Michael will also always put his family's safety above anything else, going as far as to make a moral compromise with the FIB to ensure his family was not in danger. Teddy Benavidez | Michael checking on Brad, who was fatally shot. Powers/Skills Michael picks up the phone and swaps the phone's battery for the explosive device given to him by Lester. Playboy X | Franklin informs Michael of the latter's reputation as Madrazo orders his cousin to hand him a baseball bat, which he immediately uses to lightly bludgeon Michael with. Type of Villain Franklin chooses to kill Michael. He'll only be concerned about the issues he's being pulled through, instead of the situations that he constantly puts his family or his friends through and will often get unfairly defensive when someone rightfully criticizes him. This can be shown when hanging out with friends, Michael will have appeared to have become more calm and passive when insulted by Trevor. Male Miguel | 2013 Michael's beta appearance can be seen in Trailers one and two, where he is seen with green eyes and an older look. While awaiting this operation, Michael and Trevor carry out another job, raiding a Merryweather courier train that carries gold and priceless artifacts so that they can pay off Martin Madrazo. Amanda and the kids move back in with Michael afterward, and their feelings are rekindled by the end of the story, brought closer together by various events. A sad news came from the Grand Theft Auto 5 game that its actor, Michael De Santa, Ned Luke, was infected with the COVID-19 virus. Michael would then perform several jobs for Dave and his boss, Steve Haines. After the the job goes terrible, Michael convinced Trevor to join him to commit further robberies, seeing as they work well as a team. After the event took place, Dave managed to keep his promise by having Michael and his family move to a luxurious mansion in Rockford Hills, Los Santos while in the witness protection program. 3. Liquor Store Bandits | Michael De Santa (since 2004)Michael Townley (until 2004) After this, Franklin can only hang out with Lamar Davis, only at night, because Harold "Stretch" Joseph is still out there. Michael was even able to buy Amanda some breast implants, which would help with her stripping as well as her days as a hooker. 328-555-0108 During his time in high school, Michael was an all-state football quarterback. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Their alleged friendship was okay until Michael met his future wife Amanda, causing their friendship to strain since Trevor and Amanda didn't see eye to eye. I'm surrounded by them. De SantaZondarZolagHarry MaxwellNumerous nicknames by Trevor Trevor approached the civilian and fired off a flare gun into the man's eye, brutally killing him. As Michael tried to make a hasty escape on foot, the older civilian attempted to get Trevor's attention as to what just happened. Michael is a very complex person, even confused by his "good and evil" personality. Vlad Glebov | According to Michael, he was imprisoned twice by the time he was twenty. He will state, I thought I was with one Judas! Cliffford | It seems that Trevor wanted to forgive Michael, but didn't have a chance to apologize. He faked his death and changed his name after the failed 2004 Bismarck bank robbery, and he … Trunchez Brothers | Solomon often recites a quote from one of his movies and Michael easily names which one. Leo Teal | Michael was born on Wednesday, January 13th, 1965, in the American Midwest (Springfield, Illinois). After Michael reunites with his family in the mission Reuniting the Family, Michael will be seen bonding with them much more often than before, as they all promise to fix up their relationship with each other before things become disastrous. JD O'Toole | Ned Luke, Actor: Grand Theft Auto V. Ned Luke was born on October 4, 1958 in Danville, Illinois, USA. In official artwork, he is shown to have blue eyes. Franklin walks away and calls Lamar on the phone to make amends. He even declares Martin a terrifying psychopath. Michael's life in Los Santos has slowly pirouetted into a living nightmare. The session passes relatively smoothly until Fabien performs a sexual pose on Amanda, which angers Michael. Franklin then pushes Michael off the edge and grabs him, where he starts to regret his decision, but Michael refuses to forgive him and wishes he killed Franklin when he broke into his house to steal Jimmy's car. Jerry Martinez | Devin soon refuses to pay Michael, along with Trevor and Franklin for their jobs, and after Michael refuses to terminate the Meltdown