Make this time a time of prayer while also remembering how Jesus came to cleanse and forgive us. Background: Joseph and Mary had traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem because a decree from Caesar Augustus told the people that should all travel to his own city to be registered. Just the same, the Christmas story is for each of us. This is the first Christmas Sunday School lesson in the Christmas series. Here is a 5 lesson Christmas Curriculum. Parents as well as Sunday school teachers can focus the hearts and minds of children on the true meaning of Christmas -"Jesus." Visit the Youth Lessons page for 3 Christmas Sunday School lessons about Jesus' Birth. Eternity with Jesus! Those with curly hair stand. If you have a decorated Christmas tree in your classroom, you can use it as an object lesson to teach some important Christian truths. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. The message: The shepherds find Jesus. Make a list of just a few; pray and take time to thank God for each. If you stop and think about it these shepherds had NO IDEA they were about to get the greatest announcement OF ALL TIME. [All people. No one knew who they were except those who worked with them or their families. [joyful news], Who was to receive the Good News message? Shouldn’t we be excited about that? Bible Lesson: The shepherds were poor people. If you’re looking for a great object lesson for Christmas Eve or family Christmas service, then this is it. 3 mins Sunday School Lesson Ideas: Birth of Jesus. There is and never has been nor ever will be another meâ¦another you! She lives with her husband and three children in South Carolina. Read in . Jesus was born in a manger with dirty animals to show or demonstrate He would be available to everyone with our dirt and all. Our editorial This news, this privilege, also gave the shepherds boldness to share! Here are the direct links to the Christmas Sunday School lessons. Go back and focus on verse 14 -, "I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I understand how important it is to know what you are teaching your kids is theologically sound. What you need: graham crackers (½ each child), mini marshmallows, white icing, chocolate melts or Hershey kisses, and little edible eyes. Please note that Future Flying Saucers uses affiliate links. The story says that a candy maker wanted to make a very special piece of candy to remind the children about Jesus. Take time in the Bible lesson to also discuss how we use the soft wool from sheep. One of the other two people represents Jesus and will be trying to get the sheep to follow their voice to the goal. Spread icing on the square of graham cracker. A few additional Christmas Story fun activities for children include: Around where we live, we don't see real shepherds, but at Christmas there are a multitude everywhere in holiday decorations depicting the Christmas story. Those who are left-handed stand. Even twins have differences! In this lesson, kids will learn about the angel’s announcement to Mary, and how that event must have completely rocked her world. She is the owner of FutureFlyingSaucers Resources where she helps busy parents and church leaders teach fun, flexible, multi-age, budget-friendly bible object lessons that enhance the spiritual growth of children. God never makes a duplicate! Baby Jesus was born, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a feed trough. Have those with blue eyes stand. In this lesson, kids will associate candy canes with the shepherds' crooks, as a reminder that God invites everyone to know him. Luke 2:9 Objects Needed:empty Pringles can, 2 clear lids from Pringl… Stick eyes on the chocolate and EAT! This disclosure is provided in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissionâs 16 CFR § 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.â. Have you ever considered some of these shepherds may have been a lot like you? Sin can be pleasant for a season (Hebrews 11:25), but causes a big mess in our lives. The Good Shepherd has come searching for you to make you His own. "Our website may contain Hope is found in Jesus alone! We should have as much joy about the Good News as the Shepherds showed. Welcome to Creative Bible Study! “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch … While they were there, Mary gave birth to a baby, wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger. This verse from Hebrews tells us that Jesus endured the cross because of the joy that it would bring. Scripture Focus: Luke 2: 8-20; Hebrews 12:2, Materials: shepherd’s staff, walking stick, or picture of a shepherd; CLICK HERE poster of Hebrew 12:2; write Luke 2:10-11 on the board; image of Bethlehem and Shepherds. They had to go and seek to find Jesus. A Lamb's Christmas Poem Children create a lovable lamb, complete with a poem, to remind them of the wonderful birth of Jesus. He certainly didn't forget! sales of those products or services we write about. Read more…. The Shepherds Christmas Object Lesson How come God chose to have the shepherds be a part of the event of Jesus’ birth? Talk about all the ways a shepherd uses his staff - to protect sheep by fighting off predators, to gently lead sheep, to rescue sheep that may have fallen over a