Page 40 of 43 - The Phoenix Flavour - Chapter 1 - Essentials - posted in File topics: In response to post #72937448. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Ring of Pure Mixtures having the wrong model. Version. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Nords will no longer insult characters who are dead by calling them 'little elf,' 'cat,' 'lizard,' or 'Imperial.'. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Ice Storm will now use Immersive Sounds. To get started with creating your own Modlist read our guide on GitHub. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Nether's Follower Framework is no longer a master file of the .esp as its only reference was one of the removed ITMs. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a text error in the Shadowstep perk which suggested that the effect would be disabled if the player activated an object - this is not true in TPF due to Uninterrupted Invisibility/Ethereal Form. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Firebrand will now have an AOS sound on hit. Some assets in this file belong to other authors. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Miraak's mask saying it gave 22% magic resistance when it only gives 10%. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Enthir having more Mysticism spell tomes than intended. This guide explain how to revert to an older version of Skyrim after a stealthy update in spite of the locking system put in place by Steam last update. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Icy Spear will now use Immersive Sounds. Recently, I downloaded Skyrim SE again and tried using your CORE guide and I am experiencing the game freezing as soon as I enter a cell. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a floating etched tablet on the path to High Hrothgar. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Reduced cost of Ebonyflesh for Mysticism consistency. GUIDE: Countless little fixes, additions and improvements for Core and Visuals. ENB LIGHT PATCH: Updated Firebolt, Flames, Ice Spike, Fire Rune, Thunderbolt, and Incinerate spells for the new versions of Adamant and Mysticism. Overall, the guide is highly accessible for modding beginners with its countless additional notes, explanations and screenshots. With 3.0 – unlike previous versions – combat is not much harder than in vanilla. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Lightning Storm will now use Immersive Sounds for its hand effects. Last updated 10 February 2021 3:21PM. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Dragonbane's enchantment strength is now deleveled in accordance with Reliquary of Myth 3.0.3. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Made bows not go into hyperspeed after taking the Quick Shot perk. THE PHOENIX FLAVOUR – New WIP Guide for SSE modding, supports SKSE, MO2 v2.1, Patches and more (future plans and poll included!) Some assets in this file belong to other authors. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed 3 of Zim's weapons that weren't working correctly. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: The Old Orc random encounter will now spawn with an orcish battleaxe and armor. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: The names of Vampire Lord effects from Reliquary of Myth are now consistent with Sacrosanct's. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed stats of Tandil being slightly higher than expected. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Completely rewrote BeginLoadPreset() from Timing is Everything. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Made thunder use Cathedral Weathers' handy Thunder slider instead of the Ambient one in the audio menu. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Restored Sacrosanct's original sounds for Drain Health. Updated load order txt for the latest version of RW2. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Miraak's mask saying it gave 22% magic resistance when it only gives 10%. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Updated for Adamant 4.0.1! Page 1 of 43 - The Phoenix Flavour - Chapter 1 - Essentials - posted in File topics: The Phoenix Flavour - Chapter 1 - Essentials The first installment in The Phoenix Flavour modding guide series, focusing on setting up Skyrim SE for modding, installing and understanding all important tools and building a solid backbone with essential mods. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Thanks to Umgak, Faron, Raven, Nth, and everyone else who helped out over the years! CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Reduced cost of Ebonyflesh for Mysticism consistency. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: NPCs can now correctly wish the player a good evening between the hours of 6PM and 4AM, instead of never like in vanilla. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Birna's Oddiments having 2 signs stacked on top of each other. A fixed trapBear script is still included. Back in Mod Organizer 2, press F5 to refresh. He is on it, it will be up shortly after the manual guide's update. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Removed a handful of ITMs. Removed Veydosebrom. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Ice Spike will now use Immersive Sounds. Organization The Phoenix Flavour (thephoenixflavour) Members. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Muiri's Ring (including the non-playable variant) having the wrong model. All rights reserved. LOADORDER: Updated for the new Mannequin Management plugin. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Armor - Dragon is no longer the vanilla version of the spell, and will use Immersive Sounds. MO2 SEPARATOR PACK: Swapped order of "Landscape" and "Trees & Plants" separators. 3. The Phoenix Flavour - A Modding Guide for Skyrim SE; The Phoenix Flavour - A Modding Guide for Skyrim SE. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Ice Spike will now use Immersive Sounds. If you are looking for an easier guide, one better suited to learning the basics of Mod Organizer 2 and the other tools, I recommend looking at TUCOGUIDE by ponurymazepa or The Phoenix Flavour by Phoenix. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Added 3 missing Audio Overhaul Skyrim and Enhanced Blood Textures records. Spoiler aippersbachj wrote: Hi, I used your guide before and it came out great. 247,503. 4.1. The Phoenix Flavour strives to provide a solid upgrade of the vanilla experience with modern visuals and additional content. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Enthir having more Mysticism spell tomes than intended. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed 3 lighting record conflicts between Alternate Start and Luminosity which had previously not been patched due to Luminosity loading after Alternate Start in prior development. CHANGELOG: Look no further! Check out the Skyrim Reborn locations guide, written by one of the mod authors who works on mods like these. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Amulet of Articulation (all seven variants) will now use Reliquary of Myth stats. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Ulfric Stormcloak now has an ebony war axe as intended. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Armor - Dragon is no longer the vanilla version of the spell, and will use Immersive Sounds. The Phoenix Flavour guide led you through installing CK, so you have it. 4.0-beta7. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Reverted Enchanting Adjustments' changes to Silver-Blood Ring, Muiri's Ring, Ring of Pure Mixtures, and Forgemaster's Fingers back to vanilla magnitudes, as Skyrim Alchemy Fixed makes the effects these items provide exceptionally rare and therefore the few sources of them available should ideally be exceptionally powerful. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Falion's inventory will now expand when he is Invested in. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Updated for Adamant 4.2.1 and AI Overhaul 1.6.1. The effects themselves will still pull from Reliquary. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Ulfric Stormcloak now has an ebony war axe as intended. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Deerkeethus is now Persistent to match Finding Deerkeethus and Inigo. The Phoenix Flavour - A Modding Guide for Skyrim SE; The Phoenix Flavour - A Modding Guide for Skyrim SE. Drag it up all the way below the MAIN VISUAL MODS separator and activate it. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a text error in the Shadowstep perk which suggested that the effect would be disabled if the player activated an object - this is not true in TPF due to Uninterrupted Invisibility/Ethereal Form. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Non-soldiers will no longer talk about their training. FILES: loadorder.txt and Gameplay CR Patch updated, CHANGELOG:, GUIDE: miscellaneous additions, update for latest Skyrim+SKSE version, FILES: all patches and separator packs updated, BLOG POST:, MAIN GUIDE CHANGELOG:, GUIDE: Visuals rework, additions and updates for Core & Gameplay, BLOG POST:, BLOG POST:, GUIDE: lots of improvements, small updates and changes to mod order and separators, FILES: updated all patches and separator packs, BLOG POST:, GUIDE: tons of fixes and quality-of-life improvements for all three modules, BLOG: CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Frenzy is no longer the vanilla version of the spell. FILES: loadorder.txt and Gameplay CR Patch updated, CHANGELOG:, GUIDE: miscellaneous additions, update for latest Skyrim+SKSE version, FILES: all patches and separator packs updated, BLOG POST:, MAIN GUIDE CHANGELOG:, GUIDE: Visuals rework, additions and updates for Core & Gameplay, BLOG POST:, BLOG POST:, GUIDE: lots of improvements, small updates and changes to mod order and separators, FILES: updated all patches and separator packs, BLOG POST:, GUIDE: tons of fixes and quality-of-life improvements for all three modules, BLOG: ENB LIGHT PATCH: Fixed Flames having the wrong sound effects. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Ring of Pure Mixtures having the wrong model. How difficult is combat in Skyrim with The Phoenix Flavour? CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Updated for Adamant 3.0.1 and Zim's Immersive Artifacts 1.6. Obviously I'd already installed SkyUI, because Skyrim is basically unplayable without it. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: NPCs with the FemaleSultry voice type are now willing to be flirtier with female PCs, so long as said PCs are not dead. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a text error caused by a Reliquary of Myth update with the Targe of the Blooded. UNIVERSAL LOADORDER TXT: Added KN_FacegenForKids.esp and FC_FacegenForKids.esp. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Birna's Oddiments having 2 signs stacked on top of each other. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Removed an ITM of Jenassa as it was unnecessary. The Phoenix Flavour - To Do. The final three meshes overwrite Embers HD and prevent its forge textures from being applied. But no, I should really mod this. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Riften and Markarth forge water misalignment. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Updated for Reliquary of Myth 3.1.5. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Horse noises will now use the 'Horse' sound category and should be more consistent. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Keld-Nar, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Severin Manor, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Heljarchen, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Frost River, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in The Midden, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blackmsith forge which was missing RW2 water in the Forgotten City, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Heljarchen Creek. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Nether's Follower Framework is no longer a master file of the .esp as its only reference was one of the removed ITMs. It will permit you to play until a new SKSE version is released. Wildcat – Combat in Skyrim helps diversify the behaviours of enemies as well as make combat a lot more interesting with timed blocks, attacks of opportunity and higher Stamina consumption. Removed Veydosebrom. A Skyrim SE modding guide. Created by Lean Multiplier (1st Person): X0.50 Lean Multiplier (3rd Person): X0.50 Settings → … CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Non-soldiers will no longer talk about their training. Second, I don't play Skyrim LE anymore and don't feel that it is worthwhile to have a second copy of Skyrim installed for no reason other than to make a small minority of users happy. 1,105. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Removed edits to <30, -5> and Block 0, -1 Sub-Block 3, -1 as they are now redundant. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Thunderbolt will now use Immersive Sounds. Hello, I'm new to modding and I am looking for a modding guide that is similar to BelmontBoy's Ultimate Skyrim guide (but not as long and is for SSE). The less experience you have with modding Skyrim, the more important it is that you read everything carefully. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. MO2 SEPARATORS: Renamed one separator to match the guide category. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Muiri's Ring (including the non-playable variant) having the wrong model. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Firebrand will now have an AOS sound on hit. A separate patch is still available for download for those who want to keep the mod. 3.5. The mod’s INI file is perfect out-of-the-box for running Skyrim SE @60FPS. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Intense Flames Fear no longer fires a projectile as Mysticism removes it. Full changelog:, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Forwarded new occlusion data to <-18, 23>. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Nords will no longer insult characters who are dead by calling them 'little elf,' 'cat,' 'lizard,' or 'Imperial.'. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed an errored keyword on Keening. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Flames having the wrong sound effects. UNIVERSAL LOADORDER TXT: Added KN_FacegenForKids.esp and FC_FacegenForKids.esp. While it is possible to play with a higher framerate if your monitor has 60Hz+, I do not recommend it and this guide does not support it. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Keening's Sting enchantment. If you have trouble installing a Modlist, head over to our Discord and ask for help in the respective channels. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Weapon impacts will now use ISC sounds vs Draugr. Automate MCMs Get a !modwatch command with link to usage guide. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Updated patched CELL records to fix a handful missing, re-enable fog in Redbelly Mine, and remove a number that were no longer needed with the new load order. From the files, only the loadorder.txt was updated. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a typo in which caused Riften's forge water to actually be located somewhere in Morrowind. -**A Better Skyrim:** The guide includes hundreds of mods across forty categories, all carefully selected to fit my vision of a lore-friendly, improved but not radically changed Skyrim. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed an error in Florentus' merchant chest. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Removed Open Face Guard Helmets from the patch - its records were identical to the ones from the updated replacer plugin. The Phoenix Flavour 3.2 will be available as a Wabbajack installer very soon. UNIVERSAL LOADORDER TXT: Added StormLightning.esp and MCWT_InescapableInsights_EBQO_QaiS.esp, which were erroneously removed in I want my Skyrim to look like it came out this year, and I want it to be fun and difficult; harder than vanilla. Proper Aiming. Hello and happy holidays everyone! GUIDE: Countless little fixes, additions and improvements for Core and Visuals. PC SSE - Mod. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Keening's Sting enchantment. Phoenix (phoenix179) ... Gameplay Guide - Dungeon Delving Test ELOS Alternate Texture Priority. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Lightning Storm will now use Immersive Sounds for its hand effects. 1,135. Original upload 26 December 2017 6:48PM. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. MO2 SEPARATOR PACK: Swapped order of "Landscape" and "Trees & Plants" separators. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Chain Lightning will now use Immersive Sounds. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Sanguine Rose-summoned Dremora will now have greatsword attack speed consistent with WACCF's greatswords. GUIDE: Re-integrated and updated the Gameplay module. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Made thunder use Cathedral Weathers' handy Thunder slider instead of the Ambient one in the audio menu. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: NPCs can now correctly wish the player a good evening between the hours of 6PM and 4AM, instead of never like in vanilla. Log in to view your list of favourite games. They will now work and will no longer break the AllGUD Mesh Generator script. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed an errored keyword on Keening. 18.2 Aetherial Crown by Saerileth – Plugin Replacer CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Plains predator near Shoal's Rest Farm is replaced with a Prey animal. UNIVERSAL LOADORDER TXT: Sent Luminosity to the bottom to reduce the amount of patching necessary for CELL records. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Keld-Nar, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Severin Manor, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Heljarchen, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Frost River, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in The Midden, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blackmsith forge which was missing RW2 water in the Forgotten City, CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a blacksmith forge which was missing RW2 water in Heljarchen Creek. It compiles every single noteworthy mod that ever existed and will ever exist into a list and then filters that list repeatedly to achieve synergy, cohesion and most importantly stability. In my experience, adding mods that aren't part of a guide… CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed aMidianBorn boots using the vanilla Muffle enchantment - they now use Enchanting Adjustments' version and have matching text. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Dawnguard Rune Shield having the wrong description. The guide was w… CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a bug caused by a Reliquary of Myth update with the Wabbajack. PredCaliber has a great visual guide, but no gameplay guide. ENB LIGHT PATCH: Forwarded Mysticism edits to Magelight. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Flames having the wrong sound effects. A few more small tweaks to the 0.06b Update. I just need something that is stupid proof (step by step) guide basically that doesn't give you a lot of freedom of choice and just gives it to you straight without explaining the ins and outs. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Removed 3DNPC in anticipation of it being sent to the Customization section. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Falion's inventory will now expand when he is Invested in. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fire and shock impact sets are now simultaneously consistent with Audio Overhaul, Immersive Sounds, AND Deadly Spell Impacts. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: The Rueful Axe will now use Immersive Sounds' 2H Axe sound. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed 3 of Zim's weapons that weren't working correctly. Version. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed the Dawnguard Rune Axe having the wrong damage and price. Hotkey: M5 Settings → Dodge Roll. Settings → Unlocked Grip. BLOG:, WEBSITE: migrated to a new hoster and rebuild the site with a new theme, BLOG:, GAMEPLAY: updated the patch pack (added several new patches), MAIN GUIDE CHANGELOG:, GAMEPLAY: updated the main patch and the KYE patch, GAMEPLAY: massive rework completed, see changelog on the website. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Removed placed RWT_HorseTrough from Severin Manor as it has an official one now. