Gigantamax & G-Max Moves Revealed For Pokemon Sword & Shield, Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions. Janice. 8 years ago. Top 5 Cheat Codes. This is one of the better Pokemon White cheats you can use. One and Only: Win the Pokemon League with only one Pokemon in the party. Wish List. !Pokemon: White 2 (U) ! Same as Wild Pokemon Modifier but may work for Pokemon that glitch such as Victini. Welcome to our DS cheats page where you can checkout the latest cheat codes. It worked on the Japanese version of white 2 With this code, you don't need to throw items away no modifing tm/hm all you do is go to the pokemon summary … 0 0. ***WARNING! Welcome to our DS cheats page where you can checkout the latest cheat codes. Final Sword & Shield Legendary Trio Pokemon Previously Leaked? Just press L or R to change the Nature on the menu. Some help the Pokemon's stats, some hurt the Pokemon, and some help the Pokemon's Attacks. Black 2 & White 2 Pokédex This is a list of the Pokémon from the Unova region in Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 . Walk Through Walls. Ash Becomes Champion & Then Goes Home To Kanto! DS Cheats. Pokemon White 2 Cheats for Nintendo DS. Go to the Summary menu until you see your Pokemon’s Nature. Action Replay devices can also be used for the Nintendo Gamecube. New Legendary Pokemon Glastrier & Spectrier Coming In Pokemon Sword & Shield's Crown Tundra! ?D8DC 01??DFDC. Add this game to my: Favorites. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. Evolutions For Older Pokemon Returning For First Time Years Within Pokemon Sword & Shield! Relevance. It can be used on Visual Boy Advance as well, by adding the cheats to the Gameshark code list. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Also see Cheats for more help on Pokémon White Version 2. Answer Save. Reviews. Opposite Trader: Trade between Black 2 and White 2/White; or between White 2 and Black 2/Black. Input the code and press L as you are walking. The Action … Wild Pokemon Modifier 2.0 Press L+R, you will get 649 Master Ball and 100 Ultra Ball, Toss to change amounts to Pokémon number and level respectively. Pokemon Gym For Each Pokemon Type Coming In Sword & Shield? Black City and White Forest Dwellers' Modifier 2 (L+R) Use this code before enter to the city/forest. 8th Generation Version of Pikachu Revealed! Input the code and select the Pokemon that you want the Nature change. Please make sure to give the video a LIKE! Pokemon Conquest; D2000000 00000000. Pokemon Black 2 Pokemon Modifier. Codes I see people asking for Part 2 Nature Modifier (Mark in Box) Black 2 5201E65C BDF873B4 0201E65C FAD0F7E3 D0000000 00000000 02001C00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E04 766C24XX White 2 5201E688 BDF873B4 0201E688 FABAF7E3 D0000000 00000000 02001C00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E04 766C24XX Replace XX with: 03 Adamant 12 … Master Ball ... Pokemon White 2 … 1219C914 00001C04. ... rating: 5/5 Item Slot 1 Modifier Codes (Press L+R) (DS) North America. Nature Modifier--still needed 3. Code: Wild Pokemon Modifier, Press Select to receive 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. Item Held Modifier 01??E0DC. Get the latest Pokemon White Version 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. Skill 1 Modifier 01? Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. I have a move modifier code from pokemon white (J) that i desperately want converted to (U). 5.1 0118 - GoldenEye - Rogue Agent (E) 5.2 0120 - FIFA 06 (U) 5.3 0226 - Burnout Legends (E) ... Wild Pokemon Modifier = Jigglypuff (Press SELECT, Not Breed Use When Needed) 94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000027 dc000000 00000004 d2000000 00000000 ! Pokemon Black and White Action Replay Cheats Part 1: Wild Pokemon Modifiers ... WILD POKEMON MODIFIER CODES (Press SELECT): DO NOT BREED! Participant Lv. Pokemon White 2 Move Modifier (U) 5201E688 BDF873B4 0201E688 FABAF7E3 D0000000 00000000 02001C00 73B4B4FF 02001FFC BDF8BCFF 02001E08 60284802 02001E.., Pokemon White 2 … Contrary to Pokémon Black & White, the local Pokédex in these sequels features 300 Pokémon across all generations, including every Generation 5 Pokémon. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. DS Cheats. Sword & Shield Starter Evolutions Previously Leaked? This dark type has gained the ability of Contrary (ability modifier needed) making it an incredibly rare Pokemon. Saves & Codes; Store. Pokemon Codes: 427AB7E FA5ACF46 BULBASAUR AA167F67 3FA554EE IVYSAUR 857D757A 1DEDAC02 VENUSAUR 28302DAD … New Training Techniques Coming To Pokemon Sword & Shield! All our cheats and codes for Pokemon White 2 on Nintendo DS, More Questions and Answers for Pokemon White 2. Or click here to search for specific content. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. 8th Generation Version of Pikachu Revealed! Mario. Or click here to search for specific content. New Legendary Pokemon Glastrier & Spectrier Coming In Pokemon Sword & Shield's Crown Tundra! Discard Master Balls to meet the Pokemon Dex number and discard Ultra Balls to meet the Pokemon level. !IRDO 012AF769 !Misc Codes ::Max Money :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 B2000024 00000000 00021A20 0098967F D2000000 00000000 ::Max Repel Steps :::Press Select 94000130 FFFB0000 B2000024 00000000 2002224D 000000FF D2000000 00000000 ::Hold L to Show Secret ID at Trainer Card 52008BCC 47706101 12008BD0 00006900 94000130 … It will allow your character to move through walls and high or low terrains but you can’t walk through water. Working TM/HM code, placed in right place, none .. Therian Forme Thundurus ( press select to activa.. + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Post by GhostGlurak » Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:14 am Hey all, I have a little problem with an cheat i want to use. E124B2B1 A46B45AB Faraway Island 2 4A99A22B 58284D2D Birth Island (Deoxys) 842CB8A9 7F8B0149 Navel Rock (Lugia and Ho-oh) Here is the Wild Pokemon Modifier, which will need it’s own Master Code: B749822B CE9BFAC1 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3. The Action Replay is a cheat device for Pokémon games and other Nintendo DS games. During the journey through Unova, umbreon gets stronger and starts to focus on improving his physical attack power and defense (EV modifier or the long way with proteins, EV battles, bands, and pokerus). has all you need to win every game you play! 5 years ago. 0 1. Dwellers: Leo, Silvia, Ryder, Doug, Maria, Carlos, Piper, Miho, Eliza and amp; Collin. cheat codes for pokemon white 2 wild pokemon modifier generation 5? Ability Modifier--already fond this code 7. 