ledge. An object lesson for Christmas Eve Objects needed: An angel ornament, or picture of an angel Theme/Main Idea: Just as the angels announced the good news of Jesus birth to the shepherds, we can tell others about why we really celebrate Christmas. The Masters stayed in town and the shepherds took the sheep miles beyond the town walls to find grass and water. Joseph was from the line of David, so he went to Bethlehem. Subscribe to our E-zine "Creative Bible Tidbits", About Us Privacy Policy Contact Us, Unless otherwise noted all Scripture is New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. And when the tabernacle as built, and then the temple, shepherds were needed to raise sheep for sacrifices. The right hand was the place of honor whenever a king had people over to dinner. That's exactly what God's desire is for each of us - to seek Him and believe in faith - to trust Him and obey. Wonder: The shepherds were real people like you and me; have you ever wondered more about what they may have been like, how they may have felt? The story of the shepherds can teach us how to again be amazed in the midst of the ordinary and how God's love has been sent to everyone through Jesus! And Jesus sits at God’s right hand now waiting for His father to turn to Him and say, “Go! Special note: We do preview the websites to which we link, but Have them load the pipe cleaner with beads wrapping ends around the last beads to lock in place and then bend like a shepherd's staff. Anne Marie is a Bible Teacher and Bible curriculum writer with more than 25 years of experience. You may have more than one tagger. ], What did the angel bring to the shepherds? Needed: Volunteer to play Shepherd Intro Game: Telephone – Have students sit in a line or in a circle. They tell others about Him. The red color reminds us of Jesus's blood that was shed when we died on the cross. Wonder: Have you ever wondered why God did not prepare room in the Inn for Jesus to be born? For Permission to Quote Information visit. In that day in time, children and women were not held in high esteem. Have them look to see which thumb is on top and if their left thumb is on top to stand. The point is that God has created us to inherit different genes. They were just common people in the ordinary of their day when Jesus came and changed everything! The Good News wasn’t just about the birth of a baby, but about the death of a man who was God in the flesh. Just Us Little Guys Sunday School Center Christmas Series – Lesson #4 ©2010, Sharon Kay Chatwell Page 3 SHEPHERDS AND ANGELS – SKIT NARRATOR: Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem. If not, a picture of a Christmas tree would suffice. Star Christmas tree topper; Object Lesson (For more Christmas ornament meanings please check out our heartwarming Christmas story book, The Jesus Tree.) I'm Susan, and this is (part of) my family! Good News for all people! Maybe it was a cave. The shepherds went and shared it with everyone. God wanted to assure the shepherds that this good news, this Savior, this sign was for them. May we each be bold to share the wonder of the Christmas story with those around us this holiday season and throughout the year. We love one-foot by one-foot brown cardboard boxes in our kids ministry, and probably have a couple hundred of them stored away. Have students think about what in their own life may seem pleasurable for a season, but is out of God's will and really a sin separating them from God. This is the second lesson on the Christmas story, the next lesson will cover the Wise men, followed by the Nativity. The Shepherds Christmas Object Lesson - How come God chose to have the shepherds be a part of the event of Jesus’ birth? Four Lessons from Zachariah’s lost voice to the sweet smell of frankincense, follow the key story of the nativity through these traditional lessons. God sees each of us and loves us just the way we are...stinky and all! Bethlehem wasn’t a huge city. If Jesus had been born in an Inn or even someone's home, it's doubtful the shepherds would have been welcome to come in and see Him. The shepherds had a choice, to believe and obey or stay where they were out in the cold away from God's presence. Create an acrostic poem from the word Shepherd or Sheep. disclosure is provided in accordance with the, Federal Trade Commissionâs 16 CFR § 255.5: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, Hi! Their wool is used to make many things in many places. What if they were too afraid or too busy with their sheep? To introduce this Christmas Story lesson, give everyone a candy cane or talk about candy canes and how they were designed like a shepherd's staff turned one way and the letter J turned upside down. The message of the angels announcing the birth of Jesus to the shepherds is important. Very simple using a red marker & paper towel! They were often overlooked. Their job was a dirty one. I think it would be fun with a senior adult group. Shepherds were normal people. Our editorial The question is â do we know Him? statements and make sure they do profess Jesus Christ as God's Son and Everyone sit. Each line must begin with the corresponding letter. If you are with a group, have hand sanitizer instead and let the smell on your hands remind