Some graphics were altered to avoid possible lawsuit problems. At the moment, Iâm playing through the game with my retranslated and edited script, fixing up context issues and logging bugs that need to be fixed. There are at least two other projects that translate the MOTHER 2 side of the game: 1. Naturally, in this sub-section of Legends of Localization we’ll be exploring how MOTHER 2 was localized into EarthBound. I translated the MOTHER 1 side of MOTHER 1+2 but not the MOTHER 2 side. It’s more than just comparing simple graphical changes – we actually dig deep into the text to see what was changed, why it might have been changed, and how it was an improvement (or the opposite) over the original version. Things were changed in the localization process, like an octopus statue becoming the pencil statue. About four years ago I posted about why I translated the MOTHER 1 side of MOTHER 1+2 but not the MOTHER 2 side – basically, MOTHER 2 and EarthBound have a really messy text system that would’ve taken me forever to untangle. A full English translation of Mother 1. Mato's menu text translation: here 2. There was no no real reason for the omission – I just rushed the update. news today. But Jeff needs help, though. Jeff’s made a nice little program to make things understandable. Re: Mother 2 GBA English Translation « Reply #13 on: January 26, 2013, 07:46:26 pm » We don't actually have a script, and I'm not sure how to dump a script from the rom, unless you mean just taking the lines and copying them down directly from the game. News & MOTHER 1+2 Translation. The MOTHER 1+2 Fan Translation is something Tomato worked on after the M3FT was completed, with help from Jeffman. I think Jeffman ought to translate most of the item names by their MOTHER2 names. Super Nintendo SNES - MOTHER 2 English Translation. Mother 1 + 2 Full English Translation - made for Nintendo Game Boy Advance - Homebrew / Hack / Fan Translation [video game] [Game Boy] 8 Bit Evolution 4.3 out of 5 stars 48 There’s a whole lot more to see too, so you can start here: UPDATE! The only english version for it was on snes, so you could download ⦠MOTHER 2/EarthBound has amazing characters with groovy personalities and many different designs!. Legends of Localization Book 2: EarthBound is now available!This 432-page, full-color book is filled with my 20 years of obscure knowledge about the game, my 15 years of professional industry experience, and insight from the game’s head localizer, head marketer, and even the creator himself. Itâs very cool, so help him test it here! 1. Since this is from the Japanese version, nothing is censored. I assumed the details about your project merging with it were on the forum page I linked to for further details. Mother 2 was released here as Earthbound on SNES. There was much speculation about a possible English release following the original announcement, but it ⦠Hey! Shipping and handling. In EarthBound, the helpful bee (or not a bee) that starts your quest is actually a rhinoceros beetle (or not) in MOTHER 2. MOTHER 1+2 is a compilation consisting of MOTHER (EarthBound Zero) and MOTHER 2 (EarthBound) that was released in Japan for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance during the summer of 2003. Mother 1+2 is a compilation of two role playing games for the Game Boy Advance. That looks so much better, the big blocky text was hurting my eyes LOL, I can’t wait for the completed version , It could be alot better if it was a direct retranslation like your Mother 1 one, to maintain consistency, I love it!! For what it’s worth, I’m a professional translator and translating games, anime, movies, etc. Amazing, but… I still find this pointless, the SNES version is far better, why do you keep bothering with this port? Help Complete the MOTHER 2 Side of the MOTHER 1+2 Translation! The Runaway Five were originally the Tonzura Brothers. HONK This site is a personal blog and is not affiliated with Nintendo, Shigesato Itoi, Brownie Brown, or any other companies. A more legible font was implemented for easier reading. Sweet Strawberry Tofu, that’s a HUGE jump in quality!
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