Ordo would not stand the insult and was determined to kill him so that his honor would remain unblemished. During the journey, Ordo aided Revan with his tactical insight and experience in combat, although he often disapproved of Revan's more compassionate actions. You play an exiled and depowered Jedi Knight who has returned to the Republic and must restore both your powers and the devastated Jedi Order to challenge the Sith. He eventually ended up on the planet Taris, enforcing for local Exchange boss Davik Kang, but soon found his new job ill-suited him, offering no challenges worthy of his skill. Inspired by Ordo's vision of the return of Mandalorian influence, countless clans banded together and joined him on Dxun. Should Revan fail to persuade Jagi during the duel in the Dune, Ordo will be forced to kill Jagi and his henchman personally. Ordo was pleasantly surprised, and his loyalty remained unchanged due to his high level of respect for Revan's prowess in the Mandalorian Wars. Ordo accompanied Revan on his mission, confident that he would find new challenges along the way. For Star Wars fans born during or after the prequel movies, it may be surprising that the concept of Mandalore existed long before the Clone Wars TV show canonized it in 2010. In gratitude, Ghent arranged for a message to be smuggled to the Iziz Royal Palace, where Kavar was hiding under the protection of Queen Talia. Human[2] However, when the Althiri let their fleet split in two, leaving their center exposed, Ordo took advantage of the situation, breaking formation and eliminating the enemy commander, putting a quick end to the battle and avoiding further losses. When prompted by others, Ordo was often willing to share stories of his role in various conflicts, taking pride in his related tales of his success. Use item codes with the giveitem cheat in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II (KOTOR 2): The Sith Lords on PC to get any item. With the aid of Surik and her companions, Ordo repulsed the initial intrusion before accelerating the shuttle launch and leaving the remaining Sith for his Mandalorian forces to deal with. Revan agreed, and Ordo gave him instructions to obtain T3-M4, who could get him past base security. Lifewire. However, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords has a different take on Mandalore. Items in Kotor 2 are totally random based on your character level. While Ordo respected Vaklu's ambition, he agreed to support Queen Talia once he learned that Vaklu's forces were receiving aid from the Sith. Fighting his way to the docking bays, Ordo's leadership got the rest of the crew to the ship with no casualties, and they escaped as soon as Revan and Onasi returned. … Ordo had become increasingly dissatisfied with his life as Kang's enforcer, a career which he viewed as monotonous and without honor. The only way to pass the blockade was with the correct launch codes, which could only be obtained from the local Sith garrison. Is for this reason that you cannot find a dominantor guantles in Peragus, but you will have more possibility when you will earn levels. I only ask since I managed with all the others (excluding the Droids since they aren't alive), and this has been bugging me. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. While continuing the search, his group was ambushed by rakghouls, deformed mutants native to the Undercity. Cadera and his faction were eventually destroyed by Mandalore the Vindicated, who had slain the puppet Mandalore the Lesser. After learning that Surik was being hunted by the Sith Triumvirate, Ordo decided to aid her in gathering the Jedi Masters who had survived the Sith assassination campaign in order to prevent the Sith from regaining their power. At some point before the end of the Mandalorian Wars, Ordo married Veela, a fellow Mandalorian, but he left his wife behind when he left Clan Ordo and went into exile. He gets more than enough feats that you can go both ways and switch back and forth as the situatuion dictates. The Character Mandalore In Knights Of The Old Republic 2 Although the planet Mandalore was allegedly planned for Knights of the Old Republic 3, the project was cancelled. Austin King is an author of several books and hosts the Dragon Quest FM and JRPGs & Me podcasts. Re: KOTOR 2 Influence Guide I haven't used that one... but most mods that add something to the sidequests have all the same influence guidelines. He possessed great physical and mental stamina as well as strategic and tactical skills, which he demonstrated on numerous occasions both in war and as a