1: Participate in a Funfest Mission for the first time. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. Only level modifier for wild pokemon with L+R activation code. ... Pokemon Modifier: Press L+R you should get 649 master balls and 100 ultra balls toss out master balls to equal pokemon # toss 156 to get 493 (arceus) Pokemon Modifier 01? For Pokemon White Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "All the Action Replay codes for Pokemon White and Pokemon Black (US/EU)". Pokemon Gym For Each Pokemon Type Coming In Sword & Shield? To fix the pokemon, heal it at the Pokemon Center! 1219C914 00002400. Favorite Answer. ... Cheats. Categories Cheats, GBC Post navigation. ===== DO NOT BREED THESE POKEMON! Press Select to receive 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. Discard Master Balls to meet the Pokemon Dex number and discard Ultra Balls to meet the Pokemon level. More. Play Queue. 2: Participate in 10 or more Funfest missions. ===== Bulbasaur 94000130 fffb0000 c0000000 0000002f 12250010 00000001 It is tested and works perfectly! Code for Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2! Spiffy. The Action Replay Powersaves device can be used to modify game saves for 3DS games, and works well with Pokémon X & Y. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Lv 7. Cheat Codes for Pokemon White Version 2 (UK) Nintendo DS. Team Yell Introduced As Antagonist Group For Pokemon Sword & Shield! Press Select before heading into grass. Ash Becomes Champion & Then Goes Home To Kanto! *** [CODE UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Use at your own risk!!! Discard Master Balls to meet Pokémon Dex number and discard Ultra Balls to meet level. Press Select to receive 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. 5 Cheats. Questions. Pokemon White - Use Cheats. Code may be very buggy. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. If you follow the instructions correctly, this should work. Participant Lv. 5219C910 FDD8F7C1. Pokemon HGSS Golden Edition – Pokémon Locations. Enter in Action Replay TESTED Wild Pokemon Modifier (Use Calculator Of Poketch) Pokemon: Set the National Dex number of the pokemon you want into the calculator and press L. Level: Set the level (1-100), that you want into the calculator (Poketch) and press R. Nature (of wild pokemon): Set the Nature Number you want and press Select. Gigantamax & G-Max Moves Revealed For Pokemon Sword & Shield, Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Hold R for the encounter. More codes for this game on our Pokemon White 2 Action Replay Codes index I can use the "Wild Pokemon Modifier" (Easy, hold select bevor enter the grass), but with the "Start Modifier - Generation 5" i have little problems. Evolutions For Older Pokemon Returning For First Time Years Within Pokemon Sword & Shield! Nov 4th 2012, ID#9288 Team Yell Introduced As Antagonist Group For Pokemon Sword & Shield! Season Modifier Codes: Spring (Select+Up) 94000130 ffbb0000 b2000024 00000000 20036834 00000000 d2000000 00000000. Source(s): 94000130 FCFF0000 B2000024 00000000 1003490C 00000001 10034924 00000101 1003493C 00000601 10034954 00000801 Pokemon