3 m Defeated again, they retreat back outside the mountain pass. Thanks, Bunga. As a finale, Kion uses his Roar to conjure up a giant twister and sends all of the villains far, far away from the Tree of Life, never to be seen again. Directed by Howy Parkins, Tom De Rosier. He openlyadmits that he is sadistic, stating he "likes to play with his food". Arriving at the mountain pass that lead to the Tree of Life. Carnivorous He's always wiling to take chances like when he came back for Lumba Lumba to eat her. Komodo Dragon (Kemono Friends) Anthropomorphi komodo dragons (Kung Fu Panda) Komodo dragons (The Lion Guard) King Komodo and Go-Komodo (Image's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Komodo dragon yōkai (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Joanna (The Rescuers Down Under) Chris and Martin Kratts (Wild Kratts) via Komodo Dragon Power Disc. At dawn, Ora, together with Makucha and Chuluun, is seen chasing three mountain goats. Despite their efforts for being stealthy, they were still spotted by the Night Pride and it didn't take long for them to get sent back out of the pass. Ora is a ferocious komodo dragon who will stopat nothing togetwhat he wants. The Lion Guard arrives, except for Kion and Bunga, and they find themselves in the middle of complete mayhem. 8. After two failed attempts, they try to follow Ora's way only for Makucha to start finding his own way, which lead them to a dead end. As The Lion Guard's journey to the Tree of Life continues, they meet up with new creatures including a dolphin and a bank of Komodo dragons. The Lion Guard brushes off his warnings and continues on their way. Komodo Dragon is always loyal towards his leader Ora. Kion uses the Roar of the Elders on them. Ora finds himself stranded on the mainland before coming across Makucha and Chuluun, agreeing to help them in getting revenge on the Lion Guard. He was impressed at seeing Baliyo. His eyes are yellow and black, his lower teeth at his upper mouth and his mouth always has saliva escaping, much like Ora and his friend. He pro… They will often swim across the sea in search of food or new territories. Anga saves Beshte just in time, scattering the dragons. He is intelligent compared to other lackeys of villainous leaders and is really confident. He is voiced by Ford Riley. Komodo Dragon, along with Ora, tries to eat the Lion Guard. Lion vs. Komodo Dragon (Bizarre Beast Battles) [Levy, Janey] on Amazon.com. Backed to a corner, Makucha, Chuluun, and Ora battle the Night Pride again with their own fighting styles. Their venom is able to take down large animals temporarily so that they won’t be able to stand or defend themselves. He lived on Dragon Island. He is intelligent compared to other lackeys of villainous leaders and is really confident. Komodo Dragon is always loyal towards his leader Ora. Unknown She is easily resentful of anyone who ridicules her as with Bunga and the rest of the Lion Guard, which led to her accepting Makucha's offer for revenge. The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), also known as the Komodo monitor, is a species of lizard found in the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Gili Motang. Chuluun says she's about ready to give up, only for Mama Binturong to tell them that she never gives up, and neither should them. Komodo Dragon The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Former Home(s) Popular interest in its large size and predatory habits has allowed this endangered species to become an … The Night Pride goes inside the Tree of Life to get Rani only for them, and Makini, to be trapped by a boulder that Makucha and Ora sealed up. Komodo Dragon is always loyal towards his leader Ora. With their tail, they can whip their enemies as shown when used against the Lion Guard and the Night Pride. Chuluun is a cunning and devious feline who takes great pleasure in terrifying anyone by blending into the snow to look like a ghost. During their quest in search for the Tree of Life, the Lion Guard ventures to an island inhabited by Ora and two other Komodo dragons. Height First Appearance The Lion Guard: Kenge is a rock monitor, who is aggressive, powerful and malicious. Ora states that his venom can take out his enemies for a week. They later encounter the Night Pride and engage in a battle against them soon after they refused Rani's offer of leaving. When Beshte tried to push the boulder that was trapping the Night Pride and Makini inside the Tree of Life, Mama Binturong orders Ora to stop him. Home Varanus komodoensis They live on Dragon Island. Their venom is able to take down large animals temporarily so that they won’t be able to stand or defend themselves. (Komodo Dragon Snarling) Bunga: Oh, I got an idea. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Komodo Dragon is an adult unnamed male Komodo dragon who is a member of Ora's Bank. He's not really a dragon. (Komodo Dragon Snarls) Bunga: Whoa! Character Information The Komodo dragon are shown to be powerful hunters with their tail, jaws or their venom. Bad 7. Ora and his minions attack the Lion Guard. Journey of Memories. Anga has brought some help, and Kion, Rani, and Bunga arrive at the scene. Chuluun joins them in subduing Kion, but when Kion is about to use the Roar, Ora flinched, yet still charged straight at Kion. But he is dangerous. The Komodo Dragon is not only the largest lizard in the world, but it also one of the most aggressive a… So, they decide to strike at the end of the shift, when the current patrol is tired and before the next one goes on duty, at sunset. L The only way the Dragon could make such a kill would be if the cat had no idea the Dragon was nearby and was lying there like a lazy, well, cat. S3, Ep7 3 Aug. 2019 Though their strength is able to handle enemies that are large as Beshte. Komodo dragon, largest living lizard species in the world. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He probably said that for intimidation. Character Information Ora is a komodo dragon and a member of Makucha's Army in the third and final season of The Lion Guard. Fuli gets lost and is forced to race a male cheetah. Media Information He only admits that he is sadistic, stating he "likes to play with his food." Vulnerable. The Lion Guard encounters Komodo Dragons! As Ora stated, his venom can take down his enemies for weeks, though it was seen to only last for a short amount of time. The Guard, lost in the desert, navigates by the stars. Kion starts using the Roar and first blasts Ora away, then Makucha, and then Chuluun. Information. Then, on sunset, they attack as planned. Komodo dragons aren’t very stealthy since they drag their tails along the ground that can make noises. Makucha worries that the Lion Guard will stop them, but Mama Binturong assure him that they're currently short-handed and will be easy to take care of. Chuluun advises him to say his greetings to the queen fast and Makucha tells him to bid farewell to her afterwards before they proceed with their plan to eliminate her. They have a clumsy, back-and-forth walk, and their yellow forked tongues flick in and out constantly. The venom of Komodo dragons was once thought to have been infectious bacteria within the lizard's saliva. Komodo Dragons But now that you have, I should warn you, I like to play with my food.” -Ora's first lines,Dragon Island 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Friends 5 Enemies 6 Trivia Ora is an enormous male Komodo Dragon with dark green scales with a lighter underside and tail. The return later at night, following Chuluun's plan to sneak under the cover of darkness. Ora is once again seen together with Makucha and Chuluun confronting the Night Pride to get to the Tree of Life. He is intelligent compared to other lackeys of villainous leaders and is really confident. Komodo Dragon has green skin, his back and his head are dark green, his lower belly and tail are light green, his feet and stripes of his tail are brown. Later outside the pass, Ora complains about Kion showing up just when they were winning. Saved by DeviantArt. As Ora stated, his venom can take down his enemies for weeks, though it was seen to only last for a short amount of time. Lion Guard Komodo Dragon. Species African Bush Elephant; List of Species from The Lion King Makucha tells Ora and Chuluun about his plan. Scientific name He's always wiling to take chances like when he came back for Lumba Lumba to eat her. They possess dark green skin, with brown patches on their legs, backs, and tails. The lion is is twice as big, stronger than, and more agile than the Komodo dragon. She tells them about her plan and it involves playing "pretend". Seeing one porcupine being added in their ranks, Ora is not impressed. The Race to Tuliza. knock Makucha out, further emphasizing his sadistic nature, but was then knocked away by Rani out of the pass. Komodo Dragon VOICE Ford Riley. Ora commands his dragons with him and pushes Beshte aside, and the three dragons prepare to bite him. However they get stopped by the Roar again. 70 - 90 kg - 170 to 200 lbs He's a big lizard. Mama Binturong tells Makucha and Ora to forget about catching their lunch and focus on stopping Kion instead. Ora admits he also gives up... sometimes. She also has no respect for the Circle of Life and prefers to follow her own rules without worrying about others. Ora is seen together with Makucha and Chuluun attacking a tiger, who was planning to enter the Tree of Life to raise her cubs safely. 30 years Ora bites an exhausted Beshte out of commission. Male The Lion Guard S3 E7-Komodo Dragon by GiuseppeDiRosso on DeviantArt. Outnumbered, he quickly makes a swift retreat. Komodo dragons are lizards that appear in The Lion Guard universe. Biography The Lion Guard "Dragon Island" As the Lion Guard starts to cross a land bridge to Dragon Island, they are stopped by an old civet, who warns them about the dragons that inhabit the island. They are known to prey upon dolphins. Lifespan When theLion Guardescapes his island with the help ofKion'sRoar, Ora holds a vendetta against them and willingly joinsMakucha's Army. The Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is the largest lizard in the world, and with its ancient appearance and evocative name, the Komodo conjures up the stuff of legends.The heavy-set body of the Komodo dragon is long with stocky legs and a long muscular tail; the scaly skin is greyish-brown all over. As The Lion Guard's journey to the Tree of Life continues, they meet up with new creatures including a dolphin and a bank of Komodo dragons. Mama Binturong pretends to be prey being chased by the three predators, who supposedly also pretending to be chasing her, but Ora almost got ahead of himself and was about to bite Mama Binturong thinking it was real, only for Makucha to snap him out of his trance, reminding him it's only an act. However, if the dragon bites the lion, it will soon die of infection. 