mercenary. Ordo was soon sent on a salvage mission by Kang into the Undercity, where most of the Republic escape pods had landed. World Area Source Cost Amount Nar Shaddaa … The Sith, led by a new triumvirate of Sith Lords took the opportunity to quietly regain their power, eventually culminating in a devastating strike which eliminated most of the Jedi remaining in the galaxy. Revan, Onasi and Shan were split from the rest of the crew and detained separately for interrogation, but the three arranged for another crew member to release them. Impressed by his recklessness and skill in battle, Ordo chose Revan for his plan to bypass the blockade and escape Taris. [18] Although his birth date is unspecified due to the lack of canon sources on Mandalorian time measurement, Ordo was set to be sixty-three Mandalorian years old as of 3951 BBY. Even when the Republic finally took action, the brutal efficiency of the Mandalorian advance overwhelmed Republic defenders and they continued cutting a swath into Republic territories. Kotor 2 Mandalore Influence • Kreia gives another +6 FP for completing the 'Lesson of Skills.' As Ordo found that most did not see the past conflict the same way, he became disillusioned after the defeat of the Mandalorians. Years after Revan's departure, Ordo's loyalty remained undiminished, and even when he did not agree with Surik's decisions, he never did more than briefly express his opinion before following her lead. His regenerative ability also allowed him to briefly enter a catatonic state in order to heal more severe injuries. Ordo was not aware of the fact that the amnesiac Revan had been aboard the Spire and was one of the few survivors along with Carth Onasi, a Republic captain who had served in the Mandalorian Wars. [3], In the non-canonical dark side path of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ordo is the only non-droid party member who joins the reborn Darth Revan without question, save for Bastila Shan, who has already fallen to the dark side. Leader of the Mandalorians, ravaged by the wars of Revan and his Jedi armies, Mandalore has a secret identity that is all but revealed during KoTOR II. He found his recruits in all walks of life, serving as mechanics, scouts and mercenaries for clients across the galaxy. The Mandalorians and Surik's companions were successful in defeating the Sith forces in the tomb, subduing many high ranking Sith in the process. Canderous Ordo, later known as Mandalore the Preserver, was a Mandalorian bounty hunter in the Ordo clan. [3] Game files include a Mandalore model without the helmet that is never used throughout the actual game. Cybernetics Returning to Dxun once again, Ordo was informed that the Mandalorian camp's sensors had picked up a large amount of Sith activity on a different part of Dxun. Blade Color: Yellow; A facetted crystal used in the constructing of a lightsaber. I've always … Surik's vessel soon came under attack by Vaklu's forces, and damage inflicted during the battle forced her to land on Dxun. Some of them, for example, have a small possibility in level 3, a normal possibility in level 7, and then they will not show again. As Talia's cousin, Vaklu held ambitions of gaining control of Onderon and was covertly undermining Talia's rule. Developed by Obsidian and published by LucasArts, Knights of the Old Republic II, often called KOTOR 2, is an RPG that first appeared on the Xbox in 2004. For Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, he was written by Michael Chu. The game came to PC the following year, and was a critical and commercial success. That means the only Mandalore to appear in KOTOR 2 is a character. [1][3] He and the Wookiee bounty hunter Hanharr are the only organic party members in The Sith Lords that can't be trained in the ways of the Force. Despite his aging, Ordo never shied away from combat, and continued to lead his troops from the frontline. 