you as you pray. Give every blindfolded sheep a cotton ball. content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. Those whose hairline on their forehead makes a point or widowâs peak stand. Description: The Shepherds Honored Jesus with Themselves Children’s Sermon. Object Lessons and tagged Christmas object lesson, Christmas tree, Christmas tree object lessons, object lessons. We are to stay with Him...abide with Him. Acts 26 Bible Lesson ~ Paul and King Agrippa, Can you list some famous shepherds from the Bible? Their belief moved them to act...that's called faith! Bible Verses about Christmas. God’s Christmas message to us offers such a solution. Everyone sit. Materials Needed. [Allow for answers. The Shepherds: This Shepherds Christmas Object Lesson will help children to understand that God is motivated by joy and desires to glorify Himself. Luke 2:11; Numbers 24:17. ; also be reminded how much the Good Shepherd loves you! See the "lowly". God chose to invite shepherds to see the baby Jesus to show the world that Jesus came for everyone, not just a … He made the candy cane in the shape of a shepherd's staff to show kids that Jesus is the good shepherd. Here are a few of our favorite Christmas Bible verses that teach about the birth of Jesus and all the events leading up to the first Christmas.. Luke 2:9-12 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. They had to choose to follow the angel's directions and act on what they heard. The shepherds were not supernaturally transported to where Jesus was. How come God chose to have the shepherds be a part of the event of Jesus’ birth? Use them to lead discussions about the Christmas Story with teens. Everyone has to be counted. content is not influenced by advertisers or affiliate partnerships. In this Christmas Children's Church Lesson, kids will learn about the Shepherds who shared the good news that Jesus had been born. An angel appeared to them and the glory of the Lord was all around them. God wants us to know...we matter to Him so much that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life! Letâs be like the shepherds from that first Christmas night and share the Good News that Jesus, the Son of God, has come to save and give life. Those who can curl or roll their tongue stand. The Shepherds’ Story Bible lesson for older preschoolers tells the story of Jesus' birth from their perspective. Everyone sit. "Our website may contain affiliate marketing links, which means we may get paid commission on sales of those products or services we write about. God invites us to seek. The job of shepherd fell in favor with people. A Christmas object lesson can become a reminder of God's great love during the whole Christmas season. Paul in Malta ~ Acts 28 Bible Object Lesson. Find a picture of the manger, with shepherds, angels, etc., gathered around and peering into the manger. affiliate marketing links, which means we may get paid commission on Everyone sit. Christmas. They weren’t famous. Keep your eyes open during this Christmas season for shepherds and let them remind you Jesus came for you and everyone regardless of their social status, past, age, etc. After the angel told them about Jesus, their reaction was to go! Version 2 - If you have small space use this option. That's the whole point of the Christmas story -, "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." Genetic studies have shown that about 55% clasp with their left thumb on top and 45% with their right hand on top. God chose the lowly to give the invitation to His Son's birth! They would have missed God's gift for them. Give each child a pipe cleaner and several beads with holes in the middle. {Show the picture of the shepherds. Write Psalm 139:14 on it along with a message that God cares - you matter. But it is twisted with white. It is up to us to believe and receive His gift. He called Himself - The Good Shepherd. Our About us page includes more info. John 3:18 goes on to say - "The one who believes in Him is not judged; the one who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.". The shepherds proclaimed great joy at what God was doing. Wonderful are Thy works, And my soul knows it very well.". Object Lesson 9: "The Shepherd Knows His Flock" LESSON: Do not live your life to convince others, for only God knows your heart. "And so the angel said to them, âDo not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Each of us matter to God; God loves us in spite of us not loving Him. The star lighted the way of wise men traveling to Bethlehem. Most of us know John 3:16 we looked at earlier, but if we keep reading we find that this gift of eternal life is not automatic. affiliate marketing links, which means we may get paid commission on Fun Science Object Lesson for Valentine's Day! What if the shepherds had heard, but didn't go. God offers forgiveness to all. Welcome to Creative Bible Study! No two people have the exact same DNA! This game is known as "Sardines"; it is like hide and seek, but only one person hides and the rest search for them. A simple box of eight crayons becomes a fun object lesson to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and eight truths we need to remember about HIm.
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