms 10/1/2020, U.S. Longarms
Remington Serial number look up Anything and everything related to firearm maintenance, modification, safety and troubleshooting can be posted here. Company (Union Metallic Cartridge Company); and 1925 to present, Remington Arms … All but the early guns also have a prefix letter.
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