2-HK-47. Male[2] STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > Story and Lore Mandalore of Kotor2 Reply. In his youth, Ordo possessed dark hair, which later began to turn gray from the stresses of a life devoted to combat. After the conflict, Ordo reclaimed the mask of Mandalore with Revan's help and became the second leader of the Mandalorians since their defeat in the war. Although the planet Mandalore was allegedly planned for Knights of the Old Republic 3, the project was cancelled. Because of this, Ordo takes on the title Mandalore the Preserver, a moniker that shows he's the new leader of the gathering Mandalorian clans. [Source]. He joins the pary before you land on Onderon and is a relatively useful melee fighter. Despite the fact that he had become distant from his people and culture while serving Davik, Ordo still held true to the ways of the Mandalorians and chose to remain amongst the crew of the Ebon Hawk under the belief that their adventures would bring much needed glory and honor to his heavily diminished pride. Having grown bored of his life as an enforcer and eager to seek new challenges, Ordo decided to join the Republic soldier and left Taris, traveling with Revan and his companions to Dantooine for a meeting with the local Jedi Council. Despite this, Revan's actions had earned Ordo's loyalty, and Ordo expressed his gratitude for Revan's help. While most Mandalorians followed an Imperial puppet Mandalore and supported the resurgent Sith Empire, a faction of Mandalorians led by Jicoln Cadera stayed true to Ordo's legacy and believed the Mandalorians should support the Republic. As a leader, Ordo always kept a calm and collected demeanor, even when leading troops into battle. Ordo reestablished the Mandalorians deep in the jungles of Dxun. If a follow-up to Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 is in development, it will have to work hard to shed new light on the planet, but the return of the character Mandalore would surely be welcome. Revan and Shan soon returned with the codes and Ordo took them to meet Kang. Though Ordo suggested that they round up their old crew for one last adventure, Revan decided to only bring T3, for everyone had their own commitments, especially with Bastila being pregnant. Ordo's success in reuniting the scattered clans was instrumental in bringing the Mandalorians back to prominence after their defeat in the Mandalorian Wars. Believing that the Republic's forces were insufficient to drive off the Sith assault, he rallied his Mandalorians to bolster the defense of Telos IV, confident that his soldiers were superior to any force the Republic had available. Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords was released in 2004, one year after the release of the original game, Knights of the Old Republic. Shamed by his actions and having lost his purpose in life, Jagi committed suicide, greatly shocking and traumatizing the normally stoic Ordo. A new way to experience KotOR II, The Sith Lords Massive Improvement Mod will reskin nearly the entire game, including characters, modules, dark side transitions, and 8000 pixel wide skyboxes. [1], While searching for the Star Forge, Ordo often regaled Revan with tales of his past battles, and would later explain that he hoped to continue finding battles worthy of his skill while traveling with Revan, something he could not do under Kang or any other employer. In Kotor2 was there any way of awakening the force in Mandalore? Realizing that the galaxy in its current state stood no chance at repelling an invasion, Revan began preparations to strengthen the Republic before leaving to confront the threat himself. [8] Only a select few knew the identity of the new Mandalore, as he never took off his armor and helmet in the presence of others, not even while sleeping, according to rumors. After being set free and releasing the rest of the crew from their cells, Revan, Onasi and Shan went to the bridge to deal with Admiral Karath and the tractor beam which originally captured them while the others followed Ordo to secure the Ebon Hawk. Mandalorians[1]Mandalorian Crusaders[1]Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders[1]Mandalorians (Clan Ordo)[3]Exchange[1]Galactic Republic[1][4]Lost Jedi[3] Meanwhile, Surik made use of a Basilisk War Droid provided by Ordo to travel back to Onderon. Ordo underwent[1] his verd'goten, the traditional Mandalorian rite of passage that marked the transition into adulthood at the age of thirteen,[6] and received the privilege of piloting his own Basilisk. 1.2 Echani Heavy Armor; 1.3 Powered Battle Armor; 1.4 Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh; 1.5 Corellian Powersuit; 1.6 M'uhk'gfa; 1.7 Iotran Braceman Armor; 2 Armor 9. Ordo willingly pledged his loyalty and allegiance to the former Sith Lord, firmly believing that his service to Revan would bring him all the battles and glory he sought. This scene is exclusive to The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). [1], Ordo and Jagi shortly after the latter committed suicide, Ordo then waited for Revan to obtain the launch codes, and soon heard about his attack on the Sith garrison. However, nothing official has been announced. - Mandalore comes equipped with 2 Westar Blaster pistols