film's production and accidentally gets Devin's lawyer killed, Devin sends a platoon of Merryweather men to kill Michael's family. If Franklin chooses to kill Trevor in the end, Michael will stop hanging out with Franklin for a while because he is devastated by Trevor's death. Ballas | Michael continues to work for Dave Norton. When Devin Weston sent Merryweather to Michael's house to kill his family, Michael instantly abandoned his movie premiere to engage the hostile forces, rescue his family and subsequently move them to a new location. Their relationship was fine, up until Michael performed a heist at the Vangelico jewelry store. Ricardo Diaz | Billy Bob Bean | Michael points a gun at Franklin. And Michael De Santa desperately wants to forget. Michael goes upstairs and speaks to Jimmy, who asks him to go with him to get a package from a friend. De SantaZondarZolagHarry MaxwellNumerous nicknames by Trevor, BusinessmanBank robber (formerly)Professional criminal (formerly), High intelligenceMarksmanshipHand-to-hand combatDrivingLeadershipMastery of strategiesMastery of tacticsResourcesIntimidationWeapons masteryStealth masteryEnhanced/honed sensesSpeed amplificationPerception manipulationRegenerationPressure point strikes. Michael is a very muddled person, even confused by his "good and evil" personalities. Trevor later contacts Michael and Franklin to partake in his own heist, which involves infiltrating the "lizard" mercenary group Merryweather Security and their unknown cargo at the docks. Another trait that plagues the latter's personality is his ability to be dishonest or vaguely admit the truth with much ease; whenever Trevor brings up a subject involving Brad, Michael will often change the topic and once Trevor immediately realizes that Brad is dead, Michael continued to make lies about his grave being empty instead of it actually containing the former's corpse. After a few in game days or so have past, the couple's love for each other begins to grow back to its original form. Elwood O'Neil | After this, while hanging out with each other, Michael will offer Trevor a part of his share from the big score (which Trevor rejects), and apologizes once again, this time Trevor accepting the apology. His facial features are still the same. After that, the player can choose the ending. After Michael's family returns home, Tracey seems to develop a better relationship with her father, which started improving once Michael humiliates Lazlow in the tattoo parlor and demands that Lazlow puts Tracey on "Fame or Shame" by doing whatever she wants in the show. (The Third Way). Los Santos Summer Special ", Other Crimes Committed (player-determinant). Martin Madrazo later summons Michael and Trevor to his home. Michael Skin Hair First Uploaded: January 27, 2021 Both men were hugely successful at their profession. It is the first main entry in the Grand Theft Auto series since 2008's Grand Theft Auto IV. (both abandoned).Rob banks order to gain wealth and resources.Retire as a criminal.Start a new life as a film producer.Reunite and improve his family life.Kill Devin Weston.Kill Stretch.Keep his family safe by any means necessary and live a peaceful life (all succeeded).Kill Franklin Clinton (non-canon/failed). Trevor and Michael's friendship becomes strained as Trevor feels betrayed by Michael but both still get on well enough. Full Name Michael's first task is to locate Ferdinand Kerimov, a suspected terrorist whom the IAA have declared to be dead. Michael's mother, who also left him, was told numerous stories of why his father left, all of which included but weren't limited to him skipping town, being run over by a train and joining the navy. Vincenzo Cilli | He takes Tracey back ashore against her will on a Seashark, but not before two film producers give chase after him, leading to a shootout. This is a list of all crimes committed by Michael during the main storyline, as well as crimes that the player may commit while playing as Michael. Game information He even helps Michael out with his government issue. During the session, Michael and Amanda argued with each other, in hopes of clearing up the situations that would ultimately keep their marriage in ruins. Michael doesn't appear in GTA Online, unlike Trevor. He then travels to Los Santos to find the man he thought was dead. The two get along well. Roman's Kidnapper | American Michael would also pay Dave hush money once a month, to keep their business deal a secret. Solomon often recites a quote from one of his movies and Michael easily names which one. However, he will later apologize to