White 2 Move Modifier (U)5201E688 BDF873B40201E688 FABAF7E3D0000000 0000000002001C00 73B4B4FF02001FFC BDF8BCFF02001E08 6028480202001E0C 6068480202001E14 0www0xxx02001E18 0yyy0zzzWww- 1st MoveXxx- 2nd MoveZzz- 3rd moveYyy- 4th move*must fill up all 4*000 No Move001 Pound002 Karate Chop003 DoubleSlap004 Comet Punch005 Mega Punch006 Pay Day007 Fire Punch008 Ice Punch009 Thunderpunch00A Scratch00B Vicegrip00C Guillotine00D Razor Wind00E Swords Dance00F Cut010 Gust011 Wing Attack012 Whirlwind013 Fly014 Bind015 Slam016 Vine Whip017 Stopm018 Double Kick019 Mega Kick01A Jump Kick01B Rolling Kick01C Sand-Attack01D Headbutt01E Horn Attack01F Fury Attack020 Horn Drill021 Tackle022 Body Slam023 Wrap024 Take Down025 Thrash026 Double-Edge027 Tail Whip028 Poisoh Sting029 Twineedle02A Pin Missile02B Leer02C Bite02D Growl02E Roar02F Sing030 Supersonic031 Sonicboom032 Disable033 Acid034 Ember035 Flamethrower036 Mist037 Water Gun038 Hydro Pump039 Surf03A Ice Beam03B Blizzard03C Psybeam03D Bubblebeam03E Aurora Beam03F Hyper Beam040 Peck041 Drill Peck042 Submission043 Low Kick044 Counter045 Seismic Toss046 Strength047 Absorb048 Mega Drain049 Leech Seed04A Growth04B Razor Leaf04C Solarbeam04D Poisonpowder04E Stun Spore04F Sleep Powder050 Petal Dance051 String Shot052 Dragon Rage053 Fire Spin054 Thundershock055 Thunderbolt058 Rock Throw057 Thunder058 Rock Throw059 Earthquake05A Fissure05B Dig05C Toxic05D Confusion05E Psychic05F Hypnosis060 Meditate061 Agility062 Quick Attack063 Rage064 Teleport065 Night Shade066 Mimic067 Screech068 Double Team069 Recover06A Harden06B Minimize06C Smokescreen06D Confuse Ray06E Withdraw06F Defense Curl070 Barrier071 Light Screen072 Haze073 Reflect074 Focus Energy075 Bide076 Metronome077 Mirror Move078 Selfdestruct079 Egg Bomb07A Lick07B Smog07C Sludge07D Sludge07E Bone Club07F Waterfall080 Clamp081 Swift082 Skull Bash083 Spike Canon084 Constrict085 Amnesia086 Kinesis087 Softbiled088 Hi Jump Kick089 Glare08A Dream Eater08B Poison Gas08C Barrage08D Leech Life08E Lovely Kiss08F Sky Attack090 Transform091 Bubble092 Dizzy Punch093 Spore094 Flash095 Psywave096 Splash097 Acid Armor098 Crabhammer099 Explosion09A Fury Swipes09B Bonemerang09C Rest09D Rock Slide09E Hyper Fang09F Sharpen0A0 Conversion0A1 Tri Attack0A2 Super Fang0A3 Slash0A4 Substitute0A5 Struggle0A6 Sketch0A7 Triple Kick0A8 Thief0A9 Spider Web0AA Mind Reader0AB Nightmare0AC Flame Wheel0AD Snore0AE Curse0AF Flail0B0 Conversion 20B1 Aeroblast0B2 Cotton Spore0B3 Reversal0B4 Spite 0B5 Powder Snow0B6 Protect0B7 Mach Punch0B8 Scary Face0B9 Faint Attack0BA Sweet Kiss0BB Belly Drum0BC Sludge Bomb0BD Mud-Slap0BE Octazooka0BF Spikes0C0 Zap Cannon0C1 Foresight0C2 Destiny Bond0C3 Perish Song0C4 Icy Wind0C5 Detect0C6 Bone Rush0C7 Lock-On0C8 Outrage0C9 Sandstorm0CA Giga Drain0CB Endure0CC Charm0CD Rollout0CE False Swipe0CF Swagger0D0 Milk Drink0D1 Spark0D2 Fury Cutter0D3 Steel Wing0D4 Mean Look0D5 Attract0D6 Sleep Talk0D7 Heal Bell0D8 Return0D9 Present0DA Frustration0DB Safeguard0DC Pain Split0DD Sacred Fire0DE Magnitude0DF Dynamicpunch0E0 Megahorn0E1 Dragonbreath0E2 Baton Pass0E3 Encore0E4 Pursuit0E5 Rapid Spin0E6 Sweet Scent0E7 Iron Tail0E8 Metal Claw0E9 Vital Throw0EA Morning Sun0EB Synthesis0EC Moonlight0ED Hidden Power0EE Cross Chop0EF Twister0F0 Rain Dance0F1 Sunny Day0F2 Crunch0F3 Mirror