and special Mandalorian flamethrower. After Surik eliminated the Sith Triumvirate, Ordo parted ways with her and awaited Revan's return from the Unknown Regions, keeping the Mandalorians ready for war. The Human male Canderous Ordo was born to the Clan Ordo on the Mandalorian planet Ordo, and grew up during an age of significant breakthroughs in Mandalorian technology, when the Basilisk war droids were being perfected. Eye color [10] The war had even spread as far as Taris, and the Republic warship Endar Spire was destroyed by Malak's forces over the planet. Perhaps there will be no new age, Mandalore, no great Mandalorian crusade. In KOTOR 2, as in several times in Star Wars mythology, Mandalore is actually a title and character. While Surik disagreed with Vaklu's questionable morality, Ordo was impressed with his tactics and ambition, and voiced his opinion that Surik would be better off supporting the general. The Mandalorian Season 2 Kicks Off With A KOTOR Reference The Mandalorian's quest in season two episode one references a quest in Knights of the Old Republic. This journey took them to the worlds of Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan and Korriban, and the crew fought against near-constant interference by Malak's forces. [3], Canderous Ordo is a playable character in the computer and video games Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, although he is credited as "Mandalore" in the latter. Best Products Audio Camera & Video Car Audio & Accessories Computers & Laptops Computer Accessories Game … [3], While traveling in Iziz, Ordo and Surik found that much of the populace was divided between supporting the policies of Queen Talia and those of General Vaklu. For instance, the USM saber mod produces interesting results with T3M4 when you get high influence with him. [9] Surik was one of the many Jedi who had joined Revan against the wishes of the Council and led the Republic fleet during the final battle at Malachor V. In the years since Revan's departure, the Republic had continued to weaken in the aftermath of fighting costly wars against the Mandalorians and the Sith. During the Jedi Civil War, his cybernetic implants were limited but allowed him to regenerate minor wounds and recover far more quickly than normal. In the peace after Malak's defeat, more of Revan's lost memories started to resurface, and he began to remember a threat he had encountered in the Unknown Regions. Before dying, this nameless Mandalorian consigned his armor to Ordo, asking him to preserve their traditions. Due to his help in defeating Darth Malak's Sit… Ordo took offense at Bostuco's claim that the Onderonian military forced the Mandalorians off-world, and insisted that the Jedi were responsible, while also stating that Mandalorians never gave ground to any Onderonian soldiers. Last Edited: 28 Mar 2012 5:50 am. Not only did the episode reveal Baby Yoda's real name, but it also introduced Ahsoka Tano - who was on Corvus for an important mission - into live-action. He now wears the typical Mandalorian armor people expect to see in Star Wars. Gender Although his birth date is unspecified due to the lack of canon sources on Mandalorian time measurement, Ordo was set to be six… Ordo was reluctant to lead Kang's inexperienced men into the Undercity, and was frustrated upon finding that the pods had already been stripped of anything valuable by local gangs. Ordo was greatly impressed by Revan's tactics, many of which were similar to those of the Mandalorians in their efficiency. In the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide supplement to the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Ordo's title as Mandalore is revealed as Mandalore the Preserver. His troops respected him implicitly, often displaying a willingness to die rather than face public shame at their failure, and obeyed his orders without question. Before parting ways with Ordo to continue his search for the Sith Empire, Revan revealed to him the truth about Mandalore the Ultimate and his Sith allies; the Sith had been behind the Mandalorian Wars all along, and had tricked the Mandalorians into invading as a test of the Republic's strength to help them plan for their own eventual invasion. [3][9], Approximately three years after Revan gave Ordo the task of reuniting the Mandalorians, Ordo encountered another figure from his past in the Mandalorian Wars, Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile. [1], By the time of the Mandalorian Wars, Ordo had attained the rank of commander and helped lead the Mandalorian's aggressive assault. Still