22m 31s. A shot of a Komodo Dragon from The Lion Guard. The Dragon would probably never attempt such a strike knowing the cat would rip it apart. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 8 - 9 ft The Army of Villains then go running around chasing every animal they see, and Makucha and Ora joins in the fun. But believe me, the lion would've killed the dragon way before the infection takes affect. Ullu tried to warn the Night Pride that an army of villians is making their way up the pass, but was stopped by Mama Binturong and was watched over by her porcupines. Conservation They are powerful-looking reptiles with wide, flat heads, rounded snouts, bowed legs, and huge, muscular tails. [5] A member of the monitor lizard family Varanidae, it is the largest extant species of lizard, growing to a maximum length of 3 metres (10 ft) in rare cases and weighing up to approximately 70 kilograms (150 lb). Orais a character who will make her debut inSeason 3ofThe Lion Guard. ... Komodo Dragons The Lion Guard Wiki Fandom Powered By Wikia Panthera Leo Melanochaita Wikipedia With Max Charles, Joshua Rush, Diamond White, Atticus Shaffer. They will often swim across the sea in search of food or new territories. Weight Ora is a ferocious komodo dragon who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. The Komodo Dragon is a large species of lizard that is only found on a handful of islands in the Indonesian archipelago. Ford Riley Kion uses the Roar of the Elders on them. Komodo dragons are the largest living lizards in the world, with their range confined to several small Indonesian islands. Dragon Island (Home), SHOW COMMENTS (0) Why Is This One Of Your Favorites? Komodo Dragons are lizards that appear in The Lion King universe. Later, Mama Binturong returns to inform the three predators of what she found out at the Tree of Life while pretending to be "Granny Ginterbong". However, Mama Binturong tells them that the Night Pride will be defending the Tree of Life at night and the Lion Guard is currently on duty during the day. He retreats along with Makucha and Chuluun back outside the mountain pass. Biological Infomation He is a ferocious Komodo dragon bent on eating anyone that comes onto his island, who laterjoinsMakucha's Army to get revenge on the Lion Guard and reach the Tree of Life. When the lion guard ventures onto a peninsula to find the next moja kwa moja stone theyre attacked by komodo dragons. Ford Riley is the voice of Komodo Dragon in The Lion Guard. Trending pages. Kida: It was also funny how Bunga knocked that Komodo Dragon away from dad. https://lion-kinglion-guard.fandom.com/wiki/Komodo_Dragon?oldid=1556. With their tail, they can whip their enemies as shown when used against the Lion Guard and the Night Pride. Komodo dragons have venom in their bites. The Lion Guard is an American animated television series developed by Ford Riley and based on Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. The Lion Guard arrives just in time to stop them, and after getting beaten by the Guard, they retreat once again now that their plan is ruined. Lumba-Lumba: Got it. Their teeth are large, curved and serrated to be used for biting, chomping and inflicting a bite when attacking. Triumph of the Roar Dragon Island Dragon Island. 20 She later escapes and succeeds in warning the Night Pride and was then tasked to warn the Lion Guard next. Despite th… Komodo Dragons The Lion Guard When the Lion Guard escapes his island with the help of the Roar of the Elders, Ora holds a vendetta against them and willingly joins Makucha's Army. Kion starts using his Roar in a multitude of ways to stop the bad guys from their tracks. Mama Binturong reassures them that reinforcements are coming. Ora is a ferocious Komodo dragon who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Alignment Komodo dragons do not bellow or roar like crocodiles, they hiss. Watch The Lion Guard Season 3 Episode 6 full online in high quality. Kion: Thanks, Lumba-Lumba. The Komodo dragon are shown to be powerful hunters with their tail, jaws or their venom. They are then stopped by the joint forces of the Lion Guard and the Night Pride. Lion King/Lion Guard Wikia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Though their strength is able to handle enemies that are large as Beshte. The Komodo Dragon relies on a stealthy approach followed by a burst of speed (or strike). Ora succeeds in incapacitating Baliyo, but Kion's arrival and the mention of the Roar made him retreat out of fear of being blasted away again. As the Night Pride is tired from their evening patrol, the Lion Guard takes over the shift and stops them from advancing further. However, Komodo dragons can use their claws and tail in combat to, but their deadliest weapon is their venomous bite that can kill animals as large as buffaloes within 24 hours. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. The Night Pride arrives to stop the three predators from attacking Mama Binturong and leaves the pass, completely convincing them of their act. Final Appearance Jiona and Fahari oin them, along with two other komodo dragons who were members of his bank, he is seen with a happy expression on his face. The Komodo dragon or (Komodo Moniter) is a type of lizard, belonging to the family Varanidae. An unnamed Komodo Dragon under Ora. Ora's Bank, Komodo dragons are the largest living lizards in the world, with their range confined to several small Indonesian islands. Ora tail whips Bunga, only for Baliyo and Surak to attack him on both sides. https://lionguard.fandom.com/wiki/Komodo_Dragons?oldid=321035. Later, Ora complains at the fact that Lion Guard is getting better. Ora (Voiced by Andrew Kishino) is a Komodo Dragon in The Lion Guard. "Ora, have you found us some lunch?". On their way to the Tree, Ora says he's never met a queen before. As for their speed, they aren’t as fast as leopards. When the Lion Guard escapes his island with the help of Kion's Roar, Ora holds a vendetta against them and willingly joins Makucha's Army. History Dragon Island Komodo Dragon, along with Ora, tries to eat the Lion Guard. - Share your reason with the rest … Gender Comments Add a Comment. But, when two members of Makucha's Leap. Real Life Affiliations (Grunts) (Komodo Dragon Grunts) Baliyo: That was a nice save. 22m 31s. Voice TV Show: The Lion Guard Franchise: Lion King. Not known to the world until the First World War, the Komodo Dragon is actually a species of Monitor Lizard that has been evolving in island isolation for millions years, which has led to it becoming very large indeed. Later after their failed attack, Mama Binturong informs the three predators about Rani's predicament and Kion's doubts on leading the Guard and being afraid to use the Roar. When more porcupines start to show, he's still not impressed. Kenge The Lion Guard Wiki Fandom Powered By Wikia. Lion vs. Komodo Dragon (Bizarre Beast Battles) The series was first broadcast with a television film titled The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar on Disney Channel on November 22, 2015, and began airing as a TV series on January 15, 2016, on Disney Junior. It occurs on Komodo Island and a few neighbouring islands of Indonesia’s Lesser Sunda Islands. Bunga uses his stink on Ora, making him spit out his venom. The three lizards attempt to eat the group and their newfound friend Lumba-Lumba, but Kion uses the Roar of the Elders to escape the island and washes the Komodo dragons away when they give chase. Ora is overjoyed to hear that and strongly suggests they should attack now. And who really, really dislikes being called little. He openly admits that he is sadistic, stating he "likes to play with his food". Ora is a Komodo dragon who lives on the island the Lion Guard visits in the episode "Dragon Island". Though Besthe and Rani's younger brother were bitten by Ora but they healed in a short time. Dragons from the island of Flores however, are earthen-red in colour with a yellow head. 1 Physical characteristics 2 Sociocultural characteristics 3 Known Komodo dragons 4 Appearances Komodo dragons are large, well-built animals with clawed feet, striped tails, and thick necks. They live onDragon Island and the Outlands. He's always wiling to take chances like when he came back for Lumba Lumba to eat her. Komodo Dragon is a minor character in the third season of The Lion Guard. He is voiced by Andrew Kishino, who also voiced Janjain the same series. Diet He made his debut the episode of the same name, "Dragon Island". Mama Binturong joins in on their conversation and declares leadership of their group. The lion guard brushes off his warnings and continues on their way. Outside the mountain pass leading to the Tree of Life, Ora is seen arguing with Chuluun and Makucha before Mama Binturong interrupts them. “You shouldn't have come here. Ora charges straight forward but was surrounded by the Lion Guard. Length Komodo dragon vs lion one is the kind of lizard family and other one is the king of the jungleso it would be interesting to know komodo dragon vs lion fight facts comparison and difference. The Lion Guard encounters Komodo Dragons! It'll kill the kimodo dragon within seconds. Later Komodo Dragon and his friends tries to east Lumba-Lumba. Ora's tail was causing unnecessary noise whenever he drags it around and Chuluun complained at him. While she distracts the Night Pride with a crisis far away from the Tree of Life, the three of them will have to move in and get rid of queen Janna, who is lying weak inside the Tree. Once on the island, the Lion Guard is attacked by Ora and his minions. Komodo dragons is a sixth speices of lizards and monitor lizards. But, just like Chuluun, Ora has no intentions to follow anyone's orders. These are animals that starred in The Lion Guard franchise . Ora is one of the three secondary antagonists (alongside Chuluun and Mama Binturong) in the third season of The Lion Guard. He is the only other Komodo dragon (hence his name) other than Ora that is able to speak. Komodo Dragonsare animals that appear intheLegends of The Lion Guarduniverse. Komodo dragons are a species of animal native to Dragon Island.
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