Franklin and reassure him that they are still friends. His son is not very moral either as he often takes drugs and attempted to sell his father's boat without him knowing, ending with the boat being stolen. They, as well as Trevor in Derailed have noted his poor hygiene due to his habits of drinking and smoking cigarettes, giving him discolored teeth and fingers, with the examiners estimating he smoked approximately a pack of cigarettes a day, along with cigars. Despite all of the negatives, Michael does possess a good side to his personality. One example would be where he caught Amanda having an affair with her tennis coach, Kyle Chavis. Upon arrival, Michael, still holding Franklin at gunpoint, demands that he drive through the front window of the dealership, which Franklin reluctantly does. Michael then agrees to arrange a therapy session with Dr. Friedlander, bringing Jimmy and Tracey along. Mass murderArmed robberyAbuseTortureVandalismDestructionAdulteryBurglaryTheftBlackmailKidnapping Franklin confronts Michael wishing to discuss the situation. To do so, Norton knocks Michael unconscious to allow him to infiltrate the morgue. She tells him that Tracey will be attending college to which Michael replies positively. Afterwards, he meets Franklin and Trevor, the latter having kidnapped Weston and locked him in the trunk of his car, at the foothills of Mount Chiliad. Derrick McReary | Another example would be Michael getting out of bed after a sexual night with Amanda, to which she'll even smack him on his buttocks as he leaves the room. It is possible that Michael dreamed of becoming a cop growing up, as suggested by, Upon returning to his house, one possible line of dialogue for Michael to shout is. Frank Tenpenny | Trailer Park Mafia, Grand Theft Auto IV Francis McReary | Michael De Santa, born Michael Townley in 1965, was born into a tough life somewhere in the Midwest in a trailer park. This most certainly comes from his time as a quarterback and his stint in prison. Da Nang Boys | He spends an uncommon amount of time in his head, where he can comfortably think or reminisce about certain things or aspects that give him a brief moment of nostalgia from his glory days. Grand Theft Auto 2 The Professionals | Michael De Santa, born Michael Townley, is one of the main characters of Grand Theft Auto V, as well as one of the upcoming characters of Los Santos Driving School. I'm sure there are tons of reasons why people relate to him. Height Amanda was then seen hanging out with Fabien at a local Bean Machine coffee shop, getting berated by Fabien and later being told to pay for a custom-made unitard. He claims to Franklin that he has lived a repeated pattern of "Chase things, get em', hate em'.". International Affairs Agency Michael De Santa, formerly Michael Townley, is an American bank robber who was originally from the East Coast, before moving to Los Santos following a failed 2004 bank heist in Bismarck, North Dakota.He was declared dead and changed his name to "Michael De Santa", and lived a secret life, until he re-ignited his career in 2013. Franklin then calls Trevor for air support and eventually, Trevor and Michael come with a helicopter, used in the extraction of Ferdinand Kerimov, out of the IAA building. The friends that he surrounded himself with in his previous life were, in his words, not the type to associate with since they either ended up missing or dead. The heist goes smoothly, and the debt owed to Martin Madrazo is paid off, with Michael and Franklin taking a small cut of the takings for themselves. CHARACTER Another example would be Michael smashing Jimmy's flat-screen television after the latter rudely told him to leave his room. "Michael, to me, is... Who is he? In his continued rage, Trevor sends his friend Wade to find Michael's whereabouts, and almost single-handedly wipes out most of The Lost members in Sandy Shores. After collecting information about the contents of the Vangelico Jewelry Store, Michael and Lester organise a heist, with Michael insisting that his new friend Franklin be involved, believing the latter will find the experience beneficial. They meet the friend at Burger Shot and he gives Jimmy some cannabis and a drink. Huang Lee | After the botched heist took place, Michael and Trevor both assumed that one another was dead. After Franklin manages to save Jimmy, Michael sees much potential in the young man. Zombotech Corporation, Something Sensible (Ending A/Kill Trevor). Trevor Philips Enterprises Early within the story-line, Michael will be seen constantly fussing, bickering and arguing with his family up until the mission "Did Somebody Say Yoga?," where they will abandon him in search foa more peaceful living. 