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed an error in Florentus' merchant chest. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Dragonbane's enchantment strength is now deleveled in accordance with Reliquary of Myth 3.0.3. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Lightning Bolt will now use Immersive Sounds. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Removed AI Overhaul packages from a corpse in Steepfall Burrow. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed description of Journeyman Styles saying that it allows the user to craft Steel Plate; WACCF pushed Steel Plate to the Orcish tier, which is in Intermediate Smithing. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Updated for Immersive Sounds Compendium. You didn't train. ... To sum up this expansive commentary on The Phoenix Flavour; so far i'd give a solid 5/7 (jokes aside: 5/5 stars) 2. share. Troubleshooting. FISS loading functionality should now work even if you don't click on every single page before loading. LOADORDER: Updated for the new Mannequin Management plugin. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Necklace of Poison Near Immunity having the wrong model. Last updated 29 January 2021 3:20PM. ENB LIGHT PATCH: Fixed Flames having the wrong sound effects. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Made bows not go into hyperspeed after taking the Quick Shot perk. The Phoenix Flavour strives to provide a solid upgrade of the vanilla experience with modern visuals and additional content. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Removed placed RWT_HorseTrough from Severin Manor as it has an official one now. 1,138. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Updated for Reliquary of Myth 2.9.16, Changelog: The effects themselves will still pull from Reliquary. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a bug caused by a Reliquary of Myth update with the Wabbajack. The Phoenix Flavour remains a comprehensive vanilla+ guide, now with much better balanced gameplay difficulty, sleeker integration of a Morrowloot-lite type of balancing overhaul, and many new mods such as Inigo and EnaiSiaion's new GROWL! Select Skyrim SE from the dropdown and click Start Session. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed an audio error caused by Arctic's latest patch. UNIVERSAL LOADORDER TXT: Sent Luminosity to the bottom to reduce the amount of patching necessary for CELL records. Report Save. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed Necklace of Poison Near Immunity having the wrong model. 1,138. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Updated for Reliquary of Myth 2.9.16, Changelog: CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Reverted Enchanting Adjustments' changes to Silver-Blood Ring, Muiri's Ring, Ring of Pure Mixtures, and Forgemaster's Fingers back to vanilla magnitudes, as Skyrim Alchemy Fixed makes the effects these items provide exceptionally rare and therefore the few sources of them available should ideally be exceptionally powerful. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: ENB Light is now optional. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Keld-Nar is now a master. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Fixed a text error caused by a Reliquary of Myth update with the Targe of the Blooded. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Sanguine Rose-summoned Dremora will now have greatsword attack speed consistent with WACCF's greatswords. The Phoenix Flavour; CONFLICT RESOLUTION: implemented the Misc College of Winterhold Tweaks – Early Elementalist edit (removed the “Can’t Wait” flag in the Hall of Elements cell), CONFLICT RESOLUTION: fixed a conflict involving the new Misc College of Winterhold Tweaks – Inescapable Insights module, UNIVERSAL LOADORDER TXT: updated to include the new plugin added with the Misc College of Winterhold Tweaks update, UNIVERSAL LOADORDER TXT: removed the Immersive Patrols Simplified plugin which was previously (erroneously) included. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: The names of Vampire Lord effects from Reliquary of Myth are now consistent with Sacrosanct's. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Added 3 missing Audio Overhaul Skyrim and Enhanced Blood Textures records. Until 2019, it was the only modular modding guide available for SE but this eventually became a feature too tedious to support. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Updated patched CELL records to fix a handful missing, re-enable fog in Redbelly Mine, and remove a number that were no longer needed with the new load order. Endorsements. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: Chain Lightning will now use Immersive Sounds. Input Type: HOTKEY (TAP) Hotkey: M4 Settings → Leaning. Last updated 05 September 2020 10:46AM. The Phoenix Flavour does have a gameplay guide, but it doesn't have everything I want. A Better Skyrim: The guide includes hundreds of mods across forty categories, all carefully selected to fit my vision of a lore-friendly, improved but not radically changed Skyrim.
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