bearing a grudge against Ordo for what he saw as abandoning his men during the Battle of Althir, he challenged Ordo to a duel in the Dune Sea of Tatooine to answer for his choices. Mandalore is the head of the Mandalorians who resides on the moon Dxun. [14], Clone trooper Null-11, an Advanced Recon Commando in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, was named "Ordo" by Kal Skirata in honor of the legendary Mandalorian warrior. Despite the continual losses the Mandalorians faced against Revan's forces, Ordo was pleased with having found a conflict worthy of his skills, even as the Mandalorians were pushed to the edge of defeat. Due to the animosity some Mandalorians still had towards Revan, Ordo advised he travel under an alias and refrain from using his lightsaber. ". [1][11], At one point during their travels, the Ebon Hawk was ambushed by Admiral Saul Karath of the Sith Navy and taken aboard the Interdictor ship Leviathan. In choosing Dxun as his base of operations, Ordo forced the Mandalorians to deal with the violent jungle on a daily basis in addition to the typical brutal training. Homeworld He was always impressed by a show of force, and was an advocate of combat before diplomacy. [1], At the close of the conflict, Ordo was among two fleets that filled the space around Malachor V, where the Mandalorians had committed all of their forces in a last attempt at defeating the Republic. Perhaps no planet and culture in Star Wars has been explored so thoroughly as Mandalore. [1], As of 3951 BBY,[8] however, his implants included selective ability boosters that Ordo could activate as needed without fear of damage, giving him temporary increases in areas such as strength and stamina. [1], By this point, Revan's Sith Empire had achieved countless victories against an already battered Republic. [1] For thirteen years, before they would invade the Galactic Republic in 3963 BBY,[8] the Mandalorians stockpiled resources from the worlds they conquered just outside Republic jurisdiction. Ordo also expressed his opinion of the Republic's weakness and believed that the galaxy would have been in much better hands under Mandalorian rule. This section of the article assumes 100% game completion and that the player chooses only ", Wookieepedia has a collection of quotes related to. With the Republic on the brink of defeat, a Jedi Knight named Revan and his followers disobeyed the Jedi High Council's orders for neutrality and took command of the Republic war effort. The years of combat began to take their toll on Ordo in his later years, and he revealed to Surik that his weakening body had become increasingly dependent on his armor and implants to function. Revan himself had since been betrayed by his Sith apprentice Darth Malak and captured by the Jedi. Surik was successful in defeating Darth Traya and Ordo parted ways with her soon after, continuing his task of restoring Mandalorian power. [1], After taking up the mantle of Mandalore the Preserver, Ordo led the reunited clans with strict discipline, reflecting his views of the Mandalorian ideals. [1] By 3956 BBY,[8] he had been fighting across the galaxy for forty standard years. Acting as little more than hired muscle, Ordo typically carried out simple tasks requiring little of his talent, such as threatening uncooperative clients who owed Kang money or salvaging useful equipment from Taris' Undercity. Mandalore was at Malachor V too? In addition, Ordo lived his life seeking honor, which he believed could only be achieved through conflict with a worthy foe. Ordo also kept a supply of stimulants and offered them for use by the rest of the crew, although he personally disdained using such devices. He maintained his strong focus on honor as a leader, and would not aid Surik until she proved her worth among the Mandalorians. Guide part 10. Canderous Ordo, later known as Mandalore the Preserver (Te Taylir Mand'alor in Mando'a), was a Mandalorian of Clan Ordo who fought in the Mandalorian Wars from 3976 BBY to 3960 BBY. 5-GoTo Plus trying to influence Atton and Bao-Dur when possible. He can take you to Onderon in his shuttle but will do so only once you gain his respect by completing quests. [3] As a result of these battles and Revan's command to reunite the Mandalorians, Ordo and the Mandalorians would eventually reclaim some of their former power and reestablish the Mandalorians as a significant faction in galactic affairs. [5] In those days, young warriors would prove themselves in real combat with unknown opponents on a number of worlds.
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