Coat0F4 Psych Up0F5 Extremespeed0F6 Ancientpower0F7 Shadow Ball0F8 Future Sight0F9 Rock Snash0FA Whirlpool0FB Beat Up0FC Fake Out0FD Uproar0FE Stockpile0FF Spit Up100 Swallow101 Heat Wave102 Hail103 Torment104 Flatter105 Will-O-Wisp106 Memento107 Facade108 Focus Punch109 Smellingsalt10A Follow Me10B Nature Power10C Charge10D Taunt10E Helping Hand10F Trick110 Role Play111 Wish112 Assist113 Ingrain114 Superpower115 Magic Coat116 Recycle117 Revenge118 Brick Break119 Yawn11A Knock Off11B Endeavor11C Eruption11D Skill Swap11E Imprison11F Refresh120 Grudge121 Snatch122 Secret Power123 Dive124 Arm Thrust125 Camoflauge126 Tail Glow127 Luster Purge128 Mist Ball129 Featherdance12A Teeter Dance12B Blaze Kick12C Mud Sport12D Ice Ball12E Needle Arm12F Slack Off130 Hyper Voice131 Poison Fang132 Crush Claw133 Blast Burn134 Hydro Cannon135 Meteor Mash136 Astonish137 Weatherball138 Aromatherapy139 Fake Tears13A Air Cutter13B Overheat13C Odor Sleuth13D Rock Tomb13E Silver Wind13F Metal Sound140 Grasswhistle141 Tickle142 Cosmic Power143 Water Spout144 Signal Beam145 Shadow Punch146 Extrasensory147 Sky Uppercut148 Sand Tomb149 Sheer Cold14A Muddy Water14B Bullet Seed14C Aerial Ace14D Icicle Spear14E Iron Defense14F Block150 Howl151 Dragon Claw152 Frenzy Plant153 Bulk Up154 Bounce155 Mud Shot156 Poison Tail157 Covet158 Volt Tackle159 Magical Leaf15A Water Sport15B Calm Mind15C Leaf Blade15D Dragon Dance15E Rock Blast15F Shock Wave160 Water Pulse161 Doom Desire162 Psycho Boost163 Roost164 Gravity165 Miracle Eye166 Wake-Up Slap167 Hammer Arm168 Gyro Ball169 Healing Wish16A Brine16B Natural Gift16C Feint16D Pluck16E Tailwind16F Acupressure170 Metal Burst171 you-Turn172 Close Combat173 Payback174 Assurance175 Embargo176 Fling177 Psycho Shift178 Trump Card179 Heal Block17A Wring Out17B Power Trick17C Gastro Acid17D Lucky Chant17E Me First17F Copycat180 Power Swap181 Guard Swap182 Punishment183 Last Resort184 Worry Seed185 Sucker Punch186 Toxic Spikes187 Heart Swap188 Aqua Ring189 Magnet Rise18A Flare Blitz18B Force Palm18C Aura Sphere18D Rock Polish18E Poison Jab18F Dark Pulse190 Night Slash191 Aqua Tail192 Seed Bomb193 Air Slash194 X-Scissor195 Bug Buzz196 Dragon Pulse197 Dragon Rush198 Power Gem199 Drain Punch19A Vacuum Wave19B Focus Blast19C Energy Ball19D Brave Bird19E Earth Power19F Switcheroo1A0 Giga Impact1A1 Nasty Plot1A2 Bullet Punch1A3 Avalanche1A4 Ice Shard1A5 Shadow Claw1A6 Thunder Fang1A7 Ice Fang1A8 Fire Fang1A9 Shadow Sneak1AA Mud Bomb1AB Psycho Cut1AC Zen Headbutt1AD Mirror Shot1A3 Flash Cannon1A4 Rock Climb1B0 Defog1B1 Trick Room1B2 Draco Meteor1B3 Discharge1B4 Lava Plume1B5 Leaf Storm1B6 Power Whip1B7 Rock Wrecker1B8 Cross Poison1B9 Gunk Shot1BA Iron Head1BB Magnet Bomb1BC Stone Edge1BD Captivate1BE Stealth Rock1BF Grass Knot1C0 Chatter1C1 Judgement1C2 Bug Bite1C3 Charge Beam1C4 Wood Hammer1C5 Aqua Jet1C6 Attack Order1C7 Defend Order1C8 Heal Order1C9 Head Smash1CA Double Hit1CB Roar of Time1CC Spacial Rend1CD Lunar Dance1CE Crush Grip1CF Magma Storm1D0 Dark Void1D1 Seed Flare1D2 Ominous Wind1D3 Shadow Force1D4 Hone Claws1D5 Wide Guard1D6 Guard Split1D7 Power Split1D8 Wonder Room1D9 Psyshock1DA Venoshock1DB Autotomize1DC Rage Powder1DD Telekinesis1DE Magic Room1DF Smack Down1E0 Storm Throw1E1 Flame Burst1E2 Sludge Wave1E3 Quiver Dance1E4 Heavy Slam1E5 