4. Michael then drives away, with Franklin chasing him to the top of a tower. Trevor forces Lazlow to take off his pants and dance for him as he films it on his smartphone. Using a rifle, fitted with a thermal scope, Michael shoots Walton and Wynn dead, but can't get a clear image of the leader, Elwood, who is hiding behind a rock and firing anti-tank rockets towards the helicopter. Alias In 1993, Michael met Trevor Philips while he was escorting cargo across the border. Franklin sleeps for eight hours, while Trevor sleeps for twelve. 2. In the Deathwish ending, Dave will call Michael and tell him that he replaced Haines in his TV show, and then thanks Michael for doing jobs for him, before saying farewell, with the two parting on good terms. Michael De Santa | Michael De Santa, formerly Michael Townley, is one of the three protagonists in Grand Theft Auto V. The Diamond Casino Heist It was shown that Michael deeply cared for Trevor yet only wanted him dead because he thought that the latter would end up killing him or his family. This is mostly caused by his antisocial personality that keeps him wrapped up inside his head. Devin Weston - Michael meets Devin during a meeting with Steve Haines. When Devin Weston sent Merry Weather to Michael's house to kill his family, Michael instantly abandoned his movie premiere to engage the hostile forces, rescue his family and subsequently move them to a new location. Michael De Santa is on Facebook. Franklin adds Wei Cheng to the list for kidnapping Michael (Cheng, believing that Michael and Trevor were gay lovers, wanted both of them dead to take over the drug trade in Trevor's territory and had a grudge against Trevor following the murder of Wei's business contact Elwood O'Neil and his brothers). Franklin and Michael drive off as Trevor looks on, before awkwardly walking off-screen as the credits roll. Fabien reacts by sidestepping and makes Michael land in the swimming pool. However, Jimmy soon regrets his actions and visits his father, saying he does love him and promises to get a job and not be a lazy, pot-smoking, video game addict, which can be seen in-game. Main affiliation Michael has had a rather difficult time with making friends. Michael and Trevor are later summoned to a remote warehouse, where Michael is briefed that he will accompany Norton to assassinate an Azerbaijani terrorist suspect, Tahir Javan, whilst Trevor and Haines torture Kerimov for information on Javan's appearance. As time moved on, Michael eventually became a criminal, with his first bank job being in the outskirts of Carcer City, in 1988, where he was able to steal $10,000. Steve Haines, a highly decorated but highly corrupt FIB agent and Norton's superior, contacts Michael and demands that he team up with Franklin and Trevor to extract Ferdinand Kerimov from the IAA Headquarters. The Boss Hello, I'm Michael De Santa and I make interesting GTA 5 videos. This is highlighted during the mission The Big Score, as Michael and his crew are escaping from the cops, he'd be saying things like "If we are caught, it's all Trevor's idea". This particular villainous an act which deeply affected Trevor once he became aware of the extent of Michael's treachery and manipulation as well as what actually had happened back in North Yankton. Leon McAffrey | - Wallpaper Abyss Trevor surprises Michael with a kidnapping. But in contrast to the way he cares about his family, he also hates the way they live their lives and behave around him and vice versa. Lester Crest | After this, he makes the choice of keeping Devin in a positive mood in order to make sure that none of his business ventures are ruined, even if that means making Franklin work for Devin continuously without payment. Towards the end of the game, Michael has started to accept his borderline-sociopath personality, with him stating in the final cutscene of the Deathwish ending that he still hates himself, but at least he knows the words for it. There is a lot of similarity between Michael and Tony Soprano from the TV show, The Sopranos: They both go to a shrink, despite the fact that none of them believe in therapy. He even helps Michael out with his government issue. Michael is an old friend of fellow protagonist Trevor, and, early on in the storyline, he also befriends Franklin and becomes a mentor figure to him. Using the sheer power of the truck's engine, Michael loosens the house's supports, causing the majority of the house to collapse and crumble down