a couple of days ago, the master warning light (red triangle exclamation point) and check engine light came on. Hello, I am reaching out here because my husband and I have a 2005 Toyota Prius that we love and want to keep running. ok, based on my owners manual, i see a warning for tire pressure. 1 reply Report. I get a green loading logo and then the red triangle appears. The book says "take it to your Toyota dealership immediately." The problem disappeared. I have an exclamation point in a triangle that has come on also it says maintenance required. mountainauto of Mountain Auto Repair on . And what you described sounds like the STC light to me. Hi, have a 2001 Prius with 50,000 miles, has been great so far. 0. I unplugged the relays from the fuse/relay box under the bonnet. however, is there more than one exclamation point on the dash indicating different issues? 2008 prius red triangle with exclamation point Test; FAQ; About; Contact 2011 Toyota Sienna (3.5 266hp) 54,500 kms- Remote start installed 23/11/13 Previous vehicles: 2001 Pontiac Sunfire (2.2, two door coupe) 199,535 kms- SOLD 12/1/14 A buzzer sounds and the warning light comes on and flashes to indicate that the master warning system has detected a malfunction. Hi I need some assistance. A red triangle with an exclamation point can be displayed for a range of different reasons. One of the most common causes is low engine oil. / red triangler dot with exclamation point in center came on in my camry toyoto what does that ... Would it be safe to drive 60 miles with that red triangle light on in my car I have a appointment in Philly for cancer tomorrow morning at six thank ... what does yellow triangle sign with exclamation means on 2010 toyota camry dash board 1 Answer. Symbol Warning Light Description / Action; Warning Triangle: Symbol name: Toyota Yaris triangle warning light. I was sitting with my car parked up a hill idling when all the sudden the red triangle, check engine light, brake light, and the display showed a red car with a exclamation point in the middle in the top 1/4 of the screen. Red triangle and check engine light priuschat help with warning lights check engine yellow indicator red triangle and car exclamation poin priuschat battery stuck at one purple bar red triangle and check engine lights priuschat toyota prius yellow triangle warning light. Check hybrid system, engine light & red triangle with exclamation point appear. I would check the engine’s oil level to make sure that it is not low as this could set off the warning light, as well as cause potential damage to the engine. What is the possible diagnosis? Asked by whistle1 in Newark, NJ on . Toyota Camry Dashboard Symbols San Go Dealer Is that triangle warning light irritate you let see why its comes what do my toyota dashboard warning lights mean advice requested toyota camry 2008 warning lights red triangle warning lights on prius camry hybrids help. SOURCE: 2001 Toyota Prius - A warning light with exclamation mark on a car appeared on the MultiVisual Display Unit I had the same problem. Had it regularly serviced last Thursday at the Toyota dealer/service center, and they said it needed to have the coolant flow control valve replaced due to sticking - so I agreed and they did it under warranty. Big red triangle with an exclamation point on it on the dash is the Master Warning Light. I have a 2008 toyota prius while im driving the red triangle light with exclamation comes on and the display screen reads problem. Yellow thermometer in a / \ over a snowflake, appears briefly on the MFD and then resides next to the outside temperature readout - low temperature indicator light. Prius (2004-09) :: Master Warning Light / Red Triangle Exclamation Point And Check Engine Light Came On. Description: The warning triangle containing an exclamation mark comes on or flashes when the master warning system has detected a malfunction.A message may display on the multi-information display alongside the warning light.
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