Synchronoise1E6 Electro Ball1E7 Soak1E8 Flame Charge1E9 Coil1EA Low Sweep1EB Acid Spray1EC Foul Play1ED Simple Beam1EE Entrainment1EF After You1F0 Round1F1 Echoed Voice1F2 Chip Away1F3 Clear Smog1F4 Stored Power1F5 Quick Guard1F6 Ally Switch1F7 Scald1F8 Shell Smash1F9 Heal Pulse1FA Hex1FB Sky Drop1FC Shift Gear1FD Circle Throw1FE Incinerate1FF Quash200 Acrobatics201 Reflect Type202 Retaliate203 Final Gambit204 Bestow205 Inferno206 Water Pledge207 Fire Pledge208 Grass Pledge209 Volt Switch20A Struggle Bug20B Bulldoze20C Frost Breath20D Dragon Tail20E Work Up20F Electroweb210 Wild Charge211 Drill Run212 Dual Chop213 Heart Stamp214 Horn Leech215 Sacred Sword216 Razor Shell217 Heat Crash218 Leaf Tornado219 Steamroller21A Cotton Guard21B Night Daze21C Psystrike21D Tail Slap21E Hurricane21F Head Charge220 Gear Grind221 Searing Shot222 Techno Blast223 Relic Song224 Secret Sword225 Glaciate226 Bolt Strike227 Blue Flare228 Fiery Dance229 Freeze Shock22A Ice Burn22B Snarl22C Icicle Crash22D V-Create22E Fusion Flare22F Fusion Bolt*mark the Pokemon you want to modify in order for changes to take effect*Head back to our Pokemon White 2 cheats page for a load more cheats and tips for Pokemon White 2. Please post If anyone knows any action replay in Pokemon White/Black 2 USA that I need: 2. Press R for the encounter. Guides. Black Market features high sell items. Wild Pokemon Modifier AR Code: :: ress Select to receive 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. I have a pokemon wild modifier for Pokemon White 2, but I am looking for a wild pokemon level modifier code. 94000130 FDFF0000. Game Platform ... AFTER BATTLE EXP MODIFIER CODES: 2x EXP After Battle 521bd738 0c040400 021bd738 43442402 ... DS Cheats Page. Discard Master Balls to meet the Pokemon Dex number and discard Ultra Balls to meet the Pokemon level. Press R for the encounter.More codes for this game on our Pokemon White 2 Action Replay Codes index. Pokemon Black / White Cheats. Pokemon Alola Anime Series Concludes! Q&A. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers Of Sky, (DS) Pokemon Diamond, (DS) Dragon Quest 5: Hand Of The Heavenly Bride, (DS) Pokemon SoulSilver Version, (DS) Pokemon Black Version 2, (DS) Pokemon Platinum, (DS) Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire Of The Rift, (DS) Super Mario 64 DS, (DS) Pokemon … I really don't believe in hacking, but from research I've found that the Action Replay DSi has a cheat for that already in it. Sword & Shield Starter Evolutions Previously Leaked? Now Playing. New Training Techniques Coming To Pokemon Sword & Shield! Top 5 Cheat Codes. Cheat Codes for Pokemon White Version 2. 4 Answers. Press SELECT To Activate. Board. Pokemon Alola Anime Series Concludes! Battle Hold Items (for lack of a better term) are the type of Hold Items that only work while in Battle. Final Sword & Shield Legendary Trio Pokemon Previously Leaked? 94000130 FCFF0000 02233E0C 02890001 02233E10 00640002 D2000000 00000000 Wild Pokemon Modifier. You just select the pokemon you want and boot your game. If anyone knows the code please let me know. Nov 4th 2012, ID#9288 Wild Pokemon Modifier. Move modifier (changing a TM into other moves)--ive search over the internet and fond nothin yet 5.
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