the hillside, which shocks Franklin, but also leaves Michael feeling satisfied with himself. Diego & Armando Mendez | Trevor and Michael both threw up after landing the plane since the stench from the burning corpse remained in the cockpit. Marki Ashvilli | Michael will also begin to show a large amount of regret due to the decisions he's made. 2004 After the incident, Michael Townley was declared dead and given a funeral, but it was Brad whose body was buried in a grave marked Michael Townley, having died from his gunshot wound. Faustin-Rascalov Family | Michael Townley (also known by his alias as Michael De Santa) is one of the three protagonists (alongside Trevor and Franklin) of Grand Theft Auto V. He is a retired bank robber who has a family, including his wife and two children. Michael exited the first vehicle, while an older civilian exited the second. Eddie Low | The medical examiners also noticed broken capillaries around his nose to indicate his alcoholism and deduce he has an unhealthy liver. During the getaway, their driver was killed by pursuing police; Michael took the wheel and drove the crew to the ambush point he and Norton had agreed on, where he claimed there was a helicopter waiting upon their arrival. However, that won't stop Michael from bullying Lester if he criticizes the former for his hypocrisy. This led to Michael becoming a pimp and creating his own prostitution racket. His judgement calls will also cause negative repercussions. During the drive back to Michael's house, Michael receives a call from his tennis coach, and learns that the house did not belong to the coach, but the girlfriend of a powerful Mexican cartel leader. Michael's appearance in the game may be based on Robert De Niro's character in the movie. Massimo Torini | He leaves a voicemail message on Amanda's phone to try to convince her that he is finally doing something good with his life. If "Deathwish" is chosen, Michael happily accepts Franklin's offer to help him and Trevor. Home This time they must rob an armored truck filled with funds that the IAA has received due to drug sales. The relationship with his father seems to improve after the mission Reuniting the Family, clearly shown in the cutscenes when switching characters to Michael. Even after Brad's corpse is shown, Michael will unwittingly lie about his death, instead of coming out with the truth about the staged robbery that took place nine years ago, which causes Trevor to grow irritated and angry. During The Paleto Score, Michael complains to Trevor that he misses his family, with Trevor angrily retorting that Michael never paid them any attention and only misses them now that they've left him. He then lays out Franklin's options: Kill Trevor, kill Michael, or try to save both of them. Michael De Santa is one of the three playable protagonists in Grand Theft Auto V.. Michael is a middle-aged, retired bank robber. Their friendship is even further strained when Trevor begins to piece together the truth about Michael's survival and Brad's death, leading to a standoff between the two. The staged robbery, however was a disaster in execution after Trevor murdered a guard who held Michael at gunpoint and when Michael, Brad and Trevor were ambushed by over a dozen police officers ready to apprehend them. Michael De Santa is a main antagonist in the 2013 action-adventure game, Grand Theft Auto V where him, his heist-friend Trevor and a gangster named Franklin attempt to tie up loose ends by doing heists and assassinating people they dont like. She'll even email Michael at one point to explain that she misses him. King Courtney | Dardan Petrela | Once the FIB and Merryweather goons are all killed, Franklin asks Lester via speakerphone to track down various enemies of the three protagonists. In GTA 5, Luke plays a well renowned middle-aged man that fans get to play as in Los Santos. After meeting Trevor, Franklin starts to see many arguments between the two, but rather than siding with one of them, Franklin tries to calm the two of them down in hopes that it won't escalate into something more violent and unnecessary. Although he openly claims to his therapist that he does the same thing, he hides it underneath multiple lies, a few of them being that he doesn't enjoy the thrill of the action or that he doesn't hold a plain yet willfully strong addiction to chaos. Right from the start, Franklin was impressed with Michael's professional criminality and after his firing from Premium Deluxe Motorsport, he sought out Michael for possible work.
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