Domestic Relations Docket Fee (Contested) $209.00* Domestic Relations Docket Fee (Uncontested) $194.00* Modify/Enforce (Contempt) $312.00* Sheriff Fee (Lowndes County) ⦠Unfortunately, in many areas of the Lowndes County, Future Lowndes County juvenile delinquency numbers will show whether or not this approach is working. services. Go to and register to begin the eFile process. COLUMBUS -- Columbus woman accused of murdering her unborn child is slated to stand trial in Lowndes County Circuit Court this term. County Court of Lowndes County Lowndes County Courthouse 505 2nd Ave N, P.O. often depends on the severity of the crime, the number of crimes, and other family matters. The court address is 327 North Ashley Street, PO Box 1349, Valdosta GA 31603. uses public and private sources of information to supply you with search County Location (required only if county is selected) Court. Beth Greene, Clerk of Courts. * Fee includes Sheriff's Service Fee. The appointment of a court clerk in each county is part of its original judicial system with seven year term. Lowndes County Georgia Court Directory. There are 5 Courts in Lowndes County, Mississippi, serving a population of 59,558 people in an area of 506 square miles.There is 1 Court per 11,911 people, and 1 Court per 101 square miles.. In 2017, a total of Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.. Sign In Name: Bond: Race: Sex: Weight: Height: Eyes: Hair: ABBOTT, JEFFERSON CARROL JR: Not Bailable: WHITE : MALE : 192 lbs Box 684, Columbus, MS 39703 Phone: (662) 329-5844 Fax: (622) 241-1913. Beth Greene Clerk of Court Email Physical Address 327 N. Ashley St. 1st Floor Valdosta, GA 31601 Mailing Address P.O. The docket fees are uniform throughout the state, except in those counties where additional court costs are authorized by local act. are focusing on family therapy and relationships rather than punishment for juvenile crimes. Of that total, 83% of those proceedings The information is uploaded to this server frequently but may lag behind actual activity at the courthouse. 14th Chancery District Court Lowndes County 505 2nd Avenue North 0.6 mile away Case Number. The Lowndes County Superior Court Clerk’s office is proud to announce that effective. Congressman William Jones Lowndes.. Lowndes County comprises the Columbus, MS Micropolitan Statistical ⦠Money orders should be payable to Lowndes County Circuit Court. This page provides information about Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Mississippi. Criminal Court Cases Link LOWNDES COUNTY, MS. Access to Circuit Court Cases, Judgments, and Marriages are subscription based: $30/monthly (Includes $5/monthly Delta Processing Fee) $360 ... Docket (Book/Page) or. File Number : ⦠The court house lawn ⦠The phone number for State Court of Lowndes County is 229-671-2600 and the fax number is 229-671-3441. In 2017, a total of 209 juvenile cases were reported for every 100,000 people age 10 to adulthood in the jurisdiction of Lowndes County. County Court Rules and the Uniform Criminal Rules of County Court Practice effective March 15, 1985, this Court adopts the following Local Rules of the County Court of Lowndes County, Mississippi: INTRODUCTION . Add to Print List Remove from Print List Under no circumstances may you use our The county is named for U.S. There are many reasons for the rise in youth offenders. This chart outlines the docket ⦠Box 1349 ⦠To register for the participant ID, go to, If you have any questions or concerns regarding the eFile process, please contact the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority customer support at, Affidavit for Exemption from Jury Duty - Age Exemption (PDF), Affidavit for Exemption from Jury Duty - Care Giver Exemption (PDF), Affidavit for Exemption from Jury Duty - Child Care Giver Exemption (PDF), Affidavit for Exemption from Jury Duty - Non-Citizens Inactivation (PDF), Lowndes Superior Court Cost Schedule (PDF), Self Help Legal Forms for Pro Se Parties (PDF), Superior Courts of Georgia - Cost Schedule (PDF), Trade Name Registration General Information (PDF), Valdosta-Lowndes County Development Authority, Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority. The Lowndes County Superior Court Clerkâs office is proud to announce that effective JULY 1, 2019 all Real Estate documents, including liens, may be filed online. Mississippi Court Dockets and Calendars. There may be omissions or additional information not represented here and this data is not official. Court Docket Search. Physical Address: Gartin Justice Building 450 High Street Jackson, MS 39201 Mailing Address: P O Box 249 Jackson, MS 39205 OFFICE CONTACTS. Fee Description. State Court of Lowndes County is located in Lowndes county in Georgia. Phone (229) 671-3320 (229) 671-3321. Name: Bond: Race: Sex: Weight: Height: Eyes: Hair: ABBOTT, JEFFERSON CARROL JR: Not Bailable: WHITE : MALE : 192 lbs Lowndes County Magistrate Court is located in Lowndes county in Georgia. Norma Villanueva, Assistant Court ⦠juvenile cases were reported for every 100,000 people age 10 to adulthood The court address is 327 North Ashley Street, PO Box 1661, Valdosta GA 31603. Of that total, 83% of those proceedings were delinquencies which equaled 174 court cases. Case docket for The State of Georgia vs. Calvin Williams, 2021SC01944 in Georgia State, Lowndes County, State Court, filed 02/08/2021. You must review and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before using our Docket for Lowndes County, Alabama v. Amerisourcebergen Drug Corporation, 1:18-op-45203 â Brought to you by the RECAP Initiative and Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal information.
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